#cython: boundscheck=False, wraparound=False, initializedcheck=False
"""Computation of modal coupling coefficients via the Bayer-Helms
analytic formalism."""
from libc.stdlib cimport calloc, free
from libc.string cimport memset
from cython.parallel import prange
cimport numpy as np
import numpy as np
from finesse.cymath.complex cimport conj, creal, cimag, csqrt, COMPLEX_0 # Standard complex.h functions
from finesse.cymath.complex cimport ceq, inverse_unsafe, crotate2, cpow_re
from finesse.cymath.math cimport exp, sqrt, cos, sin # Standard math.h functions
from finesse.cymath.math cimport factorial, sqrt_factorial, msign, nmin, nmax
from finesse.cymath.gaussbeam cimport gouy, waist_size
from finesse.utilities.cyomp cimport determine_nthreads_even
from finesse.knm.matrix cimport KnmMatrix, rev_gouy, c_reverse_gouy_phases
### Python functions for computing Bayer-Helms coefficients and matrices ###
### not associated with any component or workspace ###
def compute_bayerhelms_coeff(
qx1, qx2, qy1, qy2,
double xgamma, double ygamma,
int n1, int m1, int n2, int m2,
double nr=1.0, double wavelength=1064e-9,
bint reverse_gouy=False,
"""Computes the coupling coefficient, via Bayer-Helms :cite:`BayerHelms`,
from mode (n1, m1) -> mode (n2, m2).
.. note::
Use :func:`.make_bayerhelms_matrix` to compute a scattering matrix of these
coefficients rather than calling this function in a loop.
qx1 : :class:`.BeamParam` or complex
Input beam parameter in the tangential plane.
qx2 : :class:`.BeamParam` or complex
Output beam parameter in the tangential plane.
qy1 : :class:`.BeamParam` or complex
Input beam parameter in the sagittal plane.
qy2 : :class:`.BeamParam` or complex
Output beam parameter in the sagittal plane.
xgamma : float
Misalignment angle in the tangential plane (in radians).
ygamma : float
Misalignment angle in the sagittal plane (in radians).
n1 : int
Input tangential mode index.
m1 : int
Input sagittal mode index.
n2 : int
Output tangential mode index.
m2 : int
Output sagittal mode index.
nr : float, optional; default: 1.0
Refractive index of the associated medium.
wavelength : float, optional; default: 1064 nm
Wavelength of the beam (in metres).
coeff : complex
The complex coupling coefficient for the specified mode coupling.
knm_bh_workspace kws_x
knm_bh_workspace kws_y
int maxtem = nmax(n1 + m1, n2 + m2)
knm_bh_ws_init(&kws_x, qx1, qx2, xgamma, 1.0, nr, wavelength, maxtem)
knm_bh_ws_init(&kws_y, qy1, qy2, ygamma, 1.0, nr, wavelength, maxtem)
cdef complex_t coeff = k_nmnm(&kws_x, &kws_y, n1, m1, n2, m2)
if reverse_gouy:
coeff = rev_gouy(
kws_x.gouy1, kws_y.gouy1,
kws_x.gouy2, kws_y.gouy2,
coeff, n1, m1, n2, m2
return coeff
def make_bayerhelms_matrix(
qx1, qx2, qy1, qy2,
double xgamma, double ygamma,
double nr=1.0, double wavelength=1064e-9,
bint reverse_gouy=False,
bint parallel=True,
"""Constructs and computes a coupling coefficient scattering
matrix using the Bayer-Helms :cite:`BayerHelms` analytic
See the function :func:`.make_modes` for the arguments which
should be passed via `mode_selection_kwargs`.
qx1 : :class:`.BeamParam` or complex
Input beam parameter in the tangential plane.
qx2 : :class:`.BeamParam` or complex
Output beam parameter in the tangential plane.
qy1 : :class:`.BeamParam` or complex
Input beam parameter in the sagittal plane.
qy2 : :class:`.BeamParam` or complex
Output beam parameter in the sagittal plane.
xgamma : float
Misalignment angle in the tangential plane (in radians).
ygamma : float
Misalignment angle in the sagittal plane (in radians).
nr : float, optional; default: 1.0
Refractive index of the associated medium.
wavelength : float, optional; default: 1064 nm
Wavelength of the beam (in metres).
reverse_gouy : bool, optional
Removing Gouy phase terms from calculated matrix
parallel : bool, optional; default: True
Whether to enable multi-threaded execution via OpenMP. The
number of threads used scales with the number of modes;
bounded by the maximum thread count as given by
mode_selection_kwargs : keyword arguments
See :func:`.make_modes`.
kmat : :class:`.KnmMatrix`
The resulting scattering matrix as a :class:`.KnmMatrix` object.
See :ref:`arbitrary_scatter_matrices`.
from finesse.utilities.homs import make_modes
knm_bh_workspace kws_x
knm_bh_workspace kws_y
modes = make_modes(**mode_selection_kwargs)
cdef int[:, ::1] modes_view = modes
cdef int maxtem = np.max(modes[:, 0] + modes[:, 1])
cdef KnmMatrix kmat = KnmMatrix(modes_view)
knm_bh_ws_init(&kws_x, qx1, qx2, xgamma, 1.0, nr, wavelength, maxtem)
knm_bh_ws_init(&kws_y, qy1, qy2, ygamma, 1.0, nr, wavelength, maxtem)
compute_knm_matrix_bh(&kws_x, &kws_y, modes_view, kmat.data_view, parallel)
if reverse_gouy:
kws_x.gouy1, kws_y.gouy1,
kws_x.gouy2, kws_y.gouy2,
kmat.data_view, modes_view,
return kmat
### Workspace for Bayer-Helms calculations ###
cdef void knm_bh_ws_init(
knm_bh_workspace* kws,
complex_t q1,
complex_t q2,
double beta,
double beta_factor,
double nr,
double lambda0,
int maxtem,
bint is_mismatch_changing=True,
bint is_alignment_changing=False
) noexcept nogil:
kws.nr = nr
kws.lambda0 = lambda0
kws.beta_factor = beta_factor
kws.is_mm_changing = is_mismatch_changing
kws.is_alignment_changing = is_alignment_changing
kws.pow_cache_size = maxtem + 1
kws.F_pow_cache = <complex_t*> calloc(kws.pow_cache_size, sizeof(complex_t))
if not kws.F_pow_cache:
raise MemoryError()
kws.FS_pow_cache = <complex_t*> calloc(kws.pow_cache_size, sizeof(complex_t))
if not kws.FS_pow_cache:
raise MemoryError()
kws.X_pow_cache = <complex_t*> calloc(kws.pow_cache_size, sizeof(complex_t))
if not kws.X_pow_cache:
raise MemoryError()
kws.XS_pow_cache = <complex_t*> calloc(kws.pow_cache_size, sizeof(complex_t))
if not kws.XS_pow_cache:
raise MemoryError()
kws.K0_plus1_pow_cache = <double*> calloc(kws.pow_cache_size, sizeof(double))
if not kws.K0_plus1_pow_cache:
raise MemoryError()
# Compute all of the workspace parameters - i.e. both mismatch
# and misalignment terms, as well as other quantities like the
# Gouy phases of q1, q2 required for reverse Gouy operations
knm_bh_ws_recompute(kws, q1, q2, beta)
cdef void knm_bh_ws_free(knm_bh_workspace* kws) noexcept nogil:
if kws.F_pow_cache != NULL: free(kws.F_pow_cache)
if kws.FS_pow_cache != NULL: free(kws.FS_pow_cache)
if kws.X_pow_cache != NULL: free(kws.X_pow_cache)
if kws.XS_pow_cache != NULL: free(kws.XS_pow_cache)
if kws.K0_plus1_pow_cache != NULL: free(kws.K0_plus1_pow_cache)
cdef void knm_bh_ws_reset_mm_cpow_caches(knm_bh_workspace* kws) noexcept nogil:
cdef Py_ssize_t i
memset(kws.F_pow_cache, 0, kws.pow_cache_size * sizeof(complex_t))
memset(kws.FS_pow_cache, 0, kws.pow_cache_size * sizeof(complex_t))
memset(kws.K0_plus1_pow_cache, 0, kws.pow_cache_size * sizeof(double))
kws.F_pow_cache[0] = 1.0 + 0.0j
kws.FS_pow_cache[0] = 1.0 + 0.0j
cdef double root_K0_plus1 = sqrt(1.0 + kws.K0)
kws.K0_plus1_pow_cache[0] = sqrt(root_K0_plus1)
if not kws.matched:
for i in range(1, kws.pow_cache_size):
kws.F_pow_cache[i] = kws.F * kws.F_pow_cache[i - 1]
kws.FS_pow_cache[i] = kws.FS * kws.FS_pow_cache[i - 1]
kws.K0_plus1_pow_cache[i] = root_K0_plus1 * kws.K0_plus1_pow_cache[i - 1]
cdef void knm_bh_ws_reset_alignment_cpow_caches(knm_bh_workspace* kws) noexcept nogil:
cdef Py_ssize_t i
memset(kws.X_pow_cache, 0, kws.pow_cache_size * sizeof(complex_t))
memset(kws.XS_pow_cache, 0, kws.pow_cache_size * sizeof(complex_t))
kws.X_pow_cache[0] = 1.0 + 0.0j
kws.XS_pow_cache[0] = 1.0 + 0.0j
if not kws.aligned:
for i in range(1, kws.pow_cache_size):
kws.X_pow_cache[i] = kws.X * kws.X_pow_cache[i - 1]
kws.XS_pow_cache[i] = kws.XS * kws.XS_pow_cache[i - 1]
cdef inline bint knm_bh_ws_is_changing(const knm_bh_workspace* kws) noexcept nogil:
return kws.is_mm_changing or kws.is_alignment_changing
cdef void knm_bh_ws_recompute(knm_bh_workspace* kws, complex_t q1, complex_t q2, double beta) noexcept nogil:
knm_bh_ws_recompute_mismatch(kws, q1, q2)
knm_bh_ws_recompute_misalignment(kws, beta)
cdef void knm_bh_ws_recompute_mismatch(knm_bh_workspace* kws, complex_t q1, complex_t q2) noexcept nogil:
double zr
complex_t K
kws.q1 = q1
kws.q2 = q2
kws.gouy1 = gouy(q1)
kws.gouy2 = gouy(q2)
kws.matched = ceq(q1, q2)
if kws.matched:
kws.K_conj = COMPLEX_0
kws.k1 = 1.0 + 0.0j
kws.K0 = 0.0
kws.FS = COMPLEX_0
kws.F = COMPLEX_0
zr = 1.0 / cimag(q2)
# K is the mismatch parameter
K = 0.5 * zr * ((cimag(q1) - cimag(q2)) + (creal(q1) - creal(q2)) * 1.0j)
kws.K_conj = conj(K)
# The X, XS variables contain a 1/sqrt(1+K*) factor, this
# is computed here then applied to kws.X, kws.XS later
kws.k1 = inverse_unsafe(csqrt(1.0 + kws.K_conj))
kws.K0 = 2.0 * creal(K)
kws.F = 0.5 * kws.K_conj
kws.FS = 0.5 * K / (1.0 + kws.K0)
cdef void knm_bh_ws_recompute_misalignment(knm_bh_workspace* kws, double beta) noexcept nogil:
double Theta, gg0, z2z0
complex_t x1, x2, exponent
kws.gamma = kws.beta_factor * beta
kws.aligned = kws.gamma == 0.0
if kws.aligned:
kws.X = COMPLEX_0
kws.XS = COMPLEX_0
# These won't be used when system is aligned but here they
# will be initialised to correct corresponding values in
# case they get accessed accidentally at some point
kws.ex = 1.0
kws.ex_cos_phase = 1.0
kws.ex_sin_phase = 0.0
# TODO (sjr) The following should also include lateral displacement
# terms from Bayer-Helms (in X, XS, ex variables), see
# Issue #238 which tracks this
# The divergence angle of the second mode
Theta = waist_size(kws.q2, kws.nr, kws.lambda0) / cimag(kws.q2)
# this gives the factor (gamma / w0) * zr
gg0 = kws.gamma / Theta
z2z0 = creal(kws.q2) / cimag(kws.q2)
x1 = z2z0 - 1.0j
x2 = z2z0 + (1.0 + 2.0 * kws.K_conj) * 1.0j
# Here we have X = (gamma / w0) * zr * (z2 / zr +i*(1 + 2K*)) * 1/sqrt(1 + K*)
# = (gamma / w0) * (z2 + i*zr*(1 + 2K*)) / sqrt(1 + K*)
kws.X = gg0 * x2 * kws.k1
# And Xbar = (gamma / w0) * zr * (z2 / zr - i) * 1/sqrt(1 + K*)
# = (z2 - i*zr) * (gamma / w0) / sqrt(1 + K*)
kws.XS = gg0 * x1 * kws.k1
# This is the exponent of the E^(x) equation seen in Bayer-Helms...
exponent = 0.5 * kws.XS * kws.X
# ... and these correspond to the terms of E^(x)
# i.e. exp(-ex) = exp(-Re(ex)) * exp(-i*Im(ex))
# = exp(-Re(ex)) * (cos(Im(ex)) - i*sin(Im(ex)))
# we pre-calculate these for efficiency so that crotate2 can be used in k_mm
kws.ex = exp(-creal(exponent))
kws.ex_cos_phase = cos(cimag(exponent))
kws.ex_sin_phase = -sin(cimag(exponent))
### Below are the functions to be used in the compute_scattering_matrices ###
### function of KnmConnectorWorkspace, each is optimised to the extreme ###
cdef void fast_compute_knm_matrix_bh(
const knm_bh_workspace* kws_x, const knm_bh_workspace* kws_y,
const int* homs,
complex_t* out,
Py_ssize_t Nhoms,
int nthreads,
) noexcept:
"""Compute a reflection Bayer-Helms scattering matrix in a very highly
optimised way. Does a single pass over the matrix: computing
the coupling coefficients, reverse Gouy phases in-place and flips sign
of all odd couplings in tangential plane.
Uses a flat pointer to output matrix rather than memory-view such
that KnmConnectorWorkspace.compute_scattering_matrices doesn't need
to do any slow converting to memory-views from matrix pointers.
Py_ssize_t i, j
int n1, m1, n2, m2
complex_t coeff, coeff_rg
for i in prange(Nhoms, nogil=True, num_threads=nthreads, schedule="static"):
n1 = homs[2 * i]
m1 = homs[2 * i + 1]
for j in range(Nhoms):
n2 = homs[2 * j]
m2 = homs[2 * j + 1]
# Compute the coefficent per BH
coeff = k_nmnm(kws_x, kws_y, n1, m1, n2, m2)
# Reverse the Gouy phase in-place
coeff_rg = rev_gouy(
kws_x.gouy1, kws_y.gouy1,
kws_x.gouy2, kws_y.gouy2,
coeff, n1, m1, n2, m2
out[j*Nhoms + i] = coeff_rg
### Function for computing BH matrix with no modifications. ###
### The modification functions are defined separately here. ###
cdef void compute_knm_matrix_bh(
const knm_bh_workspace* kws_x, const knm_bh_workspace* kws_y,
const int[:, ::1] homs,
complex_t[:, ::1] out,
bint parallel=True,
) noexcept:
"""Compute a Bayer-Helms scattering matrix.
This is used only for the Python utility function `make_bayerhelms_matrix`. The
heavily optimised versions, which get used by KnmConnectorWorkspaces during
simulations, are above.
Py_ssize_t N = homs.shape[0]
Py_ssize_t i, j
int n1, m1, n2, m2
int nthreads = 0
if parallel:
# See SparseMatrixSimulation.initialise_sim_config_data
# for details on the thread count setting logic used here
nthreads = determine_nthreads_even(N, 10)
if not nthreads:
nthreads = 1
for i in prange(N, nogil=True, num_threads=nthreads, schedule="static"):
n1 = homs[i][0]
m1 = homs[i][1]
for j in range(N):
n2 = homs[j][0]
m2 = homs[j][1]
out[j][i] = k_nmnm(kws_x, kws_y, n1, m1, n2, m2)
### The functions for computing the coefficients themselves ###
cdef complex_t k_nmnm(
const knm_bh_workspace* kws_x, const knm_bh_workspace* kws_y,
int n1, int m1,
int n2, int m2,
) noexcept nogil:
complex_t z1, z2
if kws_x.aligned and kws_y.aligned:
if kws_x.matched and kws_y.matched:
if n1 == n2 and m1 == m2:
return 1.0 + 0.0j
return 0.0 + 0.0j
z1 = k_mm(kws_x, n1, n2)
z2 = k_mm(kws_y, m1, m2)
return z1 * z2
cdef complex_t k_mm(
const knm_bh_workspace* kws,
int m1, int m2,
) noexcept nogil:
double out1
complex_t out2
complex_t sg, su
double root_m1f_m2f = sqrt_factorial(m1) * sqrt_factorial(m2)
# (-1)^{n'}
out1 = msign(m2)
# sqrt{n! n'!}
out2 = root_m1f_m2f
if not kws.matched:
out2 *= (
# (1 + K*)^{-(n + n' + 1) / 2}
cpow_re(1.0 + kws.K_conj, -0.5 * (m1 + m2 + 1)) *
# (1 + K0)^{n/2 + 1/4}
sg = S_g(kws, m1, m2)
su = S_u(kws, m1, m2)
if kws.aligned:
return out1 * out2 * (sg - su)
# See comments at end of knm_bh_ws_recompute_misalignment for description
return out1 * kws.ex * crotate2(
out2 * (sg - su), kws.ex_cos_phase, kws.ex_sin_phase
cdef complex_t S_g(const knm_bh_workspace* kws, int m1, int m2) noexcept nogil:
int s1, s2
complex_t z, z1, z2
complex_t nom1, nom2
double denom1, denom2
int i, j, k # loop indices
if m1 == 0 or m1 == 1:
s1 = 0
if m1 % 2: # m1 odd
s1 = int((m1 - 1) / 2)
else: # m1 even
s1 = int(m1 / 2)
if m2 == 0 or m2 == 1:
s2 = 0
if m2 % 2: # m2 odd
s2 = int((m2 - 1) / 2)
else: # m2 even
s2 = int(m2 / 2)
for i in range(1 + s1):
for j in range(1 + s2):
nom1 = kws.XS_pow_cache[m1 - 2 * i] * kws.X_pow_cache[m2 - 2 * j]
if nom1 == COMPLEX_0:
denom1 = (
factorial(m1 - 2 * i) *
factorial(m2 - 2 * j)
z1 = nom1 * msign(i) / denom1
z2 = COMPLEX_0
for k in range(1 + nmin(i , j)):
nom2 = kws.FS_pow_cache[i - k] * kws.F_pow_cache[j - k]
if nom2 == COMPLEX_0:
denom2 = (
factorial(2 * k) *
factorial(i - k) *
factorial(j - k)
z2 += nom2 * msign(k) / denom2
z += z1 * z2
return z
cdef complex_t S_u(const knm_bh_workspace* kws, int m1, int m2) noexcept nogil:
int s3, s4
complex_t z, z1, z2
complex_t nom1, nom2
double denom1, denom2
int i, j, k # loop indices
if m1 == 0 or m2 == 0:
return COMPLEX_0
if m1 == 1 or m1 == 2:
s3 = 0
if m1 % 2: # m1 odd -> (m1 - 1) even
s3 = int((m1 - 1) / 2)
else: # m1 even -> (m1 - 1) odd
s3 = int((m1 - 2) / 2)
if m2 == 1 or m2 == 2:
s4 = 0
if m2 % 2: # m2 odd -> (m2 -1) even
s4 = int((m2 - 1) / 2)
s4 = int((m2 - 2) / 2)
for i in range(1 + s3):
for j in range(1 + s4):
nom1 = kws.XS_pow_cache[m1 - 2 * i - 1] * kws.X_pow_cache[m2 - 2 * j - 1]
if nom1 == COMPLEX_0:
denom1 = factorial(m1 - 2 * i - 1) * factorial(m2 - 2 * j - 1)
z1 = nom1 * msign(i) / denom1
z2 = COMPLEX_0
for k in range(1 + nmin(i, j)):
nom2 = kws.FS_pow_cache[i - k] * kws.F_pow_cache[j - k]
if nom2 == COMPLEX_0:
denom2 = (
factorial(2 * k + 1) *
factorial(i - k) *
factorial(j - k)
z2 += nom2 * msign(k) / denom2
z += z1 * z2
return z