cimport numpy as np
import numpy as np
cimport cython
from finesse.cymath.homs cimport in_mask
from finesse.detectors.general import Detector
from copy import copy
self.__needs_fields = needs_fields
self.__needs_trace = needs_trace
def _set_dtype(self, dtype):
self.__dtype = dtype
def detector_type(self):
"""The type of the detector that has generated this output information."""
return self.__detector_type
def needs_fields(self):
"""Flag indicating whether the detector requires light fields (i.e. solving of
the interferometer matrix)."""
return self.__needs_fields
def needs_trace(self):
"""Flag indicating whether the detector requires beam traces."""
return self.__needs_trace
def nodes(self):
"""The nodes this detector observes.
:`getter`: Returns copy of detected nodes.
return copy(self.__nodes)
def dtype(self):
return self.__dtype
def dtype_shape(self):
return self.__dtype_shape
def _update_dtype_shape(self, shape):
"""Only to be used internally by detectors like Cameras for updating the shape
if resolution is changed."""
self.__dtype_shape = shape
def dtype_size(self):
"""Size of the output in terms of number of elements.
This is typically unity as most detectors return a single
value via their output functions.
Equivalent to the product of :attr:`.Detector.dtype_shape`.
return int(
def unit(self):
return self.__unit
def _update_unit(self, unit):
self.__unit = unit
def label(self):
return self.__label
def _update_label(self, label):
self.__label = label
[docs]cdef class OutputFuncWrapper:
"""Helper class for wrapping a C fill function that can be referenced from Python by
objects. This allows a direct C call to the function from other cdef functions.
Create a C function then wrap it using this class:
>>> cdef void c_output(DetectorWorkspace ptr_ws) noexcept:
>>> cdef PDWorkspace ws = <PDWorkspace>ptr_ws
>>> ...
>>> fill = OutputFuncWrapper.make_from_ptr(c_fill)
def __cinit__(self):
self.func = NULL
def __call__(self, ws):
return self.func(ws)
cdef OutputFuncWrapper make_from_ptr(fptr_c_output f) :
cdef OutputFuncWrapper out = OutputFuncWrapper()
out.func = f
return out
cdef class DetectorWorkspace(ElementWorkspace):
"""A base class that all detector workspaces should inherit from. Provides a generic
set of data needed to compute values and output them with metadata needed for
storing the outputs.
owner : :class:`Element`
Detector `Element` that owns this workspace and will be setting it up
sim : Simulation object
Simulation object this workspace should be associated with
values : [object, :class:`BaseCValues`], optional
The object containing the values that will be used by this workspace to
calculate some output. These should match the parameters offered by the
owner. A pure Python object can be used but will be slower to access.
A :class:`BaseCValues` object can also be used that offers cythonised
access to parameter values
oinfo : OutputInformation, optional
When provided this will set the output information of this detector, such
as units, datatype, shape/dimension of outputs.
needs_carrier : bool, optional
If the carrier simulation data is needed, this must be True
needs_signal : bool, optional
If the signal simulation data (transfer functions) is needed, this must be True
needs_noise : bool, optional
If this detector requires noise covariances to be calculated this must be True
needs_modal_update: bool, optional
If this detector outputs some modal or geometric property, this must be True.
The `needs_*` flags specify which simulations should be run to evaluate this
workspace. At least one should be True, unless `needs_simulation` is
flagged as False. This is to catch certain cases which mean the workspace
will just not produce any output.
When adding new `needs_*` flag, ensure you update the `MathDetector` object
to correctly fill these flags. The `MathDetector` essentially borrows workspaces
from other detectors to compute its output and
def __init__(
object owner,
object sim,
object values=None,
OutputInformation oinfo=None,
bint needs_carrier=False,
bint needs_signal=False,
bint needs_noise=False,
bint needs_modal_update=False,
bint needs_simulation=True):
flags = (needs_noise or needs_signal or needs_carrier or needs_modal_update)
if not flags and needs_simulation:
raise Exception(f"Detector workspace {self} has the flags set so that `needs_noise or needs_signal or needs_carrier or needs_modal_update == False`, so no calculations will be done.")
elif not needs_simulation and flags:
raise Exception(f"Detector workspace {self} is marked as not needing a simulation result but is flagging that it does.")
super().__init__(sim, owner, values)
self.needs_noise = needs_noise
self.needs_signal = needs_signal
self.needs_carrier = needs_carrier
self.needs_modal_update = needs_modal_update
if oinfo is None and isinstance(owner, Detector):
oinfo = owner.output_information
elif oinfo is None:
raise ValueError("output information object must be provided if owner is not a detector")
self.oinfo = oinfo
self.block_size = oinfo.dtype_size
self.ignore_sim_mask = False
cpdef get_output(self) :
if self.fn_c is not None:
return self.fn_c.func(self)
elif self.fn_py is not None:
return self.fn_py(self)
return None
def set_output_fn(self, callback):
if type(callback) is OutputFuncWrapper:
self.fn_c = callback
elif callable(callback):
self.fn_py = callback
raise ValueError(f"Callback function {callback} wasn't of type OutputFuncWrapper or a callable object")
cdef class MaskedDetectorWorkspace(DetectorWorkspace):
"""Specialised workspace for detectors which support masking of modes.
This workspace provides attributes that are exposed to both C and Python. The
sections below detail how to use these for some workspace instance ``ws`` which
inherits from ``MaskedDetectorWorkspace``.
.. rubric:: Using via Python
The ``unmasked_indices_arr`` attribute is a :class:`numpy.ndarray`, of dtype
``np.intp``, which contains the indices of modes which are not masked. One
may then simply loop over this array of indices to access the corresponding field
indices, e.g
.. code-block:: python
for k in ws.unmasked_indices_arr:
# Do something with k, e.g. get field at 0 Hz freq. offset
# at the given node for the mode index k:
a_0k = carrier.get_out_fast(ws.dc_node_id, 0, k)
# use a_0k for some calculation ...
.. rubric:: Using via Cython
This workspace also provides a ``unmasked_mode_indices`` pointer (only accessible
from other Cython code) which corresponds to the data of the ``unmasked_indices_arr``
NumPy array described above. The attribute ``num_unmasked_homs`` is the size of
this array; i.e. the number of modes which are not masked.
One may then write an optimised loop from ``[0, num_unmasked_homs)``, e.g
.. code-block:: cython
cdef Py_ssize_t i, k
cdef complex_t a_0k
for i in range(ws.num_unmasked_homs):
k = ws.unmasked_mode_indices[i]
# Do something with k, e.g. get field at 0 Hz freq. offset
# at the given node for the mode index k:
a_0k = carrier.get_out_fast(ws.dc_node_id, 0, k)
# use a_0k for some calculation ...
where each ``k`` is then the index of the mode at position ``i`` in the unmasked
indices array.
.. note::
If the detector mask is empty (i.e. no modes are being masked) then
``unmasked_indices_arr`` (and, correspondingly, ``unmasked_mode_indices``)
will simply be an array from ``[0, Nhoms)`` where ``Nhoms`` is the total
number of modes in the simulation.
def __init__(self, owner, BaseSimulation sim, values=None, *, oinfo=None, **kwargs):
super().__init__(owner, sim, values, oinfo=oinfo, **kwargs)
self.unmasked_mode_indices = NULL
self.has_mask = False
cdef int setup_mask(self) except -1:
int[:, ::1] mask
Py_ssize_t N_mask
Py_ssize_t i
Py_ssize_t count = 0
int n, m
# Check if owner has the right attribute, as some non-masked detectors also own masked
# detector workspaces, and will otherwise throw an error here
self.has_mask = getattr(self.owner, "has_mask", False)
cdef np.ndarray[Py_ssize_t, ndim=1, mode="c"] unmasked
if not self.has_mask: # no mask so just copy across all mode indices
self.num_unmasked_HOMs = self.sim.model_settings.num_HOMs
unmasked = np.arange(self.num_unmasked_HOMs, dtype=np.intp)
self.unmasked_indices_arr = unmasked
self.unmasked_mode_indices = &unmasked[0]
mask = self.owner.mask
N_mask = mask.shape[0]
if N_mask >= self.sim.model_settings.num_HOMs:
raise RuntimeError(
f"Error in detector {self.owner} (Output `{}`):\n"
f" Length of mask array ({N_mask}) greater than or equal to "
f"number of modes ({self.sim.model_settings.num_HOMs})"
self.num_unmasked_HOMs = self.sim.model_settings.num_HOMs - N_mask
unmasked = np.arange(self.num_unmasked_HOMs, dtype=np.intp)
self.unmasked_indices_arr = unmasked
self.unmasked_mode_indices = &unmasked[0]
for i in range(self.sim.model_settings.num_HOMs):
n = self.sim.model_settings.homs_view[i][0]
m = self.sim.model_settings.homs_view[i][1]
if not in_mask(n, m, mask):
if count >= self.num_unmasked_HOMs:
raise RuntimeError(
f"Error in detector {}:\n"
f" One or more modes in the mask array do not exist in "
"the model."
self.unmasked_mode_indices[count] = i
count += 1
return 0
cdef bint hom_in_modes(self, Py_ssize_t hom_idx) noexcept:
"""Check whether a HOM index is in the non-masked modes of the detector."""
if not self.has_mask:
return True
cdef Py_ssize_t i
for i in range(self.num_unmasked_HOMs):
if self.unmasked_mode_indices[i] == hom_idx:
return True
return False