"""Ring heater thermal equations for cylindrical mirrors
Equations all based on :cite:`Ramette:16`:
J. Ramette, M. Kasprzack, A. Brooks, C. Blair,
H. Wang, and M. Heintze, "Analytical model for ring heater
thermal compensation in the Advanced Laser Interferometer
Gravitational-wave Observatory," Appl. Opt. 55, 2619-2625 (2016).
from scipy.special import iv
from scipy.optimize.cython_optimize cimport brentq
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np
cdef double SIGMA_F = 5.6710e-8
cdef extern from "math.h":
double tan(double arg) nogil
cdef struct f_args:
double tau
double h_2a
# find solutions of Eq 11
cdef double f_v_m(double x, void *args) noexcept:
cdef f_args *fargs = <f_args*>args
return x + fargs.tau * tan(x * fargs.h_2a)
cdef double f_u_m(double x, void *args) noexcept:
cdef f_args *fargs = <f_args*>args
return x - fargs.tau * 1/tan(x * fargs.h_2a)
cpdef zeros_v_m(double a, double h, double tau, int m_max, double accuracy) :
"""Compute the roots of the equation
.. math::
v_m + \tau tan(v_m h/(2a)) = 0
a : float
Mirror radius [m]
h : float
Mirror thickness [m]
tau : float
Reduced radiation constant
n_max : int
Max bessel order to compute up to
accuracy : double
absolute error on zero finding brentq algorithm
v_m : array_like
Array of m_max zeros
Py_ssize_t n
double start = 0
double dx = 0
f_args args
if tau == 0:
raise RuntimeError("tau should be > 0")
args.tau = tau
args.h_2a = h/(2*a)
cdef double[::1] zeros = np.zeros((m_max, ), dtype=np.float64)
dx = np.pi/h*a # separation between each tan asymptote
# the tan function needs an ever increasing offset to push
# it past the infinity point back to a -inf where it looks
# for a root above that x
offset = 1e-15
for n in range(0, m_max):
start = dx*(2*n+1)
while f_v_m(start+offset, &args) > 0:
offset *= 10
zeros[n] = brentq(f_v_m, start+offset, dx*(2*n+2), <f_args *> &args, accuracy, 0, 1000000, NULL)
return np.asarray(zeros)
cpdef zeros_u_m(double a, double h, double tau, int m_max, double accuracy) :
"""Compute the roots of the equation
.. math::
u_m - \tau \cot(u_m h/(2a)) = 0
a : float
Mirror radius [m]
h : float
Mirror thickness [m]
tau : float
Reduced radiation constant
n_max : int
Max bessel order to compute up to
accuracy : double
absolute error on zero finding brentq algorithm
u_m : array_like
Array of m_max zeros
Py_ssize_t n
double start = 0
double end = 0
double dx = 0
f_args args
if tau == 0:
raise RuntimeError("tau should be > 0")
args.tau = tau
args.h_2a = h/(2*a)
cdef double[::1] zeros = np.zeros((m_max, ), dtype=np.float64)
dx = np.pi/h*a # separation between each tan asymptote
# floating point errors in tan mean there has to be slight
# offsets applied to the start and end bounds to ensure
# a root is bound
start_offset = 1e-15
end_offset = 1e-15
for n in range(0, m_max):
start = dx*(2*n)
end = dx*2*(n+1)
while f_u_m(start+start_offset, &args) >= 0:
start_offset *= 10
while f_u_m(end-end_offset, &args) <= 0:
end_offset *= 10
zeros[n] = brentq(f_u_m, start+start_offset, end-end_offset, <f_args *> &args, accuracy, 0, 1000000, NULL)
return np.asarray(zeros)
def substrate_temperature(r, z, a, b, c, h, material, T_ext=293.15, m_max=10, root_accuracy=1e-12):
"""Computes the substrate temperature distribution per
Watt absorbed ring heater power.
r : array_like
Radial vector [m]
z : array_like
Longitudinal vector [m]
a : float
Mirror radius [m]
b : float
Ring heater lower boundary relative to center [m]
c : float
Ring heater upper boundary relative to center [m]
h : float
Mirror thickness [m]
material : Material
Mirror substrate material, see :py:mod:`finesse.material`
T_ext : float, optional
External temperature surrounding mirror
m_max : int, optional
Number of zeros to find, i.e. analytic order
root_accuracy: float, optional
Accuracy of root finding
T_rh_per_W : array_like
2D Array of temperature distribution over [r, z]
Typo for A_m terms in manuscript, sin terms are functions of
u_m, not v_m. See :cite:`Ramette:16`.
tau = 4 * material.emiss * SIGMA_F * T_ext**3 * a / material.kappa
v_m = zeros_v_m(a, h, tau, m_max, root_accuracy)
u_m = zeros_u_m(a, h, tau, m_max, root_accuracy)
factor = 2 / (material.kappa*2*np.pi*a*(c-b))
v_m_c_a = v_m * c / a
v_m_b_a = v_m * b / a
u_m_c_a = u_m * c / a
u_m_b_a = u_m * b / a
u_m_h_a = u_m * h / a
v_m_h_a = v_m * h / a
u_m_z_a = u_m * z[:, np.newaxis] / a
u_m_r_a = u_m * r[:, np.newaxis] / a
v_m_z_a = v_m * z[:, np.newaxis] / a
v_m_r_a = v_m * r[:, np.newaxis] / a
# Typo in paper for A_m, numerators sin terms are functions of u_m NOT v_m
A_m = factor * (np.sin(u_m_c_a) - np.sin(u_m_b_a))
A_m /= (u_m_h_a + np.sin(u_m_h_a)) * (iv(1, u_m) * u_m + iv(0, u_m)*tau) / a # Eq 18
B_m = factor * (-np.cos(v_m_c_a) + np.cos(v_m_b_a))
B_m /= (v_m_h_a - np.sin(v_m_h_a)) * (iv(1, v_m) * v_m + iv(0, v_m)*tau) / a # Eq 18
T_ss_per_W = (A_m * np.cos(u_m_z_a)[:, np.newaxis] * iv(0, u_m_r_a) # Eq 9
+ B_m * np.sin(v_m_z_a)[:, np.newaxis] * iv(0, v_m_r_a)).sum(2) # Eq 10
return T_ss_per_W
def thermal_lens(r, a, b, c, h, material, T_ext=293.15, m_max=10, root_accuracy=1e-12):
"""Computes the substrate thermal lens per
Watt absorbed ring heater power.
r : array_like
Radial vector [m]
a : float
Mirror radius [m]
b : float
Ring heater lower boundary relative to center [m]
c : float
Ring heater upper boundary relative to center [m]
h : float
Mirror thickness [m]
material : Material
Mirror substrate material, see :py:mod:`finesse.material`
T_ext : float, optional
External temperature surrounding mirror
m_max : int, optional
Number of zeros to find, i.e. analytic order
root_accuracy: float, optional
Accuracy of root finding
Z_rh_per_W : array_like
1D radial vector of optical path difference from
propagating through substrate.
Typo for A_m terms in manuscript, sin terms are functions of
u_m, not v_m. See :cite:`Ramette:16`.
tau = 4 * material.emiss * SIGMA_F * T_ext**3 * a / material.kappa
u_m = zeros_u_m(a, h, tau, m_max, root_accuracy)
factor = 2 / (material.kappa*2*np.pi*a*(c-b))
u_m_c_a = u_m * c / a
u_m_b_a = u_m * b / a
u_m_h_a = u_m * h / a
u_m_r_a = u_m * r[:, np.newaxis] / a
# Typo in paper for A_m, numerators sin terms are functions of u_m NOT v_m
A_m = factor * (np.sin(u_m_c_a) - np.sin(u_m_b_a))
A_m /= (u_m_h_a + np.sin(u_m_h_a)) * (iv(1, u_m) * u_m + iv(0, u_m)*tau) / a # Eq 18
# This result isn't in the paper direct but found by integrating Eq.9 over z = -h/2 -> h/2
# Eq. 10 drops out due to sin asymmetry
Z_ss_per_W = (material.dndT * (2*a/u_m * A_m * np.sin(u_m/a*h/2)) * iv(0, u_m_r_a)).sum(1)
return Z_ss_per_W - abs(Z_ss_per_W).min()