Viewing logs

Finesse contains a comprehensive logging system, issuing useful information during the parsing, building, running and output phases of a KatScript or Python script.

Making log messages visible

There are numerous ways to configure how and where logs are displayed or stored. Some common examples are described in the following subsections.

Option 1: use ‘logging.basicConfig()’

The logging.basicConfig() function is a quick way to set the level, stream and format of the logs emitted by Finesse:

import logging

# Anything after this call that emits logs will have them printed to the current
# shell.

The above call sets up logging to sys.stderr, which usually means that log messages will appear in the shell or notebook with which you run Finesse. It also explicitly sets the level to logging.INFO, which displays messages with info level or higher (info, warning, error, critical).

Option 2: use command line interface option

The command line interface (CLI) supports changing the log verbosity of executed scripts via option flags. See the CLI docs for more information.

Option 3: wrap your code in a ‘logs’ context

The context manager logs() provides a quick way to turn on verbose logging for a small block of code:

import logging
from finesse import Model
from finesse.utilities import logs

# This sets up the root logger to write to stderr.

model = Model()

with logs(logging.getLogger(), level="debug"):
    # Debug messages emitted by the following call get printed to stderr.
    model.parse("laser l1 P=1")

The logs() function also accepts a handler argument which can for example be set to a FinesseStreamHandler which allows filtering of particular channels:

import logging
from finesse import Model
from finesse.utilities import logs
from finesse.utilities.logging import FinesseStreamHandler

# Instead of using logging.basicConfig, we configure a handler ourselves and pass it
# as an argument to `logs` below.
handler = FinesseStreamHandler()
# Exclude logs emitted in the parser channel.

model = Model()

with logs(logging.getLogger(), level="debug", handler=handler):
    # Debug messages emitted by the following call get printed to stderr.
    model.parse("laser l1 P=1")

In the code above, FinesseStreamHandler.exclude() is used to exclude the finesse.script.parser log channel from being displayed. The method also has basic wildcard support, allowing whole channel groups to be excluded. This method can be useful to reduce log message “noise” when debugging complicated code blocks.


If you pass a handler to logs(), it is added to the root logger as an additional handler for the duration of the context. If you also make a call to logging.basicConfig() earlier in your script, there will be two handlers printing to sys.stderr, resulting in log messages being printed twice. To avoid this, avoid using logging.basicConfig() when the handler argument is specified.