
KLUMatrix.solve_extra_rhs(self, int transpose=False, bool conjugate=False) void

Solve the matrix for all present rhs vectors except the main one, with options for transposing and conjugating.

If transpose is False, solves the linear system \(Ax = b\) using the Symbolic and Numeric objects stored by this class.

Otherwise, solves the linear system \(A^T x = b\) or \(A^H x = b\). The conjugate option is zero for \(A^T x = b\) or non-zero for \(A^H x = b\).

As multiple rhs vectors are solved simultaneously, the result is not returned here, and must be retrieved via get_rhs_view.


Flag determining whether to solve the transpose of the matrix.


Flag determining whether to solve \(A^T x =b\) or \(A^H x = b\) for the transposed linear system.