"""Material objects are a simple structure that contain commonly used
properties for calculations. By default this includes Fused Silica and
Silicon at 123K.
.. todo::
At some point add in wavelenth and temperature dependence to these
Material objects.
cimport cython
cdef class Material(object):
def __init__(self, alpha, nr, dndT, kappa, emiss, poisson, E, rho, C, T):
self.values.alpha = alpha
self.values.nr = nr
self.values.dndT = dndT
self.values.kappa = kappa
self.values.emiss = emiss
self.values.poisson = poisson
self.values.E = E
self.values.T = T
self.values.C = C
self.values.rho = rho
def alpha(self):
"""Thermo expansion coefficient"""
return self.values.alpha
def nr(self):
"""Refractive index"""
return self.values.nr
def dndT(self):
"""Thermo refractive coefficient [K^-1]"""
return self.values.dndT
def kappa(self):
"""Thermal conductivity [Wm^-1]"""
return self.values.kappa
def emiss(self):
return self.values.emiss
def poisson(self):
"""Poisson ratio"""
return self.values.poisson
def E(self):
"""Youngs Modulus [kg m^-3]"""
return self.values.E
def rho(self):
"""Density [kg m^-3]"""
return self.values.rho
def C(self):
"""Specific Heat [J kg^-1]"""
return self.values.C
def T(self):
"""The temperature materials properties are defined at [K]"""
return self.values.T
FusedSilica = Material(
0, # coefficient of linear expansion
1, # refractive Index
0, # dn/dt
0, # Thermal Conductivity
0, # Emissivity
0, # Poisson ratio
0, # Youngs Modulus
0, # density
0, # Specific heat
0, # reference temperature
FusedSilica = Material(
5.5e-7, # coefficient of linear expansion
1.45, # refractive Index
8.6E-6, # dn/dt
1.38, # Thermal Conductivity
0.91, # Emissivity
0.17, # Poisson ratio
7.2e10, # Youngs Modulus
2202, # density
772, # Specific heat
297, # reference temperature
Gold = Material(
14.13e-6, # coefficient of linear
0.258, # refractive Index
0, # dn/dt
315, # Thermal Conductivity
0.05, # Emissivity
0.42, # Poisson ratio
7.9e10, # Youngs Modulus
1930, # density
129, # Specific heat
297, # reference temperature
# Taken from Voyager GWINC
Silicon123K_sum = Material(
1e-10, # coefficient of linear expansion
3.4, # refractive Index @ 2um
1e-4, # dn/dt
700, # Thermal Conductivity
0.7, # Emissivity, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0017931019361289
0.27, # Poisson ratio
155.8e9,# Youngs Modulus
2329, # density
300, # Specific heat
123, # reference temperature
CaF2_300K_2um = Material(
18.5e-6, # coefficient of linear expansion
1.4239, # refractive Index @ 2um
-10e-6, # dn/dt
9.71, # Thermal Conductivity
0.88, # Emissivity
0.26, # Poisson ratio
75.8e9, # Youngs Modulus
3180, # density
854, # Specific heat
300, # reference temperature
# Fused silica used for iLIGO
# reference CTE (NIST SRM 739)
Corning7940 = Material(
4.869e-07, # coefficient of linear expansio
1.45, # refractive Index
9.6e-6, # dn/dt
1.367, # Thermal Conductivity
0.9, # Emissivity
0.167, # Poisson ratio
72.93E9, # Youngs Modulus
2220.00, # density
704.21, # Specific heat
293.15 # reference temperature
# Suprasil ref
# n, coefficient of linear expansion from data sheet
# https://www.heraeus.com/media/media/hca/doc_hca/products_and_solutions_8/optics/Data_and_Properties_Optics_fused_silica_EN.pdf
suprasil3002_2um = Material(
5.9e-7, # coefficient of linear expansion
1.499, # refractive Index
8.89e-6, # dn/dt
1.38, # Thermal Conductivity
0.9, # Emissivity
0.17, # Poisson ratio
73.1E9, # Youngs Modulus
2203, # density
964, # Specific heat
293.15 # reference temperature
BK7_2um = Material(
7.1e-6, # coefficient of linear expansion
1.4946, # refractive Index
8.94E-7, # dn/dt
1.114, # Thermal Conductivity
0.9, # Emissivity
0.206, # Poisson ratio
82e9, # Youngs Modulus
2510, # density
858, # Specific heat
293.15 # reference temperature
# zblan reference Zhu X., Peyghambarian N., High-Power ZBLAN Glass Fiber Lasers: Review and Prospect, 2010
ZBLAN_2um = Material(
17.2e-6, # coefficient of linear expansion
1.4956, # refractive Index
-14.75e-6, # dn/dt
0.628, # Thermal Conductivity
0.9, # Emissivity
0.206, # Poisson ratio
58.5e9, # Youngs Modulus
4330, # density
151, # Specific heat
293.15 # reference temperature