import logging
import numpy as np
from finesse.config import config_instance
from finesse.cymath.cmatrix import KLUMatrix
from finesse.cymath.cmatrix cimport KLUMatrix
from finesse.cymath cimport complex_t
from .solver cimport SparseSolver
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
from finesse.components.modulator import Modulator
from finesse.components.general import NoiseType
from finesse.detectors.general import Detector
from finesse.detectors.workspace import DetectorWorkspace
from finesse.components.workspace cimport ConnectorWorkspace, fill_list_t
class KLUStatWorkspace(DetectorWorkspace):
class KLUStatsDetector(Detector):
A detector that can be used to output some of the KLU solver statistics.
def __init__(self, name, matrix, stat):
Detector.__init__(self, name, None, dtype=np.float64, label="a.u")
self.stat = stat.lower()
self.matrix = matrix.lower()
if matrix.lower() not in ("carrier", "signal"):
raise Exception("Matrix setting must be either `carrier` or `signal`")
if stat.lower() not in ("rcond", "growth", "condest"):
raise Exception("Matrix setting must be either 'rcond', 'growth', or 'condest'")
def _get_workspace(self, sim):
ws = KLUStatWorkspace(self, sim)
ws.fn = getattr(sim, self.stat)
return ws
def fill(self, ws):
return ws.fn()
cdef class KLUSolver(SparseSolver):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(KLUMatrix, *args, **kwargs)
self.rcond_diff_lim = float(config_instance()["klu"]["rcond_diff_lim"])
cpdef refactor(self) :
#cdef double rcond = (<KLUMatrix>self._M).rcond()
#cdef double diff = abs((self.prev_rcond - rcond)/self.prev_rcond)
#if diff > self.rcond_diff_lim:
# self._M.factor()
# self.prev_rcond = rcond
# self._M.refactor()
cpdef solve(self) :
self.num_solves += 1
cpdef solve_noises(self) :
Py_ssize_t idx, i
bint factor = False
KLUMatrix noise_M
complex_t[::1] rhs
fill_list_t *fill_list
ConnectorWorkspace cws
# Modulators couple things differently for the purposes of quantum noise, so we need to
# refill them here
# TODO: Really this shouldn't be needed, and the modulator should just behave as normal.
# However, we don't currently model the extra sidebands required, and so would lose some
# quantum noise if we were to do so. Instead, we just treat it as if the modulator were not
# there - this is correct as long as squeezing is not involved.
if NoiseType.QUANTUM in self._noise_matrices:
for ws in self.workspaces.to_initial_fill:
if isinstance(ws.owner, Modulator):
factor = True
if factor:
# First ask all of the noise detectors to fill their selection vectors
for ws in self.workspaces.noise_detectors:
# Then solve all of these at once
self._M.solve_extra_rhs(transpose=True, conjugate=True)
# Next, perform the necessary multiplication for each solved rhs
# TODO: This should be parallelizable per-noise-source, if we can guarantee that the rhs
# vectors of the same noise type are contiguous
for ws in self.workspaces.noise_detectors:
noise_M = self._noise_matrices[ws.owner.noise_type]
rhs_view = noise_M.get_rhs_view(0)
rhs_array = np.asarray(rhs_view)
for idx in ws.owner._requested_selection_vectors.values():
rhs = self._M.get_rhs_view(idx)
if ws.owner._has_sources():
source_s = ws.get_source_selection_vector()
np.multiply(rhs, source_s, out=rhs_array)
rhs_view[:] = rhs[:]
# Solve all of the rhs vectors at once again
self._M.solve_extra_rhs(transpose=False, conjugate=False)
# Finally give the results back to the noise detectors
for ws in self.workspaces.noise_detectors:
for name, idx in ws.owner._requested_selection_vectors.items():
rhs = self._M.get_rhs_view(idx)
ws.set_covariance_matrix(rhs, name)
# Restore the original signal matrix if it's not going to be refilled on the next step
# TODO: is this needed? Probably
if NoiseType.QUANTUM in self._noise_matrices:
for cws in self.workspaces.to_initial_fill:
if isinstance(cws.owner, Modulator) and cws not in self.workspaces.to_refill:
fill_list = &cws.signal.matrix_fills
for i in range(fill_list.size):
if fill_list.infos[i].fn_c:
elif fill_list.infos[i].fn_py:
if factor:
cpdef double rcond(self) noexcept:
return (<KLUMatrix>self._M).rcond()
cpdef double condest(self) noexcept:
return (<KLUMatrix>self._M).condest()
cpdef double rgrowth(self) noexcept:
return (<KLUMatrix>self._M).rgrowth()
cpdef initial_run(self) :
self.prev_rcond = self._M.rcond()
cpdef add_noise_matrix(self, object key):
if key in self._noise_matrices:
raise ValueError(f"Noise matrix '{key}' already added to system.")
self._noise_matrices[key] = KLUMatrix(str(key))
cpdef add_rhs(self, unicode key) :