
SensingMatrixSolution.display(dofs=None, readouts=None, tablefmt='pandas', numfmt='{:.2G}', highlight=None, highlight_color='#808080')[source]

Displays a HTML table of the sensing matrix, optionally highlighting the largest absolute value for each readout or dof.

dofsiterable[str], optional

Names of degrees of freedom to show, defaults to all if None

readoutsiterable[str], optional

Names of readouts to show, defaults to all if None

tablefmtstr, optional

Either ‘pandas’ for pandas formatting, or anything else to use finesse.utilities.Table. Defaults to ‘pandas’ if available.

numfmtstr or func or array, optional

Either a function to format numbers or a formatting string. The function must return a string. Can also be an array with one option per row, column or cell. Defaults to ‘{:.2G}’.

highlightstr or None, optional

Either ‘dof’ to highlight the readout that gives the largest output for each dof, or ‘readout’ to highlight the dof for which each readout gives the largest output. Defaults to None (no highlighting).

highlight_colorstr, optional

Color to highlight the maximum values with. Pandas is required for this to have an effect. Defaults to pale orange.


Only works when called from an IPython environment with the display method available. Pandas is required for highlighting.