#cython: boundscheck=False, wraparound=False, initializedcheck=False
from finesse.cymath cimport complex_t
from finesse.cymath.math cimport radians
from finesse.simulations.simulation cimport BaseSimulation
from finesse.simulations.sparse.solver cimport SparseSolver
from finesse.frequency cimport frequency_info_t
from finesse.utilities import refractive_index
from finesse.cymath.cmatrix cimport SubCCSView
from libc.stdlib cimport calloc, free
from libc.string cimport memset
from numpy cimport ndarray
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np
from scipy.special import jn
import logging
ctypedef (double*, double*, double*) ptr_tuple_3
cdef extern from "constants.h":
long double PI
double C_LIGHT
double DEG2RAD
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
cdef double[:,::1] abcd_unity = np.eye(2, dtype=float)
cdef class ModulatorValues(BaseCValues):
def __init__(self):
cdef ptr_tuple_3 ptr = (&self.f, &self.midx, &self.phase)
cdef tuple params = ("f", "midx", "phase")
self.setup(params, sizeof(ptr), <double**>&ptr)
[docs]cdef class ModulatorOpticalConnections:
"""Contains C accessible references to submatrices for
optical connections for this element.
def __cinit__(self, SparseSolver mtx):
cdef int Nf = mtx.optical_frequencies.size
self.P1i_P2o = SubCCSView2DArray(Nf, Nf)
self.P2i_P1o = SubCCSView2DArray(Nf, Nf)
self.opt_conn_ptrs.P1i_P2o = <PyObject***>self.P1i_P2o.views
self.opt_conn_ptrs.P2i_P1o = <PyObject***>self.P2i_P1o.views
[docs]cdef class ModulatorSignalConnections:
"""Contains C accessible references to submatrices for
optical connections for this element.
def __cinit__(self, SparseSolver mtx):
cdef int Nf = mtx.optical_frequencies.size
self.amp_P2o = SubCCSView2DArray(1, Nf)
self.amp_P1o = SubCCSView2DArray(1, Nf)
self.phs_P2o = SubCCSView2DArray(1, Nf)
self.phs_P1o = SubCCSView2DArray(1, Nf)
self.sig_conn_ptrs.amp_P2o = <PyObject***>self.amp_P2o.views
self.sig_conn_ptrs.amp_P1o = <PyObject***>self.amp_P1o.views
self.sig_conn_ptrs.phs_P2o = <PyObject***>self.phs_P2o.views
self.sig_conn_ptrs.phs_P1o = <PyObject***>self.phs_P1o.views
cdef void set_coupling_orders(ndarray orders, int set_order, double f, mtx, modulator_coupling_order** rtn, Py_ssize_t* N, dict coupling_orders) noexcept:
"""Returns a [frequency input index, frequency output index, order] array
free must be called on rtn* once finished with object.
for f1 in mtx.optical_frequencies.frequencies:
coupling_orders[f1, f1] = 0
for f2 in mtx.optical_frequencies.frequencies:
df = f2.f - f1.f
order = df / float(f)
if hasattr(order, "eval"):
order = order.eval()
if not order.is_integer():
order = int(round(order))
if abs(order) <= set_order:
coupling_orders[f1, f2] = order
coupling_orders[f2, f1] = -order
items = tuple(coupling_orders.items())
N[0] = len(items)
rtn[0] = <modulator_coupling_order*>calloc(N[0], sizeof(modulator_coupling_order))
if not rtn[0]:
raise MemoryError()
for i, ((f1, f2), _order) in enumerate(items):
rtn[0][i].f1_index = f1.index
rtn[0][i].f2_index = f2.index
rtn[0][i].order = _order
order_index = np.argwhere(orders == _order)
assert order_index.shape == (1, 1)
rtn[0][i].order_index = int(order_index[0][0])
cdef class ModulatorWorkspace(KnmConnectorWorkspace):
def __init__(self, object owner, BaseSimulation sim):
cdef Py_ssize_t i
ModulatorSignalConnections(sim.signal) if sim.signal else None,
self.nr1 = refractive_index(owner.p1)
self.nr2 = refractive_index(owner.p2)
self.cvalues = self.values
self.mcc = self.carrier.connections
if sim.signal:
self.mcs = self.signal.connections
self.amp_signal_enabled = owner.amp.i.full_name in sim.signal.nodes
self.phs_signal_enabled = owner.phs.i.full_name in sim.signal.nodes
self.mcs = None
if sim.is_modal:
"P1i_P2o", abcd_x=abcd_unity, abcd_y=abcd_unity, nr_from=self.nr1, nr_to=self.nr2, is_transmission=True
"P2i_P1o", abcd_x=abcd_unity, abcd_y=abcd_unity, nr_from=self.nr2, nr_to=self.nr1, is_transmission=True
order = int(owner.order.eval())
self.N_orders = 2 * order + 1
self.orders = np.zeros(self.N_orders, dtype=np.int32)
self.phases = np.zeros(self.N_orders, dtype=np.complex128)
self.amps = np.zeros(self.N_orders, dtype=np.float64)
for i in range(-order, order + 1):
if i < 0:
self.orders[self.N_orders + i] = i
self.orders[i] = i
if self.values.mod_type == ModulatorType.am:
if self.amp_signal_enabled:
raise NotImplementedError("amplitude signal injection not supported yet with amplitude modulators")
if self.phs_signal_enabled:
raise NotImplementedError("phase signal injection not supported yet with amplitude modulators")
self.factors_12 = np.zeros((self.N_orders, sim.model_settings.num_HOMs, sim.model_settings.num_HOMs), dtype=np.complex128)
self.factors_21 = np.zeros((self.N_orders, sim.model_settings.num_HOMs, sim.model_settings.num_HOMs), dtype=np.complex128)
self.carrier_frequency_couplings = {}
self.signal_frequency_couplings = {}
# need to free this memory later
order, owner.f,
sim.carrier, &self.car_coupling_orders,
if sim.signal:
order, owner.f, sim.signal, &self.sig_coupling_orders,
self.increment_sig = <bint*>calloc(self.sim.signal.optical_frequencies.size, sizeof(bint))
if not self.increment_sig:
raise MemoryError()
self.eye = np.eye(sim.model_settings.num_HOMs, dtype=np.complex128)
def __dealloc__(self):
if self.sig_coupling_orders:
if self.car_coupling_orders:
if self.increment_sig:
cpdef fill_quantum_matrix(self) :
modulator_coupling_order* mco = NULL
modulator_optical_connections *conn = &self.mcs.opt_conn_ptrs
Py_ssize_t i
for i in range(self.N_sig_coupling_orders):
mco = (self.sig_coupling_orders + i)
if mco.f1_index != mco.f2_index:
if conn.P1i_P2o[mco.f1_index][mco.f2_index]:
if conn.P2i_P1o[mco.f1_index][mco.f2_index]:
if conn.P1i_P2o[mco.f1_index][mco.f2_index]:
if conn.P2i_P1o[mco.f1_index][mco.f2_index]:
cdef object compute_factors(ModulatorWorkspace ws) :
This function still needs optimising, plenty of Python calls still
double phi = radians(ws.cvalues.phase)
double midx = ws.cvalues.midx
Py_ssize_t i
if ws.cvalues.mod_type == ModulatorType.am:
ws.amps[:] = 0.25 * midx
ws.amps[0] = 1.0 - 0.5 * midx
elif ws.cvalues.mod_type == ModulatorType.pm:
ws.amps[:] = jn(ws.orders, midx)
phi += 0.5 * PI
np.exp(1j * phi * ws.orders, out=ws.phases)
if ws.cvalues.positive_only:
ws.amps[0] = 1.0 - 0.5 * (1.0 - ws.amps_view[0])
for i in range(-ws.cvalues.order, 0):
ws.amps[ws.N_orders + i] = 0.0
# TODO ddb can use a faster outer product here probably
np.multiply.outer(ws.amps * ws.phases, ws.K12.data, out=ws.factors_12)
np.multiply.outer(ws.amps * ws.phases, ws.K21.data, out=ws.factors_21)
cdef void fill_optical_2_optical(
ModulatorWorkspace ws,
modulator_optical_connections *conn,
modulator_coupling_order* cpl_orders,
Py_ssize_t N_cpl_orders
) noexcept:
cdef modulator_coupling_order* mco = NULL
cdef Py_ssize_t i = 0
for i in range(N_cpl_orders):
mco = (cpl_orders + i)
if conn.P1i_P2o[mco.f1_index][mco.f2_index]:
-1, ws.factors_12[mco.order_index][:]
if conn.P2i_P1o[mco.f1_index][mco.f2_index]:
-1, ws.factors_21[mco.order_index][:]
modulator_carrier_fill = FillFuncWrapper.make_from_ptr(c_modulator_carrier_fill)
cdef object c_modulator_carrier_fill(ConnectorWorkspace cws) :
cdef ModulatorWorkspace ws = <ModulatorWorkspace>cws
fill_optical_2_optical(ws, &ws.mcc.opt_conn_ptrs, ws.car_coupling_orders, ws.N_car_coupling_orders)
modulator_signal_optical_fill = FillFuncWrapper.make_from_ptr(c_modulator_signal_optical_fill)
cdef object c_modulator_signal_optical_fill(ConnectorWorkspace cws) :
cdef ModulatorWorkspace ws = <ModulatorWorkspace>cws
fill_optical_2_optical(ws, &ws.mcs.opt_conn_ptrs, ws.sig_coupling_orders, ws.N_sig_coupling_orders)
modulator_signal_phase_fill = FillFuncWrapper.make_from_ptr(c_modulator_signal_phase_fill)
cdef object c_modulator_signal_phase_fill(ConnectorWorkspace cws) :
cdef ModulatorWorkspace ws = <ModulatorWorkspace>cws
if ws.mod_type == ModulatorType.pm:
modulator_signal_amp_fill = FillFuncWrapper.make_from_ptr(c_modulator_signal_amp_fill)
cdef object c_modulator_signal_amp_fill(ConnectorWorkspace cws) :
cdef ModulatorWorkspace ws = <ModulatorWorkspace>cws
if ws.mod_type == ModulatorType.pm:
cdef object fill_phase_mod_phs_2_optical_signals(
ModulatorWorkspace ws
) :
"""Fills the phase noise to output optical field coupling for a phase modulator
double midx = ws.cvalues.midx
modulator_coupling_order* mco = NULL
Py_ssize_t i = 0
frequency_info_t *f
frequency_info_t* fs[2]
complex_t factor
double k
modulator_signal_connections *signal_conn = &ws.mcs.sig_conn_ptrs
modulator_optical_connections *carrier_conn = &ws.mcc.opt_conn_ptrs
# we use this flag array to keep track of whether we will
# increment or reset a coupling.
memset(ws.increment_sig, 0, ws.sim.signal.optical_frequencies.size * sizeof(bint))
# Steps here:
# 1 - Get each carrier coupling order
# 2 - compute the factor i*k*midx/2
# 4 - apply this phase modulation only around incoming carrier that gets coupled
# 3 - get the upper and lower sidebands around the outgoing carrier frequency
for i in range(ws.N_car_coupling_orders):
mco = (ws.car_coupling_orders + i)
# get audio sidebands
f = &ws.sim.carrier.optical_frequencies.frequency_info[mco.f2_index]
k = ws.sim.model_settings.k0 * (1 + f.f_car[0]/ws.sim.model_settings.f0)
fs[0] = &ws.sim.signal.optical_frequencies.frequency_info[f.audio_upper_index]
fs[1] = &ws.sim.signal.optical_frequencies.frequency_info[f.audio_lower_index]
factor = 1j * k * midx * 0.5 # two half factor from two cosine gains
for f in fs:
if signal_conn.phs_P2o[0][f.index]:
(<SubCCSView>signal_conn.phs_P2o[0][f.index]).fill_prop_za (
(<SubCCSView>carrier_conn.P1i_P2o[mco.f1_index][mco.f2_index]), 0, factor, ws.increment_sig[f.index]
if signal_conn.phs_P1o[0][f.index]:
(<SubCCSView>signal_conn.phs_P1o[0][f.index]).fill_prop_za (
(<SubCCSView>carrier_conn.P2i_P1o[mco.f1_index][mco.f2_index]), 0, factor, ws.increment_sig[f.index]
# flag that any other coupling into this output frequency needs to increment now
# otherwise we'll overwrite previouslly set couplings
ws.increment_sig[f.index] |= 1
cdef object fill_phase_mod_amp_2_optical_signals(
ModulatorWorkspace ws
) :
"""Fills amplitude noise input to optical output coupling elements.
Based on a small relative modulation index excitation
.. math::
J_{k}\\left(m \\left(\\delta \\cos{\\left(\\Omega t \\right)} + 1\\right)\\right)
.. math::
\\delta \\left(\\left(\\frac{m J_{k - 1}\\left(m\\right)}{4} - \\frac{m J_{k + 1}\\left(m\\right)}{4}\\right) e^{i \\Omega t} + \\left(\\frac{m J_{k - 1}\\left(m\\right)}{4} - \\frac{m J_{k + 1}\\left(m\\right)}{4}\\right) e^{- i \\Omega t}\\right) + J_{k}\\left(m\\right)
double midx = ws.cvalues.midx
modulator_coupling_order* mco = NULL
Py_ssize_t i = 0
double J_m1, J, J_p1
frequency_info_t *f
frequency_info_t* fs[2]
complex_t factor
modulator_signal_connections *signal_conn = &ws.mcs.sig_conn_ptrs
modulator_optical_connections *carrier_conn = &ws.mcc.opt_conn_ptrs
# we use this flag array to keep track of whether we will
# increment or reset a coupling.
memset(ws.increment_sig, 0, ws.sim.signal.optical_frequencies.size * sizeof(bint))
# Steps here:
# 1 - Get each carrier coupling order
# 2 - compute the bessel function delta*(J(order-1)-J(order+1)) factor
# 3 - get the upper and lower sidebands around the outgoing carrier frequency
# 4 - apply this amplitude modulation only around incoming carrier that gets coupled
for i in range(ws.N_car_coupling_orders):
mco = (ws.car_coupling_orders + i)
# need to divide by J(order, midx) because this is included in the carrier coupling
# and not in the signal sideband terms
J = jn(mco.order, midx)
J_m1 = jn(mco.order-1, midx)
J_p1 = jn(mco.order+1, midx)
# get audio sidebands
f = &ws.sim.carrier.optical_frequencies.frequency_info[mco.f2_index]
fs[0] = &ws.sim.signal.optical_frequencies.frequency_info[f.audio_upper_index]
fs[1] = &ws.sim.signal.optical_frequencies.frequency_info[f.audio_lower_index]
factor = midx * 0.5 * 0.5 * (J_m1 - J_p1)/J # two half factor from two cosine gains
for f in fs:
if signal_conn.amp_P2o[0][f.index]:
(<SubCCSView>signal_conn.amp_P2o[0][f.index]).fill_prop_za (
(<SubCCSView>carrier_conn.P1i_P2o[mco.f1_index][mco.f2_index]), 0, factor, ws.increment_sig[f.index]
if signal_conn.amp_P1o[0][f.index]:
(<SubCCSView>signal_conn.amp_P1o[0][f.index]).fill_prop_za (
(<SubCCSView>carrier_conn.P2i_P1o[mco.f1_index][mco.f2_index]), 0, factor, ws.increment_sig[f.index]
# flag that any other coupling into this output frequency needs to increment now
# otherwise we'll overwrite previouslly set couplings
ws.increment_sig[f.index] |= 1
# def modulator_fill(object modulator, ModulatorWorkspace ws, SparseSolver mtx, connections, dict values, dict cporders, unicode
# mod_type, bint quantum_fill=False):
# for (f1, f2), _order in cporders.items():
# if quantum_fill:
# if f1.index == f2.index:
# with mtx.component_edge_fill3(ws.owner_id, connections.P1i_P2o_idx, f1.index, f2.index) as mat:
# mat[:] = 1
# with mtx.component_edge_fill3(ws.owner_id, connections.P2i_P1o_idx, f1.index, f2.index) as mat:
# mat[:] = 1
# else:
# with mtx.component_edge_fill3(ws.owner_id, connections.P1i_P2o_idx, f1.index, f2.index) as mat:
# mat[:] = 0
# with mtx.component_edge_fill3(ws.owner_id, connections.P2i_P1o_idx, f1.index, f2.index) as mat:
# mat[:] = 0
# else:
# with mtx.component_edge_fill3(ws.owner_id, connections.P1i_P2o_idx, f1.index, f2.index) as mat:
# mat[:] = factors_12[_order][:]
# with mtx.component_edge_fill3(ws.owner_id, connections.P2i_P1o_idx, f1.index, f2.index) as mat:
# mat[:] = factors_21[_order][:]