
Ring heater thermal equations for cylindrical mirrors

Equations all based on [33] and [34]:


author = {Joshua Ramette and Marie Kasprzack and Aidan Brooks and Carl Blair and Haoyu Wang and Matthew Heintze}, journal = {Appl. Opt.}, number = {10}, pages = {2619–2625}, publisher = {OSA}, title = {Analytical model for ring heater thermal compensation in the Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory}, volume = {55}, month = {Apr}, year = {2016}, url = {}, doi = {10.1364/AO.55.002619}



author = {Huy-Tuong Cao}, title = {Analytical solution to deformation of test mass due to ring heater}, institution = {LIGO Scientific Collaboration}, year = {2025}, url = {}



substrate_deformation_depth(r, z, a, b, c, ...)

Computes the depth displacements throughout the bulk of an optic due to 1W absorption of ring heater.

substrate_temperature(r, z, a, b, c, h, material)

Computes the substrate temperature distribution per Watt absorbed ring heater power.

surface_deformation(r, a, b, c, h, material)


thermal_lens(r, a, b, c, h, material[, ...])

Computes the substrate thermal lens per Watt absorbed ring heater power.

zeros_u_m(double a, double h, double tau, ...)

Compute the roots of the equation

zeros_v_m(double a, double h, double tau, ...)

Compute the roots of the equation