# cython: profile=False
"""Sparse matrix math tools.
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np
from libc.stdlib cimport free, calloc
from finesse.cymath.complex cimport conj
[docs]cdef class CSRMatrix:
"""A complex value Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) matrix.
This is a useful format for storing a sparse matrix for
fast matrix vector products.
This class wraps the `csr_matrix` structure which is pure C
and so can be passed to functions that do not need the GIL.
A : np.ndarray[complex, ndim=2]
A dense matrix to convert into a sparse format
def __init__(self, np.ndarray[complex, ndim=2] A):
self.M.rows = A.shape[0]
self.M.cols = A.shape[1]
rows, cols = np.nonzero(A)
self.M.nnz = len(rows)
self.M.row_ptr = <unsigned int*> calloc(self.M.rows+1, sizeof(unsigned int))
if not self.M.row_ptr:
raise MemoryError()
self.M.col_index = <unsigned int*> calloc(self.M.nnz, sizeof(unsigned int))
if not self.M.col_index:
raise MemoryError()
self.M.values = <complex*> calloc(self.M.nnz, sizeof(complex))
if not self.M.values:
raise MemoryError()
cdef Py_ssize_t i, j = 0
for i in range(self.M.nnz):
self.M.col_index[i] = cols[i]
self.M.values[i] = A[rows[i], cols[i]]
self.M.row_ptr[self.M.rows] = self.M.nnz
for i in range(self.M.rows):
# what does i-th row start?
self.row_ptr[i] = j
if i == self.M.rows-1:
while j < self.M.nnz and rows[j] <= i:
j += 1
def __dealloc__(self):
if self.M.row_ptr:
if self.M.col_index:
if self.M.values:
def nnz(self):
"""Number of non-zero elements"""
return self.M.nnz
def rows(self):
"""Number of rows in matrix"""
return self.M.rows
def cols(self):
"""Number of columns in matrix"""
return self.M.cols
def row_ptr(self):
"""Index in values and col_index where each row starts"""
return np.asarray(<unsigned int[:(self.M.rows+1)]>self.M.row_ptr)
def col_index(self):
"""Column index for each non-zero element"""
return np.asarray(<unsigned int[:(self.M.nnz)]>self.M.col_index)
def values(self):
"""Sparse matrix non-zero values"""
return np.asarray(<np.complex128_t[:(self.M.nnz)]>self.M.values)
def multiply(self, np.ndarray x):
"""Compute y = M @ x"""
cdef complex[::1] _x = np.ascontiguousarray(x, dtype=complex)
cdef complex[::1] y = np.zeros(self.M.rows, dtype=complex)
rtn = zcsrgemv(&self.M, &_x[0], len(x), &y[0], len(y))
if rtn != 0:
raise Exception(f"zcsrgemv error {rtn}")
return np.asarray(y)
def zcsrgecmv(self, np.ndarray x, np.ndarray y):
"""Complex (z) valued CSR (csr) general (ge) hermitiain conjugate vector (c) matrix (m) vector (v) product.
.. math::
z = y^{\\mathrm{H}} \\cdot M \\cdot x
x : array
1D, size self.cols
y : array
1D, size self.rows
cdef complex[::1] _x = np.ascontiguousarray(x, dtype=complex)
cdef complex[::1] _y = np.ascontiguousarray(y, dtype=complex)
cdef complex z
rtn = zcsrgecmv(&self.M, &_x[0], len(_x), &_y[0], len(_y), &z)
if rtn != 0:
raise Exception(f"zcsrgecmv error {rtn}")
return z
def zcsrgevmv(self, np.ndarray x, np.ndarray y):
"""Complex (z) valued CSR (csr) general (ge) transpose vector (v) matrix (m) vector (v) product.
.. math::
z = y^{\\mathrm{T}} \\cdot M \\cdot x
x : array
1D, size self.cols
y : array
1D, size self.rows
cdef complex[::1] _x = np.ascontiguousarray(x, dtype=complex)
cdef complex[::1] _y = np.ascontiguousarray(y, dtype=complex)
cdef complex z
rtn = zcsrgevmv(&self.M, &_x[0], len(_x), &_y[0], len(_y), &z)
if rtn != 0:
raise Exception(f"zcsrgevmv error {rtn}")
return z
cdef inline int zcsrgemv(csr_matrix *M, complex *x, Py_ssize_t nx, complex *y, Py_ssize_t ny) noexcept nogil:
"""Complex (z) valued CSR (csr) general (ge) matrix (m) vector (v) product.
.. math::
y = \\mathbf{M} x
M : csr_matrix struct
CSR matrix
x : complex*
Contiguous memory input vector
nx : integer
Size of x array - length of input vector, should equal cols
y : complex*
Contiguous memory output vector
ny : integer
Size of y arrays - length of output vector, should equals rows
0 on success
-1 on wrong vector size or M, x, or y are NULL
cdef Py_ssize_t i, j, nr, row
if nx != M.cols or ny != M.rows or M == NULL or x == NULL or y == NULL:
return -1 # wrong size
for i in range(ny):
y[i] = 0 # zero output array
row = 0
j = 0
nr = 0 # number of elements in row
for row in range(M.rows):
nr = M.row_ptr[row+1]-M.row_ptr[row]
# iterate over the number of elements in this row
for i in range(nr):
# multiply the matrix value by the colum
y[row] += x[M.col_index[j+i]] * M.values[j+i]
j += nr
return 0
cdef inline int zcsrgecmv(csr_matrix *M, complex *x, Py_ssize_t nx, complex *y, Py_ssize_t ny, complex *z) noexcept nogil:
"""Complex (z) valued CSR (csr) general (ge) hermitiain conjugate vector (c) matrix (m) vector (v) product.
.. math::
z = y^{\mathrm{H}} \\cdot \\mathbf{M} \\cdot x
M : csr_matrix struct
CSR matrix
x : complex*
Contiguous memory input vector
nx : integer
Size of x array - length of input vector, should equal cols
y : complex*
Contiguous memory input vector
ny : integer
Size of y arrays - length of intput vector, should equals rows
z : complex*
Output complex value
0 on success
-1 on wrong vector size or M, x, or y are NULL
cdef Py_ssize_t i, j, nr, row
cdef complex a
if nx != M.cols or ny != M.rows or M == NULL or x == NULL or y == NULL or z == NULL:
return -1 # wrong size
z[0] = 0 # initialise output to zero
row = 0
j = 0
nr = 0 # number of elements in row
for row in range(M.rows):
nr = M.row_ptr[row+1]-M.row_ptr[row]
a = 0
# iterate over the number of elements in this row
for i in range(nr):
# multiply the matrix value by the colum
a += x[M.col_index[j+i]] * M.values[j+i]
z[0] += a * conj(y[row])
j += nr
return 0
cdef inline int zcsrgevmv(csr_matrix *M, complex *x, Py_ssize_t nx, complex *y, Py_ssize_t ny, complex *z) noexcept nogil:
"""Complex (z) valued CSR (csr) general (ge) transpose vector (v) matrix (m) vector (v) product.
.. math::
z = y^{\mathrm{T}} \\cdot \\mathbf{M} \\cdot x
M : csr_matrix struct
CSR matrix
x : complex*
Contiguous memory input vector
nx : integer
Size of x array - length of input vector, should equal cols
y : complex*
Contiguous memory input vector
ny : integer
Size of y arrays - length of intput vector, should equals rows
z : complex*
Output complex value
0 on success
-1 on wrong vector size or M, x, or y are NULL
cdef Py_ssize_t i, j, nr, row
cdef complex a
if nx != M.cols or ny != M.rows or M == NULL or x == NULL or y == NULL or z == NULL:
return -1 # wrong size
z[0] = 0 # initialise output to zero
row = 0
j = 0
nr = 0 # number of elements in row
for row in range(M.rows):
nr = M.row_ptr[row+1]-M.row_ptr[row]
a = 0
# iterate over the number of elements in this row
for i in range(nr):
# multiply the matrix value by the colum
a += x[M.col_index[j+i]] * M.values[j+i]
z[0] += a * y[row]
j += nr
return 0