Source code for finesse.components.mirror

"""Dielectric interface type components representing physical mirrors."""

import logging
import types

import numpy as np

from finesse.parameter import float_parameter, bool_parameter
from finesse.utilities import refractive_index

from finesse.components.general import InteractionType, NoiseType, DOFDefinition
from finesse.components.surface import Surface
from finesse.components.node import NodeDirection, NodeType

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@float_parameter("R", "Reflectivity", validate="_check_R", setter="set_RTL") @float_parameter("T", "Transmission", validate="_check_T", setter="set_RTL") @float_parameter("L", "Loss", validate="_check_L", setter="set_RTL") @float_parameter( "phi", "Microscopic tuning (360 degrees = 1 default wavelength)", units="degrees" ) @float_parameter( "Rcx", "Radius of curvature (x)", units="m", validate="_check_Rc", is_geometric=True, ) @float_parameter( "Rcy", "Radius of curvature (y)", units="m", validate="_check_Rc", is_geometric=True, ) @float_parameter("xbeta", "Yaw misalignment", units="radians") @float_parameter("ybeta", "Pitch misalignment", units="radians") @bool_parameter("misaligned", "Misaligns mirror reflection (R=0 when True)") class Mirror(Surface): """The mirror component represents a thin dielectric surface with associated properties such as reflectivity, tuning, and radius of curvature. It has two optical ports `p1` and `p2` which decsribe the two beams incident on either side of this surface. It also has a mechanical port `mech` which has nodes for longitudinal, yaw, and pitch motions. These mechanical nodes are purely for exciting small signal oscillations of the mirror. Static offsets in longitudinal displacements are set by the `phi` parameter (in units of degrees), yaw by the `xbeta` parameter, and pitch the `ybeta` parameter. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of newly created mirror. R : float, optional Reflectivity of the mirror; defaults to 0.5. T : float, optional Transmittance of the mirror; defaults to 0.5. L : float, optional Loss of the mirror; defaults to 0.0. phi : float, optional Tuning of the mirror (in degrees); defaults to 0.0. Rc : float or container of two floats, optional The radius of curvature of the mirror (in metres); defaults to a flat mirror (`Rc=np.inf`). Astigmatic mirrors can also be set with `Rc=(Rcx, Rcy)`. xbeta, ybeta : float, optional Misalignment of the mirror in yaw and pitch in units of radians """
[docs] def __init__( self, name, R=None, T=None, L=None, phi=0, Rc=np.inf, xbeta=0, ybeta=0, misaligned=False, ): super().__init__(name, R, T, L, phi, Rc, xbeta, ybeta) self.misaligned = misaligned self._add_port("p1", NodeType.OPTICAL) self.p1._add_node("i", NodeDirection.INPUT) self.p1._add_node("o", NodeDirection.OUTPUT) self._add_port("p2", NodeType.OPTICAL) self.p2._add_node("i", NodeDirection.INPUT) self.p2._add_node("o", NodeDirection.OUTPUT) # Optic to optic couplings self._register_node_coupling( "P1i_P1o", self.p1.i, self.p1.o, interaction_type=InteractionType.REFLECTION, # enabled_check=lambda: self.R > 0 and not self.R.is_changing ) self._register_node_coupling( "P2i_P2o", self.p2.i, self.p2.o, interaction_type=InteractionType.REFLECTION, # enabled_check=lambda: self.R > 0 and not self.R.is_changing ) self._register_node_coupling( "P1i_P2o", self.p1.i, self.p2.o, interaction_type=InteractionType.TRANSMISSION, # enabled_check=lambda: self.T > 0 and not self.T.is_changing ) self._register_node_coupling( "P2i_P1o", self.p2.i, self.p1.o, interaction_type=InteractionType.TRANSMISSION, # enabled_check=lambda: self.T > 0 and not self.T.is_changing ) # Mirror motion couplings self._add_port("mech", NodeType.MECHANICAL) self.mech._add_node("z", NodeDirection.OUTPUT) self.mech._add_node("yaw", NodeDirection.OUTPUT) self.mech._add_node("pitch", NodeDirection.OUTPUT) self.mech._add_node("F_z", NodeDirection.INPUT) self.mech._add_node("F_yaw", NodeDirection.INPUT) self.mech._add_node("F_pitch", NodeDirection.INPUT) # Optic to motion couplings self._register_node_coupling("P1i_Fz", self.p1.i, self.mech.F_z) self._register_node_coupling("P2i_Fz", self.p2.i, self.mech.F_z) self._register_node_coupling("P1o_Fz", self.p1.o, self.mech.F_z) self._register_node_coupling("P2o_Fz", self.p2.o, self.mech.F_z) self._register_node_coupling("P1i_Fyaw", self.p1.i, self.mech.F_yaw) self._register_node_coupling("P2i_Fyaw", self.p2.i, self.mech.F_yaw) self._register_node_coupling("P1o_Fyaw", self.p1.o, self.mech.F_yaw) self._register_node_coupling("P2o_Fyaw", self.p2.o, self.mech.F_yaw) self._register_node_coupling("P1i_Fpitch", self.p1.i, self.mech.F_pitch) self._register_node_coupling("P2i_Fpitch", self.p2.i, self.mech.F_pitch) self._register_node_coupling("P1o_Fpitch", self.p1.o, self.mech.F_pitch) self._register_node_coupling("P2o_Fpitch", self.p2.o, self.mech.F_pitch) # motion to optic coupling: phase coupling on reflection self._register_node_coupling("Z_P1o", self.mech.z, self.p1.o) self._register_node_coupling("Z_P2o", self.mech.z, self.p2.o) self._register_node_coupling("yaw_P1o", self.mech.yaw, self.p1.o) self._register_node_coupling("yaw_P2o", self.mech.yaw, self.p2.o) self._register_node_coupling("pitch_P1o", self.mech.pitch, self.p1.o) self._register_node_coupling("pitch_P2o", self.mech.pitch, self.p2.o) self.__changing_check = set( (self.R, self.T, self.L, self.phi, self.xbeta, self.ybeta) ) # Define typical degrees of freedom for this component self.dofs = types.SimpleNamespace() self.dofs.z = DOFDefinition(self.phi, self.mech.z, 1) self.dofs.yaw = DOFDefinition(self.xbeta, self.mech.yaw, 1) self.dofs.pitch = DOFDefinition(self.ybeta, self.mech.pitch, 1)
def _resymbolise_ABCDs(self): # -> reflections self.__symbolise_ABCD(self.p1.i, self.p1.o, "x") self.__symbolise_ABCD(self.p1.i, self.p1.o, "y") self.__symbolise_ABCD(self.p2.i, self.p2.o, "x") self.__symbolise_ABCD(self.p2.i, self.p2.o, "y") # -> transmissions self.__symbolise_ABCD(self.p1.i, self.p2.o, "x") self.__symbolise_ABCD(self.p1.i, self.p2.o, "y") self.__symbolise_ABCD(self.p2.i, self.p1.o, "x") self.__symbolise_ABCD(self.p2.i, self.p1.o, "y") def __symbolise_ABCD(self, from_node, to_node, direction): if direction == "x": Rc = self.Rcx.ref else: Rc = self.Rcy.ref # reflection if self.interaction_type(from_node, to_node) == InteractionType.REFLECTION: nr = refractive_index(from_node, symbolic=True) C = 2 * nr / Rc if from_node.port is self.p1: C *= -1 # transmission else: nr1 = refractive_index(from_node, symbolic=True) nr2 = refractive_index(to_node, symbolic=True) C = (nr2 - nr1) / Rc if from_node.port is not self.p1: C *= -1 M_sym = np.array([[1.0, 0.0], [C, 1.0]]) key = (from_node, to_node, direction) # For mirrors the symbol nr can change when connected up to spaces # in a model so here we update the ABCD matrix entry if key in self._abcd_matrices: self._abcd_matrices[key] = M_sym, np.array(M_sym, dtype=np.float64) # Otherwise just register the new ABCD matrix as usual else: self.register_abcd_matrix(M_sym, (from_node, to_node, direction)) @property def abcd11x(self): """Numeric ABCD matrix from port 1 to port 1 in the tangential plane. Equivalent to ``mirror.ABCD(1, 1, "x")``. :getter: Returns a copy of the (numeric) ABCD matrix for this coupling (read-only). """ return self.ABCD(1, 1, "x") @property def abcd11y(self): """Numeric ABCD matrix from port 1 to port 1 in the sagittal plane. Equivalent to ``mirror.ABCD(1, 1, "y")``. :getter: Returns a copy of the (numeric) ABCD matrix for this coupling (read-only). """ return self.ABCD(1, 1, "y") @property def abcd22x(self): """Numeric ABCD matrix from port 2 to port 2 in the tangential plane. Equivalent to ``mirror.ABCD(2, 2, "x")``. :getter: Returns a copy of the (numeric) ABCD matrix for this coupling (read-only). """ return self.ABCD(2, 2, "x") @property def abcd22y(self): """Numeric ABCD matrix from port 2 to port 2 in the sagittal plane. Equivalent to ``mirror.ABCD(2, 2, "y")``. :getter: Returns a copy of the (numeric) ABCD matrix for this coupling (read-only). """ return self.ABCD(2, 2, "y") @property def abcd12x(self): """Numeric ABCD matrix from port 1 to port 2 in the tangential plane. Equivalent to ``mirror.ABCD(1, 2, "x")``. :getter: Returns a copy of the (numeric) ABCD matrix for this coupling (read-only). """ return self.ABCD(1, 2, "x") @property def abcd12y(self): """Numeric ABCD matrix from port 1 to port 2 in the sagittal plane. Equivalent to ``mirror.ABCD(1, 2, "y")``. :getter: Returns a copy of the (numeric) ABCD matrix for this coupling (read-only). """ return self.ABCD(1, 2, "y") @property def abcd21x(self): """Numeric ABCD matrix from port 2 to port 1 in the tangential plane. Equivalent to ``mirror.ABCD(2, 1, "x")``. :getter: Returns a copy of the (numeric) ABCD matrix for this coupling (read-only). """ return self.ABCD(2, 1, "x") @property def abcd21y(self): """Numeric ABCD matrix from port 2 to port 1 in the sagittal plane. Equivalent to ``mirror.ABCD(2, 1, "y")``. :getter: Returns a copy of the (numeric) ABCD matrix for this coupling (read-only). """ return self.ABCD(2, 1, "y")
[docs] def ABCD( self, from_node, to_node, direction="x", symbolic=False, copy=True, retboth=False, ): r"""Returns the ABCD matrix of the mirror for the specified coupling. In both cases below, the sign of the radius is defined such that :math:`R_c` is negative if the centre of the sphere is located in the direction of propagation. .. rubric:: Transmission .. _fig_abcd_mirror_transmission: .. figure:: ../images/abcd_mi.* :align: center For transmission this is given by, .. math:: M_{t} = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ \frac{n_2 - n_1}{R_c} & 1 \end{pmatrix}, where :math:`n_2` and :math:`n_1` are the indices of refraction of the spaces connected to the mirror and :math:`R_c` is the radius of curvature of the mirror. The matrix for transmission in the opposite direction of propagation is identical. .. rubric:: Reflection .. _fig_abcd_mirror_reflection: .. figure:: ../images/abcd_mr.* :align: center In the case of reflection the matrix is, .. math:: M_{r} = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ -\frac{2n_1}{R_c} & 1 \end{pmatrix}. Reflection at the back surface can be described by the same type of matrix by setting the :math:`C` element to :math:`C = 2n_2/R_c`. See :meth:`.Connector.ABCD` for descriptions of parameters, return values and possible exceptions. """ return super().ABCD(from_node, to_node, direction, symbolic, copy, retboth)
def _get_workspace(self, sim): from finesse.simulations.basematrix import CarrierSignalMatrixSimulation if isinstance(sim, CarrierSignalMatrixSimulation): from finesse.components.modal.mirror import ( mirror_carrier_fill, mirror_signal_fill, mirror_fill_qnoise, MirrorWorkspace, ) _, is_changing = self._eval_parameters() misaligned = self.xbeta.value != 0 or self.ybeta.value != 0 refill = ( sim.is_component_in_mismatch_couplings(self) or (misaligned and sim.trace_forest.contains_comp(self)) or sim.carrier.any_frequencies_changing or (sim.signal.any_frequencies_changing if sim.signal else False) or len(is_changing) ) ws = MirrorWorkspace(self, sim, refill) # This assumes that nr1/nr2 cannot change during a simulation ws.nr1 = refractive_index(self.p1) ws.nr2 = refractive_index(self.p2) ws.carrier.add_fill_function(mirror_carrier_fill, refill) ws.signal.add_fill_function(mirror_signal_fill, refill) # Initialise the ABCD matrix memory-views if sim.is_modal: ws.abcd_p1p1_x = self.ABCD(self.p1.i, self.p1.o, "x", copy=False) ws.abcd_p1p1_y = self.ABCD(self.p1.i, self.p1.o, "y", copy=False) ws.abcd_p2p2_x = self.ABCD(self.p2.i, self.p2.o, "x", copy=False) ws.abcd_p2p2_y = self.ABCD(self.p2.i, self.p2.o, "y", copy=False) ws.abcd_p1p2_x = self.ABCD(self.p1.i, self.p2.o, "x", copy=False) ws.abcd_p1p2_y = self.ABCD(self.p1.i, self.p2.o, "y", copy=False) ws.abcd_p2p1_x = self.ABCD(self.p2.i, self.p1.o, "x", copy=False) ws.abcd_p2p1_y = self.ABCD(self.p2.i, self.p1.o, "y", copy=False) ws.set_knm_info( "P1i_P1o", abcd_x=ws.abcd_p1p1_x, abcd_y=ws.abcd_p1p1_y, nr_from=ws.nr1, nr_to=ws.nr1, is_transmission=False, beta_x=self.xbeta, beta_x_factor=2, beta_y=self.ybeta, beta_y_factor=-2, ) ws.set_knm_info( "P2i_P2o", abcd_x=ws.abcd_p2p2_x, abcd_y=ws.abcd_p2p2_y, nr_from=ws.nr2, nr_to=ws.nr2, is_transmission=False, beta_x=self.xbeta, beta_x_factor=2, beta_y=self.ybeta, beta_y_factor=2, ) ws.set_knm_info( "P1i_P2o", abcd_x=ws.abcd_p1p2_x, abcd_y=ws.abcd_p1p2_y, nr_from=ws.nr1, nr_to=ws.nr2, is_transmission=True, beta_x=self.xbeta, beta_x_factor=-(1 - ws.nr1 / ws.nr2), beta_y=self.ybeta, beta_y_factor=(1 - ws.nr1 / ws.nr2), ) ws.set_knm_info( "P2i_P1o", abcd_x=ws.abcd_p2p1_x, abcd_y=ws.abcd_p2p1_y, nr_from=ws.nr2, nr_to=ws.nr1, is_transmission=True, beta_x=self.xbeta, beta_x_factor=-(1 - ws.nr2 / ws.nr1), beta_y=self.ybeta, beta_y_factor=-(1 - ws.nr2 / ws.nr1), ) if sim.signal: ws.signal.set_fill_noise_function(NoiseType.QUANTUM, mirror_fill_qnoise) return ws