Source code for finesse.cli.util

import sys
import logging
import datetime
import textwrap
from itertools import chain
import click
import tabulate
from .. import __version__, PROGRAM
from ..environment import show_tracebacks
from ..utilities import networkx_layouts, graphviz_layouts, add_linenos, ngettext
from ..script.exceptions import KatScriptError
from ..config import log_handler_instance

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(PROGRAM)

[docs]def set_verbosity(ctx, option, value): """Callback to set stdout verbosity for root CLI command.""" # If neither -v nor -q is set, value is 0. if not value: return state = ctx.ensure_object(KatState) if == "verbose": offset = -10 * value elif == "quiet": offset = 10 * value else: raise ValueError("Unsupported option.") state.verbosity = state.VERBOSITY_DEFAULT + offset
[docs]def set_fancy_error_formatting(ctx, option, value): if value is None: return state = ctx.ensure_object(KatState) state.fancy_errors = value
[docs]def set_debug(ctx, option, value): if value is None: return state = ctx.ensure_object(KatState) state.debug = value
[docs]def set_log_excludes(ctx, option, value): if value is None: return state = ctx.ensure_object(KatState) for exclude in value: state.exclude(exclude)
[docs]def parse_path(state, path, legacy=False, **error_kwargs): from finesse.script import parse_file, parse_legacy_file try: if legacy: return parse_legacy_file(path) else: return parse_file(path) except Exception as error: state.print_error(error, "PARSING ERROR:", **error_kwargs)
[docs]def plot_graph(state, *args, **kwargs): from finesse.plotting.graph import plot_graph as finesse_plot_graph finesse_plot_graph(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def list_graph_layouts(ctx, option, value): """Callback to list available graph layouts.""" from ..environment import has_pygraphviz if not value: return state = ctx.ensure_object(KatState) state.print("Available layouts:", fg="green") nx_layouts = networkx_layouts() gv_layouts = graphviz_layouts() layouts = sorted(chain(nx_layouts, gv_layouts)) gv_suffix ="*", fg="yellow") for layout in layouts: suffix = gv_suffix if layout in gv_layouts else "" state.print(f"- {layout}{suffix}") state.print() if has_pygraphviz(): state.print( "*This layout can also be plotted directly in graphviz using the " "--graphviz flag", fg="yellow", ) else: state.print("Install pygraphviz/graphviz for more layouts", fg="yellow") sys.exit()
def _fancy_format_kat_error(exception): """Format each marked error in red.""" assert isinstance(exception, KatScriptError) error_msg = exception.rubric() msg = f"{error_msg}\n" errorlines = [] linenos = [] errorlinenos = set() for lineno, linechunks in exception.chunkify().items(): line = "" for bounds, is_error in linechunks: chunktxt = exception.container.script(bounds) if is_error: errorlinenos.add(lineno) if len(chunktxt) == chunktxt.count(" "): # Error chunk is just spaces. Replace with interpunct. chunktxt ="·" * len(chunktxt), fg="red") elif chunktxt == "\n": # Error is a newline. Replace with carriage return symbol. Also add the newline # anyway without colouring it red. chunktxt ="↵", fg="red") + chunktxt line +=, fg="red") else: line += chunktxt # Get rid of trailing newline. try: line = line.splitlines()[0] except IndexError: # Line is empty. pass linenos.append(lineno) errorlines.append(line) # Add line numbers. numberedlines = add_linenos(linenos, errorlines) # Add message for missing lines. finallines = [] lastlineno = None for lineno, line in zip(linenos, numberedlines): if lastlineno: diff = lineno - lastlineno if diff > 1: missingmsg = ngettext(diff - 1, "%d missing line", "%d missing lines") finallines.append(f" *** {missingmsg} ***") prefix = "-->" if lineno in errorlinenos else " " finallines.append(prefix + line) lastlineno = lineno return msg + "\n".join(finallines) input_file_argument = click.argument("input_file", type=click.File("r")) output_file_argument = click.argument("output_file", type=click.File("w"), default="-") plot_option = click.option( "--plot/--no-plot", default=True, show_default=True, help="Display results as figure.", ) trace_option = click.option( "--trace/--no-trace", default=False, show_default=True, help="Displays the results of a beam trace of the model.", ) graphviz_option = click.option( "--graphviz", is_flag=True, default=False, show_default=True, help="Generate layout and display using Graphviz.", ) list_graph_layouts_option = click.option( "--list-graph-layouts", callback=list_graph_layouts, is_flag=True, default=False, expose_value=False, is_eager=True, help="Show available graph layouts and exit.", ) graph_layout_argument = click.option( "--layout", type=str, default="spring", help="Graph layout algorithm to use.", ) network_type_argument = click.option( "-t", "--type", "network_type", type=click.Choice(("full", "components", "optical")), default="full", help="Network to plot.", ) table_format_argument = click.option( "--table-format", type=click.Choice(tabulate.tabulate_formats), default="fancy_grid", help="Table format to use.", ) legacy_option = click.option( "--legacy", is_flag=True, default=False, show_default=True, help="Specify that the input file uses Finesse 2 syntax.", ) verbose_option = click.option( "-v", "--verbose", count=True, callback=set_verbosity, expose_value=False, is_eager=True, help="Increase verbosity of log output (can be specified multiple times).", ) quiet_option = click.option( "-q", "--quiet", count=True, callback=set_verbosity, expose_value=False, help="Decrease verbosity of log output (can be specified multiple times).", ) fancy_error_option = click.option( "--fancy-errors/--no-fancy-errors", is_flag=True, default=True, callback=set_fancy_error_formatting, expose_value=False, show_default=True, help="Highlight script error locations in red rather than marking them on the following line.", ) debug_option = click.option( "--debug", is_flag=True, default=False, callback=set_debug, expose_value=False, show_default=True, help="Enable debug mode (print tracebacks).", ) log_exclude_option = click.option( "--log-exclude", multiple=True, callback=set_log_excludes, expose_value=False, help="Ignore log records from a particular logger (wildcards allowed).", )
[docs]class ClickLogColorFormatter(logging.Formatter): """Stdout log formatter with colors.""" # Log prefix format. # NOTE: this is NOT a :py:class:`logging.Formatter` compatible format string, but rather a # format specific to this class. PREFIX_FORMAT = "{short_name:>16s} [{record.levelname:>8s}]:" STYLES = { "critical": {"fg": "red"}, "error": {"fg": "red"}, "warning": {"fg": "yellow"}, "info": {"fg": "green"}, "debug": {"fg": "blue"}, }
[docs] def format(self, record): if record.exc_info: # Skip formatting of exception info. return super().format(record) level = record.levelname.casefold() msg = record.getMessage() if level in self.STYLES: # Remove "finesse." prefix. short_name = ([8:] if"finesse.") else ) prefix = self.PREFIX_FORMAT.format(short_name=short_name, record=record), **self.STYLES[level], ) msg = "\n".join(f"{prefix} {line}" for line in msg.splitlines()) return msg
[docs]class KatState: """Shared state for all CLI subcommands. This object gets built by Click when the CLI is called and encapsulates global settings for use by individual commands/groups. """ VERBOSITY_DEFAULT = logging.WARNING
[docs] def __init__(self): # Fancy error flag. This is NOT the default value for the CLI - it is set on by # default via the @fancy_error_option decorators. self.fancy_errors = False # Set up the Finesse logger. handler = log_handler_instance() handler.setFormatter(ClickLogColorFormatter()) handler.setStream(click.get_text_stream("stderr")) LOGGER.addHandler(handler) # Set *default* verbosity. # NOTE: the user's requested verbosity is set by :func:`set_verbosity`. self.verbosity = self.VERBOSITY_DEFAULT
@property def verbosity(self): """Log verbosity on stdout.""" return LOGGER.getEffectiveLevel() @verbosity.setter def verbosity(self, verbosity): verbosity = min(logging.CRITICAL, max(logging.DEBUG, verbosity)) LOGGER.setLevel(verbosity) @property def verbose(self): """Verbose output enabled. Returns True if the verbosity is enough for INFO or DEBUG messages to be displayed. """ return self.verbosity <= self.VERBOSITY_DEFAULT @property def debug(self): return show_tracebacks() @debug.setter def debug(self, value): show_tracebacks(value)
[docs] def exclude(self, pattern): """Exclude records from loggers with names matching the specified pattern.""" log_handler_instance().exclude(pattern)
[docs] def print(self, text="", indent=0, error=False, exit_=False, exit_code=0, **kwargs): text = str(text) if indent > 0: text = textwrap.indent(text, " " * 4) click.secho(text, err=error, **kwargs) if exit_: self.exit(exit_code)
[docs] def print_error( self, exception_or_msg, title=None, exit_=True, exit_code=1, **kwargs ): if title: self.print(title, error=True, fg="red", bold=True) if self.debug and isinstance(exception_or_msg, BaseException): # Print the full traceback. from traceback import format_exception # Only print the traceback part of the exception, because the message is printed below. # FIXME: the `etype` is not used here, and the second parameter set to None results in # "NoneType: None" being printed by `TracebackException` after the traceback... etype, _, tb = sys.exc_info() trace = "".join(format_exception(etype, None, tb)) self.print(trace, indent=1) if self.fancy_errors and isinstance(exception_or_msg, KatScriptError): msg = _fancy_format_kat_error(exception_or_msg) fg = None else: # Format the whole error as red. msg = str(exception_or_msg) fg = "red" self.print(msg, error=True, fg=fg, **kwargs) if exit_: self.exit(exit_code)
[docs] def print_banner(self, kat_file=None, **kwargs): """Print the Finesse banner.""" if not self.verbose: return input_file = f"Input file: {}" if kat_file else "" timenow ="%c").strip() timestr = f"{timenow:>60}" banner = rf""" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FINESSE {__version__} o_.-=. Frequency domain INterferomEter Simulation SoftwarE (\'".\| .>' (_--. _=/d ,^\ {input_file} ~~ \)-' ' / | ' ' {timestr} ------------------------------------------------------------------------ """ self.print(textwrap.dedent(banner).strip(), **kwargs)
[docs] def exit(self, code=0): """Stop execution.""" sys.exit(code)