Source code for finesse.tree

"""Tree data structure."""

from functools import reduce
import networkx as nx

[docs]cdef class TreeNode: """Container for tree-like structures. Tree nodes can contain other tree nodes, allowing these objects to be built into a tree-like hierarchy useful for representing connections between components, nested data sets, etc. Parameters ---------- name : str The node name.
parent: :class:`.TreeNode`, optional The parent tree node, if not the root. empty : bool, optional Whether this node is considered "empty", which determines which character to use to represent the node in the tree; defaults to True. edge_info : str, optional String information on how this node is connected to its parent node. Will be used in :meth:`TreeNode.draw_tree` """ def __init__(self, str name, TreeNode parent=None, bint empty=True, str edge_info=None): self.__name = name self.children = [] self.empty = empty self.edge_info = edge_info if parent: parent.add(self) self.parent = parent @classmethod def from_network(cls, network, root): """Create a tree node hierarchy from an acyclic network. Notes ----- Cyclic networks are handled by :func:`networkx.algorithms.traversal.depth_first_search.dfs_tree`, so this method does not need to detect and avoid such cycles. Parameters ---------- network : :class:`networkx.Graph` The network that is to be represented as a tree. root : hashable The network node to use as the root of the tree. Raises ------ ValueError When the specified network is not a forest. """ # Use networkx to convert the network into tree form. tree = nx.dfs_tree(network, root) if not nx.is_forest(tree): raise ValueError("Network must be a forest (no undirected cycles).") def add_children(tree_node, node_name): for child in tree.successors(node_name): # Verbose component networks store edge information here edge_info = network.nodes[child].get(node_name, None) child_tree_node = cls(child, parent=tree_node, edge_info=edge_info) add_children(child_tree_node, child) head_node = cls(root) add_children(head_node, root) return head_node def add(self, child): if child is self: raise Exception("Can't add self as a node") if child in self.children: raise Exception( f"Child {repr(child)} has already been added to {repr(self)}" ) self.children.append(child) child.parent = self def get_all_children(self): rtn = [*self.children] for child in self.children: rtn.extend(child.get_all_children()) return rtn def get_all_parents(self): rtn = [] curr = self while curr.parent is not None: rtn.append(curr.parent) curr = curr.parent return rtn @property def name(self): return self.__name def get_path(self): return reduce( lambda a, b: ( if is not None else "") + "/" + a, self.get_all_parents(),, ) def get(self, ipath): els = ipath.strip("/").split("/") curr = self for i, el in enumerate(els): names = tuple( for child in curr.children) try: idx = names.index(el) except ValueError: idx = -1 if idx > -1: curr = curr.children[idx] else: path = "/".join(els[:(i+1)]) raise Exception(f"Could not find '{path}'") return curr def ls(self, ipath="/"): me = self.get_path() if me is None: me = "" me = me.strip("/") if ipath == "/": print(list(c.get_path()[(len(me) + 1) :] for c in self.children)) else: print(list(c.get_path()[(len(me) + 1) :] for c in self.get(ipath).children)) def draw_tree(self, fn_name=None, title=None, show_max_children=None): """Draws the solution tree in text form. Based on Parameters ---------- fn_name : callable, optional Function to return the name of a :class:`.TreeNode` given the :class:`.TreeNode` itself. Defaults to using :attr:``. title : str, optional The tree title. If not specified, no title is printed. show_max_children : int, optional Maximum number of children to show in the tree; defaults to showing all children. Returns ------- str The tree in textual form. """ branch = "├─" pipe = "│" end = "╰─" dash = "─" def format_name(t: TreeNode) -> str: if t.edge_info is None: return else: return f"{} ({t.edge_info})" fn_name = fn_name or format_name if show_max_children is not None: show_max_children = int(show_max_children) if show_max_children < 0: raise ValueError("show_max_children must be >= 0 or None") first = fn_name(self) if is not None else None char_empty = lambda x: "○" if x.empty else "●" lines = [char_empty(self) + " " + (first or "/")] def fill_tree(this, lpad): maxed_out = False for i, child in enumerate(this.children): if ( show_max_children and i >= show_max_children and i < (len(this.children) - show_max_children) ): if not maxed_out: lines.append(lpad + "·") lines.append(lpad + "·") maxed_out = True continue if i == len(this.children) - 1: s = end + dash pad = " " else: s = branch + dash pad = pipe + " " lines.append(str(lpad) + str(s) + str(char_empty(child)) + " " + str(fn_name(child))) fill_tree(child, str(lpad) + str(pad)) fill_tree(self, "") treestr = "" if title is not None: treestr += f"- {title}\n" treestr += "\n".join(lines) return treestr def __str__(self): return self.draw_tree()