Source code for

Space-type objects representing physical distances between components.

import logging
import numpy as np
import types
from finesse.parameter import float_parameter
from finesse.components.general import (
from finesse.components.workspace import ConnectionSetting
from finesse.components.node import NodeDirection, NodeType, Port

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@borrows_nodes() @float_parameter( "L", "Length", validate="_check_L", units="m", is_geometric=True, ) @float_parameter( "nr", "Refractive index", validate="_check_nr", is_geometric=True, changeable_during_simulation=False, ) @float_parameter("gouy_x", "Gouy phase (x)", units="Degrees") @float_parameter("gouy_y", "Gouy phase (y)", units="Degrees") class Space(Connector): """Represents a space between two components in the interferometer configuration, with a given \ length and index of refraction. Parameters ---------- name : str, optional Name of newly created space. portA, portB : :class:`.Port`, optional Ports to connect. L : float, optional Geometric length of newly created :class:`.Space` instance; defaults to 0. nr : float, optional Index of refraction of newly created :class:`.Space` instance; defaults to 1.0. """
[docs] def __init__(self, name=None, portA=None, portB=None, L=0, nr=1.0, gouy_x=0, gouy_y=0): if (portA is None) != (portB is None): LOGGER.warn( "Can't construct a space with only one port connected; ignoring ports." ) portA = None portB = None if portA is not None and not isinstance(portA, Port): raise Exception("PortA is not a Port") if portA is not None and not isinstance(portB, Port): raise Exception("PortB is not a Port") if portA is not None and portA.type != NodeType.OPTICAL: raise Exception("PortA is not an optical port") if portB is not None and portB.type != NodeType.OPTICAL: raise Exception("PortB is not an optical port") if portA is not None and portB is not None: if portA.component._model is not portB.component._model: raise Exception("Port A and B are not part of the same model") if name is None: if portA is not None and portB is not None: compA = compB = name = f"{compA}_{}__{compB}_{}" else: raise ValueError( "Cannot create an unconnected space without providing a name" ) super().__init__(name) self.__portA = portA self.__portB = portB self._add_to_model_namespace = True self._namespace = ".spaces" self.L = L = nr self.gouy_x.is_tunable = True self.gouy_y.is_tunable = True self.gouy_x = gouy_x self.gouy_y = gouy_y self._add_port("p1", NodeType.OPTICAL) self._add_port("p2", NodeType.OPTICAL) # Phase modulation input self._add_port("phs", NodeType.ELECTRICAL) self.phs._add_node("i", NodeDirection.INPUT) # Amplitude modulation input self._add_port("amp", NodeType.ELECTRICAL) self.amp._add_node("i", NodeDirection.INPUT) # strain input self._add_port("h", NodeType.ELECTRICAL) self.h._add_node("i", NodeDirection.INPUT) if portA is not None and portB is not None: self.connect(portA, portB) self.__changing_check = set((self.L, # Define typical degrees of freedom for this component self.dofs = types.SimpleNamespace() # Strain doesn't have a DC term really in Finesse # changing a space length won't generate a signal self.dofs.h = DOFDefinition(None, self.h.i, 1)
@property def portA(self): return self.__portA @property def portB(self): return self.__portB
[docs] def connect(self, portA, portB): """ Sets the ports of this `Space`. Parameters ---------- portA : :class:`.Port`, optional Port to connect portB : :class:`.Port`, optional Port to connect """ if portA.is_connected: raise Exception(f"Port {portA} has already been connected to") if portB.is_connected: raise Exception(f"Port {portB} has already been connected to") # From the Space's perspective the input and output # nodes are swapped around for its ports self.p1._add_node("i", None, portA.o) self.p1._add_node("o", None, portA.i) self.p2._add_node("i", None, portB.o) self.p2._add_node("o", None, portB.i) self._register_node_coupling( "P1i_P2o", self.p1.i, self.p2.o, interaction_type=InteractionType.TRANSMISSION, ) self._register_node_coupling( "P2i_P1o", self.p2.i, self.p1.o, interaction_type=InteractionType.TRANSMISSION, ) self._register_node_coupling("SIGPHS_P1o", self.phs.i, self.p1.o) self._register_node_coupling("SIGPHS_P2o", self.phs.i, self.p2.o) self._register_node_coupling("SIGAMP_P1o", self.amp.i, self.p1.o) self._register_node_coupling("SIGAMP_P2o", self.amp.i, self.p2.o) self._register_node_coupling("H_P1o", self.h.i, self.p1.o) self._register_node_coupling("H_P2o", self.h.i, self.p2.o)
def _get_workspace(self, sim): from import ( space_carrier_fill, space_signal_fill, space_set_gouy, SpaceWorkspace, ) _, is_changing = self._eval_parameters() carrier_refill = sim.carrier.any_frequencies_changing and (float(self.L.value) > 0 or self.L.is_changing) carrier_refill |= len(is_changing) carrier_refill |= sim.trace_forest.contains_space(self) ws = SpaceWorkspace(self, sim, False) ws.set_gouy_function(space_set_gouy) # Set the fill function for this simulation ws.carrier.add_fill_function(space_carrier_fill, carrier_refill) ws.carrier.connection_settings["P1i_P2o"] = ConnectionSetting.DIAGONAL ws.carrier.connection_settings["P2i_P1o"] = ConnectionSetting.DIAGONAL if sim.signal: signal_refill = sim.signal.any_frequencies_changing and (float(self.L.value) > 0 or self.L.is_changing) signal_refill |= len(is_changing) signal_refill |= sim.trace_forest.contains_space(self) ws.signal.add_fill_function(space_signal_fill, signal_refill) ws.signal.connection_settings["P1i_P2o"] = ConnectionSetting.DIAGONAL ws.signal.connection_settings["P2i_P1o"] = ConnectionSetting.DIAGONAL ws.signal.connection_settings["SIGPHS_P1o"] = ConnectionSetting.DIAGONAL ws.signal.connection_settings["SIGPHS_P2o"] = ConnectionSetting.DIAGONAL ws.signal.connection_settings["SIGAMP_P1o"] = ConnectionSetting.DIAGONAL ws.signal.connection_settings["SIGAMP_P2o"] = ConnectionSetting.DIAGONAL ws.signal.connection_settings["H_P1o"] = ConnectionSetting.DIAGONAL ws.signal.connection_settings["H_P2o"] = ConnectionSetting.DIAGONAL # Initialise the ABCD matrix memory-views if sim.is_modal: ws.abcd = self.ABCD(self.p1.i, self.p2.o, "x", copy=False) return ws def _check_L(self, value): if value < 0: raise ValueError("Length of a space must not be negative.") return value def _check_nr(self, value): if value < 1: raise ValueError("Index of refraction must be >= 1") return value def _resymbolise_ABCDs(self): L = self.L.ref nr = M_sym = np.array([[1.0, L / nr], [0.0, 1.0]]) # Matrices same in both propagations and both planes so # only need one register call for all couplings here self.register_abcd_matrix( M_sym, (self.p1.i, self.p2.o), (self.p2.i, self.p1.o), ) @property def abcd(self): """Numeric ABCD matrix. Equivalent to any of ``space.ABCD(1, 2, "x")``, ``space.ABCD(2, 1, "x")``, ``space.ABCD(1, 2, "y")``, ``space.ABCD(2, 1, "y")``. :getter: Returns a copy of the (numeric) ABCD matrix (read-only). """ return self.ABCD(1, 2, "x")
[docs] def ABCD( self, from_node, to_node, direction="x", symbolic=False, copy=True, retboth=False, ): r"""Returns the ABCD matrix of the space for the specified coupling. .. _fig_abcd_space_transmission: .. figure:: ../images/abcd_spacet.* :align: center This is given by, .. math:: M = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & \frac{L}{n_r} \\ 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix}, where :math:`L` is the length of the space and :math:`n_r` is the index of refraction. See :meth:`.Connector.ABCD` for descriptions of parameters, return values and possible exceptions. """ return super().ABCD(from_node, to_node, direction, symbolic, copy, retboth)