Source code for

# cython: profile=False

from finesse.cymath cimport complex_t
from finesse.cymath.complex cimport cexp, ceq, creal, cimag, cabs
from finesse.cymath.math cimport fabs, radians, degrees
from finesse.cymath.gaussbeam cimport bp_gouy, transform_q
from finesse.cymath.cmatrix cimport SubCCSView, SubCCSView1DArray, SubCCSView2DArray
from finesse.simulations.base cimport NodeBeamParam
from finesse.frequency cimport frequency_info_t
from finesse.simulations.simulation cimport BaseSimulation
from finesse.simulations.homsolver cimport HOMSolver
from finesse.simulations.workspace cimport ABCDWorkspace
from finesse.symbols import Symbol

cimport cython

from cpython.ref cimport PyObject
from libc.stdlib cimport free, calloc

cdef extern from "math.h":
    double sin(double)
    double cos(double)

ctypedef (double*, double*, double*, double*) ptr_tuple_4

cdef extern from "constants.h":
    long double PI
    double C_LIGHT
    double DEG2RAD

[docs]cdef class SpaceOpticalConnections: def __cinit__(self, HOMSolver mtx): # Only 1D arrays of views as spaces don't # couple frequencies together. Nf = mtx.optical_frequencies.size self.P1i_P2o = SubCCSView1DArray(Nf) self.P2i_P1o = SubCCSView1DArray(Nf) self.opt_ptrs.P1i_P2o = <PyObject**>self.P1i_P2o.views self.opt_ptrs.P2i_P1o = <PyObject**>self.P2i_P1o.views
cdef class SpaceSignalConnections(SpaceOpticalConnections): def __cinit__(self, HOMSolver mtx): # Only 1D arrays of views as spaces don't # couple frequencies together. if not mtx.is_signal_matrix: raise Exception("Signal simulation not enabled") Nf = mtx.optical_frequencies.size self.SIGAMP_P1o = SubCCSView2DArray(1, Nf) self.SIGAMP_P2o = SubCCSView2DArray(1, Nf) self.SIGPHS_P1o = SubCCSView2DArray(1, Nf) self.SIGPHS_P2o = SubCCSView2DArray(1, Nf) self.H_P1o = SubCCSView2DArray(1, Nf) self.H_P2o = SubCCSView2DArray(1, Nf) self.sig_ptrs.SIGAMP_P1o = <PyObject***>self.SIGAMP_P1o.views self.sig_ptrs.SIGAMP_P2o = <PyObject***>self.SIGAMP_P2o.views self.sig_ptrs.SIGPHS_P1o = <PyObject***>self.SIGPHS_P1o.views self.sig_ptrs.SIGPHS_P2o = <PyObject***>self.SIGPHS_P2o.views self.sig_ptrs.H_P1o = <PyObject***>self.H_P1o.views self.sig_ptrs.H_P2o = <PyObject***>self.H_P2o.views cdef class SpaceValues(BaseCValues): def __init__(self): cdef ptr_tuple_4 ptr = (&self.L, &, &self.user_gouy_x, &self.user_gouy_y) cdef tuple params = ("L","nr","user_gouy_x","user_gouy_y") # self.setup(params, sizeof(ptr), <double**>&ptr) cdef class SpaceWorkspace(ConnectorWorkspace): def __init__(self, object owner, BaseSimulation sim): cdef HOMSolver carrier = sim.carrier cdef HOMSolver signal = sim.signal super().__init__( owner, sim, SpaceOpticalConnections(carrier), SpaceSignalConnections(signal) if signal is not None else None, SpaceValues() ) # Here we cast connections and values to a non-specific object # so the fill functions don't have to and cython can optimise better self.sco = self.carrier.connections self.scs = self.signal.connections if signal is not None else None = self.values self.P1i_id = sim.trace_node_index[owner.p1.i] self.P1o_id = sim.trace_node_index[owner.p1.o] self.P2i_id = sim.trace_node_index[owner.p2.i] self.P2o_id = sim.trace_node_index[owner.p2.o] self.car_p1o_idx = sim.carrier.node_id(owner.p1.o) self.car_p2o_idx = sim.carrier.node_id(owner.p2.o) if signal is not None: # If we have a signal simulation then we need to cache some indicies # for grabbing data when filling self.car_p1o_rhs_idx = carrier.get_node_info(owner.p1.o)["rhs_index"] self.car_p2o_rhs_idx = carrier.get_node_info(owner.p2.o)["rhs_index"] self.car_p_num_hom = carrier.get_node_info(owner.p1.o)["nhoms"] self.strain_signal_enabled = owner.h.i.full_name in signal.nodes self.phase_signal_enabled = owner.phs.i.full_name in signal.nodes self.amp_signal_enabled = owner.amp.i.full_name in signal.nodes self.couplings = <complex_t*> calloc(sim.model_settings.num_HOMs, sizeof(complex_t)) if not self.couplings: raise MemoryError() self.sym_abcd_B = NULL def __dealloc__(self): if self.couplings: free(self.couplings) cy_expr_free(self.sym_abcd_B) def compile_abcd_cy_exprs(self): cdef: object space = self.owner cdef object[:, ::1] M_sym = list(space._abcd_matrices.values())[0][0] # NOTE (sjr) Only element B of a Space ABCD matrix can possibly change if isinstance(M_sym[0][1], Symbol): ch_sym = M_sym[0][1].expand_symbols().eval(keep_changing_symbols=True) if isinstance(ch_sym, Symbol): self.sym_abcd_B = cy_expr_new() cy_expr_init(self.sym_abcd_B, ch_sym) @cython.boundscheck(False) @cython.wraparound(False) @cython.initializedcheck(False) cpdef update_parameter_values(self) : ConnectorWorkspace.update_parameter_values(self) if self.sym_abcd_B != NULL: self.abcd[0][1] = cy_expr_eval(self.sym_abcd_B) space_carrier_fill = FillFuncWrapper.make_from_ptr(c_space_carrier_fill) @cython.boundscheck(False) @cython.wraparound(False) @cython.initializedcheck(False) cdef object c_space_carrier_fill(ConnectorWorkspace cws) : r""" Fills the sub-matrix of the interferometer matrix held by `sim`, corresponding to the `space` component. The space component propagates a light field over a length :math:`L` with index of refraction :math:`n_r`. The product :math:`n_rL` is, by definition in Finesse, always a multiple of the default laser wavelength :math:`\lambda_0`. This defines a *macroscopic length*. .. _fig_space_couplings: .. figure:: ../images/space.* :align: center Field couplings for a space. The propagation only affects the phase of the field (in the plane-wave picture): .. math:: s_1 = s_2 = \exp{\left(-i(\omega_0 + \Delta\omega) n_rL / c\right)} = \exp{\left(-i\Delta\omega n_rL / c\right)}, where :math:`\exp{\left(-i\omega_0 n_rL / c\right)} = 1` following from the definition of macroscopic lengths above. The quantity :math:`\Delta\omega` is the offset to the default (angular) frequency :math:`\omega`. In the modal picture, Gouy phases are accumulated over space components. This results in the coupling equation including these phase terms such that each field of a different mode order has a different phase accumulation: .. math:: s_{1, \mathrm{nm}} = s_{2, \mathrm{nm}} = \exp{\left(-i(\Delta\omega n_rL / c + n\psi_x + m\psi_y)\right)}, where :math:`n, m` are the mode indices and :math:`\psi_x, \psi_y` are the Gouy phases of the space in tangential and sagittal planes, respectively. Note that if the flag `zero_tem00_gouy` is false, then :math:`n \rightarrow n + 1/2` and :math:`m \rightarrow m + 1/2`. Parameters ---------- """ cdef: SpaceWorkspace ws = <SpaceWorkspace>cws HOMSolver carrier = ws.sim.carrier space_optical_connections *conns = <space_optical_connections*>&ws.sco.opt_ptrs double pre_factor = 2 * PI * * / C_LIGHT double gouy_x double gouy_y Py_ssize_t size int i frequency_info_t *frequencies frequency_info_t *freq # use user gouy phase if set gouy_x = radians( if ws.use_user_gouy_x else gouy_y = radians( if ws.use_user_gouy_y else frequencies = carrier.optical_frequencies.frequency_info size = carrier.optical_frequencies.size for i in range(size): freq = &frequencies[i] space_fill_optical_2_optical( conns, ws, freq, pre_factor, gouy_x, gouy_y, ws.sim.model_settings.phase_config.zero_tem00_gouy, ws.sim.model_settings.homs_view ) @cython.boundscheck(False) @cython.wraparound(False) @cython.initializedcheck(False) cdef inline void space_fill_optical_2_optical( space_optical_connections *conn, SpaceWorkspace ws, frequency_info_t *freq, double pre_factor, double gouy_x, double gouy_y, bint zero_tem00_gouy, int[:, ::1] homs_view ) noexcept: cdef: int n, m double ni phi = pre_factor * freq.f for field_idx in range(homs_view.shape[0]): n = homs_view[field_idx][0] m = homs_view[field_idx][1] if zero_tem00_gouy: ni = n mi = m else: ni = n + 0.5 mi = m + 0.5 gouy = ni * gouy_x + mi * gouy_y ws.couplings[field_idx] = cexp(1j * (-phi + gouy)) # Fill diagonals with the vector if conn.P1i_P2o[freq.index]: (<SubCCSView>conn.P1i_P2o[freq.index]).fill_negative_zd_2(ws.couplings, 1) if conn.P2i_P1o[freq.index]: (<SubCCSView>conn.P2i_P1o[freq.index]).fill_negative_zd_2(ws.couplings, 1) space_signal_fill = FillFuncWrapper.make_from_ptr(c_space_signal_fill) @cython.boundscheck(False) @cython.wraparound(False) @cython.initializedcheck(False) cdef object c_space_signal_fill(ConnectorWorkspace cws) : cdef: SpaceWorkspace ws = <SpaceWorkspace>cws HOMSolver signal = ws.sim.signal space_optical_connections *oconns = <space_optical_connections*>&ws.scs.opt_ptrs space_signal_connections *sconns = <space_signal_connections*>&ws.scs.sig_ptrs double pre_factor = 2 * PI * * / C_LIGHT double gouy_x double gouy_y Py_ssize_t size int i frequency_info_t *frequencies # use user gouy phase if set gouy_x = radians( if ws.use_user_gouy_x else gouy_y = radians( if ws.use_user_gouy_y else frequencies = signal.optical_frequencies.frequency_info size = signal.optical_frequencies.size for i in range(size): # for each optical signal sideband space_fill_optical_2_optical( oconns, ws, &frequencies[i], pre_factor, gouy_x, gouy_y, ws.sim.model_settings.phase_config.zero_tem00_gouy, ws.sim.model_settings.homs_view ) if ws.strain_signal_enabled: for i in range(size): # for each optical signal sideband strain_signal_fill(sconns, ws, &frequencies[i]) if ws.phase_signal_enabled: for i in range(size): # for each optical signal sideband phase_signal_fill(sconns, ws, &frequencies[i]) if ws.amp_signal_enabled: for i in range(size): # for each optical signal sideband amplitude_signal_fill(sconns, ws, &frequencies[i]) @cython.boundscheck(False) @cython.wraparound(False) @cython.initializedcheck(False) cdef inline void phase_signal_fill( space_signal_connections *sconns, SpaceWorkspace ws, frequency_info_t *freq ) noexcept: cdef: Py_ssize_t N = 0 HOMSolver carrier = ws.sim.carrier const complex_t* c_p1_o = NULL const complex_t* c_p2_o = NULL complex_t z = -1j * 0.5 # Just some pure phase modulation on the space outputs # Minus sign here because we model phase propagation as exp(-1j*(phi+A sin(Omega*t))) # Here we use the outgoing carrier field at each port. # This ensures that we include any gouy phase terms, etc. # that would otherwise need to be applied here as well, # compared to using the incoming fields. c_p1_o = carrier.node_field_vector_fast(ws.car_p1o_idx, freq.audio_carrier_index, &N) assert(c_p1_o != NULL) assert(ws.car_p_num_hom == N) c_p2_o = carrier.node_field_vector_fast(ws.car_p2o_idx, freq.audio_carrier_index, &N) assert(c_p2_o != NULL) assert(ws.car_p_num_hom == N) if sconns.SIGPHS_P1o[0][freq.index]: # Assume H only has a single frequency as input... (<SubCCSView>sconns.SIGPHS_P1o[0][freq.index]).fill_negative_za_zd_2 ( z, c_p1_o, 1 # 1D contiguous array from outview ) if sconns.SIGPHS_P2o[0][freq.index]: # Assume H only has a single frequency as input... (<SubCCSView>sconns.SIGPHS_P2o[0][freq.index]).fill_negative_za_zd_2 ( z, c_p2_o, 1 # 1D contiguous array from outview ) @cython.boundscheck(False) @cython.wraparound(False) @cython.initializedcheck(False) cdef inline void amplitude_signal_fill( space_signal_connections *sconns, SpaceWorkspace ws, frequency_info_t *freq ) noexcept: cdef: Py_ssize_t N = 0 HOMSolver carrier = ws.sim.carrier const complex_t* c_p1_o = NULL const complex_t* c_p2_o = NULL # Just some pure amplitude modulate whatever # is coming out of the space ports complex_t z = 0.5 # Here we use the outgoing carrier field at each port. # This ensures that we include any gouy phase terms, etc. # that would otherwise need to be applied here as well, # compared to using the incoming fields. c_p1_o = carrier.node_field_vector_fast(ws.car_p1o_idx, freq.audio_carrier_index, &N) assert(c_p1_o != NULL) assert(ws.car_p_num_hom == N) c_p2_o = carrier.node_field_vector_fast(ws.car_p2o_idx, freq.audio_carrier_index, &N) assert(c_p2_o != NULL) assert(ws.car_p_num_hom == N) if sconns.SIGAMP_P1o[0][freq.index]: # Assume H only has a single frequency as input... (<SubCCSView>sconns.SIGAMP_P1o[0][freq.index]).fill_negative_za_zd_2 ( z, c_p1_o, 1 # 1D contiguous array from outview ) if sconns.SIGAMP_P2o[0][freq.index]: # Assume H only has a single frequency as input... (<SubCCSView>sconns.SIGAMP_P2o[0][freq.index]).fill_negative_za_zd_2 ( z, c_p2_o, 1 # 1D contiguous array from outview ) @cython.boundscheck(False) @cython.wraparound(False) @cython.initializedcheck(False) cdef void strain_signal_fill( space_signal_connections *sconns, SpaceWorkspace ws, frequency_info_t *freq ) noexcept: cdef: Py_ssize_t N = 0 double w_g, m_g, w_0 const complex_t* c_p1_o = NULL const complex_t* c_p2_o = NULL complex_t z HOMSolver carrier = ws.sim.carrier # Reference for strain signal over a space... # Interferometer responses to gravitational waves: # Comparing Finesse simulations and analytical solutions # Charlotte Bond, Daniel Brown and Andreas Freise # LIGO DCC: T1300190 # w_g = 2 * PI * ws.sim.model_settings.fsig # GW frequency [rad/s] # What isn't really noted in the document is signals around multiple carrier # fields, but this is really just a scaling of w0 w_0 = 2 * PI * (ws.sim.model_settings.f0 + freq.f_car[0]) # 1/2 factor from Eq.7 m_g = - 0.5 * w_0/w_g * sin(w_g * * / 2 / C_LIGHT) # GW signal per strain [1/h] Eq.14 phi_sb = - w_g * * / 2 / C_LIGHT # Eq.15 # audio order here takes care of minus sign options in Eq.17 z = 1j*m_g * cexp(1j * phi_sb * freq.audio_order) # i factor from pi/2 in Eq.17 # Carrier phase term in Eq.17 is included already using the out # going field at the ports below # Here we use the outgoing carrier field at each port. # This ensures that we include any gouy phase terms, etc. # that would otherwise need to be applied here as well, # compared to using the incoming fields. c_p1_o = carrier.node_field_vector_fast(ws.car_p1o_idx, freq.audio_carrier_index, &N) assert(c_p1_o != NULL) assert(ws.car_p_num_hom == N) c_p2_o = carrier.node_field_vector_fast(ws.car_p2o_idx, freq.audio_carrier_index, &N) assert(c_p2_o != NULL) assert(ws.car_p_num_hom == N) if sconns.H_P1o[0][freq.index]: # Assume H only has a single frequency as input... (<SubCCSView>sconns.H_P1o[0][freq.index]).fill_negative_za_zd_2 ( z, c_p1_o, 1 # 1D contiguous array from outview ) if sconns.H_P2o[0][freq.index]: # Assume H only has a single frequency as input... (<SubCCSView>sconns.H_P2o[0][freq.index]).fill_negative_za_zd_2 ( z, c_p2_o, 1 # 1D contiguous array from outview ) space_set_gouy = GouyFuncWrapper.make_from_ptr(c_set_gouy_phase) @cython.boundscheck(False) @cython.wraparound(False) @cython.initializedcheck(False) cdef int c_set_gouy_phase(ABCDWorkspace cws) except -1: cdef: SpaceWorkspace ws = <SpaceWorkspace>cws const NodeBeamParam* q_p1o = &ws.sim.trace[ws.P1i_id] const NodeBeamParam* q_p2i = &ws.sim.trace[ws.P2o_id] double nr = complex_t qx_p1o_propagated complex_t qy_p1o_propagated qx_p1o_propagated = transform_q( ws.abcd, q_p1o.qx.q, nr, nr ) qy_p1o_propagated = transform_q( ws.abcd, q_p1o.qy.q, nr, nr ) # Can't have mismatches across spaces, these must occur at # components, so if a mismatch is present then report a bug # with an informative error message. if not ceq(q_p2i.qx.q, qx_p1o_propagated): raise RuntimeError( _space_mismatch_bug_report( ws, ws.P1i_id, ws.P2o_id, q_p1o.qx.q, q_p2i.qx.q, qx_p1o_propagated, "x" ) ) if not ceq(q_p2i.qy.q, qy_p1o_propagated): raise RuntimeError( _space_mismatch_bug_report( ws, ws.P1i_id, ws.P2o_id, q_p1o.qy.q, q_p2i.qy.q, qy_p1o_propagated, "y" ) ) # set workspace values = degrees( fabs(bp_gouy(&q_p2i.qx) - bp_gouy(&q_p1o.qx)) ) = degrees( fabs(bp_gouy(&q_p2i.qy) - bp_gouy(&q_p1o.qy)) ) return 0 cdef _space_mismatch_bug_report( SpaceWorkspace ws, Py_ssize_t node1_id, Py_ssize_t node2_id, complex_t q1, complex_t q2, complex_t q2e, # expected q direction, # "x" or "y" ) : node1_name = list(ws.sim.carrier.nodes.keys())[node1_id] node2_name = list(ws.sim.carrier.nodes.keys())[node2_id] z_diff = fabs(creal(q2e) - creal(q2)) zr_diff = fabs(cimag(q2e) - cimag(q2)) mag_diff = cabs(q2e - q2) return ( f"Bug encountered! Mismatch in space {} " f"from {node1_name} -> {node2_name}:" f"\n STORED q{direction} @ {node2_name} = {q2}" f"\n EXPECTED q{direction} = {q2e}" f"\n given q{direction} @ {node1_name} = {q1}," f"\n with ABCD = {ws.abcd.base.tolist()}" f"\n DIFFERENCES: |z2 - z1| = {z_diff}, |zr2 - zr1| = {zr_diff};" f"\n |q1 - q2| = {mag_diff}" )