
Model.cavity_mismatches_table(direction=None, percent=False, numfmt='{:.2e}')[source]

Prints the mismatches between each cavity in an easily readable table format.

If either of each cavity in a coupling is unstable then the mismatch values between these will be displayed as nan.

directionstr, optional; default: None

The plane to compute mismatches in, “x” for tangential, “y” for sagittal. If not given then tables for both planes will be printed.

percentbool, optional; default: False

Whether mismatch values are displayed in terms of percentage. Defaults to False such that the values are given as fractional mismatches.

numfmtstr or func or array, optional

Either a function to format numbers or a formatting string. The function must return a string. Can also be an array with one option per row, column or cell. Defaults to “{:.4f}”.