Source code for finesse.components.modal.laser

from finesse.cymath cimport complex_t
from finesse.cymath.complex cimport cexp
from finesse.cymath.math cimport sqrt, radians
from finesse.cymath.gaussbeam cimport bp_gouy, bp_beamsize
from finesse.cymath.cmatrix cimport SubCCSView
from finesse.simulations.base cimport NodeBeamParam
from finesse.frequency cimport frequency_info_t
from finesse.cymath.math cimport sgn
from finesse.simulations.simulation cimport BaseSimulation
from finesse.simulations.homsolver cimport HOMSolver
from finesse.cymath.complex cimport DenseZVector
from finesse.knm.matrix cimport make_unscaled_X_scatter_knm_matrix, make_unscaled_Y_scatter_knm_matrix
from finesse.simulations.workspace cimport ABCDWorkspace

import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np
cimport cython

from cpython.ref cimport PyObject

ctypedef (double*, double*, double*) ptr_tuple_3

cdef extern from "constants.h":
    long double PI
    double C_LIGHT
    double DEG2RAD

[docs]cdef class LaserConnections: def __cinit__(self, HOMSolver mtx): cdef: int Nfo = mtx.optical_frequencies.size # There are no carrier connections at a laser, just signals self.SIGPWR_P1o = SubCCSView2DArray(1, Nfo) self.SIGAMP_P1o = SubCCSView2DArray(1, Nfo) self.SIGFRQ_P1o = SubCCSView2DArray(1, Nfo) self.SIGPHS_P1o = SubCCSView2DArray(1, Nfo) self.dz_P1o = SubCCSView2DArray(1, Nfo)
self.dx_P1o = SubCCSView2DArray(1, Nfo) self.dy_P1o = SubCCSView2DArray(1, Nfo) self.xbeta_P1o = SubCCSView2DArray(1, Nfo) self.ybeta_P1o = SubCCSView2DArray(1, Nfo) self.ptrs.SIGPWR_P1o = <PyObject***>self.SIGPWR_P1o.views self.ptrs.SIGAMP_P1o = <PyObject***>self.SIGAMP_P1o.views self.ptrs.SIGFRQ_P1o = <PyObject***>self.SIGFRQ_P1o.views self.ptrs.SIGPHS_P1o = <PyObject***>self.SIGPHS_P1o.views self.ptrs.dz_P1o = <PyObject***>self.dz_P1o.views self.ptrs.dx_P1o = <PyObject***>self.dx_P1o.views self.ptrs.dy_P1o = <PyObject***>self.dy_P1o.views self.ptrs.xbeta_P1o = <PyObject***>self.xbeta_P1o.views self.ptrs.ybeta_P1o = <PyObject***>self.ybeta_P1o.views cdef class LaserValues(BaseCValues): def __init__(self): cdef ptr_tuple_3 ptr = (&self.P, &self.phase, &self.f) cdef tuple params = ("P", "phase", "f") self.setup(params, sizeof(ptr), <double**>&ptr) cdef class LaserWorkspace(ConnectorWorkspace): def __init__(self, object owner, BaseSimulation sim): super().__init__( owner, sim, None, LaserConnections(sim.signal) if sim.signal else None, LaserValues() ) self.cvalues = self.values = self.signal.connections if sim.signal else None self.PIj_2 = PI*0.5j # indexes for beam tracing self.P1o_id = sim.trace_node_index[owner.p1.o] self.K_yaw_sig = make_unscaled_X_scatter_knm_matrix(sim.model_settings.homs_view) self.K_pitch_sig = make_unscaled_Y_scatter_knm_matrix(sim.model_settings.homs_view) self.hom_vector = np.zeros(sim.model_settings.num_HOMs, dtype=complex) self.phase_vector = np.zeros(sim.model_settings.num_HOMs, dtype=complex) cdef complex_t laser_scalar(LaserWorkspace ws) noexcept: """Scalar value for laser output""" return sqrt(2 * ws.cvalues.P / ws.sim.model_settings.EPSILON0_C) * cexp(1.0j * radians(ws.cvalues.phase)) cdef void fill_hom_vector(complex_t E, LaserWorkspace ws) noexcept: """Fills the workspace HOM vector for this laser""" cdef Py_ssize_t i if ws.sim.is_modal: for i in range(ws.sim.model_settings.num_HOMs): ws.hom_vector[i] = E * ws.power_coeffs[i] * ws.phase_vector[i] else: ws.hom_vector[0] = E # planewave laser_carrier_fill_rhs = FillFuncWrapper.make_from_ptr(c_laser_carrier_fill_rhs) cdef object c_laser_carrier_fill_rhs(ConnectorWorkspace cws) : r""" Fills the right hand side (RHS) vector corresponding to the light source `laser`. The field amplitude is set as .. math:: a_{\mathrm{in}} = \sqrt{\frac{2P}{\epsilon_c}}~\exp{\left(i \varphi\right)}, where :math:`P` is the laser power and :math:`\varphi` is the specified phase of the laser. Parameters ---------- laser : :class:`.Laser` The laser object to fill. sim : :class:`.BaseSimulation` A handle to the simulation. values : dict Dictionary of evaluated model parameters. fsrc_index : int Index of source frequency bin. """ cdef: LaserWorkspace ws = <LaserWorkspace>cws HOMSolver carrier = ws.sim.carrier complex_t Ein = laser_scalar(ws) Py_ssize_t i if ws.cvalues.signals_only: return if not ws.sim.is_modal: carrier.set_source_fast( ws.node_car_id, ws.fsrc_car_idx, 0, Ein, 0 ) else: fill_hom_vector(Ein, ws) for i in range(ws.sim.model_settings.num_HOMs): carrier.set_source_fast( ws.node_car_id, ws.fsrc_car_idx, i, ws.hom_vector[i], 0 ) laser_fill_qnoise = FillFuncWrapper.make_from_ptr(c_laser_fill_qnoise) cdef object c_laser_fill_qnoise(ConnectorWorkspace cws) : r""" Fills the quantum noise input matrix corresponding to the light source `laser`. """ cdef: LaserWorkspace ws = <LaserWorkspace>cws PyObject ***noises = ws.output_noise.ptrs frequency_info_t *freq # Laser quantum noise injection complex_t qn for i in range(ws.sim.signal.optical_frequencies.size): freq = &(ws.sim.signal.optical_frequencies.frequency_info[i]) qn = ws.sim.model_settings.UNIT_VACUUM / 2 * (1 + freq.f_car[0] / ws.sim.model_settings.f0) (<SubCCSView>noises[0][freq.index]).fill_za(qn) laser_fill_signal = FillFuncWrapper.make_from_ptr(c_laser_fill_signal) cdef object c_laser_fill_signal(ConnectorWorkspace cws) : cdef: LaserWorkspace ws = <LaserWorkspace>cws laser_connections conns = <laser_connections> Py_ssize_t i double factor = ws.sim.model_settings.EPSILON0_C complex_t phs_sig complex_t frq_sig frequency_info_t *f DenseZVector c_p1_o NodeBeamParam *q_P1o double w double k = ws.sim.model_settings.k0 complex_t Ein # Recompute any input field changes Ein = laser_scalar(ws) fill_hom_vector(Ein, ws) # fixed definitions for vector c_p1_o.size = ws.sim.model_settings.num_HOMs c_p1_o.stride = 1 c_p1_o.ptr = &ws.hom_vector[0] for i in range(2): # Loop over each signal sideband f = &ws.sim.signal.optical_frequencies.frequency_info[ws.fcar_sig_sb_idx[i]] # TODO ddb - these are all assuming a single electronic frequency here, hence first 0 index if conns.SIGAMP_P1o[0][f.index]: # m/2 to get 2 * m * cosine power fluctuations (<SubCCSView>conns.SIGAMP_P1o[0][f.index]).fill_negative_za_zv(factor * 0.5, &c_p1_o) if conns.SIGPWR_P1o[0][f.index]: # m/4 to get m * cosine power fluctuations (<SubCCSView>conns.SIGPWR_P1o[0][f.index]).fill_negative_za_zv(factor * 0.5 * 0.5, &c_p1_o) if conns.SIGFRQ_P1o[0][f.index]: frq_sig = 0.5 / ws.sim.model_settings.fsig * sgn(f.audio_order) (<SubCCSView>conns.SIGFRQ_P1o[0][f.index]).fill_negative_za_zv(factor * frq_sig, &c_p1_o) if conns.SIGPHS_P1o[0][f.index]: phs_sig = 1j * 0.5 (<SubCCSView>conns.SIGPHS_P1o[0][f.index]).fill_negative_za_zv(factor * phs_sig, &c_p1_o) if conns.dz_P1o[0][f.index]: (<SubCCSView>conns.dz_P1o[0][f.index]).fill_negative_za_zv(0.5j * k * factor, &c_p1_o) if conns.dx_P1o[0][f.index] or conns.xbeta_P1o[0][f.index]: q_P1o = &ws.sim.trace[ws.P1o_id] w = bp_beamsize(&q_P1o.qx) if conns.dx_P1o[0][f.index]: (<SubCCSView>conns.dx_P1o[0][f.index]).fill_negative_za_zmv(0.5 * k * factor * w, &ws.K_yaw_sig.mtx, &c_p1_o) if conns.xbeta_P1o[0][f.index]: (<SubCCSView>conns.xbeta_P1o[0][f.index]).fill_negative_za_zmv(0.5j * k * factor * w, &ws.K_yaw_sig.mtx, &c_p1_o) if conns.dy_P1o[0][f.index] or conns.ybeta_P1o[0][f.index]: q_P1o = &ws.sim.trace[ws.P1o_id] w = bp_beamsize(&q_P1o.qy) if conns.dy_P1o[0][f.index]: (<SubCCSView>conns.dy_P1o[0][f.index]).fill_negative_za_zmv(0.5 * k * factor * w, &ws.K_pitch_sig.mtx, &c_p1_o) if conns.ybeta_P1o[0][f.index]: (<SubCCSView>conns.ybeta_P1o[0][f.index]).fill_negative_za_zmv(0.5j * k * factor * w, &ws.K_pitch_sig.mtx, &c_p1_o) laser_set_gouy = GouyFuncWrapper.make_from_ptr(set_tem_gouy_phases) @cython.boundscheck(False) @cython.wraparound(False) @cython.initializedcheck(False) cdef int set_tem_gouy_phases(ABCDWorkspace ws) except -1: cdef: const NodeBeamParam* q_p1o = &ws.sim.trace[ws.P1o_id] double gouy_x double gouy_y double phase00 = 0.0 Py_ssize_t i int n, m gouy_x = bp_gouy(&q_p1o.qx) gouy_y = bp_gouy(&q_p1o.qy) if ws.sim.model_settings.phase_config.zero_tem00_gouy: phase00 = 0.5 * gouy_x + 0.5 * gouy_y for i in range(ws.sim.model_settings.num_HOMs): if ws.add_gouy_phase: n = ws.sim.model_settings.homs_view[i][0] m = ws.sim.model_settings.homs_view[i][1] ws.phase_vector[i] = cexp(1j*(((n + 0.5) * gouy_x + (m + 0.5) * gouy_y - phase00))) else: ws.phase_vector[i] = 1 return 0