from finesse.simulations.workspace cimport ABCDWorkspace
from finesse.cymath.cmatrix cimport SubCCSView
from finesse.frequency cimport frequency_info_t
from libc.stdlib cimport calloc, free
from cpython.ref cimport PyObject, Py_XINCREF, Py_XDECREF
[docs]cdef class FillFuncWrapper:
Helper class for wrapping a C fill function that
can be referenced from Python by objects. This
allows a direct C call to the function from other
cdef functions.
Create a C function then wrap it using this class:
>>> cdef void c_fill(ConnectorWorkspace ptr_ws) noexcept:
>>> cdef MirrorWorkspace ws = <MirrorWorkspace>ptr_ws
>>> ...
>>> fill = FillFuncWrapper.make_from_ptr(c_fill)
def __cinit__(self):
self.func = NULL
cdef FillFuncWrapper make_from_ptr(fptr_c_fill f) :
cdef FillFuncWrapper out = FillFuncWrapper()
out.func = f
return out
class Connections:
"""This is a container object for storing the connection submatrices defined by
a component. This is used in the default case where no optimised C class is provided."""
class NoiseSources:
"""This is a container object for storing the noise submatrices defined by
a component. This is used in the default case where no optimised C class is provided."""
[docs]cdef class ConnectorMatrixSimulationInfo:
def __init__(self, object connections=None, object noise_sources=None):
self.fn_rhs_c = None
self.fn_rhs_py = None
self.fn_quantum_noise_c = None
self.fn_quantum_noise_py = None
self.fn_quantum_noise_input_c = None
self.fn_quantum_noise_input_py = None
self.connections = connections or Connections()
self.connection_settings = {}
self.noise_sources = noise_sources or NoiseSources()
def __dealloc__(self):
for i in range(self.matrix_fills.size):
if self.matrix_fills.infos[i].fn_py != NULL:
self.matrix_fills.infos[i].fn_py = NULL
def add_fill_function(self, callback, bint refill):
""" This adds a callback function that will be used by the model to
fill the matrix elements. This can either be a Python function or cdef
wrapped with `FillFuncWrapper`.
callback : Callable or FillFuncWrapper
Callback for fill function
refill : boolean
Flags that this fill function will need to be called multiple times
during simulation to refill the simulation matrix
cdef Py_ssize_t MAX = sizeof(self.matrix_fills.infos)//sizeof(fill_info_t)
if self.matrix_fills.size >= MAX:
raise IndexError(f"Reached maximum number ({MAX}) of fill functions")
if type(callback) is FillFuncWrapper:
self.matrix_fills.infos[self.matrix_fills.size].fn_c = (<FillFuncWrapper>callback).func
self.matrix_fills.infos[self.matrix_fills.size].fn_py = NULL
elif callable(callback):
self.matrix_fills.infos[self.matrix_fills.size].fn_py = <PyObject*> callback
raise ValueError(f"Callback {callback} should be callable or a FillFuncWrapper")
self.matrix_fills.infos[self.matrix_fills.size].refill = refill
self.matrix_fills.size += 1
self.matrix_fills.num_refills += int(refill)
self.callback_flag = <ConnectorCallbacks> (self.callback_flag | ConnectorCallbacks.FILL_MATRIX)
def set_fill_rhs_fn(self, callback):
""" This sets the callback function that will be used by the model to
fill the RHS vector elements. This can either be a Python function or cdef
wrapped with `FillFuncWrapper`.
if type(callback) is FillFuncWrapper:
self.fn_rhs_c = callback
elif callable(callback):
self.fn_rhs_py = callback
raise ValueError(f"Callback {callback} should be callable or a FillFuncWrapper")
self.callback_flag = <ConnectorCallbacks> (self.callback_flag | ConnectorCallbacks.FILL_RHS)
def set_fill_noise_function(self, noise_type, callback):
""" This sets the callback function that will be used by the model to
fill the noise matrix elements. This can either be a Python
function, which accepts a
from finesse.components.general import NoiseType
if noise_type == NoiseType.QUANTUM:
if type(callback) is FillFuncWrapper:
self.fn_quantum_noise_c = callback
elif callable(callback):
self.fn_quantum_noise_py = callback
raise ValueError(f"Callback {callback} should be callable or a FillFuncWrapper")
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported noise type {noise_type}")
self.callback_flag = <ConnectorCallbacks> (self.callback_flag | ConnectorCallbacks.FILL_NOISE)
def set_fill_quantum_noise_input_function(self, callback):
""" This sets the callback function that will be used by the model to
fill the quantum noise matrix elements due to input nodes.
if type(callback) is FillFuncWrapper:
self.fn_quantum_noise_input_c = callback
elif callable(callback):
self.fn_quantum_noise_input_py = callback
raise ValueError(f"Callback {callback} should be callable or a FillFuncWrapper")
self.callback_flag = <ConnectorCallbacks> (self.callback_flag | ConnectorCallbacks.FILL_INPUT_NOISE)
cdef class ConnectorWorkspace(ABCDWorkspace):
This workspace represents the basic container for storing details
for modelling Connector elements - those which form edges and nodes
in a model.
def __init__(
object owner,
object sim,
object carrier_connections=None,
object signal_connections=None,
object values=None,
object noise_sources=None
super().__init__(sim, owner, values=values)
self.carrier = ConnectorMatrixSimulationInfo(carrier_connections)
self.signal = ConnectorMatrixSimulationInfo(signal_connections, noise_sources)
if sim.signal:
cdef setup_quantum_noise(self) :
int i
int num_input_nodes
int num_output_nodes
from import Space
input_nodes = []
output_nodes = []
# Spaces don't own any nodes, can't be unconnected, and can't have mismatches across them
if not isinstance(self.owner, Space):
for node in self.owner.optical_nodes:
if node.is_input:
# Only add input nodes if they are unconnected
# or known as an open port where vacuum noise
# gets injected in
if not node.port.is_connected:
num_input_nodes = len(input_nodes)
num_output_nodes = len(output_nodes)
self.input_noise = NoiseInfo(num_input_nodes, self.sim.signal.optical_frequencies.size)
self.output_noise = NoiseInfo(num_output_nodes, self.sim.signal.optical_frequencies.size)
for i in range(num_input_nodes):
node = input_nodes[i]
self.input_noise.node_info[i].idx = self.sim.signal.node_id(node)
for i in range(num_output_nodes):
node = output_nodes[i]
self.output_noise.node_info[i].idx = self.sim.signal.node_id(node)
[docs]cdef class NoiseInfo:
def __init__(self, int num_nodes, int num_frequencies):
self.num_nodes = num_nodes
self.nodes = SubCCSView2DArray(num_nodes, num_frequencies)
self.node_info = <node_noise_info *>calloc(num_nodes, sizeof(node_noise_info))
if not self.node_info:
raise MemoryError()
self.ptrs = self.nodes.views
def __del__(self):
if self.node_info:
optical_quantum_noise_plane_wave = FillFuncWrapper.make_from_ptr(c_optical_quantum_noise_plane_wave)
cdef c_optical_quantum_noise_plane_wave(ConnectorWorkspace ws) :
int i, j
double qn
frequency_info_t *freq
for i in range(ws.sim.signal.optical_frequencies.size):
freq = &(ws.sim.signal.optical_frequencies.frequency_info[i])
qn = ws.sim.model_settings.UNIT_VACUUM / 2 * (1 + freq.f_car[0] / ws.sim.model_settings.f0)
for j in range(ws.input_noise.num_nodes):