#cython: boundscheck=False, wraparound=False, initializedcheck=False
cimport numpy as np
import numpy as np
from finesse.symbols import simplification
from finesse.cymath cimport complex_t
from finesse.cymath.complex cimport conj, cexp
from finesse.cymath.complex cimport cnorm
from finesse.cymath.math cimport float_eq
from finesse.cymath.sparsemath cimport zcsrgecmv, zcsrgevmv, csr_matrix
from finesse.simulations.simulation cimport BaseSimulation
from finesse.simulations.homsolver cimport HOMSolver
from finesse.frequency cimport frequency_info_t
from finesse.detectors.workspace cimport (
from finesse.element_workspace cimport BaseCValues
from finesse.detectors import pdtypes
from finesse.parameter import Parameter, ParameterState
cimport finesse.constants
from libc.stdlib cimport calloc, realloc, free
ctypedef (double*,) ptr_tuple_1
ctypedef (double*, double*) ptr_tuple_2
ctypedef (double*, double*, double*) ptr_tuple_3
ctypedef (double*, double*, double*, double*) ptr_tuple_4
ctypedef (double*, double*, double*, double*, double*) ptr_tuple_5
ctypedef (double*, double*, double*, double*, double*, double*) ptr_tuple_6
ctypedef (double*, double*, double*, double*, double*, double*, double*) ptr_tuple_7
ctypedef (double*, double*, double*, double*, double*, double*, double*, double*) ptr_tuple_8
ctypedef (double*, double*, double*, double*, double*, double*, double*, double*, double*) ptr_tuple_9
ctypedef (double*, double*, double*, double*, double*, double*, double*, double*, double*, double*) ptr_tuple_10
ctypedef (double*, double*, double*, double*, double*, double*, double*, double*, double*, double*, double*) ptr_tuple_11
IF UNAME_SYSNAME == "Windows":
cdef extern from "<math.h>":
double nan(const char* input)
cdef double NAN = nan("")
cdef double NAN = 0.0/0.0
def check_is_fsig(model, f: Parameter):
"""Checks if a frequency parameter `f` is dependant or the same value as
the current model signal frequency.
if model.fsig.f.value is None:
return False # signal simulations disabled
with simplification():
if f.state == ParameterState.Symbolic:
f_value = f.value.collect()
f_value = float(f.value)
if model.fsig.f.state == ParameterState.Symbolic:
fsig_value = model.fsig.f.value.collect()
fsig_value = float(model.fsig.f)
return (
fsig_value == f_value
or model.fsig.f.ref == f_value
or f.ref == fsig_value
cdef inline void do_zcsrgecmv(
csr_matrix *M, HOMSolver mtx,
int node_id, int f1_index, int f2_index,
int N, complex *result
) noexcept:
"""Wrapper for computing:
.. math::
v2^H M v1
where M is a CSR matrix and the v1 and v2 are HOM vectors
extraced from mtx solution at a given node between two different
frequencies. The result pointer value is incremented by the product.
v2 is conjugated for the product.
M : csr_matrix pointer
Photodiode segementation matrix, should be Hermitian
N : int
Size of HOM matrix to extract from solvers
mtx : HOMSolver
Matrix system solution to extract HOM vectors for
node_id : int
Node ID to extract vector information for
f1_index, f2_index : int
Frequency index to extract vector information for
increment_ptr : complex*
Pointer to incredment result of operation to
cdef complex z
cdef Py_ssize_t _N = 0
# Get optical field vector pointers
cdef complex *E1 = mtx.node_field_vector_fast(node_id, f1_index, &_N)
cdef complex *E2 = mtx.node_field_vector_fast(node_id, f2_index, &_N)
assert(N == _N)
# Compute vector matrix vector to compute
# segmentation effects
zcsrgecmv(M, E1, _N, E2, _N, &z)
result[0] += z
cdef inline void do_zcsrgecmv2(
csr_matrix *M,
int N,
HOMSolver mtx1,
int node1_id,
int f1_index,
HOMSolver mtx2,
int node2_id,
int f2_index,
bint conjugate_result,
complex *increment_ptr
) noexcept:
"""Wrapper for computing:
.. math::
v2^H M v1
where M is a CSR matrix and the v1 and v2 are HOM vectors
extraced from different mtx solutions at a given node between two different
frequencies. The result pointer value is incremented by the product.
v2 is conjugated for the product.
M : csr_matrix pointer
Photodiode segementation matrix, should be Hermitian
N : int
Size of HOM matrix to extract from solvers
mtx1, mtx2 : HOMSolver
Matrix system solution to extract HOM vectors for
node1_id, node2_id : int
Node ID to extract vector information for
f1_index, f2_index : int
Frequency index to extract vector information for
conjugate_result : bool
Whether to conjugate result before summing to result pointer
increment_ptr : complex*
Pointer to incredment result of operation to
cdef complex z
cdef Py_ssize_t _N = 0
# Get optical field vector pointers
cdef complex *E1 = mtx1.node_field_vector_fast(node1_id, f1_index, &_N)
cdef complex *E2 = mtx2.node_field_vector_fast(node2_id, f2_index, &_N)
# Compute vector matrix vector to compute
# segmentation effects
zcsrgecmv(M, E1, N, E2, N, &z)
if conjugate_result:
increment_ptr[0] += conj(z)
increment_ptr[0] += z
cdef inline void do_zcsrgevmv2(
csr_matrix *M,
int N,
HOMSolver mtx1,
int node1_id,
int f1_index,
HOMSolver mtx2,
int node2_id,
int f2_index,
bint conjugate_result,
complex *increment_ptr
) noexcept:
"""Wrapper for computing:
.. math::
v2^T M v1
where M is a CSR matrix and the v1 and v2 are HOM vectors
extraced from different mtx solutions at a given node between two different
frequencies. The result pointer value is incremented by the product.
v2 is *NOT* conjugated for the product.
M : csr_matrix pointer
Photodiode segementation matrix, should be Hermitian
N : int
Size of HOM matrix to extract from solvers
mtx1, mtx2 : HOMSolver
Matrix system solution to extract HOM vectors for
node1_id, node2_id : int
Node ID to extract vector information for
f1_index, f2_index : int
Frequency index to extract vector information for
conjugate_result : bool
Whether to conjugate result before summing to result pointer
increment_ptr : complex*
Pointer to incredment result of operation to
cdef complex z
cdef Py_ssize_t _N = 0
# Get optical field vector pointers
cdef complex *E1 = mtx1.node_field_vector_fast(node1_id, f1_index, &_N)
cdef complex *E2 = mtx2.node_field_vector_fast(node2_id, f2_index, &_N)
# Compute vector matrix vector to compute
# segmentation effects, no conjugation
zcsrgevmv(M, E1, N, E2, N, &z)
if conjugate_result:
increment_ptr[0] += conj(z)
increment_ptr[0] += z
### PD0 workspace & output funcs ###
cdef class PD0Workspace(MaskedDetectorWorkspace):
def __init__(
BaseSimulation sim,
pdtype : dict = None
super().__init__(owner, sim, values, oinfo=oinfo, needs_carrier=True)
oinfo = self.oinfo
ni = sim.carrier.get_node_info(oinfo.nodes[0])
self.rhs_index = ni["rhs_index"]
self.dc_node_id = sim.carrier.node_id(oinfo.nodes[0])
if self.has_mask:
if pdtype is not None: # not supported yet
raise NotImplementedError()
if pdtype is not None:
#self.tmp = np.zeros(self.size, dtype=complex)
self.K = pdtypes.construct_segment_beat_matrix(
sim.model.mode_index_map, pdtype, sparse_output=True
pd0_DC_output = OutputFuncWrapper.make_from_ptr(c_pd0_DC_output)
cdef c_pd0_DC_output(DetectorWorkspace dws) :
"""This expects a `PD0Workspace` input. Fast computation of DC power at a node."""
PD0Workspace ws = <PD0Workspace> dws
HOMSolver carrier = ws.sim.carrier
Py_ssize_t i, j
double tmp = 0
Py_ssize_t N = 0
complex *E = NULL
frequency_info_t *f1 = NULL
Py_ssize_t Nf = carrier.optical_frequencies.size
for i in range(Nf):
f1 = &carrier.optical_frequencies.frequency_info[i]
E = carrier.node_field_vector_fast(ws.dc_node_id, f1.index, &N)
if E != NULL:
for j in range(N):
tmp += cnorm(E[j])
return tmp * ws.sim.model_settings.EPSILON0_C * 0.5
pd0_DC_output_segmented = OutputFuncWrapper.make_from_ptr(c_pd0_DC_output_segmented)
cdef c_pd0_DC_output_segmented(DetectorWorkspace dws) :
"""This expects a `PD0Workspace` input. Fast computation of DC power at a node
with segmentation assumed in the photodiode. Where :math:`E` is the vector of
complex fields, and :math:`K` is a modal scattering Knm matrix describing the
segmentation of a detector, the output is:
.. math::
E^{\ast} \cdot (K \cdot E)
PD0Workspace ws = <PD0Workspace> dws
HOMSolver carrier = ws.sim.carrier
Py_ssize_t i
complex_t res = 0
complex_t z = 0
frequency_info_t *f1
Py_ssize_t Nf = carrier.optical_frequencies.size
Py_ssize_t N = 0
const complex_t* E
for i in range(Nf):
f1 = &carrier.optical_frequencies.frequency_info[i]
E = carrier.node_field_vector_fast(ws.dc_node_id, f1.index, &N)
# Compute vector matrix vector
zcsrgecmv(&ws.K.M, E, N, E, N, &z)
res += z
# Only select the real part of this
return res.real * ws.sim.model_settings.EPSILON0_C * 0.5
pd0_DC_output_masked = OutputFuncWrapper.make_from_ptr(c_pd0_DC_output_masked)
cdef c_pd0_DC_output_masked(DetectorWorkspace dws) :
"""This expects a `PD0Workspace` input. Fast computation of DC power at a node where
a HOM mask has been applied to the PD."""
PD0Workspace ws = <PD0Workspace> dws
HOMSolver carrier = ws.sim.carrier
Py_ssize_t i, j, k
Py_ssize_t freq_idx
double tmp = 0
frequency_info_t *f1
Py_ssize_t Nf = carrier.optical_frequencies.size
Py_ssize_t N = 0
const complex_t* E
for i in range(Nf):
f1 = &carrier.optical_frequencies.frequency_info[i]
E = carrier.node_field_vector_fast(ws.dc_node_id, f1.index, &N)
for j in range(ws.num_unmasked_HOMs):
tmp += cnorm(E[ws.unmasked_mode_indices[j]])
return tmp * ws.sim.model_settings.EPSILON0_C * 0.5
### PD1 workspace & output funcs ###
cdef class PD1Values(BaseCValues):
def __init__(self):
cdef ptr_tuple_2 ptr = (&self.f, &self.phase)
cdef tuple params = ("f", "phase")
self.setup(params, sizeof(ptr), <double**>&ptr)
cdef class PD1Workspace(MaskedDetectorWorkspace):
def __cinit__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.num_pre_set_beats = 0
self.pre_set_beats[0] = NULL
self.pre_set_beats[1] = NULL
def __init__(self, owner, sim, frequency : Parameter, phase : Parameter, *, phase_offset=0, oinfo=None, pdtype=None):
assert(frequency is not None)
if sim.signal:
self.is_audio_mixing = check_is_fsig(sim.model, frequency)
if check_is_fsig(sim.model, frequency):
raise Exception(
f"Powerdetector {self} is demodulating at the signal frequency, but fsig is set to None"
if self.is_audio_mixing:
super().__init__(owner, sim, PD1Values(), oinfo=oinfo, needs_signal=True, needs_carrier=True)
super().__init__(owner, sim, PD1Values(), oinfo=oinfo, needs_carrier=True)
self.cvalues = <PD1Values>self.values
self.is_f_changing = frequency.is_changing
self.is_phase_changing = phase.is_changing if phase is not None else False
self.phase_offset = phase_offset
self.homs = sim.model_settings.homs_view
# store the node information for faster accesses
self.dc_node_id = sim.carrier.node_id(self.oinfo.nodes[0])
if sim.signal:
self.ac_node_id = sim.signal.node_id(self.oinfo.nodes[0])
# depeding on what the phase value is determines whether we
# are doing a real or complex demodulation
if self.is_phase_changing or (phase is not None and phase.value is not None):
# We might change from None to some actual value
self.output_real = True
# If no phase defined output complex power
self.output_real = False
# Determine if we are setting this workspace to be computing
# some segmented photodiode
self.is_segmented = pdtype is not None
if self.is_segmented:
if self.has_mask:
raise NotImplementedError()
self.K = pdtypes.construct_segment_beat_matrix(
sim.model.mode_index_map, pdtype, sparse_output=True
# Determine which fill function we need to use
if self.is_audio_mixing:
# precompute these things if nothing is changing
if not self.is_f_changing:
cpdef update_beats(self) :
Requires full initialisation and `self.update_parameter_values` calling
before using
list beats = []
frequency_info_t *f1
frequency_info_t *f2
HOMSolver carrier = self.sim.carrier
Py_ssize_t N1, N2
Py_ssize_t i, j, n, prev_num_beats
Py_ssize_t Nf = carrier.optical_frequencies.size
self.update_parameter_values() # update values we might need
prev_num_beats = self.num_pre_set_beats
for i in range(Nf):
f1 = &carrier.optical_frequencies.frequency_info[i]
for j in range(Nf):
f2 = &carrier.optical_frequencies.frequency_info[j]
if abs((f1.f - f2.f) - self.cvalues.f) < 1e-14:
(self.dc_node_id, f1.index),
(self.dc_node_id, f2.index),
self.num_pre_set_beats = len(beats)
if self.num_pre_set_beats > 0:
if prev_num_beats > 0:
self.pre_set_beats[0] = <complex**>realloc(
if not self.pre_set_beats[0]:
raise MemoryError()
self.pre_set_beats[1] = <complex**>realloc(
if not self.pre_set_beats[1]:
raise MemoryError()
self.pre_set_beats[0] = <complex**>calloc(
if not self.pre_set_beats[0]:
raise MemoryError()
self.pre_set_beats[1] = <complex**>calloc(
if not self.pre_set_beats[1]:
raise MemoryError()
for n in range(self.num_pre_set_beats):
self.pre_set_beats[0][n] = carrier.node_field_vector_fast(beats[n][0][0], beats[n][0][1], &N1)
self.pre_set_beats[1][n] = carrier.node_field_vector_fast(beats[n][1][0], beats[n][1][1], &N2)
if N1 != N2 != self.sim.model_settings.num_HOMs:
raise RuntimeError("Mismatched HOM vector sizes")
elif prev_num_beats > 0:
def __dealloc__(self):
if self.pre_set_beats[0] != NULL:
if self.pre_set_beats[1] != NULL:
pd1_AC_output = OutputFuncWrapper.make_from_ptr(c_pd1_AC_output)
cdef object c_pd1_AC_output(DetectorWorkspace dws) :
"""Computes a single signal frequency demodulation of some power output.
This single function will handle:
- masks
- segmentation
- neither
Masks and segmentation are not supported at the same time.
dws : DetectorWorkspace
Expects a `PD1Workspace` type
value : float or complex
Demodulated power of signal frequency
PD1Workspace ws = <PD1Workspace> dws
HOMSolver carrier = ws.sim.carrier
HOMSolver signal = ws.sim.signal
frequency_info_t *f1,
Py_ssize_t F, i, j, k
Py_ssize_t m # mode index
complex_t tmp, z
complex_t *Ec
complex_t *Es
Py_ssize_t Nf = carrier.optical_frequencies.size
Py_ssize_t Nc = 0
Py_ssize_t Ns = 0
double demod_phase = (ws.phase_offset + ws.cvalues.phase) * finesse.constants._DEG2RAD
ws.Aij = 0
if ws.is_segmented:
for F in range(Nf):
f1 = &carrier.optical_frequencies.frequency_info[F]
# Get optical carrier field vector pointers
Ec = carrier.node_field_vector_fast(ws.dc_node_id, f1.index, &Nc)
# Next compute vector matrix vector to compute segmentation effects.
# use hermitian conjugate option to conjugate carrier to multiple with
# upper signal sideband
Es = signal.node_field_vector_fast(ws.ac_node_id, f1.audio_upper_index, &Ns)
zcsrgecmv(&ws.K.M, Ec, Nc, Es, Ns, &z)
ws.Aij += z
# lower sideband needs unconjugated carrier, as we compute
# the conjugated lower sideband propagation
Es = signal.node_field_vector_fast(ws.ac_node_id, f1.audio_lower_index, &Ns)
zcsrgevmv(&ws.K.M, Ec, Nc, Es, Ns, &z)
ws.Aij += z
for F in range(Nf):
f1 = &carrier.optical_frequencies.frequency_info[F]
for k in range(ws.num_unmasked_HOMs):
m = ws.unmasked_mode_indices[k]
tmp = carrier.get_out_fast(ws.dc_node_id, f1.index, m)
ws.Aij += conj(tmp) * signal.get_out_fast(ws.ac_node_id, f1.audio_upper_index, m)
# lower sideband conjugate is modelled
ws.Aij += tmp * signal.get_out_fast(ws.ac_node_id, f1.audio_lower_index, m)
# Factor of two to undo 0.5 demodulation gain
if ws.output_real:
tmp = ws.Aij * cexp(-1j * demod_phase)
return 2 * tmp.real * ws.sim.model_settings.EPSILON0_C * 0.5
return 2 * ws.Aij * ws.sim.model_settings.EPSILON0_C * 0.5
pd1_DC_output = OutputFuncWrapper.make_from_ptr(c_pd1_DC_output)
cdef object c_pd1_DC_output(DetectorWorkspace dws) :
"""Computes a single RF demodulation of a power output.
This single function will handle:
- masks
- segmentation
- neither
Masks and segmentation are not supported at the same time.
dws : DetectorWorkspace
Expects a `PD1Workspace` type
value : float or complex
Demodulated power
PD1Workspace ws = <PD1Workspace> dws
HOMSolver carrier = ws.sim.carrier
frequency_info_t *f1
frequency_info_t *f2
Py_ssize_t i, j, k, n
Py_ssize_t N = ws.sim.model_settings.num_HOMs
Py_ssize_t N1, N2
Py_ssize_t m # mode index
complex_t tmp, z
complex_t* E1
complex_t* E2
double demod_phase = (ws.phase_offset + ws.cvalues.phase) * finesse.constants._DEG2RAD
ws.Aij = 0
if ws.num_pre_set_beats > 0:
if ws.is_segmented:
for n in range(ws.num_pre_set_beats):
# Get the RHS view indices
E1 = ws.pre_set_beats[0][n]
E2 = ws.pre_set_beats[1][n]
# Compute vector matrix vector to compute
# segmentation effects
zcsrgecmv(&ws.K.M, E1, N, E2, N, &z)
ws.Aij += z
for n in range(ws.num_pre_set_beats):
# Get the RHS view indices
E1 = ws.pre_set_beats[0][n]
E2 = ws.pre_set_beats[1][n]
for k in range(ws.num_unmasked_HOMs):
m = ws.unmasked_mode_indices[k]
ws.Aij += E1[m] * conj(E2[m])
# Do dumb thing and check everything if we have/can not optimise
for i in range(carrier.optical_frequencies.size):
f1 = &carrier.optical_frequencies.frequency_info[i]
for j in range(carrier.optical_frequencies.size):
f2 = &carrier.optical_frequencies.frequency_info[j]
if float_eq(f1.f - f2.f, ws.cvalues.f):
if ws.is_segmented:
# get indicies pointing to start of particular frequency
i = carrier.field_fast(ws.dc_node_id, f1.index, 0)
j = carrier.field_fast(ws.dc_node_id, f2.index, 0)
# Get optical field vector pointers
E1 = carrier.node_field_vector_fast(ws.dc_node_id, f1.index, &N1)
E2 = carrier.node_field_vector_fast(ws.dc_node_id, f2.index, &N2)
# Compute vector matrix vector to compute
# segmentation effects
zcsrgecmv(&ws.K.M, E1, N1, E2, N2, &z)
ws.Aij += z
for k in range(ws.num_unmasked_HOMs):
m = ws.unmasked_mode_indices[k]
ws.Aij += (carrier.get_out_fast(ws.dc_node_id, f1.index, m) *
conj(carrier.get_out_fast(ws.dc_node_id, f2.index, m)))
if demod_phase:
tmp = ws.Aij*cexp(-1j * demod_phase)
tmp = ws.Aij
if ws.output_real:
return tmp.real * ws.sim.model_settings.EPSILON0_C * 0.5
return tmp * ws.sim.model_settings.EPSILON0_C * 0.5
### PD2 workspace & output funcs ###
cdef class PD2Values(BaseCValues):
def __init__(self):
cdef ptr_tuple_4 ptr = (&self.f1, &self.phase1, &self.f2, &self.phase2)
cdef tuple params = ("f1", "phase1", "f2", "phase2")
self.setup(params, sizeof(ptr), <double**>&ptr)
cdef class PD2Workspace(MaskedDetectorWorkspace):
def __init__(self, owner, sim, f1, phase1, f2, phase2, *, phase1_offset=0, oinfo=None, pdtype=None):
assert(phase1 is not None)
assert(f1 is not None)
assert(f2 is not None)
if sim.signal:
if check_is_fsig(sim.model, f1):
raise Exception(
f"pd2 {self.name} f1 cannot be an audio frequency, use f2 for audio demodulation"
self.is_audio_mixing = check_is_fsig(sim.model, f2)
if self.is_audio_mixing:
super().__init__(owner, sim, PD2Values(), oinfo=oinfo, needs_carrier=True, needs_signal=True)
super().__init__(owner, sim, PD2Values(), oinfo=oinfo, needs_carrier=True)
self.cvalues = <PD2Values>self.values
self.homs = sim.model_settings.homs_view
self.dc_node_id = sim.carrier.node_id(self.oinfo.nodes[0])
if sim.signal:
self.ac_node_id = sim.signal.node_id(self.oinfo.nodes[0])
if self.is_phase2_changing or (phase2 is not None and phase2.value is not None):
# We might change from None to some actual value
self.output_real = True
# If no phase defined output complex power
self.output_real = False
# Determine if we are setting this workspace to be computing
# some segmented photodiode
self.is_segmented = pdtype is not None
if self.is_segmented:
if self.has_mask:
raise NotImplementedError()
self.K = pdtypes.construct_segment_beat_matrix(
sim.model.mode_index_map, pdtype, sparse_output=True
# Choose the appropriate output function
if self.is_audio_mixing:
# if not ws.is_f1_changing and not (ws.is_f2_changing and ws.is_audio_mixing):
# # Sidebands beating together are known apriori if frequency bins are not
# # changing, or if this is just an audio mixer.
# ws.update_parameter_values()
# # If frequency is fixed then we just precompute the beats
# ws.update_beats()
pd2_DC_output = OutputFuncWrapper.make_from_ptr(c_pd2_DC_output)
cdef object c_pd2_DC_output(DetectorWorkspace dws) :
"""This expects a `PD2Workspace` input"""
PD2Workspace ws = <PD2Workspace> dws
HOMSolver carrier = ws.sim.carrier
frequency_info_t *f1
frequency_info_t *f2
Py_ssize_t i, j, k
Py_ssize_t m # mode index
complex_t tmp, phs
double f_plus = ws.cvalues.f1 + ws.cvalues.f2
double f_minus = ws.cvalues.f2 - ws.cvalues.f1
Py_ssize_t Nf = carrier.optical_frequencies.size
int N = ws.sim.model_settings.num_HOMs
ws.z1 = 0
ws.z2 = 0
for i in range(Nf):
f1 = &carrier.optical_frequencies.frequency_info[i]
for j in range(Nf):
f2 = &carrier.optical_frequencies.frequency_info[j]
if f1.f - f2.f == f_plus:
if ws.is_segmented:
do_zcsrgecmv(&ws.K.M, carrier, ws.dc_node_id, f2.index, f1.index, N, &ws.z1)
for k in range(ws.num_unmasked_HOMs):
m = ws.unmasked_mode_indices[k]
ws.z1 += (carrier.get_out_fast(ws.dc_node_id, f1.index, m) *
conj(carrier.get_out_fast(ws.dc_node_id, f2.index, m)))
if f1.f - f2.f == f_minus:
if ws.is_segmented:
do_zcsrgecmv(&ws.K.M, carrier, ws.dc_node_id, f2.index, f1.index, N, &ws.z1)
for k in range(ws.num_unmasked_HOMs):
m = ws.unmasked_mode_indices[k]
ws.z2 += (carrier.get_out_fast(ws.dc_node_id, f1.index, m) *
conj(carrier.get_out_fast(ws.dc_node_id, f2.index, m)))
if ws.cvalues.phase1:
phs = cexp(-1j * ws.cvalues.phase1 * finesse.constants._DEG2RAD)
tmp = ws.z1 * phs + ws.z2 * conj(phs)
tmp = ws.z1 + ws.z2
if ws.cvalues.phase2:
tmp *= cexp(-1j * ws.cvalues.phase2 * finesse.constants._DEG2RAD)
# Factor 1/2 from demod gain
# And a mystery factor of two to match up with v2
if ws.output_real:
return tmp.real * ws.sim.model_settings.EPSILON0_C * 0.5 * 0.5
return tmp * ws.sim.model_settings.EPSILON0_C * 0.5 * 0.5
pd2_AC_output = OutputFuncWrapper.make_from_ptr(c_pd2_AC_output)
cdef object c_pd2_AC_output(DetectorWorkspace dws) :
"""This expects a `PD2Workspace` input"""
PD2Workspace ws = <PD2Workspace> dws
HOMSolver carrier = ws.sim.carrier
HOMSolver signal = ws.sim.signal
frequency_info_t *f1
frequency_info_t *f2
Py_ssize_t i, j, k
Py_ssize_t m # mode index
complex_t tmp, phs, car1, car2
double df
Py_ssize_t Nf = carrier.optical_frequencies.size
int N = ws.sim.model_settings.num_HOMs
ws.z1 = 0
ws.z2 = 0
phs = cexp(-1j * ws.cvalues.phase1 * finesse.constants._DEG2RAD)
# Here we loop over each of the carrier beats and apply the relevant signal sideband
# beats. This should be the equivalent code in readout elements but they fill the maxtrix
# instead.
for i in range(Nf):
f1 = &carrier.optical_frequencies.frequency_info[i]
for j in range(Nf):
f2 = &carrier.optical_frequencies.frequency_info[j]
df = f1.f - f2.f
if float_eq(df, -ws.cvalues.f1):
# negative beats get negative demod phase
if ws.is_segmented:
# Compute E(carrier)^T @ K @ E(lower)^*
&ws.K.M, N,
signal, ws.ac_node_id, f2.audio_lower_index,
carrier, ws.dc_node_id, f1.index,
False, &ws.z2
# Compute E(carrier)^H @ K @ E(upper)
&ws.K.M, N,
signal, ws.ac_node_id, f1.audio_upper_index,
carrier, ws.dc_node_id, f2.index,
False, &ws.z2
for k in range(ws.num_unmasked_HOMs):
m = ws.unmasked_mode_indices[k]
car1 = carrier.get_out_fast(ws.dc_node_id, f1.index, m)
ws.z2 += car1 * signal.get_out_fast(ws.ac_node_id, f2.audio_lower_index, m)
car2 = carrier.get_out_fast(ws.dc_node_id, f2.index, m)
ws.z2 += signal.get_out_fast(ws.ac_node_id, f1.audio_upper_index, m) * conj(car2)
if float_eq(df, ws.cvalues.f1):
# positive beats get positive demod phase
if ws.is_segmented:
# Compute E(carrier)^T @ K @ E(lower)^*
&ws.K.M, N,
signal, ws.ac_node_id, f2.audio_lower_index,
carrier, ws.dc_node_id, f1.index,
False, &ws.z1
# Compute E(carrier)^H @ K @ E(upper)
&ws.K.M, N,
signal, ws.ac_node_id, f1.audio_upper_index,
carrier, ws.dc_node_id, f2.index,
False, &ws.z1
for k in range(ws.num_unmasked_HOMs):
m = ws.unmasked_mode_indices[k]
car1 = carrier.get_out_fast(ws.dc_node_id, f1.index, m)
ws.z1 += car1 * signal.get_out_fast(ws.ac_node_id, f2.audio_lower_index, m)
car2 = carrier.get_out_fast(ws.dc_node_id, f2.index, m)
ws.z1 += signal.get_out_fast(ws.ac_node_id, f1.audio_upper_index, m) * conj(car2)
# 1/2 from cos(X)*cos(Y) = 1/2(cos(X+Y)+cos(X-Y)) expansion
tmp = (ws.z1 * phs + ws.z2 * conj(phs)) * 0.5
if ws.cvalues.phase2:
tmp *= cexp(-1j * ws.cvalues.phase2 * finesse.constants._DEG2RAD)
# Factor of two because of signal scaling
if ws.output_real:
return 2 * tmp.real * ws.sim.model_settings.EPSILON0_C * 0.5
return 2 * tmp * ws.sim.model_settings.EPSILON0_C * 0.5
# ### Generic (slower) PD workspace & output funcs ###
# TODO ddb this all needs changing over to use the SparseMatrixSimulation
# class, which as none of this is used anywhere really I can't be bothered doing
# right now, as I'm not sure if any of this have any valid test cases
# cdef class PDWorkspace(DetectorWorkspace):
# cdef:
# public BaseSimulation DC
# public BaseSimulation AC
# public Py_ssize_t dc_node_id
# public Py_ssize_t ac_node_id
# public int[:, ::1] homs
# const int[:, ::1] mask
# bint mode_is_network
# double[:, :, :, ::1] beat_factors
# Py_ssize_t num_demod
# Py_ssize_t num_mixes
# double[:, ::1] fmix_view
# double EPSILON0_C
# complex_t[::1] zview
# def __init__(self,
# owner,
# sims,
# int N_demods,
# double EPSILON0_C,
# const int[:, ::1] mask,
# bint mode_is_network,
# beat_factors=None):
# super().__init__(owner, sims)
# self.mask = mask
# self.mode_is_network = mode_is_network
# self.beat_factors = beat_factors
# # Computing values and allocating arrays that will be used throughout
# # the simulation output calculations
# self.num_demod = N_demods
# self.num_mixes = 1 + self.num_demod * (self.num_demod - 1) / 2
# self.fmix_view = np.ones((self.num_mixes, self.num_demod))
# self.zview = np.zeros(self.num_mixes, dtype=np.complex128)
# # TODO ddb - I think the mix table only needs to be made once
# # Might need to update if the demod frequencies change
# _create_mix_table(self.num_demod, self.fmix_view)
# def mixer_pd_output(PDWorkspace ws,
# double[::1] freqs,
# double[::1] phases,
# long long[::1] max_phase_indices
# ):
# cdef:
# Py_ssize_t mix_index
# double f_ref
# complex_t dm_amp
# complex_t power
# # Flag for whether this pd is computing purely a transfer function
# # TODO: Is this really needed, or just an artifact from the past?
# int transfer = 0
# for mix_index in range(ws.num_mixes):
# f_ref = _get_reference_freq(ws.num_demod, mix_index, ws.fmix_view, freqs)
# if ws.beat_factors is not None:
# ws.zview[mix_index] = compute_amplitude_beats(ws, &transfer, f_ref)
# else:
# ws.zview[mix_index] = compute_amplitude(ws, &transfer, f_ref)
# dm_amp = _set_demodulation_phase(
# ws.num_demod, ws.zview, ws.fmix_view, ws.num_mixes, phases, max_phase_indices
# )
# power = _get_demodulation_signal(
# ws.num_demod, dm_amp, phases, max_phase_indices, ws.EPSILON0_C, ws.mode_is_network, transfer
# )
# return power
# cdef _create_mix_table(Py_ssize_t num_demod, double[:, ::1] fmix_view) noexcept:
# cdef:
# int num_mixes = 1
# Py_ssize_t demod_index_outer, demod_index_inner, mix_permutation_index
# np.ndarray[double, ndim=1] fmix_tmp = np.ones(num_demod)
# double[::1] fmix_tmp_view = fmix_tmp
# for demod_index_outer in range(1, num_demod):
# for mix_permutation_index in range(demod_index_outer, 0, -1):
# num_mixes += 1
# fmix_tmp_view[mix_permutation_index - 1] *= -1
# for demod_index_inner in range(num_demod):
# fmix_view[num_mixes - 1][demod_index_inner] = fmix_tmp_view[demod_index_inner]
# def dc_pd_output(PDWorkspace ws):
# cdef:
# complex_t power = COMPLEX_0
# int transfer = 0
# if ws.beat_factors is not None:
# power = compute_amplitude_beats(ws, &transfer)
# else:
# power = compute_amplitude(ws, &transfer)
# return power.real * ws.EPSILON0_C * 0.5
# cdef double _get_reference_freq(
# Py_ssize_t num_demod,
# Py_ssize_t mix_index,
# double[:, ::1] fmix_view,
# double[::1] freqs
# ) noexcept nogil:
# cdef:
# double f_ref = 0.0
# Py_ssize_t demod_index
# for demod_index in range(num_demod):
# f_ref += fmix_view[mix_index][demod_index] * freqs[demod_index]
# return f_ref
# cdef complex_t _set_demodulation_phase(
# Py_ssize_t num_demod,
# complex_t[::1] zview,
# double[:, ::1] fmix_view,
# Py_ssize_t num_mixes,
# double[::1] phases,
# long long[::1] max_phase_indices
# ) noexcept nogil:
# cdef:
# Py_ssize_t demod_index, mix_index
# complex_t demod_amp = COMPLEX_0
# complex_t z1, z2
# double phi_max
# double* phi = <double*> calloc(num_mixes, sizeof(double))
# for demod_index in range(num_demod - 1):
# z1 = COMPLEX_0
# z2 = COMPLEX_0
# # max phase
# if in_index_array(max_phase_indices, demod_index):
# for mix_index in range(num_mixes):
# if fmix_view[mix_index][demod_index] < 0.0:
# z1 += zview[mix_index]
# else:
# z2 += zview[mix_index]
# phi_max = 0.5 * (carg(z2) - carg(z1))
# phases[demod_index] = phi_max
# for mix_index in range(num_mixes):
# phi[mix_index] -= phi_max * fmix_view[mix_index][demod_index]
# # user defined phase
# else:
# for mix_index in range(num_mixes):
# phi[mix_index] -= (
# phases[demod_index] * fmix_view[mix_index][demod_index]
# )
# for mix_index in range(num_mixes):
# demod_amp += crotate(zview[mix_index], phi[mix_index])
# free(phi)
# return demod_amp
# cdef complex_t _get_demodulation_signal(
# Py_ssize_t num_demod,
# complex_t demod_amp,
# double[::1] phases,
# long long[::1] max_phase_indices,
# double epsilon0_c,
# bint mode_is_network,
# int transfer
# ) noexcept nogil:
# cdef:
# complex_t z = demod_amp
# if not mode_is_network:
# if in_index_array(max_phase_indices, num_demod - 1):
# z = cabs(demod_amp)
# else:
# z = (
# creal(demod_amp) * cos(phases[num_demod - 1])
# + cimag(demod_amp) * sin(phases[num_demod - 1])
# )
# z *= 0.5**(num_demod - 1)
# if transfer == 2:
# z *= 2
# return z * epsilon0_c * 0.5
# cdef complex_t compute_amplitude(
# PDWorkspace ws,
# int *transfer,
# double f_ref=NAN
# ) noexcept:
# cdef:
# complex_t amplitude = COMPLEX_0
# Py_ssize_t field_idx
# Py_ssize_t N = ws.homs.shape[0]
# int n, m
# bint mixed = False
# if not isnan(f_ref):
# mixed = True
# for field_idx in range(N):
# n = ws.homs[field_idx][0]
# m = ws.homs[field_idx][1]
# if in_mask(n, m, ws.mask):
# continue
# amplitude += compute_mode_amplitude(
# carrier,
# signal,
# ws.dc_node_id,
# ws.ac_node_id,
# field_idx,
# field_idx,
# transfer,
# f_ref,
# mixed
# )
# return amplitude
# cdef complex_t compute_amplitude_beats(
# PDWorkspace ws,
# int *transfer,
# double f_ref=NAN
# ) noexcept:
# cdef:
# complex_t amplitude = COMPLEX_0
# Py_ssize_t N = ws.homs.shape[0]
# Py_ssize_t field_idx_outer, field_idx_inner
# int n1, m1, n2, m2
# double pd_factor
# bint mixed = False
# if ~isnan(f_ref):
# mixed = True
# for field_idx_outer in range(N):
# n1 = ws.homs[field_idx_outer][0]
# m1 = ws.homs[field_idx_outer][1]
# # TODO ddb : probably worth changing ws.mask to a list of included
# # mode indicies rather than checking all the time
# if in_mask(n1, m1, ws.mask):
# continue
# for field_idx_inner in range(N):
# n2 = ws.homs[field_idx_inner][0]
# m2 = ws.homs[field_idx_inner][1]
# pd_factor = ws.beat_factors [n1][m1][n2][m2]
# if pd_factor == 0.0:
# continue
# amplitude += compute_mode_amplitude(
# carrier,
# signal,
# ws.dc_node_id,
# ws.ac_node_id,
# field_idx_outer,
# field_idx_inner,
# transfer,
# f_ref,
# mixed
# ) * pd_factor
# return amplitude
# cdef complex_t compute_mode_amplitude(
# BaseSimulation DC,
# BaseSimulation AC,
# Py_ssize_t dc_node_id,
# Py_ssize_t ac_node_id,
# Py_ssize_t field_idx_outer,
# Py_ssize_t field_idx_inner,
# int *transfer,
# double f_ref,
# bint mixed
# ) noexcept nogil:
# cdef:
# Py_ssize_t i, j
# complex_t inner, outer
# complex_t amplitude = COMPLEX_0
# frequency_info_t f1, f2
# for i in range(DC.num_frequencies):
# f1 = DC.frequency_info[i]
# outer = DC.get_out_fast(dc_node_id, f1.index, field_idx_outer)
# for j in range(DC.num_frequencies):
# f2 = DC.frequency_info[j]
# if mixed:
# if not float_eq(f1.f - f2.f, f_ref):
# continue
# else:
# if not float_eq(f1.f, f2.f):
# continue
# transfer[0] |= 1
# inner = DC.get_out_fast(dc_node_id, f2.index, field_idx_inner)
# amplitude += outer * conj(inner)
# if not mixed or AC is None:
# continue
# for j in range(AC.num_frequencies):
# f2 = AC.frequency_info[j]
# if not float_eq(f1.f - f2.f, f_ref):
# continue
# transfer[0] |= 2
# inner = AC.get_out_fast(ac_node_id, f2.index, field_idx_inner)
# if f2.audio_order < 0:
# amplitude += outer * inner
# else:
# amplitude += outer * conj(inner)
# if AC is not None and mixed:
# for i in range(AC.num_frequencies):
# f1 = AC.frequency_info[i]
# outer = AC.get_out_fast(ac_node_id, f1.index, field_idx_outer)
# if f1.audio_order < 0:
# outer = conj(outer)
# for j in range(DC.num_frequencies):
# f2 = DC.frequency_info[j]
# if not float_eq(f1.f - f2.f, f_ref):
# continue
# transfer[0] |= 2
# inner = DC.get_out_fast(dc_node_id, f2.index, field_idx_inner)
# amplitude += outer * conj(inner)
# return amplitude
# cdef bint in_index_array(long long[::] indices, Py_ssize_t idx) noexcept nogil:
# cdef:
# Py_ssize_t i
# Py_ssize_t N = indices.shape[0]
# for i in range(N):
# if indices[i] == idx:
# return True
# return False