Mechanical Elements¶
FreeMass Simple free mass suspension of an object.
The object being suspended must have a mechanical port with nodes z, pitch, and yaw and forces F_z, F_pitch, and F_yaw.
- Syntax
free_mass name connected_to mass=inf I_yaw=inf I_pitch=inf
Pendulum Simple pendulum suspension of an object.
The object being suspended must have a mechanical port with nodes z, pitch, and yaw and forces F_z, F_pitch, and F_yaw.
- Syntax
pendulum name connected_to mass=inf Qz=1000 fz=1 I_yaw=inf Qyaw=1000 fyaw=1 I_pitch=inf Qpitch=1000 fpitch=1
SuspensionZPK A suspension that models multiple poles and zeros for the z, yaw, or pitch motion of an optic. The user must ensure that minus signs are correct for this transfer function as well as defining complex conjugae pairs for physically correct behaviour.
ZPK terms are in units of radians/s.
- Syntax
sus_zpk name connected_to zpk_plant
- Required
: Element nameconnected_to
: Mechanical port or element to attach this suspension tozpk_plant
: Dictionary of {(output, input):(z,p,k)}