#cython: boundscheck=False, wraparound=False, initializedcheck=False
"""Internal Cythonised tools for performing the calculations required by each
function in :mod:`.tracing.tools`.
Note that the functions documented here are typically only to be used as
a developer reference. Users should instead refer to :mod:`.tracing.tools`
for the Python functions which provide beam propagation tools which return
useful solution objects.
cimport numpy as np
import numpy as np
from finesse.cymath cimport complex_t
from finesse.cymath.math cimport degrees
from finesse.cymath.gaussbeam cimport (
from finesse.tracing.tree cimport TraceTree
from finesse.symbols import eval_symbolic_numpy, simplify_symbolic_numpy, simplification
from finesse.gaussian import transform_beam_param
from finesse.utilities import refractive_index # For getting symbolic nr at a node
### Composite ABCD matrices ###
cpdef np.ndarray[double, ndim=2] compute_numeric_abcd(TraceTree last_branch, unicode direction):
np.ndarray[double, ndim=2] M = np.eye(2)
double[:, ::1] M_view = M
bint is_x_plane = direction == "x"
TraceTree t = last_branch.parent
while t is not None:
if is_x_plane:
M_view, t.left_abcd_x, out=M_view,
M_view, t.left_abcd_y, out=M_view,
t = t.parent
return M
def extract_symbols_to_keep(symbols):
return tuple(s if isinstance(s, str) else s.full_name for s in symbols)
cpdef np.ndarray[object, ndim=2] compute_symbolic_abcd(
TraceTree last_branch,
unicode direction,
bint simplify,
tuple symbols_to_keep=None,
np.ndarray[object, ndim=2] M = np.eye(2, dtype=object)
object[:, ::1] M2
bint is_x_plane = direction == "x"
TraceTree t = last_branch.parent
if symbols_to_keep is not None:
symbols_to_keep = extract_symbols_to_keep(symbols_to_keep)
while t is not None:
if is_x_plane:
M2 = t.sym_left_abcd_x
M2 = t.sym_left_abcd_y
if symbols_to_keep is not None:
M2 = eval_symbolic_numpy(M2, *symbols_to_keep)
np.matmul(M, M2, out=M)
if simplify:
M = simplify_symbolic_numpy(M)
if t.is_left_surf_refl:
np.multiply(M, -1, out=M)
t = t.parent
return M
### Accumulated Gouy phases ###
cpdef double compute_numeric_acc_gouy(
TraceTree t,
complex_t q_in,
unicode direction,
bint deg=True,
) noexcept:
# Total accumulated Gouy phase
double agouy = 0.0
# Gouy phase at start, end of a space
double gouy_start = 0.0
double gouy_end = 0.0
# Beam parameter at current node
complex_t q = q_in
bint is_x_plane = direction == "x"
if t is None:
return agouy
if t.node.is_input:
if t.left is None:
return agouy
if is_x_plane:
q = transform_q(t.left_abcd_x, q, t.nr, t.left.nr)
q = transform_q(t.left_abcd_y, q, t.nr, t.left.nr)
t = t.left
while t is not None:
if t.node.is_input:
gouy_end = gouy(q)
agouy += gouy_end - gouy_start
gouy_start = gouy(q)
if t.left is not None:
if is_x_plane:
q = transform_q(t.left_abcd_x, q, t.nr, t.left.nr)
q = transform_q(t.left_abcd_y, q, t.nr, t.left.nr)
t = t.left
if deg:
return degrees(agouy)
return agouy
cpdef object compute_symbolic_acc_gouy(
TraceTree t,
object q_in,
unicode direction,
bint deg=True,
) :
# Total accumulated Gouy phase
object agouy = 0.0
# Gouy phase at start, end of a space
object gouy_start = 0.0
object gouy_end = 0.0
# Beam parameter at current node
object q = q_in
bint is_x_plane = direction == "x"
if t is None:
return agouy
if t.node.is_input:
if t.left is None:
return agouy
if is_x_plane:
q = transform_beam_param(t.sym_left_abcd_x.base, q, t.nr, t.left.nr)
q = transform_beam_param(t.sym_left_abcd_y.base, q, t.nr, t.left.nr)
t = t.left
while t is not None:
if t.node.is_input:
gouy_end = q.gouy()
agouy += gouy_end - gouy_start
gouy_start = q.gouy()
if t.left is not None:
if is_x_plane:
q = transform_beam_param(t.sym_left_abcd_x.base, q, t.nr, t.left.nr)
q = transform_beam_param(t.sym_left_abcd_y.base, q, t.nr, t.left.nr)
t = t.left
if deg:
return np.degrees(agouy)
return agouy
### Arbitrary beam propagations ###
cpdef tuple propagate_beam_numeric(
TraceTree t,
unicode direction,
) :
bint is_x_plane = direction == "x"
object q = q_in
# Beam parameters for computing Gouy phases over spaces
complex_t q1, q2
# Propagated distance (geometric)
double distance = 0.0
# Propagated distance (optical)
double opt_distance = 0.0
dict node_info = {}
dict comp_info = {}
dict info_at_node, info_at_space, info_at_comp
while t is not None:
space = t.node.space
info_at_space = comp_info.get(space, {})
comp = t.node.component
info_at_comp = comp_info.get(comp, {})
if t.node.is_input:
# Space was traversed so compute the accumulated Gouy over it
if info_at_space:
q1 = complex(info_at_space["q_in"])
q2 = complex(q)
info_at_space["acc_gouy"] = degrees(gouy(q2) - gouy(q1))
distance += space.L.value
opt_distance += space.L.value * t.nr
info_at_space["q_out"] = q
info_at_space["q_in"] = q
info_at_comp[t.node] = q
comp_info[comp] = info_at_comp
comp_info[space] = info_at_space
info_at_node = {
"q": q,
"z": distance,
"z_optical": opt_distance,
"ABCD": compute_numeric_abcd(t, direction)
node_info[t.node] = info_at_node
if t.left is not None:
if is_x_plane:
q = transform_beam_param(t.left_abcd_x.base, q, t.nr, t.left.nr)
q = transform_beam_param(t.left_abcd_y.base, q, t.nr, t.left.nr)
t = t.left
return node_info, comp_info
def propagate_beam_symbolic(
TraceTree t,
unicode direction,
bint simplify=False,
tuple symbols_to_keep=None
bint is_x_plane = direction == "x"
object q = q_in
# Beam parameters for computing Gouy phases over spaces
object q1, q2
# Propagated distance (geometric)
object distance = 0.0
# Propagated distance (optical)
object opt_distance = 0.0
dict node_info = {}
dict comp_info = {}
dict info_at_node, info_at_space, info_at_comp
# enables low level simplification of some basic symbols, eg. a*a => a**2
# simplify = True, means symbol.simplify() is called on the final result
with simplification():
if symbols_to_keep is not None:
symbols_to_keep = extract_symbols_to_keep(symbols_to_keep)
while t is not None:
space = t.node.space
info_at_space = comp_info.get(space, {})
comp = t.node.component
info_at_comp = comp_info.get(comp, {})
if t.node.is_input:
# Space was traversed so compute the accumulated Gouy over it
if info_at_space:
q1 = info_at_space["q_in"]
q2 = q
info_at_space["acc_gouy"] = np.degrees(q2.gouy() - q1.gouy())
distance += space.L.ref
opt_distance += space.L.ref * refractive_index(t.node, symbolic=True)
info_at_space["q_out"] = q
info_at_space["q_in"] = q
info_at_comp[t.node] = q
comp_info[comp] = info_at_comp
comp_info[space] = info_at_space
info_at_node = {
"q": q,
"z": distance,
"z_optical": opt_distance,
"ABCD": compute_symbolic_abcd(t, direction, simplify, symbols_to_keep)
node_info[t.node] = info_at_node
if is_x_plane:
M = np.asarray(t.sym_left_abcd_x)
M = np.asarray(t.sym_left_abcd_y)
if symbols_to_keep is not None:
M = eval_symbolic_numpy(M, *symbols_to_keep)
if t.left is not None:
q = transform_beam_param(M, q, t.nr, t.left.nr)
t = t.left
return node_info, comp_info
### Debugging tools ###
cpdef generate_rt_abcd_str(TraceTree tree) :
cdef TraceTree t = tree
src_node = t.node
# Find the bottom first as round-trip matrix is
# computed from multiplying each ABCD "upwards"
# in the internal tree
while t.left is not None:
if t.left is None:
t = t.left
M_str = f"{t.node.component.name}__{t.node.port.name}_{src_node.port.name} @"
t = t.parent
while t is not None:
if t.node.is_input:
comp = t.node.component
comp = t.node.space
M_str += f" {comp.name}__{t.left.node.port.name}_{t.node.port.name} "
if t.parent is not None:
M_str += "@"
t = t.parent
return M_str