
property Model.sim_trace_config

Dictionary corresponding to beam tracing configuration options for simulations.

The contents of this dict will be passed to the initial Model.beam_trace() call when initialising a modal simulation, determining the structure of the TraceForest which will be used for tracing the beam during the simulation.

The keys of this dict are: “order”, “disable”, “enable_only” and “symmetric”; i.e. strings of the first four arguments of Model.beam_trace().


Most of the time it is better to use Model.sim_trace_config_manager() to temporarily set simulation beam tracing configuration options, rather than modifying the entries here directly (which then requires manual re-setting as outlined below).


Beam trace method arguments for simulations.


One can use this property to change the behaviour of beam tracing for a simulation. For example, this:

model.sim_trace_config["disable"] = "cav1"

would switch off tracing from the trace-dependency named “cav1” during a simulation. It can also be used to temporarily override the trace order used, without modifying TraceDependency.priority values and, thus, without modifying the actual Model.trace_order. For example:

model.sim_trace_config["order"] = ["gL0", "cav2", "cav1"]

would set the trace ordering for the next simulation using this model to the order given.

To reset the sim_trace_config dict entries to the default values, call Model.reset_sim_trace_config().