
NumberTable.make_colors(table, colorfunc, backgroundcolorfunc, norm)[source]

Calculate the colors for the table.

Produces an array with RGB color values in the range [0, 255] for every cell by calling colorfunc(norm(table)) and backgroundcolorfunc(norm(table)).


The data table without headers. Should contain numbers, but accepts arbitrary data as long as the color and norm functions can handle it.

colorfunccallable or None

A function producing RGB color data for every cell. Color values must be in [0,1]. If None the array is filled with (-1,-1,-1).

backgroundcolorfunccallable or None

A function producing RGB color data for every cell. Color values must be in [0,1]. If None the array is filled with (-1,-1,-1).

normcallable or None

A normalization applied before calling the color functions. If None it is replaced by a function that does nothing.


The array produced by colorfunc


The array produced by backgroundcolorfunc