#cython: boundscheck=False, wraparound=False, initializedcheck=False
cimport numpy as np
import numpy as np
from finesse.cymath cimport complex_t
from finesse.cymath.complex cimport cabs, cexp, conj, creal, crotate
from finesse.cymath.math cimport isfinite, float_eq, nmax, radians, sqrt, NAN
from finesse.components.node import NodeType
from finesse.detectors.workspace cimport (
from finesse.detectors.compute.power cimport (
from finesse.frequency cimport frequency_info_t, FrequencyContainer
from finesse.element_workspace cimport BaseCValues
from finesse.simulations.homsolver cimport HOMSolver
from finesse.simulations.sparse.solver cimport SparseSolver
cdef extern from "constants.h":
long double H_PLANCK
double ROOT2
ctypedef (double*, double*) ptr_tuple_2
ctypedef (double*, double*, double*, double*) ptr_tuple_4
ctypedef (double*, double*, double*, double*, double*, double*) ptr_tuple_6
# The names of these f, f1,f2,f3 etc. have to match the model parameters
# defined by the owner. Which is a bit annoying.
cdef class QND1Values(BaseCValues):
cdef public:
double f, phase
def __init__(self):
cdef ptr_tuple_2 ptr = (&self.f, &self.phase)
cdef tuple params = ("f", "phase")
self.setup(params, sizeof(ptr), <double**>&ptr)
cdef class QNDNValues(BaseCValues):
cdef public:
double f1, phase1
double f2, phase2
double f3, phase3
def __init__(self):
cdef ptr_tuple_6 ptr = (
&self.f1, &self.phase1, &self.f2, &self.phase2, &self.f3, &self.phase3
cdef tuple params = ("f1", "phase1", "f2", "phase2", "f3", "phase3")
self.setup(params, sizeof(ptr), <double**>&ptr)
cdef class QND0Workspace(DetectorWorkspace):
complex_t[::1] s
complex_t[::1] source_s
complex_t[::1] cov
PD1Workspace pd_ws
int dc_node_id
int ac_node_id
int rhs_index
int neq
bint nsr
def __init__(self, owner, sim, nsr, sources, exclude_sources):
super().__init__(owner, sim, needs_noise=True)
self.dc_node_id = sim.carrier.node_id(owner.node)
self.ac_node_id = sim.signal.node_id(owner.node)
self.neq = sim.signal.M().num_equations
self.s = np.zeros(self.neq, dtype=np.complex128)
self.source_s = np.empty(self.neq, dtype=np.complex128)
self.rhs_index = self.owner._requested_selection_vectors[self.owner.name]
self.nsr = nsr
if self.nsr:
self.pd_ws = PD1Workspace(owner, sim, sim.model.fsig.f, None)
if sources:
self.source_s[:] = 0
elif exclude_sources:
self.source_s[:] = 1
if sources:
self.fill_source_selection_vector(sources, 1)
if exclude_sources:
self.fill_source_selection_vector(exclude_sources, 0)
cpdef fill_selection_vector(self) :
HOMSolver carrier = self.sim.carrier
HOMSolver signal = self.sim.signal
Py_ssize_t i, j
Py_ssize_t s_idx
frequency_info_t fc, fs
complex_t tmp
for i in range(signal.optical_frequencies.size):
fs = signal.optical_frequencies.frequency_info[i]
fc = carrier.optical_frequencies.frequency_info[fs.audio_carrier_index]
for j in range(nmax(signal.nhoms, 1)):
s_idx = signal.field_fast(self.ac_node_id, fs.index, j)
tmp = carrier.get_out_fast(self.dc_node_id, fc.index, j) * ROOT2
if fs.audio_order > 0:
self.s[s_idx] = tmp
self.s[s_idx] = conj(tmp)
for i in range(self.neq):
signal.set_source_fast_3(i, self.s[i], self.rhs_index)
cdef fill_source_selection_vector(self, sources, complex_t fill_value) :
Py_ssize_t i, j
Py_ssize_t node_id
Py_ssize_t idx
FrequencyContainer frequencies
HOMSolver signal = self.sim.signal
for comp in sources:
for node_name in comp.nodes:
if node_name not in signal.nodes:
node = signal.nodes[node_name]
node_id = signal.node_id(node)
if node.type == NodeType.OPTICAL:
for i in range(signal.optical_frequencies.size):
fs = signal.optical_frequencies.frequency_info[i]
for j in range(nmax(signal.nhoms, 1)):
idx = signal.field_fast(node_id, fs.index, j)
self.source_s[idx] = fill_value
if node.type == NodeType.MECHANICAL:
frequencies = signal.signal_frequencies[node]
elif node.type == NodeType.ELECTRICAL:
frequencies = signal.signal_frequencies[node]
for i in range(frequencies.size):
fs = frequencies.frequency_info[i]
idx = signal.field_fast(node_id, fs.index)
self.source_s[idx] = fill_value
cpdef get_source_selection_vector(self) :
return self.source_s
cpdef set_covariance_matrix(self, complex_t[::1] v, unicode name) :
# TODO: Should this be a copy?
self.cov = v
qnd0_output = OutputFuncWrapper.make_from_ptr(c_qnd0_output)
cdef object c_qnd0_output(DetectorWorkspace self) :
QND0Workspace ws = <QND0Workspace> self
double rtn = 0
double f0 = ws.sim.model_settings.f0
double unit_vacuum = ws.sim.model_settings.UNIT_VACUUM
double nf_factor = 0.25**1 # factor 0.25 per demodulation
complex_t pdo
for i in range(ws.neq):
rtn += creal(ws.cov[i] * conj(ws.s[i]))
# Compensate for demod 0.5 factor when demodulating a signal
# frequency as this is what a network analyser would do.
rtn *= 2
if ws.nsr:
pdo = c_pd1_AC_output(ws.pd_ws)
rtn /= pdo.real * pdo.real + pdo.imag * pdo.imag
return sqrt(
* rtn
* f0
* nf_factor
cdef class QNDNWorkspace(DetectorWorkspace):
complex_t[::1] s
complex_t[::1] source_s
complex_t[::1] cov
DetectorWorkspace pd_ws
int num_demod
int Ndm
int Nf
int dc_node_id
int ac_node_id
int rhs_index
long[:, ::1] demod_vac_contri
long[:, ::1] demod_vac_contri_phi
long[::1] demod_f_sig
double[::1] demod_f
double[::1] demod_phi
QNDNValues cvalues
bint nsr
double[::1] freqs
double[::1] phases
int neq
list carrier_demods
def __init__(self, owner, sim, carrier_demods, nsr, sources, exclude_sources):
assert(sim.signal is not None)
assert(isinstance(sim.signal, SparseSolver))
self.carrier_demods = carrier_demods
num_carrier_demod = len(carrier_demods)
if num_carrier_demod == 1:
_values = QND1Values()
_values = QNDNValues()
super().__init__(owner, sim, _values, needs_noise=True)
self.cvalues = <QNDNValues>self.values
self.dc_node_id = self.sim.carrier.node_id(owner.node)
self.ac_node_id = self.sim.signal.node_id(owner.node)
self.neq = self.sim.signal.M().num_equations
# N demodulations, so we have a maximum of 2**N signal frequencies for each carrier
# frequency, and each signal frequency can only have a maximum of 2**N contributing carrier
# frequencies
self.num_demod = num_carrier_demod + 1
self.Ndm = int(2**self.num_demod)
self.Nf = self.Ndm * self.sim.carrier.optical_frequencies.size
self.demod_vac_contri = np.empty((self.Nf, self.Ndm), dtype=np.dtype("long"))
self.demod_vac_contri_phi = np.empty((self.Nf, self.Ndm), dtype=np.dtype("long"))
self.demod_f = np.full(self.Nf, np.nan, dtype=np.float64)
self.demod_f_sig = np.zeros(self.Nf, dtype=np.dtype("long"))
self.demod_phi = np.full(self.Ndm, np.nan, dtype=np.float64)
self.s = np.zeros(self.neq, dtype=np.complex128)
self.source_s = np.empty(self.neq, dtype=np.complex128)
self.rhs_index = self.owner._requested_selection_vectors[self.owner.name]
self.freqs = np.empty(self.num_demod, dtype=np.float64)
self.phases = np.empty(self.num_demod, dtype=np.float64)
self.nsr = nsr
if self.nsr:
# ddb todo: add more options here
if num_carrier_demod == 1:
# 1RF + 1fsig demodulation
self.pd_ws = PD2Workspace(
raise NotImplementedError(f"Not yet implemented to calculate NSR for {num_carrier_demod} RF carrier demodulations")
if sources:
self.source_s[:] = 0
elif exclude_sources:
self.source_s[:] = 1
if sources:
self.fill_source_selection_vector(sources, 1)
if exclude_sources:
self.fill_source_selection_vector(exclude_sources, 0)
cdef fill_carrier_qnoise_contributions(self) :
Py_ssize_t i, j, k, nf
Py_ssize_t base_idx
frequency_info_t f
double freq
HOMSolver signal = self.sim.signal
self.freqs[0] = self.cvalues.f1
self.phases[0] = self.cvalues.phase1
if self.num_demod > 2:
self.freqs[1] = self.cvalues.f2
self.phases[1] = self.cvalues.phase2
if self.num_demod > 3:
self.freqs[2] = self.cvalues.f3
self.phases[2] = self.cvalues.phase3
self.freqs[self.num_demod - 1] = self.sim.model_settings.fsig
self.phases[self.num_demod - 1] = 0 # fsig demod doesn't affect result, so assume 0
self.demod_phi[:] = 0
for i in range(self.Ndm):
for j in range(self.num_demod):
if (i >> j) & 0x01:
self.demod_phi[i] += self.phases[j]
self.demod_phi[i] -= self.phases[j]
self.demod_phi[i] = radians(self.demod_phi[i])
self.demod_f[:] = 0
for i in range(self.sim.carrier.optical_frequencies.size):
f = self.sim.carrier.optical_frequencies.frequency_info[i]
base_idx = i * self.Ndm
for j in range(self.Ndm):
self.demod_f[base_idx + j] = f.f
for k in range(self.num_demod):
if (j >> k) & 0x01:
self.demod_f[base_idx + j] += self.freqs[k]
self.demod_f[base_idx + j] -= self.freqs[k]
# Use -1 to signal empty entries
self.demod_f_sig[:] = -1
self.demod_vac_contri[:] = -1
# Check all frequencies to see if they match up to any signal sidebands
for i in range(self.sim.carrier.optical_frequencies.size):
f = self.sim.carrier.optical_frequencies.frequency_info[i]
base_idx = i * self.Ndm
for nf in range(self.Ndm):
freq = self.demod_f[base_idx + nf]
for j in range(self.Nf):
# Check frequencies against any existing signals
for k in range(signal.optical_frequencies.size):
if float_eq(self.demod_f[j], signal.optical_frequencies.frequency_info[k].f):
self.demod_f_sig[j] = k
if self.demod_f_sig[j] != -1:
# If no signal frequency could be found then this is a pure
# vacuum noise field so need to add it to the contribution list
if float_eq(freq, self.demod_f[j]):
# If we have already found another item with this
# carrier frequency then these noises are correlated
for k in range(self.Ndm):
if self.demod_vac_contri[j][k] == -1:
self.demod_vac_contri[j][k] = f.index
self.demod_vac_contri_phi[j][k] = nf
cpdef fill_selection_vector(self) :
Py_ssize_t i, j, k
Py_ssize_t f_idx, s_idx
frequency_info_t fc, fs
complex_t tmp
HOMSolver signal = self.sim.signal
HOMSolver carrier = self.sim.carrier
self.s[:] = 0
# For each carrier field check if the corresponding demodulated
# frequency is a signal sideband. If so, we need to include it in the
# selection vector.
for i in range(self.sim.carrier.optical_frequencies.size):
fc = self.sim.carrier.optical_frequencies.frequency_info[i]
for j in range(self.Ndm):
# If this is a signal sideband frequency this is the
# product between the i'th carrier and this.
f_idx = self.demod_f_sig[i * self.Ndm + j]
if f_idx >= 0:
fs = signal.optical_frequencies.frequency_info[f_idx]
for k in range(nmax(signal.nhoms, 1)):
s_idx = signal.field_fast(self.ac_node_id, fs.index, k)
tmp = carrier.get_out_fast(self.dc_node_id, fc.index, k) * ROOT2
tmp = crotate(tmp, self.demod_phi[j])
if fs.audio_order > 0:
self.s[s_idx] = self.s[s_idx] + tmp
self.s[s_idx] = self.s[s_idx] + conj(tmp)
for i in range(self.neq):
signal.set_source_fast_3(i, self.s[i], self.rhs_index)
cdef fill_source_selection_vector(self, sources, complex_t fill_value) :
Py_ssize_t i, j
Py_ssize_t node_id
Py_ssize_t idx
FrequencyContainer frequencies
HOMSolver signal = self.sim.signal
for comp in sources:
for node_name in comp.nodes:
if node_name not in signal.nodes:
node = signal.nodes[node_name]
node_id = signal.node_id(node)
if node.type == NodeType.OPTICAL:
for i in range(signal.optical_frequencies.size):
fs = signal.optical_frequencies.frequency_info[i]
for j in range(nmax(signal.nhoms, 1)):
idx = signal.field_fast(node_id, fs.index, j)
self.source_s[idx] = fill_value
if node.type == NodeType.MECHANICAL:
frequencies = signal.signal_frequencies[node]
elif node.type == NodeType.ELECTRICAL:
frequencies = signal.signal_frequencies[node]
for i in range(frequencies.size):
fs = frequencies.frequency_info[i]
idx = signal.field_fast(node_id, fs.index, 0)
self.source_s[idx] = fill_value
cpdef get_source_selection_vector(self) :
return self.source_s
cpdef set_covariance_matrix(self, complex_t[::1] v, unicode name) :
# TODO: Should this be a copy?
self.cov = v
qndN_output = OutputFuncWrapper.make_from_ptr(c_qndN_output)
cdef object c_qndN_output(DetectorWorkspace self) :
QNDNWorkspace ws = <QNDNWorkspace> self
HOMSolver carrier = ws.sim.carrier
Py_ssize_t i, j, k
Py_ssize_t Nhom = max(ws.sim.signal.nhoms, 1)
double rtn = 0
double f
double f0 = ws.sim.model_settings.f0
double unit_vacuum = ws.sim.model_settings.UNIT_VACUUM
double nf_factor = 0.25**ws.num_demod # factor 0.25 per demodulation
complex_t pdo
complex_t car_sum
for i in range(ws.neq):
rtn += creal(ws.cov[i] * conj(ws.s[i]))
# Pick up pure vacuum noise and demodulate that into our signal.
for i in range(ws.Nf):
f = ws.demod_f[i]
car_sum = 0
for j in range(Nhom):
for k in range(ws.Ndm):
if ws.demod_vac_contri[i][k] == -1:
car_sum += crotate(
carrier.get_out_fast(ws.dc_node_id, ws.demod_vac_contri[i][k], j),
# FIXME: There should be a minus sign here, why isn't there?
rtn += cabs(car_sum)**2 * (1 + f / f0)
if ws.nsr:
if ws.num_demod == 2:
(<PD2Workspace>ws.pd_ws).cvalues.f1 = ws.cvalues.f1
(<PD2Workspace>ws.pd_ws).cvalues.phase1 = ws.cvalues.phase1
(<PD2Workspace>ws.pd_ws).cvalues.f2 = 0
(<PD2Workspace>ws.pd_ws).cvalues.phase2 = 0
raise ValueError(f"Can't calculate NSR for {ws.num_demod-1} RF demodulations")
pdo = c_pd2_AC_output(ws.pd_ws)
rtn /= pdo.real * pdo.real + pdo.imag * pdo.imag
# Compensate for demod 0.5 factor when demodulating a signal
# frequency as this is what a network analyser would do.
rtn *= 2
return sqrt(
* rtn
* f0
* nf_factor
cdef class QShot0Workspace(DetectorWorkspace):
PD1Workspace pd_ws
int Nf
int dc_node_id
int ac_node_id
long[:, ::1] demod_vac_contri
double[::1] demod_f
bint nsr
def __init__(self, owner, sim, nsr, *, output_info=None):
assert(sim.signal is not None)
super().__init__(owner, sim, oinfo=output_info, needs_noise=True)
self.dc_node_id = self.sim.carrier.node_id(self.oinfo.nodes[0])
self.ac_node_id = self.sim.signal.node_id(self.oinfo.nodes[0])
# As we're only doing 1 demodulation, we have a maximum of 2 signal frequencies for each
# carrier frequency, and each signal frequency can only have a maximum of 2 contributing
# carrier frequencies
self.Nf = 2 * self.sim.carrier.optical_frequencies.size
self.demod_vac_contri = np.empty((self.Nf, 2), dtype=np.dtype("long"))
self.demod_f = np.full(self.Nf, np.nan, dtype=np.float64)
self.nsr = nsr
if self.nsr:
self.pd_ws = PD1Workspace(owner, sim, sim.model.fsig.f, None)
cdef fill_carrier_qnoise_contributions(self) :
Py_ssize_t i
frequency_info_t f
double freq
double fsig = self.sim.model_settings.fsig
# Use NAN / -1 to signal empty entries
self.demod_f[:] = NAN
self.demod_vac_contri[:] = -1
for i in range(self.sim.carrier.optical_frequencies.size):
f = self.sim.carrier.optical_frequencies.frequency_info[i]
freq = f.f - fsig
for j in range(self.Nf):
if not isfinite(self.demod_f[j]):
self.demod_f[j] = freq
self.demod_vac_contri[j][0] = f.index
elif float_eq(freq, self.demod_f[j]):
self.demod_vac_contri[j][1] = f.index
freq = f.f + fsig
for j in range(self.Nf):
if not isfinite(self.demod_f[j]):
self.demod_f[j] = freq
self.demod_vac_contri[j][0] = f.index
elif float_eq(freq, self.demod_f[j]):
self.demod_vac_contri[j][1] = f.index
qshot0_output = OutputFuncWrapper.make_from_ptr(c_qshot0_output)
cdef object c_qshot0_output(DetectorWorkspace self) :
QShot0Workspace ws = <QShot0Workspace> self
HOMSolver carrier = ws.sim.carrier
Py_ssize_t i, j
Py_ssize_t Nhom = max(ws.sim.signal.nhoms, 1)
double rtn = 0
double f
double f0 = ws.sim.model_settings.f0
double unit_vacuum = ws.sim.model_settings.UNIT_VACUUM
double nf_factor = 0.25**1 # factor 0.25 per demodulation
complex_t c1, c2
complex_t pdo
# Pick up pure vacuum noise and demodulate that into our signal.
for i in range(ws.Nf):
f = ws.demod_f[i]
if ws.demod_vac_contri[i][0] == -1:
if ws.demod_vac_contri[i][1] == -1:
for j in range(Nhom):
c1 = carrier.get_out_fast(ws.dc_node_id, ws.demod_vac_contri[i][0], j)
rtn += cabs(c1)**2 * (1 + f / f0)
for j in range(Nhom):
c1 = carrier.get_out_fast(ws.dc_node_id, ws.demod_vac_contri[i][0], j)
c2 = carrier.get_out_fast(ws.dc_node_id, ws.demod_vac_contri[i][1], j)
rtn += cabs(c1 + c2)**2 * (1 + f / f0)
# Compensate for demod 0.5 factor when demodulating a signal
# frequency as this is what a network analyser would do.
rtn *= 2
if ws.nsr:
pdo = c_pd1_AC_output(ws.pd_ws)
rtn /= pdo.real * pdo.real + pdo.imag * pdo.imag
return sqrt(
* rtn
* f0
* nf_factor
cdef class QShotNWorkspace(DetectorWorkspace):
"""An N RF demodulation quantum shot noise detector workspace.
owner : object
The model element that owns this workspace
sim : object
The current Simulation object that this workspace will use
to generate its outputs
carrier_demods : list
A list of (frequency, phase) pairs. The frequency and phase
object should be
nsr : bool
If True, the signal transfer function is computed and then
used to compute the noise in equivalent units of the
singal being injected at runtime.
DetectorWorkspace pd_ws
list carrier_demods
int num_demod
int Ndm
int Nf
int dc_node_id
int ac_node_id
long[:, ::1] demod_vac_contri
long[:, ::1] demod_vac_contri_phi
double[::1] demod_f
double[::1] demod_phi
QNDNValues cvalues
bint nsr
double[::1] freqs
double[::1] phases
double[::1] tmp_fs
def __init__(self, owner, sim, carrier_demods : list, nsr, *, output_info=None):
assert(sim.signal is not None)
self.carrier_demods = carrier_demods
num_carrier_demod = len(carrier_demods)
if num_carrier_demod == 1:
_values = QND1Values()
_values = QNDNValues()
super().__init__(owner, sim, _values, oinfo=output_info, needs_noise=True)
self.cvalues = <QNDNValues>self.values
self.dc_node_id = self.sim.carrier.node_id(self.oinfo.nodes[0])
self.ac_node_id = self.sim.signal.node_id(self.oinfo.nodes[0])
# N demodulations, so we have a maximum of 2**N signal frequencies for each carrier
# frequency, and each signal frequency can only have a maximum of 2**N contributing carrier
# frequencies
self.num_demod = num_carrier_demod + 1
self.Ndm = int(2**self.num_demod)
self.Nf = self.Ndm * self.sim.carrier.optical_frequencies.size
self.demod_vac_contri = np.empty((self.Nf, self.Ndm), dtype=np.dtype("long"))
self.demod_vac_contri_phi = np.empty((self.Nf, self.Ndm), dtype=np.dtype("long"))
self.demod_f = np.full(self.Nf, np.nan, dtype=np.float64)
self.demod_phi = np.full(self.Ndm, np.nan, dtype=np.float64)
self.freqs = np.empty(self.num_demod, dtype=np.float64)
self.phases = np.empty(self.num_demod, dtype=np.float64)
self.tmp_fs = np.empty(self.Ndm, dtype=np.float64)
self.nsr = nsr
if self.nsr:
# ddb todo: add more options here
if num_carrier_demod == 1:
# 1RF + 1fsig demodulation
self.pd_ws = PD2Workspace(
raise NotImplementedError(f"Not yet implemented to calculate NSR for {num_carrier_demod} RF carrier demodulations")
cdef fill_carrier_qnoise_contributions(self) :
Py_ssize_t i, j, k
frequency_info_t f
double freq
self.freqs[0] = self.cvalues.f1
self.phases[0] = self.cvalues.phase1
if self.num_demod > 2:
self.freqs[1] = self.cvalues.f2
self.phases[1] = self.cvalues.phase2
if self.num_demod > 3:
self.freqs[2] = self.cvalues.f3
self.phases[2] = self.cvalues.phase3
self.freqs[self.num_demod - 1] = self.sim.model_settings.fsig
self.phases[self.num_demod - 1] = 0 # fsig demod doesn't affect result, so assume 0
self.demod_phi[:] = 0
for i in range(self.Ndm):
for j in range(self.num_demod):
if (i >> j) & 0x01:
self.demod_phi[i] += self.phases[j]
self.demod_phi[i] -= self.phases[j]
self.demod_phi[i] = radians(self.demod_phi[i])
# Use NAN / -1 to signal empty entries
self.demod_f[:] = NAN
self.demod_vac_contri[:] = -1
for i in range(self.sim.carrier.optical_frequencies.size):
f = self.sim.carrier.optical_frequencies.frequency_info[i]
for j in range(self.Ndm):
self.tmp_fs[j] = f.f
for k in range(self.num_demod):
if (j >> k) & 0x01:
self.tmp_fs[j] += self.freqs[k]
self.tmp_fs[j] -= self.freqs[k]
for nf in range(self.Ndm):
freq = self.tmp_fs[nf]
for j in range(self.Nf):
if not isfinite(self.demod_f[j]):
self.demod_f[j] = freq
self.demod_vac_contri[j][0] = f.index
self.demod_vac_contri_phi[j][0] = nf
elif float_eq(freq, self.demod_f[j]):
for k in range(self.Ndm):
if self.demod_vac_contri[j][k] == -1:
self.demod_vac_contri[j][k] = f.index
self.demod_vac_contri_phi[j][k] = nf
qshotN_output = OutputFuncWrapper.make_from_ptr(c_qshotN_output)
cdef object c_qshotN_output(DetectorWorkspace self) :
QShotNWorkspace ws = <QShotNWorkspace> self
HOMSolver carrier = ws.sim.carrier
Py_ssize_t i, j, k
Py_ssize_t Nhom = max(ws.sim.signal.nhoms, 1)
double rtn = 0
double f
double f0 = ws.sim.model_settings.f0
double unit_vacuum = ws.sim.model_settings.UNIT_VACUUM
double nf_factor = 0.25**ws.num_demod # factor 0.25 per demodulation
complex_t car_sum
complex_t pdo
# Pick up pure vacuum noise and demodulate that into our signal.
for i in range(ws.Nf):
f = ws.demod_f[i]
if ws.demod_vac_contri[i][0] == -1:
car_sum = 0
for j in range(Nhom):
for k in range(ws.Ndm):
if ws.demod_vac_contri[i][k] == -1:
car_sum += crotate(
carrier.get_out_fast(ws.dc_node_id, ws.demod_vac_contri[i][k], j),
# FIXME: There should be a minus sign here, why isn't there?
rtn += cabs(car_sum)**2 * (1 + f / f0)
# Compensate for demod 0.5 factor when demodulating a signal
# frequency as this is what a network analyser would do.
rtn *= 2
if ws.nsr:
if ws.num_demod == 2:
(<PD2Workspace>ws.pd_ws).cvalues.f1 = ws.cvalues.f1
(<PD2Workspace>ws.pd_ws).cvalues.phase1 = ws.cvalues.phase1
(<PD2Workspace>ws.pd_ws).cvalues.f2 = 0
(<PD2Workspace>ws.pd_ws).cvalues.phase2 = 0
raise ValueError(f"Can't calculate NSR for {ws.num_demod-1} RF demodulations")
pdo = c_pd2_AC_output(ws.pd_ws)
rtn /= pdo.real * pdo.real + pdo.imag * pdo.imag
return sqrt(
* rtn
* f0
* nf_factor
cdef class QuantumNoiseDetectorWorkspace(DetectorWorkspace):
long[:, ::1] demod_f_sig
double[:, ::1] demod_f
double[::1] demod_phi
complex_t[::1] s
complex_t[::1] v
dict demod_vac_contri
int dc_node_id
int ac_node_id
int Nf
int Ndm
int neq
def __init__(self, owner, sim):
assert(sim.signal is not None)
super().__init__(owner, sim)
for sim in sim:
if sim.is_audio:
self.sim.carrier = sim.sim.carrier
self.sim.signal = sim
self.dc_node_id = self.sim.carrier.node_id(owner.node)
self.ac_node_id = self.sim.signal.node_id(owner.node)
self.Nf = len(owner.freqs)
self.Ndm = int(2 ** self.Nf)
self.neq = self.sim.signal.M().num_equations
self.demod_f = np.zeros((self.sim.carrier.optical_frequencies.size, self.Ndm))
self.demod_f_sig = np.zeros((self.sim.carrier.optical_frequencies.size, self.Ndm), dtype=np.dtype("long"))
self.demod_phi = np.zeros(self.Ndm)
self.s = np.zeros(self.neq, dtype=np.complex128)
cpdef fill_selection_vector(self) :
cdef HOMSolver signal = self.sim.signal
self.demod_f[:] = 0
self.demod_f_sig[:] = 0
self.demod_phi[:] = 0
self.s[:] = 0
for i in range(self.neq):
signal.set_source_fast_3(i, self.s[i], self.owner.name)
cpdef set_covariance_matrix(self, complex_t[::1] v, unicode name) :
# TODO: Should this be a copy?
self.v = v
cdef void fill_demod_f_table(QuantumNoiseDetectorWorkspace self) noexcept:
frequency_info_t f
Py_ssize_t i, j, k
for i in range(self.sim.carrier.optical_frequencies.size):
f = self.sim.carrier.optical_frequencies.frequency_info[i]
self.demod_f[f.index][:] = f.f
for i in range(self.Ndm):
for j in range(self.Nf):
# Use bit shifting here to determine whether we add a plus
# or minus to the total frequency and phases
if (i >> j) & 0x01:
self.demod_phi[i] += self.owner.phases[j]
for k in range(self.sim.carrier.optical_frequencies.size):
f = self.sim.carrier.optical_frequencies.frequency_info[k]
self.demod_f[f.index][i] += float(self.owner.freqs[j])
self.demod_phi[i] -= self.owner.phases[j]
for k in range(self.sim.carrier.optical_frequencies.size):
f = self.sim.carrier.optical_frequencies.frequency_info[k]
self.demod_f[f.index][i] -= float(self.owner.freqs[j])
cdef fill_carrier_qnoise_contributions(QuantumNoiseDetectorWorkspace self) :
Py_ssize_t i, j, k
Py_ssize_t car_idx
frequency_info_t f
HOMSolver signal = self.sim.signal
self.demod_vac_contri = {}
# Check all frequencies to see if they match up to any signal
# sidebands
for i in range(self.sim.carrier.optical_frequencies.size):
car_idx = self.sim.carrier.optical_frequencies.frequency_info[i].index
for j in range(self.Ndm):
self.demod_f_sig[car_idx][j] = -1
# Check frequencies against any existing signals, if we're not
# only considering pure vacuum states
if not self.owner.shot_only:
for k in range(signal.optical_frequencies.size):
f = signal.optical_frequencies.frequency_info[k]
if float_eq(self.demod_f[car_idx][j], f.f):
self.demod_f_sig[car_idx][j] = k
# If no signal frequency could be found then this is a pure
# vacuum noise field so need to add it to the contribution list
if self.demod_f_sig[car_idx][j] == -1:
# Check if there are any other contributions listed already
# for this carrier
# TODO: remove direct comparison of floats
if self.demod_f[car_idx][j] in self.demod_vac_contri:
# If we have already found another item with this
# carrier frequency then these noises are correlated
elt = self.demod_vac_contri[self.demod_f[car_idx][j]]
elt = {
"c_idx": [car_idx],
"phi_idx": [j],
"f": self.demod_f[car_idx][j],
self.demod_vac_contri[self.demod_f[car_idx][j]] = elt
cdef fill_qnoised_selection_vector(QuantumNoiseDetectorWorkspace self) :
Py_ssize_t i, j, k
Py_ssize_t s_idx
frequency_info_t fc, fs
HOMSolver signal = self.sim.signal
# For each carrier field check if the corresponding demodulated
# frequency is a signal sideband. If so, we need to include it in the
# selection vector.
for j in range(self.sim.carrier.optical_frequencies.size):
fc = self.sim.carrier.optical_frequencies.frequency_info[j]
for k in range(self.Ndm):
if self.demod_f_sig[j][k] >= 0:
# If this is a signal sideband frequency this is the
# product between the j'th carrier and this.
fs = signal.optical_frequencies.frequency_info[self.demod_f_sig[j][k]]
if fs.audio_order > 0:
for i in range(nmax(signal.nhoms, 1)):
s_idx = signal.field_fast(self.ac_node_id, fs.index, i)
self.s[s_idx] = self.s[s_idx] + (
self.sim.carrier.get_out_fast(self.dc_node_id, fc.index, i)
* cexp(-1j * radians(self.demod_phi[k]))
for i in range(nmax(signal.nhoms, 1)):
s_idx = signal.field_fast(self.ac_node_id, fs.index, i)
self.s[s_idx] = self.s[s_idx] + conj(
self.sim.carrier.get_out_fast(self.dc_node_id, fc.index, i)
* cexp(-1j * radians(self.demod_phi[k]))
cdef c_qnoised_output(self) :
"""Computes the output of the quantum noise detector.
The output of this `QuantumNoiseDetector`.
double rtn = 0
double f0 = self.sim.model_settings.f0
double unit_vacuum = self.sim.model_settings.UNIT_VACUUM
double nf_factor = 0.25**self.Nf
HOMSolver signal = self.sim.signal
HOMSolver carrier = self.sim.carrier
if not self.owner.shot_only:
for i in range(self.neq):
rtn += creal(self.v[i] * conj(self.s[i]))
# Now we must loop over the contributions from the demodulation for
# frequencies that are not signal sidebands, i.e. we pick up pure
# vacuum noise and demodulate that into our signal.
for el in self.demod_vac_contri.values():
if len(el["c_idx"]) > 1:
for j in range(max(signal.nhoms, 1)):
val = 0
for k in el["c_idx"]:
val += (
carrier.get_out_fast(self.dc_node_id, k, j)
).conjugate() * np.exp(
1j * np.deg2rad(self.demod_phi[<int>el["phi_idx"][j]])
if not self.owner.shot_only:
# TODO: why is this factor needed?
val *= np.sqrt(2)
rtn += abs(val)**2 * (1 + el["f"] / f0)
val = 0
for j in range(max(signal.nhoms, 1)):
val += abs(carrier.get_out_fast(self.dc_node_id, el["c_idx"][0], j)) ** 2
rtn += val * (1 + el["f"] / f0)
for f in self.owner.freqs:
# Compensate for demod 0.5 factor if demodulating a signal
# frequency as this is what a network analyser would do.
if np.isclose(float(f), float(signal.model.fsig.f)):
rtn *= 2
return (
* rtn
* f0
* nf_factor
) ** 0.5