Source code for finesse.warnings

"""Finesse-specific warnings."""

[docs]class FinesseWarning(Warning): """A generic warning thrown by Finesse."""
[docs]class ModelParameterSettingWarning(FinesseWarning): """An elements parameter is not using its prefer setter method."""
[docs]class CavityUnstableWarning(FinesseWarning): """A cavity geometry has become unstable and its eigenmode is no longer calculable."""
[docs]class KeywordUsedWarning(FinesseWarning): """A KatScript keyword was used as a name for some element in the model."""
[docs]class InvalidSweepVariableWarning(FinesseWarning): """An invalid variable value was used during a sweep action. Can occur when trying to sweep relative to an infinite value, or using a NaN. """
[docs]class UnreasonableComponentValueWarning(FinesseWarning): """A not-wrong-but-probably-unreasonable component value was set."""