Source code for finesse.utilities.text

"""Text utilities."""

[docs]def ngettext(n, fsingle, fplural, sub=True): """Get the singular or plural form of the specified messages based on n. Simplified version of the Python standard library function :func:`gettext.ngettext`. Parameters ---------- n : int The number to use to decide which form to return. fsingle, fplural : str Single and plural templates. sub : bool, optional Substitute `n` into the templates; defaults to True. """ if n == 1: return fsingle % n if sub else fsingle return fplural % n if sub else fplural
[docs]def option_list(sequence, final_sep="or"): """Build a list from `sequence` with commas and a final "or".""" sequence = list(sequence) if len(sequence) <= 1: return "".join(sequence) if len(sequence) == 2: return f"{sequence[0]} {final_sep} {sequence[1]}" commasep = ", ".join(sequence[:-1]) return f"{commasep} {final_sep} {sequence[-1]}"
[docs]def format_section(header, body, ruler=True, ruler_char="="): """Format text in sections.""" text = f"{header}\n" if ruler: text += f"{ruler_char * len(header)}\n" if body: text += f"\n{body}\n" return text
[docs]def format_bullet_list(items, indent=4, bullet_char="-"): """Format items into a bullet list.""" pre = " " * indent return "\n".join([f"{pre}{bullet_char} {item}" for item in items])
[docs]def add_linenos(linenos, lines): """Add line numbers to the start of lines. Parameters ---------- linenos : sequence of int The line numbers, in the same order as `lines`. lines : sequence of str The lines. Returns ------- sequence of str The lines with prepended line numbers. """ # Use as many columns as required to fit the largest line number. wlinenocol = max([len(str(lineno)) for lineno in linenos]) return [f"{lineno:>{wlinenocol}}: {line}" for lineno, line in zip(linenos, lines)]
[docs]def stringify(item): """Recursively stringify `item`. This is useful for when it doesn't make sense or isn't possible to override the __repr__ method of an object to get a compact string representation. """ if isinstance(item, (list, tuple)): return f"[{', '.join(stringify(i) for i in item)}]" return str(item)
[docs]def stringify_graph_gml(graph): """Convert the specified NetworkX graph to string representation using GML markup.""" from io import BytesIO import networkx as nx graphbytes = BytesIO() nx.write_gml(graph, graphbytes, stringify) return"utf-8")