cimport cython
import math
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np
import textwrap
from enum import Enum
from copy import deepcopy
import logging
import operator
import weakref
import finesse
from collections import namedtuple
from finesse_numpydoc import ClassDoc
from .element import ModelElement
from .exceptions import (
ComponentNotConnected, ParameterLocked, ModelParameterSelfReferenceError
from .env import warn
from .symbols import PYFUNCTION_MAP, Symbol, Resolving, Function
from .utilities import is_iterable
from .exceptions import FinesseException, ExternallyControlledException, NotChangeableDuringSimulation
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Allowed datatypes for parameters
allowed_datatypes = (int, float, bool, Enum, np.int64, np.float64, np.bool_)
# struct for storing float_parameter information on each element
ParameterInfo = namedtuple(
"ParameterInfo", (
class ParameterRef(Symbol):
"""A symbolic instance of a parameter in the model.
A parameter is owned by some model element, which can be used to connect its value
to other aspects of the simulation.
def __init__(self, param):
if param is None:
raise ValueError("ParameterRef cannot reference None")
self.__param = param
self.__name = self.parameter.full_name
self.__cyexpr_name = self.__name.replace(".", "_").lower().encode("UTF-8")
self.__full_name = self.parameter.full_name
def parameter(self):
return self.__param
def name(self):
return self.__name
def full_name(self):
return self.__full_name
def cyexpr_name(self):
"""Name of the parameter reference in ``cyexpr`` compatibility format.
This is equivalent to :attr:`` but with ``"."``
replaced with ``"_"``, converted to lower case and encoded
in UTF-8 format as a ``bytes`` object.
The above format makes this compatible with passing to the underlying
math evaluator engine (``tinyexpr``) used via the :mod:`.cyexpr` sub-module.
.. note::
This should, typically, never need to be used outside of internal usage. It
exists primarily to act as the owner for the parameter name strings (avoiding
dangling pointers in the expression code).
:`getter`: Returns the ``cyexpr`` compatible name format of the pref name (read-only).
return self.__cyexpr_name
def owner(self):
return self.parameter.owner
def __symeq__(self, obj):
if isinstance(obj, Function):
return obj == self
elif isinstance(obj, ParameterRef):
if obj.parameter is self.parameter:
return True
return False
elif isinstance(obj, Parameter):
if obj is self.parameter:
return True
return False
# Otherwise it's not another parameter ref, I guess we could
# also check for numeric equality?
return False
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.parameter)
def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
from finesse.model import Model
cls = self.__class__
result = cls.__new__(cls)
memo[id(self)] = result
result.__dict__.update(deepcopy(self.__dict__, memo))
return result
def eval(self, keep_changing_symbols=False, subs=None, keep=None, **kwargs):
p = self.parameter
# variables might always need to be kept as it's value is changing
if keep_changing_symbols and p.is_changing:
return self
# Always just keep if requested to
if keep is not None:
if == keep:
return self
elif is_iterable(keep):
if in keep or self in keep:
return self
result = None
if subs is not None and ( in subs or self in subs):
# If we are subbing the value of this symbol
result = self.substitute(subs)
# else lets use it's current value
result = p.value
if hasattr(result, "eval"):
if subs is not None:
result = result.substitute(subs).eval()
result = result.eval()
return result
[docs]cdef class Parameter:
# __doc__ can't be changed in a cdef, but we can override the property
# so that when the `help` is used
def __doc__(self):
doc = ClassDoc(type(self.__owner()))
bkp = "\n"
for p in doc["Parameters"]:
if ==
return textwrap.dedent(f"""{} : {p.type}{bkp}{bkp.join(p.desc)}""")
def __init__(self, parameter_info, owner):
from finesse.element import ModelElement
from finesse.model import Model
self.__value = None
self.__cvalue = 0.0
self.__units = parameter_info.units
self.__name =
self.__datatype = parameter_info.dtype
self.__datatype_cast = parameter_info.dtype_cast
self.__description = parameter_info.description
self.__owner = weakref.ref(owner)
self.__changeable_during_simulation = parameter_info.changeable_during_simulation
self._locked = False
self.__external_setters = {}
self.__is_tunable = False
self.__eval_string = False
self.is_geometric = False
self.__resolving = False
self.__disable_state_type_change = False
if type(owner) != Model:
if is None:
raise ValueError("Owner name should not be None")
if is None:
raise ValueError("Parameter name should not be None")
self.__full_name = f"{}.{}"
self.__validator = ModelElement._validators[type(owner)][]
# Model parameters don't have a full name as they are global
self.__full_name =
# TODO: (jwp) temporary solution to work around deepcopy complications with Cython
# inheritance. This would ideally be defined in GeometricParameter which inherits
# from Parameter. We should determine if a separate class for GeometricParameter
# is necessary.
self.is_nr = False
cdef __cdeepcopy__(self, Parameter new, dict memo) :
new.__units = self.__units
new.__name = self.__name
new.__eval_string = self.__eval_string
new.__datatype = self.__datatype
new.__datatype_cast = self.__datatype_cast
new.__full_name = self.__full_name
new.__description = self.__description
new._locked = self._locked
new.__external_setters = deepcopy(self.__external_setters, memo)
new.__is_tunable = self.__is_tunable
new.state = self.state
new.__value = deepcopy(self.__value, memo)
new.__cvalue = self.__cvalue
new.__validator = self.__validator
new.__changeable_during_simulation = self.__changeable_during_simulation
new.__disable_state_type_change = self.__disable_state_type_change
# TODO: (jwp) temporary solution, see above.
new.is_geometric = self.is_geometric
new.is_nr = self.is_nr
def eval_string(self):
"Whether to cal 'eval' on the parameter value in the string representation"
return self.__eval_string
def eval_string(self, val):
self.__eval_string = bool(val)
def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
new = Parameter.__new__(Parameter)
memo[id(self)] = new
self.__cdeepcopy__(new, memo)
# Manually update the weakrefs to be correct
id_component = id(self.owner)
if id_component not in memo:
# We need to update this reference later on
# This will be called when the port property
# is accessed. When this happens we'll peak back
# at the memo once it has been filled and get
# the new port reference. After this the refcount
# for this function should goto zero and be garbage
# collected
def update_later():
new.__owner = weakref.ref(memo[id(self.owner)])
new.__owner = update_later # just in case something calls
# this weakref in the meantime
new.__owner = weakref.ref(memo[id(self.owner)])
return new
cdef __update_state(self) :
prev_state = self.state
if issubclass(type(self.__value), allowed_datatypes):
self.state = ParameterState.Numeric
elif self.__value is None:
self.state = ParameterState.NONE
elif isinstance(self.__value, Symbol):
self.state = ParameterState.Symbolic
elif callable(self.__value):
self.state = ParameterState.Unresolved
raise Exception(f"Unexpected parameter value '{self.__value}' ({type(self.__value)})")
if self.__disable_state_type_change and prev_state != self.state:
raise RuntimeError(f"Trying to chanage {repr(self)} from state {prev_state} to {self.state} which should not be happening.")
def units(self):
if self.__units is None:
return ""
return self.__units
def name(self):
return self.__name
def datatype(self):
"""The underlying C datatype of this parameter."""
return self.__datatype
def datatype_cast(self, value, ignore_failure=False):
"""Casts a value into the datatype of this parameter.
If ignore_failure is True then if this value cannot be cast it is just returned.
return self.__datatype_cast(value)
except (ValueError, TypeError) as ex:
if ignore_failure:
return value
raise ex
def owner(self):
"""The component/element this parameter is associated with, this could be a
:class:`finesse.element.ModelElement` or a :class:`finesse.model.Model`."""
return self.__owner()
def _set_owner(self, owner):
self.__owner = owner
def locked(self):
"""If locked, this parameters value cannot be changed."""
return self._locked
def is_default_for_owner(self):
"""Whether this parameter is the default for the owning model element."""
return self.owner.default_parameter_name ==
except AttributeError:
return False
def changeable_during_simulation(self):
"""True if this parameter cannot be changed during a simulation."""
return self.__changeable_during_simulation
def _model(self):
"""Returns the model that this owner is connected to. Raises an exception if it
is not connected to anything to stop code accidently using unconnected owner by
if self.__owner() is None:
raise ComponentNotConnected("Lost weak reference")
elif isinstance(self.__owner(), finesse.model.Model):
return self.__owner()
return self.__owner()._model
def full_name(self):
return self.__full_name
def description(self):
return self.__description
def ref(self):
"""Returns a reference to this parameter's value to be used in symbolic
return ParameterRef(self)
cdef bint _is_changing(self) noexcept:
if self.state == ParameterState.Symbolic:
return self.value.is_changing
return self.__is_tunable
def is_changing(self):
"""True if this parameter will be changing during a simulation."""
return self._is_changing()
def is_tunable(self):
"""True if this parameter will be directly changed during a simulation."""
return self.__is_tunable
def is_symbolic(self):
"""True if this parameter's value is symbolic."""
return self.state == ParameterState.Symbolic
def is_tunable(self, bint value):
if not self.changeable_during_simulation:
raise NotChangeableDuringSimulation(f"The parameter {self.full_name} cannot be changed during a simulation")
if self._locked:
raise ParameterLocked()
if self.is_externally_controlled:
raise ExternallyControlledException(f"{repr(self)} is being controlled by {tuple(self.__external_setters.keys())}, so it cannot be tuned directly.")
if self.state == ParameterState.Symbolic:
raise FinesseException(
f"{repr(self)} depends on a symbolic value so it cannot be directly changed. Instead try changing one of its dependencies: {self.value.parameters()}"
self.__is_tunable = value
def resolve(self):
"""When this parameters value has some dependency whose value has not yet been
set, like during parsing, its value will be a callable object, this method will
call this function to return the value."""
self.__resolving = True
if callable(self.value):
self.value = self.value(self.owner._model)
self.__resolving = False
def lambdify(self, *args):
"""Returns a lambda function that returns the value of this parameter.
Parameters in a symbolic function can be kept as variables by passing
the Parameter object as optional arguments. The returned lambda function
will then have len(args) arguments - effectively subsituting values at
call time.
if self.state == ParameterState.Symbolic:
refs = {**self.owner._model.elements, **PYFUNCTION_MAP}
sym_str = str(self.value)
ARGS = []
for i, arg in enumerate(args):
ARGS.append(arg.full_name.replace(".", "__"))
sym_str = sym_str.replace(arg.full_name, ARGS[-1])
return eval(f'lambda {",".join(ARGS)}: {sym_str}', refs)
# if len(args) > 0:
# raise Exception("Can't specify symbolic arguments to lambdify if this parameter isn't symbolic.")
return lambda *x: self.value
def eval(self, bint keep_changing_symbols=False):
"""Evaluates the value of this parameter.
If the parameter is dependant on some symbolic statement this will evaluate
that. If it is not the value itself is returned. This method should be used when
filling in matrices for computing solutions of a model.
if self.state == ParameterState.Unresolved:
if self.state == ParameterState.Symbolic:
y = self.value.eval(keep_changing_symbols=keep_changing_symbols)
if self.__validator is None:
return y
return self.__validator(self.owner, y)
return self.value
cdef _get_value(self) :
return self.__value
def value(self):
return self._get_value()
def set_external_setter(self, element, symbol):
"""Sets an element as an external controller of the value of this parameter. It
is used in cases where an element is physically imposing its value onto this
one, such as degrees of freedom.
element : ModelElement
Element that will be controlling this parameter
symbol : symbolic expression
The expression that this element is imposing upon the parameter.
if element in self.__external_setters:
raise Exception(f"{repr(element)} is already an external setter of {repr(self)}")
self.__external_setters[element] = symbol
self._set_value((self.value + symbol).sympy_simplify())
def remove_external_setter(self, element):
"""Stops an element from being an external setter.
element : ModelElement
Element that is controlling this parameter
if element not in self.__external_setters:
raise Exception(f"{repr(element)} is not an external setter of {repr(self)}")
# Use sympy to simplify the expression to remove the symbol
self._set_value((self.value - self.__external_setters[element]).sympy_simplify())
del self.__external_setters[element]
def _get_unset_value(self):
"""Returns what the value of this parameter without any external setters."""
if not self.is_externally_controlled:
return self.__value
v = self.__value
for x in self.__external_setters.values():
v -= x
return v.sympy_simplify()
def is_externally_controlled(self):
"Whether this parameter is being externally controlled by another element."
return len(self.__external_setters) > 0
def _reset_cvalue(self):
"""Resets the C-level value, to be used in clean-up stage of an action."""
self.__cvalue = self.__datatype_cast(self.eval()) # cast to correct datatype
cdef _set_value(self, value) :
from finesse.element import ModelElement
setting_fn = ModelElement._setters[type(self.owner)].get(
cdef bint is_symbol = isinstance(value, Symbol)
cdef bint is_callable = (
isinstance(value, Resolving)
or getattr(value, "contains_unresolved_symbol", False)
if setting_fn is not None and not self.__resolving and not is_symbol:
if self.locked:
if self.state == ParameterState.Symbolic:
raise ParameterLocked(f"Parameter {repr(self)}'s value is symbolic so it cannot be directly set")
raise ParameterLocked(f"Parameter {repr(self)} is locked")
if is_symbol:
for p in value.parameters():
if p == self.ref:
raise ModelParameterSelfReferenceError(value, self)
if self.__is_tunable and self.state == ParameterState.Symbolic:
f"{repr(self)}: setting `is_tunable` to False as new value is "
f"symbolic; is_tunable was previously True"
self.__is_tunable = False
if is_symbol or value is None or is_callable:
# Don't cast here as need to keep original object
self.__value = value
elif self.__validator is None:
self.__value = self.__datatype_cast(value)
self.__value = self.__validator(self.owner, self.__datatype_cast(value))
# Correspondingly set the low-level __cvalue as long as value
# is valid and not in an unresolved state
if value is not None and not is_callable:
self.__cvalue = self.__datatype_cast(self.__value)
# Return of self.eval is allowed to be None, unfortunately, so
# take care of that here (any other type error would invariably
# show up earlier than this anyway)
except TypeError:
def value(self, value):
#if self.is_externally_controlled:
# raise ExternallyControlledException(f"Model parameter {repr(self)} is being externally controlled by {tuple(self.__external_setters.keys())}")
cdef int set_double_value(self, double value) except -1:
"""UNSAFE, Only use when you know the parameter should be changing!"""
# TODO (sjr) Not sure setting of self.__value here is reqd
# anymore as just setting __cvalue should suffice
# here now (as this method should only be called
# during simulations anyway)
if self.__validator is None:
self.__value = value
self.__value = self.__validator(self.owner, value)
self.__cvalue = value
return 0
def _set(self, value):
self.value = value
def __str__(self):
units = self.units
if units:
units = " " + units
if isinstance(self.value, (Parameter, ParameterRef)) and self.eval_string:
value = self.value.eval()
value = self.value
return f"{value}{units}"
def __repr__(self):
if self.__owner() is None:
return f"<LOST WEAKREF.{}={str(self.value)}>"
return f"<{self.full_name}={str(self.value)} @ {hex(id(self))}>"
def __add__(A, B):
return _operator(A, B, operator.add)
def __radd__(self, other):
return other + self.value
def __sub__(A, B):
return _operator(A, B, operator.sub)
def __rsub__(self, other):
return other - self.value
def __mul__(A, B):
return _operator(A, B, operator.mul)
def __rmul__(self, other):
return other * self.value
def __truediv__(A, B):
return _operator(A, B, operator.truediv)
def __rtruediv__(self, other):
return other / self.value
def __floordiv__(A, B):
return _operator(A, B, operator.floordiv)
def __rfloordiv__(self, other):
return other // self.value
def __mod__(A, B):
return _operator(A, B, operator.mod)
def __rmod__(self, other):
return other % self.value
def __divmod__(A, B):
return _operator(A, B, operator.divmod)
def __rdivmod__(self, other):
return divmod(other, self.value)
def __pow__(self, other, order):
return pow(self.value, other, order)
def __rpow__(self, other, order):
return pow(other, self.value, order)
def __neg__(self):
return -1 * self.value
def __pos__(self):
return self.value
def __abs__(self):
return abs(self.value)
def __complex__(self):
return complex(self.value)
def __float__(self):
return float(self.value)
def __int__(self):
return int(self.value)
def __round__(self, ndigits=None):
return round(self.value, ndigits)
def __trunc__(self):
return math.trunc(self.value)
def __floor__(self):
return math.floor(self.value)
def __ceil__(self):
return math.ceil(self.value)
def __hash__(self):
return id(self)
def __eq__(A, B):
return A.value == B or (A.value == B.value if hasattr(B, "value") else False)
def __ge__(A, B):
return A.value >= B or (A.value >= B.value if hasattr(B, "value") else False)
def __gt__(A, B):
return A.value > B or (A.value > B.value if hasattr(B, "value") else False)
def __le__(A, B):
return A.value <= B or (A.value <= B.value if hasattr(B, "value") else False)
def __lt__(A, B):
return A.value < B or (A.value < B.value if hasattr(B, "value") else False)
def __bool__(self):
return bool(self.value)
def __array_ufunc__(self, ufunc, method, *args, **kwargs):
if method == "__call__":
ARGS = (
(_.value if isinstance(_, Parameter) else _) for _ in args
return ufunc(*ARGS, **kwargs)
return NotImplemented
cdef class GeometricParameter(Parameter):
"""Specialised parameter class for variables which are dependencies of ABCD
matrices. These include surface radii of curvature, lens focal lengths, beamsplitter
angles of incidence, space lengths and space refractive indices.
When setting the value of a GeometricParameter *outside of a simulation*, the dependent ABCD
matrices get updated via the `update_abcd_matrices` C method. Inside a simulation,
the ABCD matrix elements are updated in a much more efficient way via the connector
def __init__(self, parameter_info, owner):
if not isinstance(owner, finesse.element.ModelElement):
raise ValueError(f"owner of a geometric parmameter must be a ModelElement, not `{repr(owner)}`")
super().__init__(parameter_info, owner)
self.is_geometric = True
self.is_nr = == "nr"
def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
new = GeometricParameter.__new__(GeometricParameter)
memo[id(self)] = new
self.__cdeepcopy__(new, memo)
# Manually update the weakrefs to be correct
id_component = id(self.owner)
if id_component not in memo:
# We need to update this reference later on
# This will be called when the port property
# is accessed. When this happens we'll peak back
# at the memo once it has been filled and get
# the new port reference. After this the refcount
# for this function should goto zero and be garbage
# collected
def update_later():
new._set_owner(update_later) # just in case something calls
# this weakref in the meantime
return new
cdef void update_abcd_matrices(self) noexcept:
"""Method for updating dependent ABCD matrices of the parameter *outside* of a
dict abcd_matrices = self.owner._abcd_matrices
list matrix_handles = list(abcd_matrices.values())
object full_symbolic # Full symbolic ABCD matrix
double[:, ::1] M_num # Numeric ABCD matrix
object[:, ::1] M_sym # Actual symbolic matrix to use
if self.is_nr: # Parameter is a refractive index
from finesse.components import Surface
if self.owner.portA is not None:
p1_comp = self.owner.portA.component
p1_comp = None
if self.owner.portB is not None:
p2_comp = self.owner.portB.component
p2_comp = None
# and if either / both ports are associated with Surfaces
# then append their ABCD matrices so that they get updated
# too (as some of them depend on nr of attached space)
if isinstance(p1_comp, Surface):
if isinstance(p2_comp, Surface):
cdef Py_ssize_t i, j, k
cdef Py_ssize_t N = len(matrix_handles)
for i in range(N):
full_symbolic = matrix_handles[i][0]
# Total reflection means no symbolic matrix is formed
# so ignore it and move on
if full_symbolic is None:
M_sym = full_symbolic
M_num = matrix_handles[i][1]
for j in range(2):
for k in range(2):
M_num[j][k] = float(M_sym[j][k])
# NOTE (sjr) ABCD matrices are updated using cyexpr's in the relevant
# workspace during a simulation, so we don't override
# set_double_value here. The update_abcd_matrices method
# is only called when using the value setter, which will be
# used outside of a simulation context.
def value(self):
return Parameter._get_value(self)
def value(self, value):
Parameter._set_value(self, value)
class parameterproperty(property):
"""Descriptor class for declaring a simulation parameter. A simulation parameter is
one that can be changed during a simulation and affect the resulting outputs. The
idea is that output dependant variables should be marked as having been changed or
will be changed during a simulation run. This allows us to then optimise parts of
the model, as we can determine what will or will not be changing. This descriptor is
paired with the :class:Parameter.
Parameters can then be superficially locked once a model has been built so
accidentally changing some parameter that isn't expected to change can flag a
def __fget(self, x):
return getattr(x, f"__param_{self.full_name}")
def __fset(self, x, v):
return getattr(x, f"__param_{self.full_name}")._set(v)
def __flocked(self, x):
getattr(x, f"__param_{self.full_name}").locked
def __init__(self, full_name, doc=None):
self.full_name = full_name
super().__init__(self.__fget, self.__fset, doc=doc)
self.__doc__ = doc
self.flocked = self.__flocked
def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None):
if obj is None:
return self
return self.fget(obj)
def __set__(self, obj, value):
if self.flocked(obj):
raise ParameterLocked(f"{obj} is locked during this simulation")
self.fset(obj, value)
def __delete__(self, obj):
raise AttributeError("can't delete parameter")
def getter(self, fget):
return type(self)(fget, self.fset, self.fdel, self.__doc__)
def setter(self, fset):
return type(self)(self.fget, fset, self.fdel, self.__doc__)
def float_parameter(
name, description, units=None, validate=None, setter=None,
is_default=False, is_geometric=False, changeable_during_simulation=True
"""A parameter of an element whose value is decribed by a 64-bit floating point
return model_parameter(
name, description, float, float,
units=units, validate=validate, setter=setter,
is_default=is_default, is_geometric=is_geometric,
def int_parameter(
name, description, units=None, validate=None, setter=None,
is_default=False, is_geometric=False, changeable_during_simulation=True
"""A parameter of an element whose value is decribed by a 64-bit integer number."""
return model_parameter(
name, description, int, int,
units=units, validate=validate, setter=setter,
is_default=is_default, is_geometric=is_geometric,
class EnumCaster:
"""Enums are irritating as they don't act like normal types. You need
to getitem to go from value to key. They also don't cast themselves
back to themselves as float(1.0) would.
def __init__(self, enum, validate):
self.enum = enum
self.validate = validate
def __call__(self, value):
if type(value) is self.enum:
return value
return self.enum[value]
except KeyError as e:
if self.validate:
return value
raise ValueError(
f"'{value}' is not a valid {self.enum} enum, valid options: "
f"{self.enum.__members__.keys()}") from e
def enum_parameter(
name, description, enum, units=None, validate=None, setter=None,
is_default=False, is_geometric=False, changeable_during_simulation=True
"""A parameter of an element whose value is decribed by a Enum definition.
Enum must only use integer values to describe its members. Unlike a general python
Enum which can use strings.
if not issubclass(enum, Enum):
raise Exception("enum argument should be an enum.Enum type object")
for _ in enum.__members__.values():
if type(_.value) is not int:
raise Exception(f"Value for item {repr(_)} in {enum} must be an integer")
return model_parameter(
name, description, int, EnumCaster(enum, validate),
units=units, validate=validate, setter=setter,
is_default=is_default, is_geometric=is_geometric,
def bool_parameter(
name, description, units=None, validate=None, setter=None,
is_default=False, is_geometric=False, changeable_during_simulation=True
"""A parameter of an element whose value is decribed by a True or False value."""
return model_parameter(
name, description, bool, bool,
units=units, validate=validate, setter=setter,
is_default=is_default, is_geometric=is_geometric,
class Validator():
def __init__(self, validate):
self.validate = validate
def __call__(self, x, v):
return getattr(x, self.validate)(v)
class Setter():
def __init__(self, setter):
self.setter = setter
def __call__(self, x):
return getattr(x, self.setter)
cdef object model_parameter(
str name, str description, type _type, object _type_cast, str units, str validate, str setter,
bint is_default, bint is_geometric, bint changeable_during_simulation
) :
"""Decorator to register a model parameter with a double datatype field in the
This shouldn't be called by users. Use the [type]_parameter functions above instead.
if not issubclass(_type, allowed_datatypes):
raise Exception(f"Data type {_type} not allowed ({allowed_datatypes})")
if validate is None:
vld = None
vld = Validator(validate)
# setter is the name of a method which will be the only method that can
# be used to set the parameter (direct setting will be forbidden)
if setter is None:
st = None
st = Setter(setter)
def func(cls):
doc = description # use short description if no doc can be found
# TODO : numpydoc needs to be changed to use something less heavy on requirements
from numpydoc.docscrape import ClassDoc
cdoc = ClassDoc(cls)
bkp = "\n"
for p in cdoc["Parameters"]:
if == name:
doc = textwrap.dedent(f"""{} : {p.type}{bkp}{bkp.join(p.desc)}""")
except ImportError as ex:
p = parameterproperty(
name, description, _type, _type_cast, units, is_geometric, changeable_during_simulation
cls._validators[cls][name] = vld
cls._setters[cls][name] = st
if is_default:
if cls in cls._default_parameter_name:
raise ValueError(
f"is_default cannot be set for more than one model parameter on {cls!r}"
cls._default_parameter_name[cls] = name
setattr(cls, name, p)
return cls
return func
def info_parameter(name, description, units=None):
"""Decorator to register an info parameter field in the class.
Info parameters are purely informative properties, and cannot be directly scanned
using an axis.
def func(cls):
cls._info_param_dict[cls][name] = (description, units)
return cls
return func
def deref(parameter):
"""Get the :class:`.Parameter` from a :class:`.ParameterRef` or :class:`.Parameter`
This is useful in actions which require a parameter but may be passed either a
parameter or parameter reference.
if isinstance(parameter, ParameterRef):
parameter = parameter.parameter
return parameter
def _operator(A, B, op):
"""Used in operater dunder methods in Parameter class, for compatibility with cython
0.x, since it handles operator methods and the order of their arguments differently
from cython3.
for details
if isinstance(A, Parameter):
return op(A.value, B)
return op(A, B.value)