, return_state=False, progress_bar=False)[source]

Runs the current analysis set for this model. If no analysis has been set in the model and the analysis argument is None, then this will run a Noxaxis() on the current model.

If a separate analysis has been provided with the analysis argument then this will be run instead of what has been set to model.analysis.

analysis[str, Action], optional

KatScript code for an analysis or an analysis object to run.

return_statebool, optional

Whether to return the state of each model generated by this analysis.

progress_barbool, optional

Whether to show progress bars or not

solSolution Object

Solution to the analysis being performed

statesobjects, only when return_state == True

States generated by the analysis


Run a model with the analysis specified in the original KatScript >>> import finesse >>> model = finesse.Model() >>> model.parse(‘’’ … l l1 … pd P l1.p1.o … # Analysis … for(l1.P, [0, 1, 2, 3], print(l1.P)) … ‘’’) >>>

Or you can run a separate analysis >>>“noxaxis()”)