Parallel processing¶
Parallel processing is a broad topic and can be implemented in many different ways depending on the problem you are trying to solve. This section will cover a few different ways to run simulations in parallel using the Python API. It will not be complete and will not cover all possible ways to run simulations in parallel.
Local multiprocessing¶
Finesse is not compatiable with the standard multuprocessing library in Python due to the way that Finesse models are not picklable. The dill library must be used which is implemented in pathos.
The Python API is compatible with the pathos library, which provides a simple way to run simulations in parallel. The following examples demonstrates how to run simulations in parallel using the ProcessPool class.
Random parameter values with fixed model¶
Here is a simple case where we have a single model that we want to randomly vary some parameter and compute the result in parallel. In this case we will vary the power of a laser and compute the power at the output of the laser. The run method is called in a separate process and the model is passed to it. A fixed model in this case means one that you are not adding any new components to.
import os
import finesse
import finesse.analysis.actions as fa
import finesse.components as fc
import finesse.detectors as fd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from pathos.multiprocessing import ProcessPool
def run(job_number):
# This is important to ensure that the random number generator is seeded
# with a different seed for each process. Otherwise, all processes will use
# the same random numbers.
model.LASER.P = np.random.normal(1, 0.1)
model = finesse.Model()
LASER = model.add(fc.Laser("LASER", P=1))
model.add(fd.PowerDetector("P", LASER.p1.o))
action = fa.Noxaxis()
N = 10000
pool = ProcessPool(nodes=12)
solutions =, range(N))
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 5))
axs[0].scatter(np.arange(N), [sol["P"] for sol in solutions])
axs[0].set_ylabel("Power [W]")
axs[1].hist([sol["P"] for sol in solutions], bins=30)
axs[1].set_xlabel("Power [W]")

- There are a few important things to note in this example:
You should not make any changes to the model in the run function. This is because the model is not being copied, but being shared between processes.
The np.random.seed() is called in the run function to ensure that each process has a different seed for the random number generator. This is important to ensure that each process generates different random numbers.
Random parameter values with new model¶
If you want to make new models for each process it is good practice to pass the model as an argument to the run function. This way you can be sure that each model instance in the run function is independent of the others.
def run(model):
import os
model.LASER.P = np.random.normal(1, 0.1)
return, hex(id(model)), os.getpid()
model = finesse.Model()
LASER = model.add(fc.Laser("LASER", P=1))
model.add(fd.PowerDetector("P", LASER.p1.o))
action = fa.Noxaxis()
N = 3
print("Original", hex(id(model)), os.getpid())
pool = ProcessPool(nodes=12)
solutions =, [model] * N)
Original 0x799b8b71d950 2069
[(<ArraySolution of noxaxis @ 0x799b8b5c3440 children=0>,
(<ArraySolution of noxaxis @ 0x799b8b5c3370 children=0>,
(<ArraySolution of noxaxis @ 0x799b8b5c3510 children=0>,
Here we can see in solutions that the model instance is different for each process and that the process id is different for each process. A solution is returned for each.
In this case we can also do mode advanced changes to the model, such as adding different components and running unique analyses.
MPI is a standard for message passing between processes and is widely used in high performance computing. The mpi4py library provides a Python interface to MPI. The following example demonstrates how to run simulations in parallel using MPI. This is a common way to run Finesse models on a supercomputer or cluster that supports MPI parallelism.
The following example will not easily work in a Jupyter notebook. It is recommended to run this example in a Python script.
import finesse
import finesse.analysis.actions as fa
import finesse.components as fc
import finesse.detectors as fd
import numpy as np
from mpi4py import MPI
rank = comm.Get_rank()
size = comm.Get_size()
def run(job_number):
model = finesse.Model()
LASER = model.add(fc.Laser("LASER", P=1))
model.add(fd.PowerDetector("P", LASER.p1.o))
model.LASER.P = np.random.normal(1, 0.1)
N = 100
solutions = []
# Each rank will run a different set of simulations
# The rank will start at 0 and increment by the size of the communicator
# until it reaches N
for i in range(rank, N, size):
all_solutions = comm.gather(solutions, root=0)
if rank == 0:
# The rank 0 process will gather all the solutions and analyse them,
# typically you would save the results to disk and then write another
# script to analyse the results.
To run this example you will need to use the mpirun command. For example, to run this example with 4 processes you would use the following command:
mpirun -n 4 python
This will run the script with 4 processes. The rank variable will be different for each process and the size variable will be the total number of processes.
The run function is the same as in the previous example. The only difference is that the model is created inside the run function. There is no pickling or serialisation of the model needed for MPI. You should create the model inside the function call and have it return the result of the simulation.