#cython: boundscheck=False, wraparound=False, initializedcheck=False
"""Fast computations of Higher-Order Mode related properties.
This module provides functions for computing properties of HOMs, such as
the spatial distribution :math:`u_{nm}(x,y,z;q_x,q_y)` of Hermite-Gauss
.. note::
These are low-level functions intended for use, by developers, in Cython
extensions. To calculate HG mode profiles, for example, users should
instead use the Python class :class:`.HGMode` defined in :mod:`finesse.gaussian`.
from libc.stdlib cimport calloc, free
cimport numpy as np
import numpy as np
from cython.parallel import prange
from finesse.cymath.complex cimport complex_t, inverse_unsafe, ceq, cpow_re, cexp, conj, cimag, csqrt, COMPLEX_0
from finesse.cymath.gaussbeam cimport waist_size, beam_param, beam_size, gouy
from finesse.cymath.math cimport sqrt_factorial, hermite
from finesse.utilities.cyomp cimport determine_nthreads_even
cdef extern from "math.h" nogil:
double exp(double arg)
double sqrt(double arg)
cdef extern from "constants.h":
long double PI
double TWO_ON_PI_QRT # (2/pi)^{1/4}
double ROOT2
### Spatial distribution (u_m, u_m) functions and workspace for HG modes ###
# See Eq. (9.34) in "Interferometer Techniques for Gravitational Wave Detection"
# as main point of reference for equations used in functions below
## General workspace struct for u_nm calculations ##
cdef void unm_ws_recache_from_bp(
unm_workspace* uws,
const beam_param* qx,
const beam_param* qy,
int* n=NULL,
int* m=NULL,
) noexcept nogil: # Initialise uws from beam_param constructs
unm_ws_recache(uws, qx.q, qy.q, qx.nr, qx.wavelength, n, m)
cdef void unm_ws_recache(
unm_workspace* uws,
complex_t qx,
complex_t qy,
double nr,
double lambda0,
int* n=NULL,
int* m=NULL,
) noexcept nogil:
double zrx = cimag(qx)
double zry
uws.k = 2.0 * PI / lambda0 * nr
uws.root_w0x = sqrt(waist_size(qx, nr, lambda0))
uws.gouyx = gouy(qx)
uws.root2_on_wx = ROOT2 / beam_size(qx, nr, lambda0)
uws.inv_qx = inverse_unsafe(qx)
uws.xgauss_exponent = -1j * 0.5 * uws.k * uws.inv_qx
uws.z1x = csqrt((0.0 + zrx * 1j) / qx)
uws.z2x = csqrt((0.0 + zrx * 1j) * conj(qx) / ((0.0 - zrx * 1j) * qx))
# If n is given then store it and calculate the terms
# before Hn(x') present in the u_n equation
if n != NULL:
uws.n = n[0]
uws.xpre_factor = (
* 1 / (sqrt(2**uws.n) * sqrt_factorial(uws.n) * uws.root_w0x)
* uws.z1x * cpow_re(uws.z2x, uws.n)
uws.n = -1
uws.xpre_factor = COMPLEX_0
# Equality check quicker than other calculations
if ceq(qx, qy):
uws.root_w0y = uws.root_w0x
uws.gouyy = uws.gouyx
uws.root2_on_wy = uws.root2_on_wx
uws.inv_qy = uws.inv_qx
uws.ygauss_exponent = uws.xgauss_exponent
uws.z1y = uws.z1x
uws.z2y = uws.z2x
zry = cimag(qy)
uws.root_w0y = sqrt(waist_size(qy, nr, lambda0))
uws.gouyy = gouy(qy)
uws.root2_on_wy = ROOT2 / beam_size(qy, nr, lambda0)
uws.inv_qy = inverse_unsafe(qy)
uws.ygauss_exponent = -1j * 0.5 * uws.k * uws.inv_qy
uws.z1y = csqrt((0.0 + zry * 1j) / qy)
uws.z2y = csqrt((0.0 + zry * 1j) * conj(qy) / ((0.0 - zry * 1j) * qy))
# If m is given then store it and calculate the terms
# before Hm(x') present in the u_m equation
if m != NULL:
uws.m = m[0]
uws.ypre_factor = (
* 1 / (sqrt(2**uws.m) * sqrt_factorial(uws.m) * uws.root_w0y)
* uws.z1y * cpow_re(uws.z2y, uws.m)
uws.m = -1
uws.ypre_factor = COMPLEX_0
## Additional specialised u_nm workspace struct holding pre-factor power caches ##
cdef void unm_factor_store_init(
unm_factor_store* ufs,
const unm_workspace* uws,
int max_n,
int max_m,
bint remove_gouy,
bint flip_odd_x_modes
) noexcept nogil:
ufs.nsize = 1 + max_n
ufs.msize = 1 + max_m
ufs.xpre_factor_cache = <complex_t*> calloc(ufs.nsize, sizeof(complex_t))
if not ufs.xpre_factor_cache:
raise MemoryError()
ufs.ypre_factor_cache = <complex_t*> calloc(ufs.msize, sizeof(complex_t))
if not ufs.ypre_factor_cache:
raise MemoryError()
unm_factor_store_recache(ufs, uws, remove_gouy, flip_odd_x_modes)
cdef void unm_factor_store_recache(
unm_factor_store* ufs,
const unm_workspace* uws,
bint remove_gouy,
bint flip_odd_x_modes
) noexcept nogil:
cdef complex_t x_const = TWO_ON_PI_QRT * uws.z1x / uws.root_w0x
cdef complex_t y_const = TWO_ON_PI_QRT * uws.z1y / uws.root_w0y
cdef int n
for n in range(ufs.nsize):
ufs.xpre_factor_cache[n] = (
x_const * cpow_re(uws.z2x, n) * 1 / (sqrt(2**n) * sqrt_factorial(n))
if remove_gouy:
ufs.xpre_factor_cache[n] *= cexp(-1j*(0.5+n)*uws.gouyx)
if flip_odd_x_modes and n % 2 == 1:
ufs.xpre_factor_cache[n] *= -1
cdef int m
for m in range(ufs.msize):
ufs.ypre_factor_cache[m] = (
y_const * cpow_re(uws.z2y, m) * 1 / (sqrt(2**m) * sqrt_factorial(m))
if remove_gouy:
ufs.ypre_factor_cache[m] *= cexp(-1j*(0.5+m)*uws.gouyy)
cdef void unm_factor_store_free(unm_factor_store* ufs) noexcept nogil:
if ufs.xpre_factor_cache != NULL: free(ufs.xpre_factor_cache)
if ufs.ypre_factor_cache != NULL: free(ufs.ypre_factor_cache)
## The u_n, u_m and u_nm functions themselves ##
cdef complex_t u_nm(const unm_workspace* uws, int n, int m, double x, double y) noexcept nogil:
return u_n(uws, n, x) * u_m(uws, m, y)
cdef complex_t u_nm__fast(
const unm_workspace* uws,
const unm_factor_store* ufs,
int n, int m,
double x, double y
) noexcept nogil:
return u_n__fast(uws, ufs, n, x) * u_m__fast(uws, ufs, m, y)
cdef complex_t u_nmconst(const unm_workspace* uws, double x, double y) noexcept nogil:
return u_nconst(uws, x) * u_mconst(uws, y)
cdef complex_t u_n(const unm_workspace* uws, int n, double x) noexcept nogil:
return (
* 1 / (sqrt(2**n) * sqrt_factorial(n) * uws.root_w0x)
* uws.z1x * cpow_re(uws.z2x, n)
* hermite(n, uws.root2_on_wx * x)
* cexp(uws.xgauss_exponent * x * x)
cdef complex_t u_n__fast(
const unm_workspace* uws,
const unm_factor_store* ufs,
int n,
double x,
) noexcept nogil:
return (
* hermite(n, uws.root2_on_wx * x)
* cexp(uws.xgauss_exponent * x * x)
cdef complex_t u_nconst(const unm_workspace* uws, double x) noexcept nogil:
return (
* hermite(uws.n, uws.root2_on_wx * x)
* cexp(uws.xgauss_exponent * x * x)
cdef complex_t u_m(const unm_workspace* uws, int m, double y) noexcept nogil:
return (
* 1 / (sqrt(2**m) * sqrt_factorial(m) * uws.root_w0y)
* uws.z1y * cpow_re(uws.z2y, m)
* hermite(m, uws.root2_on_wy * y)
* cexp(uws.ygauss_exponent * y * y)
cdef complex_t u_m__fast(
const unm_workspace* uws,
const unm_factor_store* ufs,
int m,
double y,
) noexcept nogil:
return (
* hermite(m, uws.root2_on_wy * y)
* cexp(uws.ygauss_exponent * y * y)
cdef complex_t u_mconst(const unm_workspace* uws, double y) noexcept nogil:
return (
* hermite(uws.m, uws.root2_on_wy * y)
* cexp(uws.ygauss_exponent * y * y)
### Misc. functions ###
cpdef Py_ssize_t field_index(int n, int m, const int[:, ::1] homs) noexcept nogil:
Py_ssize_t i
Py_ssize_t N = homs.shape[0]
int ni, mi
for i in range(N):
ni = homs[i][0]
mi = homs[i][1]
if ni == n and mi == m:
return i
# if mode not found return size of homs array
return N
cpdef bint in_mask(int n, int m, const int[:, ::1] mask) noexcept nogil:
Py_ssize_t i
Py_ssize_t Nmasks = mask.shape[0]
int n_mask, m_mask
for i in range(Nmasks):
n_mask = mask[i][0]
m_mask = mask[i][1]
if n_mask == n and m_mask == m:
return True
return False
[docs]cdef class HGModeWorkspace:
"""Fast computation of Hermite-Gauss spatial distributions.
This workspace class is used internally by :class:`.HGMode`. Users should
only ever interact with the :class:`.HGMode` object rather than this class."""
def __init__(
self, int n, int m, complex_t qx, complex_t qy, double nr, double lambda0
self.n = n
self.m = m
self.set_values(qx, qy, nr, lambda0)
cpdef set_values(self, qx=None, qy=None, nr=None, lambda0=None) :
if qx is not None:
self.qx = complex(qx)
if qy is not None:
self.qy = complex(qy)
self.is_astigmatic = not ceq(self.qx, self.qy)
if nr is not None:
self.nr = float(nr)
if lambda0 is not None:
self.lambda0 = float(lambda0)
unm_ws_recache(&self.uws, self.qx, self.qy, self.nr, self.lambda0, &self.n, &self.m)
cpdef u_n(self, x, complex_t[::1] out=None) :
from finesse.utilities.misc import is_iterable
if not is_iterable(x):
return u_nconst(&self.uws, float(x))
cdef double[::1] xs = x
cdef Py_ssize_t N = xs.shape[0]
cdef np.ndarray[complex_t, ndim=1] out_arr
if out is None:
out_arr = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.complex128)
out = out_arr
cdef int nthreads = determine_nthreads_even(N, 50)
cdef Py_ssize_t i
for i in prange(N, nogil=True, num_threads=nthreads):
out[i] = u_nconst(&self.uws, xs[i])
return out.base
cpdef u_m(self, y, complex_t[::1] out=None) :
from finesse.utilities.misc import is_iterable
if not is_iterable(y):
return u_mconst(&self.uws, float(y))
cdef double[::1] ys = y
cdef Py_ssize_t N = ys.shape[0]
cdef np.ndarray[complex_t, ndim=1] out_arr
if out is None:
out_arr = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.complex128)
out = out_arr
cdef int nthreads = determine_nthreads_even(N, 50)
cdef Py_ssize_t i
for i in prange(N, nogil=True, num_threads=nthreads):
out[i] = u_mconst(&self.uws, ys[i])
return out.base
cpdef u_nm(self, x, y, out=None) :
U_n = self.u_n(x)
if self.n != self.m or self.is_astigmatic or x.shape != y.shape:
U_m = self.u_m(y)
U_m = U_n
# NumPy outer product much faster than manually
# computing u_nm so use this here instead
U_nm = np.outer(U_n, U_m)
if out is not None:
out[:] = U_nm
return out
return U_nm
[docs]cdef class HGModes:
"""A class that calculates a selection of Hermite-Gaussian modes.
q : [complex | BeamParam]
Complex valued beam parameter. If one if given
qx = qy. Otherwise an iterable of two must be given
(qx, qy).
modes : tuple((n, m))
list of mode indices
zero_tem00_gouy : bool, optional
When True, the HG00 mode will have its gouy phase
removed, and relatively removed from all other HG
modes. ie. gouy = (n+m)*Gouy rather than (1+n+m)*Gouy
reverse_gouy : bool, optional
Gouy phase is removed from coupling coefficients when
flip_odd_x_modes : bool, optional
When True any output mode with an odd n index will have
a negative sign applied. This should be used in
reflection cases due to the coordinate system change.
unm_workspace unm_ws
unm_factor_store unm_factor_ws
object qx
object qy
int[:, ::1] modes
int max_n
int max_m
int[::1] unique_n
int[::1] unique_m
int[:, ::1] unique_map
cdef readonly:
bint zero_tem00_gouy
bint reverse_gouy
bint flip_odd_x_modes
def __init__(self, q, modes, bint zero_tem00_gouy=False, bint reverse_gouy=False, bint flip_odd_x_modes=False):
from finesse import BeamParam
cdef Py_ssize_t i
cdef int n, m
qx, qy = q
except TypeError:
qx = qy = q
self.max_n = 0
self.max_m = 0
self.modes = np.zeros((len(modes), 2), dtype=np.int32)
for i, (n,m) in enumerate(modes):
self.modes[i, 0] = n
self.modes[i, 1] = m
if n > self.max_n:
self.max_n = n
if m > self.max_m:
self.max_m = m
self.unique_map = np.zeros_like(self.modes)
self.unique_n, a = np.unique(self.modes[:,0], return_inverse=True)
self.unique_m, b = np.unique(self.modes[:,1], return_inverse=True)
# copy mapping to variables for use later
np.asarray(self.unique_map)[:, 0] = a
np.asarray(self.unique_map)[:, 1] = b
self.zero_tem00_gouy = zero_tem00_gouy
self.reverse_gouy = reverse_gouy
self.flip_odd_x_modes = flip_odd_x_modes
if not isinstance(qx, BeamParam):
qx = BeamParam(q=qx)
if not isinstance(qy, BeamParam):
qy = BeamParam(q=qy)
if qx.nr != qy.nr:
raise ValueError("Refractive indices associated with qs must be equal.")
if qx.wavelength != qy.wavelength:
raise ValueError("Wavelengths associated with qs must be equal.")
self.qx = qx
self.qy = qy
beam_param _qx
beam_param _qy
_qx.q = self.qx.q
_qy.q = self.qy.q
_qx.nr = self.qx.nr
_qy.nr = self.qy.nr
_qx.wavelength = self.qx.wavelength
_qy.wavelength = self.qy.wavelength
unm_ws_recache_from_bp(&self.unm_ws, &_qx, &_qy)
self.max_n, self.max_m,
def __dealloc__(self):
def unique_n_modes(self):
return np.asarray(self.unique_n)
def unique_m_modes(self):
return np.asarray(self.unique_m)
def unique_map(self):
return np.asarray(self.unique_map)
cdef void set_q(self, beam_param* qx, beam_param* qy) noexcept nogil:
unm_ws_recache_from_bp(&self.unm_ws, qx, qy)
unm_factor_store_recache(&self.unm_factor_ws, &self.unm_ws, self.reverse_gouy, self.flip_odd_x_modes)
cpdef compute_1d_modes(self, double[::1] x, double[::1] y) :
"""Calculates the Un and Um modes arrays for the modes that
were specificied when creating this HGModes object.
x, y : ndarray
Array of x and y data points to compute the modes over
Un : ndarray(shape=(N, x.size))
A 2D array of all the modes over the x array
Um : ndarray(shape=(N, y.size))
A 2D array of all the modes over the y array
cdef complex_t[:,::1] Un, Um
Un, Um = self.c_compute_1d_modes(x, y)
return np.asarray(Un), np.asarray(Um)
cdef c_compute_1d_modes_T(self, double[::1] x, double[::1] y) :
cdef Py_ssize_t i, j, Nx, Ny
cdef complex_t[:, ::1] Un = np.zeros((len(x), len(self.unique_n)), dtype=np.complex128)
cdef complex_t[:, ::1] Um = np.zeros((len(y), len(self.unique_m)), dtype=np.complex128)
Nx = len(x)
Ny = len(y)
Nux = len(self.unique_n)
Nuy = len(self.unique_m)
for i in range(Nx):
for j in range(Nux):
Un[i, j] = u_n__fast(&self.unm_ws, &self.unm_factor_ws, self.unique_n[i], x[j])
for i in range(Ny):
for j in range(Nuy):
Um[i, j] = u_m__fast(&self.unm_ws, &self.unm_factor_ws, self.unique_m[i], y[j])
return Un, Um
cdef c_compute_1d_modes(self, double[::1] x, double[::1] y) :
cdef Py_ssize_t i, j, Nx, Ny
cdef complex_t[:, ::1] Un = np.zeros((len(self.unique_n), len(x)), dtype=np.complex128)
cdef complex_t[:, ::1] Um = np.zeros((len(self.unique_m), len(y)), dtype=np.complex128)
Nx = len(x)
Ny = len(y)
Nux = len(self.unique_n)
Nuy = len(self.unique_m)
for i in range(Nux):
for j in range(Nx):
Un[i, j] = u_n__fast(&self.unm_ws, &self.unm_factor_ws, self.unique_n[i], x[j])
for i in range(Nuy):
for j in range(Ny):
Um[i, j] = u_m__fast(&self.unm_ws, &self.unm_factor_ws, self.unique_m[i], y[j])
return Un, Um
cpdef compute_2d_modes(self, double[::1] x, double[::1] y) :
"""Calculates the Unm modes that were specificied when creating this
HGModes object.
x, y : ndarray
Array of x and y data points to compute the modes over
Unm : ndarray(shape=(N, y.size, x.size))
A 3D array of all the modes over the x and y domain
cdef complex_t[:, :, ::1] Unm
Unm = self.c_compute_2d_modes(x, y)
return np.asarray(Unm)
cpdef compute_points(self, double[::1] x, double[::1] y) :
"""Calculates the Unm modes over a set of (x,y) points.
x, y : ndarray
Array of x and y data points to compute the modes over, size of x
and y must be the same.
Unm : ndarray(shape=(x.size, N), dtype=complex)
A 2D array of all the modes over the x and y domain
if x.size != y.size:
raise Exception("x and y array must be the same size")
complex_t[:, ::1] Un
complex_t[:, ::1] Um
complex_t[:, ::1] Unm = np.empty((len(self.modes), len(y)), dtype=np.complex128)
Py_ssize_t i, j, k, l, N
np.ndarray arr = np.asarray(Unm)
Un, Um = self.compute_1d_modes(x, y)
N = len(x)
for i in range(len(self.modes)):
j = self.unique_map[i, 0]
k = self.unique_map[i, 1]
for l in range(N):
arr[i, l] = Um[k, l] * Un[j, l]
return Unm
cdef c_compute_2d_modes(self, double[::1] x, double[::1] y) :
complex_t[:, ::1] Un
complex_t[:, ::1] Um
complex_t[:, :, ::1] Unm = np.empty((len(self.modes), len(y), len(x)), dtype=np.complex128)
Py_ssize_t i, j, k
np.ndarray arr = np.asarray(Unm)
Un, Um = self.compute_1d_modes(x, y)
for i in range(len(self.modes)):
j = self.unique_map[i, 0]
k = self.unique_map[i, 1]
np.outer(Um[k], Un[j], out=arr[i, :, :])
return Unm
def Unm(self, int n, int m, double x, double y):
return u_nm__fast(&self.unm_ws, &self.unm_factor_ws, n, m, x, y)
cdef complex_t fast_Unm(self, int n, int m, double x, double y) noexcept nogil:
return u_nm__fast(&self.unm_ws, &self.unm_factor_ws, n, m, x, y)
cdef complex_t fast_Un(self, int n, double x) noexcept nogil:
return u_n__fast(&self.unm_ws, &self.unm_factor_ws, n, x)
cdef complex_t fast_Um(self, int m, double y) noexcept nogil:
return u_m__fast(&self.unm_ws, &self.unm_factor_ws, m, y)