Source code for finesse.script.containers

"""Token and production containers for use in the tokenizer and parser."""

# Can remove once Finesse requires at least Python 3.9.
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Any, Union
from functools import total_ordering
import re
import abc
from dataclasses import dataclass

[docs]@total_ordering @dataclass(eq=True, frozen=True) class KatCoordinate: """Kat script file coordinate supporting comparison operations.""" lineno: int index: int def __lt__(self, other): if self.lineno != other.lineno: return self.lineno < other.lineno return self.index < other.index def __add__(self, other): return KatCoordinate(self.lineno + other.lineno, self.index + other.index) def __sub__(self, other): return KatCoordinate(self.lineno - other.lineno, self.index - other.index) def __str__(self): return f"({self.lineno}, {self.index})" def compact(self): """Compact coordinate representation. Returns ------- :class:`str` Compact coordinates. """ return f"{self.lineno}:{self.index}"
[docs]@dataclass(eq=True, frozen=True) class KatBounds: """Kat script start and stop bounds. This represents a block of text in a kat script file. """ start: KatCoordinate stop: KatCoordinate def __post_init__(self): if self.start > self.stop: raise ValueError(f"start ({self.start}) must be < stop ({self.stop})") def __str__(self): return f"{self.start}:{self.stop}".replace(" ", "") def isempty(self): """Whether the contents contained within the bounds is empty. Returns ------- :class:`bool` True if empty, False otherwise. """ return self.start == self.stop def lexpand(self, newstart): """Expand start boundary. Parameters ---------- newstart : :class:`.KatCoordinate` The new start coordinate. Returns ------- :class:`.KatBounds` The expanded bounds. Raises ------ ValueError If `newstart` is not <= current start coordinate. """ if self.start.lineno < newstart.lineno: raise ValueError( f"New start {newstart} is not <= current start {self.start}" ) return self.__class__(newstart, self.stop) def rexpand(self, newstop): """Expand stop boundary. Parameters ---------- newstop : :class:`.KatCoordinate` The new stop coordinate. Returns ------- :class:`.KatBounds` The expanded bounds. Raises ------ ValueError If `newstop` is not >= current stop coordinate. """ if self.stop.lineno > newstop.lineno: raise ValueError(f"New stop {newstop} is not >= current stop {self.stop}") return self.__class__(self.start, newstop) def lcontract(self, newstart): """Contract start boundary. Parameters ---------- newstart : :class:`.KatCoordinate` The new start coordinate. Returns ------- :class:`.KatBounds` The contracted bounds. Raises ------ ValueError If `newstart` is not >= current start coordinate. """ if self.start.lineno > newstart.lineno: raise ValueError( f"New start {newstart} is not >= current start {self.start}" ) return self.__class__(newstart, self.stop) def rcontract(self, newstop): """Contract stop boundary. Parameters ---------- newstop : :class:`.KatCoordinate` The new stop coordinate. Returns ------- :class:`.KatBounds` The contracted bounds. Raises ------ ValueError If `newstop` is not <= current stop coordinate. """ if self.stop.lineno < newstop.lineno: raise ValueError(f"New stop {newstop} is not <= current stop {self.stop}") return self.__class__(self.start, newstop)
[docs]class Addressable(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Mixin defining interface to retrieve strings containing script lines."""
[docs] def script(self, bounds=None): """Get the script in the interval [start, stop) defined by `bounds`. Lines between `start` and `stop` with no tokens are yielded as empty lines. Gaps between the columns spanned by tokens on the same line are yielded as spaces. Parameters ---------- bounds : :class:`.KatBounds`, optional Bounds within which to retrieve script. Defaults to the whole script. Returns ------- :class:`str` The script. """ if bounds is None: bounds = self.bounds return self._script(bounds)
[docs] def script_lines(self, bounds): """The script within `bounds` by line. Parameters ---------- bounds : :class:`.KatBounds` The bounds to retrieve script between. Returns ------- :class:`list` Lines within `bounds`. Where `bounds` starts or stops mid-way through a line, only the part of the line that falls within `bounds` is contained in the corresponding line. """ return self.script(bounds).splitlines()
@abc.abstractmethod def _script(self, bounds): raise NotImplementedError @property def start(self): """Start coordinate. :getter: The start :class:`.KatCoordinate`. """ return self.bounds.start @property def stop(self): """Stop coordinate. :getter: The stop :class:`.KatCoordinate`. """ return self.bounds.stop @property @abc.abstractmethod def bounds(self): """Container bounds. :getter: :class:`.KatBounds` for this container. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class TokenContainer(Addressable, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Container with concrete token instances.""" @property @abc.abstractmethod def tokens(self): """Tokens contained in the container. :getter: :class:`list` of :class:`.KatToken` objects within this container. """ return [] @property def sorted_tokens(self): """Tokens contained in the container, in ascending coordinate order. :getter: sorted :class:`list` of :class:`.KatToken` objects within this container. """ return sorted(self.tokens, key=lambda item: item.start) @property def first_token(self): """First container token by coordinate. :getter: first :class:`.KatToken` within this container. """ return self.sorted_tokens[0] @property def last_token(self): """Last container token by coordinate. :getter: last :class:`.KatToken` within this container. """ return self.sorted_tokens[-1] @property def bounds(self): return KatBounds(self.first_token.start, self.last_token.stop) def _script(self, bounds): script = "" for token in self.sorted_tokens: # The code here can't cope with tokens spanning lines. All tokens created by # the tokenizer are single-lined, including newline characters (just like # Python's tokenizer). assert token.start.lineno == token.stop.lineno # Tokens are in order, so we can do some simple exit checks. if token.stop < bounds.start: continue if token.start >= bounds.stop: break value = token.display_value if ( token.lineno == bounds.start.lineno and token.start.index < bounds.start.index ): startindex = bounds.start.index - token.start.index else: startindex = 0 if ( token.lineno == bounds.stop.lineno and token.stop.index >= bounds.stop.index ): stopindex = bounds.stop.index - token.start.index else: stopindex = None script += value[startindex:stopindex] return script
[docs]@dataclass(eq=True) class KatFile(Addressable): """Container with kat script lines (no concrete tokens).""" text: str @property def _text_lines(self): if not self.text: # Empty line. return [""] lines = self.text.splitlines(True) if self.text.endswith("\n"): # Add a last empty line because splitlines() ignores it, but it affects the # file's stop position. See # lines.append("") return lines def _script(self, bounds): script = "" for lineno, line in enumerate(self._text_lines, start=1): if lineno < bounds.start.lineno: continue if lineno > bounds.stop.lineno: break if lineno == bounds.start.lineno: # Convert column to list index. startindex = max(bounds.start.index - 1, 0) else: startindex = 0 if lineno == bounds.stop.lineno: # Convert column to list index. stopindex = max(bounds.stop.index - 1, 0) else: stopindex = None script += line[startindex:stopindex] return script @property def bounds(self): start = KatCoordinate(1, 1) stop = KatCoordinate(len(self._text_lines), 1 + len(self._text_lines[-1])) return KatBounds(start, stop) def add(self, string): """Add string to end of file. Parameters ---------- string : :class:`str` The string to add to the end of the file. """ self.text += string
[docs]@dataclass(eq=True) class KatMetaToken(TokenContainer): """A token that may not map to a real token. Meta tokens are employed by :class:`.KatTokenizer` when converting whitespace and newline tokens (provided by :class:`.KatRawTokenizer`) used as delimiters into DELIMITER. The use of a single meta token for DELIMITER in this case simplifies the parser rules. By definition, the value of a meta token does not matter so the class doesn't support having one. """ lineno: int start_index: int stop_index: int type: str @property def tokens(self): return super().tokens + [self] @property def bounds(self): return KatBounds( KatCoordinate(self.lineno, self.start_index), KatCoordinate(self.lineno, self.stop_index), ) def __str__(self): return f"__{self.type}__"
[docs]@dataclass(eq=True) class KatToken(KatMetaToken): """A real token with the corresponding text's location, type and value.""" raw_value: Any @property def value(self): return self.raw_value @property def display_value(self): return self.raw_value @classmethod def with_new_type(cls, tok, new_type): """Convert token to a different type. Parameters ---------- tok : :class:`.KatToken` The token to convert. new_type : :class:`str` The new token type. Returns ------- :class:`.KatToken` The kat token, copied from `tok`, with type `new_type`. """ return cls( lineno=tok.lineno, start_index=tok.start_index, stop_index=tok.stop_index, type=new_type, raw_value=tok.raw_value, ) def __str__(self): return repr(self.display_value)
[docs]@dataclass(eq=True) class BaseCustomToken(KatToken, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """A custom token.""" def __post_init__(self): # Ensure the value is valid. Ensures errors in determining the token's value get # thrown on instantiation rather than when later read. try: self.value except ValueError: # NOTE: the actual syntax that's incorrect will be added by the tokenizer # when it catches this. raise SyntaxError("syntax error")
[docs]@dataclass(eq=True) class KatWhitespaceToken(BaseCustomToken): """A whitespace token.""" # Tab size, used for displaying parsed script. TAB_SIZE = 4 @property def display_value(self): # Convert tabs into the same number of spaces assumed by the tokenizer. This # avoids issues when displaying script inside error messaages. return self.raw_value.replace("\t", "~" * self.TAB_SIZE)
[docs]@dataclass(eq=True) class KatBooleanToken(BaseCustomToken): """A boolean token.""" @property def value(self): return self.raw_value == "True" or self.raw_value == "true"
[docs]@dataclass(eq=True) class KatReferenceToken(BaseCustomToken): """A reference token.""" @property def value(self): return self.raw_value.lstrip("&")
[docs]@dataclass(eq=True) class KatNumberToken(BaseCustomToken): """A number token.""" SI_NUMBER_PATTERN = re.compile(r".*[pnumkMGT]$") @property def value(self): value = self.raw_value if "j" in value: return complex(value) if self.SI_NUMBER_PATTERN.match(value): value = value.replace("p", "e-12") value = value.replace("n", "e-9") value = value.replace("u", "e-6") value = value.replace("m", "e-3") value = value.replace("k", "e3") value = value.replace("M", "e6") value = value.replace("G", "e9") value = value.replace("T", "e12") float_value = float(value) if "e" not in value.lower() and float_value.is_integer(): # Only convert real integers value = value.rstrip(".") if value.endswith(".0"): value = value[:-2] return int(value) return float_value
[docs]@dataclass(eq=True) class KatStringToken(BaseCustomToken): """A string token.""" @property def value(self): value = self.raw_value # Get rid of escape characters. value = value.replace("\\n", "\n") value = value.replace("\\r", "\r") value = value.replace("\\", "") # Get rid of the quotes. value = value[1:-1] return value
[docs]@dataclass(eq=True) class KatNoneToken(BaseCustomToken): """A null token.""" @property def value(self): return None
[docs]@dataclass(eq=True) class ArgumentContainer(TokenContainer, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Mixin for containers that contain arguments.""" arguments: list[TokenContainer] @property def tokens(self): tokens = super().tokens for argument in self.arguments: tokens.extend(argument.tokens) return tokens
[docs]@dataclass(eq=True) class ExtraTokenContainer(TokenContainer, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Mixin for containers that contain extra tokens.""" extra: list[KatToken] @property def tokens(self): return super().tokens + self.extra
[docs]@dataclass(eq=True) class KatScript(ArgumentContainer, ExtraTokenContainer, TokenContainer): """Represents a kat script."""
[docs]@dataclass(eq=True) class KatScriptItem(TokenContainer, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Represents a top level kat script item.""" directive: KatToken @property @abc.abstractmethod def node_name(self): raise NotImplementedError @property @abc.abstractmethod def unique_name_token(self): raise NotImplementedError @property def tokens(self): return super().tokens + [self.directive]
[docs]@dataclass(eq=True) class KatElement(ArgumentContainer, ExtraTokenContainer, KatScriptItem): """Represents a parsed element statement and any corresponding arguments.""" name: KatToken @property def tokens(self): return super().tokens + [] @property def node_name(self): return @property def unique_name_token(self): return def __str__(self): name = f"{self.directive.display_value} {}" args = f"{', '.join([str(arg) for arg in self.arguments])}" return f"{name} ( {args} )"
[docs]@dataclass(eq=True) class KatFunction(ArgumentContainer, ExtraTokenContainer, KatScriptItem): """Represents a parsed kat function statement and any corresponding arguments.""" @property def name(self): """The token that represents the function name. This is used by the error handler for invalid keyword arguments, for example. """ return self.directive @property def node_name(self): return f"{self.directive.display_value}[{self.directive.start.compact()}]" @property def unique_name_token(self): return self.directive def __str__(self): return f"{self.directive}({', '.join([str(argument) for argument in self.arguments])})"
[docs]@dataclass(eq=True) class KatKwarg(ExtraTokenContainer, TokenContainer): """Represents a kat argument containing a key, value and '='.""" key: KatToken value: Union[KatToken, KatFunction, KatExpression, KatGroupedExpression, KatArray] @property def tokens(self): tokens = super().tokens if self.key: tokens.append(self.key) tokens.extend(self.value.tokens) return tokens @property def is_positional(self): return self.key is None @property def is_keyword(self): return self.key is not None def __str__(self): if self.is_keyword: return f"{self.key}={self.value}" return f"{self.value}"
[docs]@dataclass(eq=True) class KatExpression(ArgumentContainer, ExtraTokenContainer, TokenContainer): """Represents a kat script expression.""" operator: KatToken @property def tokens(self): return super().tokens + [self.operator] @property def lhs(self): return self.arguments[0] @property def rhs(self): return self.arguments[1] def __str__(self): return f"{self.lhs}{self.operator}{self.rhs}"
[docs]@dataclass(eq=True) class KatGroupedExpression(ArgumentContainer, ExtraTokenContainer, TokenContainer): """Represents a kat script expression group, i.e. `(<expression>)`.""" @property def expression(self): return self.arguments[0] def __str__(self): return f"({self.expression})"
[docs]@dataclass(eq=True) class KatArray(ArgumentContainer, ExtraTokenContainer, TokenContainer): """Represents a kat script array.""" def __str__(self): return f"[{', '.join([str(argument) for argument in self.arguments])}]"
[docs]@dataclass(eq=True) class KatNumericalArray(KatArray): """Represents a kat script numerical array.""" def __str__(self): return f"ndarray([{', '.join([str(argument) for argument in self.arguments])}])" @classmethod def from_array(cls, array): """Convert array to numerical array.""" return cls(arguments=array.arguments, extra=array.extra)