Source code for finesse.utilities.units

"""Convenience objects and functions for unit manipulation."""

import enum

from .misc import find

[docs]@enum.unique class SI(enum.Enum): """Enum defining common SI unit constant names. Look-up the corresponding values with the `finesse.utilities.SI_MAP` dictionary. Examples -------- To get the constant for `SI.MILLI` simply look-up: >>> SI_MAP[SI.MILLI] 1e-3 """ YOCTO = 0 ZEPTO = 1 ATTO = 2 FEMTO = 3 PICO = 4 NANO = 5 MICRO = 6 MILLI = 7 CENTI = 8 DECI = 9 NONE = 10 KILO = 11 MEGA = 12 GIGA = 13 TERA = 14 PETA = 15
SI_VALUE = { SI.YOCTO: 1e-24, SI.ZEPTO: 1e-21, SI.ATTO: 1e-18, SI.FEMTO: 1e-15, SI.PICO: 1e-12, SI.NANO: 1e-9, SI.MICRO: 1e-6, SI.MILLI: 1e-3, SI.CENTI: 1e-2, SI.DECI: 1e-1, SI.NONE: 1.0, SI.KILO: 1e3, SI.MEGA: 1e6, SI.GIGA: 1e9, SI.TERA: 1e12, SI.PETA: 1e15, } SI_LABEL = { SI.YOCTO: "y", SI.ZEPTO: "z", SI.ATTO: "a", SI.FEMTO: "f", SI.PICO: "p", SI.NANO: "n", SI.MICRO: "u", SI.MILLI: "m", SI.CENTI: "c", SI.DECI: "d", SI.KILO: "k", SI.MEGA: "M", SI.GIGA: "G", SI.TERA: "T", SI.PETA: "P", }
[docs]def get_SI_value(name): """Get an SI value by name. Valid names correspond to the ``values()`` of the ``finesse.utilities.SI_LABEL`` dict. Parameters ---------- name : str Label name of the SI value (e.g. "m" for milli, "G" for giga). Returns ------- value : float Value corresponding to the SI name. """ keys = list(SI_LABEL.keys()) values = list(SI_LABEL.values()) idx = find(values, name) if idx is None: raise ValueError(f"Invalid SI name {name}.") key = keys[idx] return SI_VALUE[key]