PropagationSolution.animate(subs, *args, filename=None, show=True, ignore=None, name_xoffsets=None, name_yoffsets=None, ylims=None, npts=200, blit=True, interval=200)[source]

Animate any combination of the beam sizes, accumulated Gouy phases and / or wavefront curvatures over the propagated path using the substitution parameters in subs.

The expected, valid positional arguments (i.e. *args) are any combination of:
  • “beamsize”,

  • “gouy”,

  • “curvature”,

or “all” to animate all of the above.

If no positional args are given then the beamsize (first axis) and accumulated Gouy phase (second axis) will be animated by default.

At least one model parameter substitution in subs must be array-like - this will then be the animation axis. If more than one are array-like then each array must be the same size - the substitutions will then be carried out simulatenously. Any scalar value entry in subs will be applied before the animation axis.


Dictionary of model parameter substitutions. At least one entry must be array-like such than animation can be performed over this axis.

If multiple substitutions are arrays then they must all be the same size.

filenamestr, optional

Name of a file to save the animation to.

showbool, optional; default: True

Whether to show the resulting animation.

ignorecomponent, sequence of, optional

A component or sequence of components to ignore when making markers.

name_xoffsetsdict, optional

Dictionary of component names to x-axis offsets for shifting where the component name text is placed. The offset value is interpreted in terms of data co-ordinates.

name_yoffsetsdict, optional

Dictionary of component names to y-axis offsets for shifting where the component name text is placed. The offset value is interpreted in terms of data co-ordinates.

ylimsdict, optional

Dictionary of target names (i.e. “beamsize”, “gouy” or “curvature”) to manual axis y-limits.

nptsint, optional; default: 200

Number of points to use for computing beam sizes and Gouy phases over spaces.

blitbool, optional; default: True

Whether blitting is used to optimize drawing.

intervalint, optional; default: 200

Delay between frames in milliseconds.


Handle to the figure.


The axis handles.


Handle to the animation.