
CCSMatrix.add_submatrix(self, SuiteSparse_long _from, SuiteSparse_long _to, unicode name, callback=None, type_=u'm')

Adds a submatrix to the matrix. The nomenclature of _from and _to refer to the variable dependency of the equations this submatrix represents, i.e. the equations in submatrix _to depends on the values in -from. Therefore _from is the subcolumn index and _to is the subrow index.


_from : long

Subcolumn index

_to : long

Subcolumn index

name : unicode

Name used to indentify this coupling in the matrix for debugging

callback : function()

A callback function that will be called once the matrix has been constructed

type_ : char, optional

Either ‘m’ for a full submatrix or ‘d’ for a diagonal element only submatrix