Source code for finesse.utilities.misc

"""Miscellaneous utility functions for any part of Finesse."""

import copy
import logging
import functools
import re
from itertools import tee
from contextlib import contextmanager
from functools import partial

import numpy as np

[docs]def calltracker(func): """Decorator used for keeping track of whether the current state is inside the decorated function or not. Sets an attribute `has_been_called` on the function which gets switched on when the function is being executed and switched off after the function has returned. This allows you to query ``func.has_been_called`` for determining whether the code being executed has been called from within `func`. """ @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): wrapper.has_been_called = True out = func(*args, **kwargs) wrapper.has_been_called = False return out wrapper.has_been_called = False return wrapper
[docs]def valid_name(name): """Validate the specified name.""" return re.compile("^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$").match(name)
[docs]def check_name(name): """Checks the validity of a component or node name. A name is valid if it contains only alphanumeric characters and underscores, and is not empty. Parameters ---------- name : str The name to check. Returns ------- name : str The name passed to this function if valid. Raises ------ ValueError If `name` contains non-alphanumeric / underscore characters. """ if not valid_name(name): raise ValueError( "Name `{}` is not valid. Alphanumeric and underscores only".format(name) ) return name
[docs]def pairwise(iterable): """Iterates through each pair in a iterable. Parameters ---------- iterable : :py:class:`` An iterable object. Returns ------- zip A zip object whose `.next()` method returns a tuple where the i-th element comes from the i-th iterable argument. """ a, b = tee(iterable) next(b, None) return zip(a, b)
[docs]def find(x, value): """Finds `value` in the list `x` and returns its index, returning `None` if `value` is not in the list.""" try: return x.index(value) except ValueError: return None
[docs]def find_nearest(x, value, index=False): idx = np.argmin(np.abs(x - value)) if index: return idx return x[idx]
[docs]def is_iterable(obj): """Reliable check for whether an object is iterable. Note that strings are treated as non-iterable objects when performing this check. This will only return true for iterable non-str objects. Returns ------- flag : bool True if `obj` is iterable, False otherwise. """ try: iter(obj) except Exception: return False else: return not isinstance(obj, str)
[docs]@contextmanager def changed_params(subs: dict): r"""Temporarily change model parameters within a context. This is a convenience function for providing a pattern of changing parameters temporarily, inside a context, without needing to make deep-copies of a :class:`.Model`. Usage of this function should be confined to ``with`` contexts. Parameters ---------- subs : dict Dictionary of temporary parameter subsitutions. Expects a dict of :class:`.Parameter` to float value mappings. Examples -------- In this example a simple Fabry-Perot cavity is created and this function is used to inspect how some cavity properties vary when temporarily changing parameters. .. jupyter-execute:: import finesse import finesse.components as components from finesse.utilities import changed_params IFO = finesse.Model() IFO.chain( components.Laser("L0"), components.Mirror("ITM", Rc=-10), components.Space("CAV", L=1), components.Mirror("ETM", Rc=10), ) IFO.add(components.Cavity("FP", IFO.ITM.p2)) print(f"Initial FP.g = {IFO.FP.g}") print(f"Initial FP.gouy = {IFO.FP.gouy}\n") # Temporarily change ITM.Rcx to -15 m and ETM.Rcy to 9 m with changed_params({IFO.ITM.Rcx: -15, IFO.ETM.Rcy: 9}): print(f"Temporary FP.g = {IFO.FP.g}") print(f"Temporary FP.gouy = {IFO.FP.gouy}\n") # Check that params have been reset by looking at cavity again print(f"Final FP.g = {IFO.FP.g}") print(f"Final FP.gouy = {IFO.FP.gouy}") """ # Get the current values of the parameters being changed initial_values = {p: copy.copy(p.value) for p in subs} # Set the parameters to their temp values for p, tval in subs.items(): p.value = tval yield # Reset the values on exit for p in subs: p.value = initial_values[p]
[docs]@contextmanager def opened_file(fobj, mode): """Get an open file regardless of whether a string or an already open file is passed. Parameters ---------- fobj : str or file-like The path or file object to ensure is open. If `fobj` is an already open file object, its mode is checked to be correct but is otherwise returned as-is. If `fobj` is a string, it is opened with the specified `mode` and yielded, then closed once the wrapped context exits. Note that passed open file objects are *not* closed. mode : str The mode to ensure `fobj` is opened with. Yields ------ :py:class:`io.FileIO` The open file with the specified `mode`. Raises ------ ValueError If `fobj` is not a string nor open file, or if `fobj` is open but with a different `mode`. """ close = False if isinstance(fobj, str): fobj = open(fobj, mode) close = True # Close the file we just opened once we're done. else: try: # Ensure mode agrees. if fobj.mode != mode: raise ValueError( f"Unexpected mode for '{}' (expected '{mode}', got '{fobj.mode}')" ) except AttributeError: raise ValueError(f"'{fobj}' is not an open file or path.") try: yield fobj finally: if close: fobj.close()
[docs]@contextmanager def logs(level=None, exclude=None, fmt=None, datefmt=None, jupyter_tracebacks=None): """Change the default Finesse log stream handler behaviour in the encapsulated context. Parameters ---------- level : str or int, optional The minimum log levels to print. The standard log levels "debug", "info", "warning", "error" and "critical" are supported, as are their corresponding level numbers (see :py:mod:`logging`). exclude : str or list of str, optional Log channel(s) to exclude. Simple wildcards are supported: - ``*`` matches 0 or more characters - ``?`` matches any single character - ``[abc]`` matches any characters in abc - ``[!abc]`` matches any characters not in abc fmt, datefmt : str, optional The stream format to use. The string specified for `fmt` should use "{" style parameters as supported by :class:`logging.Formatter`. The `datefmt` string should be a :func:`time.strftime` compatible format. Defaults to the existing builtin stream handler's default format. jupyter_tracebacks : bool, optional Whether to show full Jupyter tracebacks for :class:`parsing errors <.KatParserError>` raised within the encapsulated context. Defaults to `None`, which leaves the current value (which is by default determined by the environment in which Finesse is running) unchanged. Raises ------ :class:`.ExistingLogHandlerError` If the current :mod:`finesse` root logger's first handler was not the one autoconfigured by Finesse upon first import. This function does not handle cases where the user has configured their own logging. Examples -------- Print debug logs during parsing. >>> from finesse import Model >>> from finesse.utilities import logs >>> model = Model() >>> with logs(level="debug"): >>> model.parse("laser l1 P=1") """ from .. import show_tracebacks, PROGRAM from ..config import log_handler_instance logger = logging.getLogger(PROGRAM) handler = log_handler_instance() old_level = None old_excludes = None old_formatter = None old_tracebacks = None if level is not None: old_level = logger.level try: # Convert level name to uppercase. level = level.upper() except AttributeError: # Probably a number. pass logger.setLevel(level) if exclude is not None: if isinstance(exclude, str): exclude = [exclude] old_excludes = handler.reset_exclude_patterns() for pattern in exclude: handler.exclude(pattern) if fmt is not None or datefmt is not None: # We can't copy the format string out of the formatter, so we replace the object # instead and restore it later. old_formatter = handler.formatter if datefmt is None: # Use the default date format from the old handler. datefmt = old_formatter.datefmt handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(fmt, datefmt, style="{")) if jupyter_tracebacks is not None: old_tracebacks = show_tracebacks(jupyter_tracebacks) # Run the code in the context. yield if old_level is not None: logger.setLevel(old_level) if old_excludes is not None: handler.reset_exclude_patterns() for pattern in old_excludes: handler.exclude(pattern) if old_formatter is not None: handler.setFormatter(old_formatter) if old_tracebacks is not None: show_tracebacks(old_tracebacks)
[docs]def graph_layouts(): """Available NetworkX and graphviz (if installed) graph plotting layouts.""" return {**networkx_layouts(), **graphviz_layouts()}
[docs]def networkx_layouts(): """Available NetworkX graph plotting layouts.""" import inspect import networkx # Excluded layouts. excluded = ( "rescale", # These layouts need the network to first be grouped into sets. "bipartite", "multipartite_layout", ) layouts = {} suffix = "_layout" def find_layouts(members): for name, func in members: if name.startswith("_") or not name.endswith(suffix): # Not a public layout. continue # Strip the "_layout" part. name = name[: -len(suffix)] if name in excluded: continue layouts[name] = func find_layouts(inspect.getmembers(networkx.drawing.layout, inspect.isfunction)) return layouts
[docs]def graphviz_layouts(): """Available graphviz graph plotting layouts.""" import networkx from ..environment import has_pygraphviz layouts = {} if has_pygraphviz(): for layout in ["neato", "dot", "fdp", "sfdp", "circo"]: # Returns callable that can be called like `networkx.drawing.layout` members. layouts[layout] = partial( networkx.drawing.nx_agraph.pygraphviz_layout, prog=layout ) return layouts
[docs]def doc_element_parameter_table(cls): """Prints table for a particular element class.""" import finesse import tabulate from IPython.core.display import HTML from functools import partial from types import SimpleNamespace # object counter to keep track of odd and even rows i = SimpleNamespace() i.current = -1 def my_html_row_with_attrs(celltag, cell_values, colwidths, colaligns, **kwargs): alignment = { "left": ' style="text-align: left;"', "right": ' style="text-align: right;"', "center": ' style="text-align: center;"', "decimal": ' style="text-align: right;"', } values_with_attrs = [ "<{0}{1}>{2}</{0}>".format(celltag, alignment.get(a, ""), c) for c, a in zip(cell_values, colaligns) ] kwargs["i"].current += 1 return ( f"<tr style=\"vertical-align: middle;\" class=\"row-{'even' if kwargs['i'].current % 2 else 'odd'}\">" + "".join(values_with_attrs).rstrip() + "</tr>" ) def process_changeable(pinfo): if pinfo.changeable_during_simulation: return "<div style='color:green;'>✓</div>" else: return "<div style='color:red;'>✗</div>" SphinxTable = tabulate.TableFormat( lineabove=tabulate.Line( '<table class="docutils align-default"><thead>', "", "", "" ), linebelowheader=tabulate.Line("</thead>", "", "", ""), linebetweenrows=None, linebelow=tabulate.Line("</table>", "", "", ""), headerrow=partial(my_html_row_with_attrs, "th", i=i), datarow=partial(my_html_row_with_attrs, "td", i=i), padding=0, with_header_hide=None, ) tbl = [ (, p.description, p.units, p.dtype.__name__, process_changeable(p)) for p in finesse.element.ModelElement._param_dict[cls][::-1] ] a = tabulate.tabulate( tbl, tablefmt=SphinxTable, colalign=("left", "left", "center", "center", "center"), headers=( "Name", "Description", "Units", "Data type", "Can change during simualation", ), ) return HTML(a)