Source code for finesse.knm.matrix

#cython: boundscheck=False, wraparound=False, initializedcheck=False

"""Scattering matrix data structure and associated functions
for constructing different formats of this object."""

cimport numpy as np
import numpy as np

from finesse.cymath.math cimport sqrt
from finesse.cymath.complex cimport cnorm
from finesse.cymath.homs cimport field_index
from finesse.cymath.complex cimport carg # Standard complex.h functions
from finesse.cymath.complex cimport crotate, crotate2, cnorm
from finesse.cymath.math cimport sqrt, cos, sin # Standard math.h functions
from finesse.cymath.math cimport msign

import copy
import cython

[docs]cdef class KnmMatrix: """ Higher-Order-Mode scattering matrix container. Essentially a wrapper around a 2D NumPy array with methods for conveniently accessing specific couplings and plotting the matrix as a color-mesh. The underlying :class:`numpy.ndarray` object can be accessed via the ``data`` attribute. Construction of KnmMatrix objects should, generally, not be performed manually. Objects of this type are the return type of the general scattering matrix computing routines,
see :func:`.make_scatter_matrix`. To make a KnmMatrix object from a pre-existing matrix of complex coupling coefficients, use :meth:`.KnmMatrix.from_buffer`. Parameters ---------- modes : array-like A 2D array, or memory-view to the array, of the mode indices associated with the scattering matrix. comp_name : str, optional; default: "" Name of the component associated with the matrix (if any). kdir : str, optional; default: "" A string representing the coupling direction of the matrix, e.g. "11" for a reflection at the first surface of a mirror-like optic. """ def __init__(self, const int[:, ::1] modes, comp_name="", kdir=""): if modes.shape[0] == 0 and modes.shape[1] == 0: raise Exception(f"Empty mode list provided: {np.array(modes)}") if comp_name: = f"{comp_name}.K{kdir}" else: = f"K{kdir}" self.modes_view = modes self.homs = self.modes = np.asarray(self.modes_view) matrix = np.eye(self.modes_view.shape[0], dtype=np.complex128) = matrix self.data_view = self.mtx.ptr = <complex_t*>&self.data_view[0,0] self.mtx.size1 = self.data_view.shape[0] self.mtx.size2 = self.data_view.shape[1] self.mtx.stride1 = self.data_view.strides[0]//sizeof(complex_t) self.mtx.stride2 = self.data_view.strides[1]//sizeof(complex_t) @staticmethod def from_buffer( np.ndarray[complex_t, ndim=2, mode="c"] buffer, const int[:, ::1] modes, **kwargs, ): """Construct a KnmMatrix object from a pre-existing 2D array buffer. This method is useful for creating KnmMatrix objects from scattering matrix data which have been computed elsewhere. One of the most common use-cases is when using :class:`.KnmDetector` objects in "matrix-mode"; see the documentation of this class for an example. Parameters ---------- buffer : :class:`numpy.ndarray` A 2D array of complex values corresponding to the underlying buffer of scattering matrix data. modes : array-like A 2D array, or memory-view to the array, of the mode indices associated with the scattering matrix. kwargs : keyword arguments, optional Additional args to pass to constructor of KnmMatrix. Returns ------- kmat : :class:`.KnmMatrix` The KnmMatrix wrapper around the array buffer. """ cdef Py_ssize_t N = modes.shape[0] if buffer[:].shape[0] != N or buffer[:].shape[1] != N: bshape = (buffer[:].shape[0], buffer[:].shape[1]) raise ValueError( f"Error in KnmMatrix.from_buffer:\n" f" Shape of matrix buffer {bshape} inconsistent " f"with number of modes ({N})" ) cdef KnmMatrix kmat = KnmMatrix(modes, **kwargs) = buffer kmat.data_view = buffer kmat.mtx.ptr = <complex_t*>&kmat.data_view[0,0] kmat.mtx.size1 = kmat.data_view.shape[0] kmat.mtx.size2 = kmat.data_view.shape[1] kmat.mtx.stride1 = kmat.data_view.strides[0]//sizeof(complex_t) kmat.mtx.stride2 = kmat.data_view.strides[1]//sizeof(complex_t) return kmat @staticmethod def of_zeros(const int[:, ::1] modes, **kwargs): """Constuct a KnmMatrix where each element is (complex) zero. Parameters ---------- modes : array-like A 2D array, or memory-view to the array, of the mode indices associated with the scattering matrix. kwargs : keyword arguments, optional Additional args to pass to constructor of KnmMatrix. Returns ------- kmat : :class:`.KnmMatrix` The KnmMatrix object consisting of a matrix of zeroes. """ cdef KnmMatrix kmat = KnmMatrix(modes, **kwargs)[:] = 0 + 0j return kmat def __str__(self): cdef: Py_ssize_t i, j int n1, m1, n2, m2 Py_ssize_t N = self.modes_view.shape[0] s = "" for i in range(N): n1 = self.modes_view[i][0] m1 = self.modes_view[i][1] for j in range(N): n2 = self.modes_view[j][0] m2 = self.modes_view[j][1] s += (f"{}[{j}][{i}]: {n1} {m1} " f"-> {n2} {m2} = {self.data_view[j][i]}\n") return s cdef (Py_ssize_t, Py_ssize_t) field_indices_from(self, key): cdef: Py_ssize_t i = 0 Py_ssize_t j = 0 int n1, m1, n2, m2 Py_ssize_t N = self.modes_view.shape[0] Py_ssize_t key_size str skey str mode1, mode2 list smodes if isinstance(key, str): skey = "".join(key.split()) # strip all whitespace from the key key_size = len(skey) smodes = skey.split("->") if not smodes or len(smodes) > 2: i = j = N else: # Key is a str of format "nmn'm'" if len(smodes) == 1: if key_size != 4: i = j = N else: mode1, mode2 = smodes[0][:2], smodes[0][2:] # Key is a str of format "nm->n'm'" elif len(smodes) == 2: if key_size != 6: i = j = N else: mode1, mode2 = smodes if not i and not j: # Have to convert to python int class # first before setting C ints nn1 = int(mode1[0]) mm1 = int(mode1[1]) nn2 = int(mode2[0]) mm2 = int(mode2[1]) n1 = nn1 m1 = mm1 n2 = nn2 m2 = mm2 i = field_index(n1, m1, self.modes_view) j = field_index(n2, m2, self.modes_view) else: key_size = len(key) if key_size == 2: # getting [i, j] element directly i, j = key elif key_size == 4: # getting nm -> n'm' coupling n1, m1, n2, m2 = key i = field_index(n1, m1, self.modes_view) j = field_index(n2, m2, self.modes_view) else: i = j = N return i, j def __getitem__(self, key): cdef: Py_ssize_t i, j Py_ssize_t N = self.modes_view.shape[0] i, j = self.field_indices_from(key) if i >= N or j >= N: raise ValueError(f"Invalid or non-existent key {key}") return self.data_view[j][i] def get(self, key, default=None): """Retrieves the coupling coefficient corresponding to the `key`, returning `default` if this `key` is invalid. Parameters ---------- key : str or integer sequence A string of the format: - "nm->n'm'" or, - "nmn'm'", where n, m, n' and m' are all convertible to integers Or an integer sequence of: - length 2 -- i.e. an i, j pair corresponding to the field indices. - or length 4 -- i.e. a n1, m1, n2, m2 coupling. default : Any, optional The default value returned if the `key` is invalid. Returns ------- out : complex The value of the coupling coefficient associated with `key`. """ cdef: Py_ssize_t i, j Py_ssize_t N = self.modes_view.shape[0] i, j = self.field_indices_from(key) if i >= N or j >= N: return default return self.data_view[j][i] cdef complex_t coupling(self, int n1, int m1, int n2, int m2) noexcept nogil: cdef: Py_ssize_t i = field_index(n1, m1, self.modes_view) Py_ssize_t j = field_index(n2, m2, self.modes_view) return self.data_view[j][i] def plot( self, mode="amplitude", log=False, deg=False, cmap=None, show=True, filename=None, ): """Plots the coupling coefficient matrix as a color-mesh. Parameters ---------- mode : str, optional Specifier for which attribute of the coupling coefficient to plot. This can be one of 'amplitude', 'phase', 'real', 'imag', 'amplitude/phase', or 'real/imag'. Defaults to 'amplitude'. log : bool, optional Whether the log of the data should be plotted. This is only used for 'amplitude' and is ignored for all other options. Defaults to False. deg : bool, optional Whether the data should be plotted in degrees or radians. This is only used for 'phase' and is ignored for all other options. Defaults to False. cmap : str, matplotlib colormap, optional Colormap to use. Defaults to the default colormap loaded in matplotlib.rcParams. show : bool, optional Whether to show plot or not. Defaults to true. filename : str, path, optional The name of a file to save the figure to. Defaults to None so that no file is saved. Returns ------- fig : matplotlib figure A handle to the figure. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.colors as colors from import add_colorbar from functools import partial knm =[:] valid_modes = [ "amplitude", "phase", "real", "imag", "amplitude/phase", "real/imag", ] if mode not in valid_modes: raise ValueError( f"Invalid mode={mode} argument. Must be one of {valid_modes}" ) modes = mode.split("/") nplots = len(modes) func_map = { "amplitude": np.abs, "phase": partial(np.angle, deg=deg), "real": np.real, "imag": np.imag, } label_map = { "amplitude": "abs", "phase": f"phase [{'deg' if deg else 'rad'}]", "real": "real", "imag": "imag", } fig = plt.figure() gs = fig.add_gridspec(nplots, 1, hspace=0.04 * (nplots - 1)) ax_top = fig.add_subplot(gs[0]) if nplots == 2: ax_bot = fig.add_subplot(gs[1], sharex=ax_top) numrows, numcols = knm.shape hom_ticks = [] for i in range(self.modes_view.shape[0]): hom_ticks.append(f"{self.modes_view[i][0]}{self.modes_view[i][1]}") A = np.arange(1, self.modes_view.shape[0] + 1) - 0.5 def make_subplot(ax, mode): func = func_map[mode] label = label_map[mode] if log and mode == "amplitude": norm = colors.LogNorm() # Make sure any zero couplings get displayed as black rather than white cmap_handle = copy.copy(plt.colormaps.get_cmap(cmap)) cmap_handle.set_bad((0,0,0)) else: norm = None cmap_handle = cmap cax = ax.pcolormesh(func(knm), cmap=cmap_handle, norm=norm) add_colorbar(cax, label=label) ax.set_xticks(A) ax.set_yticks(A) ax.set_xticklabels(hom_ticks) ax.set_yticklabels(hom_ticks) ax.set_xlim(None, np.max(A) + 0.5) ax.set_ylim(None, np.max(A) + 0.5) def format_coord(x, y): col = int(np.floor(x)) row = int(np.floor(y)) if col >= 0 and col < numcols and row >= 0 and row < numrows: z = knm[row, col] return ( f"nm={hom_ticks[col]}, n'm'={hom_ticks[row]}, z={z:.4g}" f" -> {label}(z) = {func(z):.4g}" ) return None ax.format_coord = format_coord # ax.set_aspect("equal") make_subplot(ax_top, mode=modes[0]) if nplots == 2: make_subplot(ax_bot, mode=modes[1]) # don't label the top xaxis since the bottom one will have them plt.setp(ax_top.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) figsize = fig.get_size_inches() fig.set_size_inches(figsize[0], figsize[1] * nplots) fig.tight_layout() if filename is not None: # need bbox_inches here even after tight_layout has been called fig.savefig(filename, bbox_inches="tight") if show: return fig cpdef make_unscaled_X_scatter_knm_matrix(int[:, ::1] modes) : """ This method returns an unscaled KnmMatrix object that represents a distortion from the integral: iint_inf U_nm(x,y) x U_n'm'(x,y) dx dy This essentially scatters modes by mode index n ± 1. There are some scalings proportional to w(x)*exp(±1j*Gouy(z)) missing as these can be applied as single scalars in addition to this matrix if needed. Returns ------- KnmMatrix """ cdef int i, j, n_, m_, n, m cdef KnmMatrix k_yaw = KnmMatrix.of_zeros(modes) i = j = -1 for n_, m_ in modes: # from i += 1 j = -1 for n, m in modes: # to j += 1 if m == m_: if n + 1 == n_: # matrix is hermitian k_yaw.data_view[j, i] = sqrt(n+1)/2 k_yaw.data_view[i, j] = sqrt(n+1)/2 return k_yaw cpdef make_unscaled_Y_scatter_knm_matrix(int[:, ::1] modes) : """ This method returns an unscaled KnmMatrix object that represents a distortion from the integral: iint_inf U_nm(x,y) y U_n'm'(x,y) dx dy This essentially scatters modes by mode index m ± 1. There are some scalings proportional to w(x)*exp(±1j*Gouy(z)) missing as these can be applied as single scalars in addition to this matrix if needed. Returns ------- KnmMatrix """ cdef int i, j, n_, m_, n, m cdef KnmMatrix k_pitch = KnmMatrix.of_zeros(modes) i = j = -1 for n_, m_ in modes: # from i += 1 j = -1 for n, m in modes: # to j += 1 if n == n_: if m + 1 == m_: # matrix is hermitian k_pitch.data_view[j, i] = sqrt(m+1)/2 k_pitch.data_view[i, j] = sqrt(m+1)/2 return k_pitch cdef void knm_loss(const complex_t* knm_mat, double* out, Py_ssize_t N) noexcept nogil: """Compute per mode losses due to scattering. Each entry in out is then 1 - \sum_{n'm'} |k_{n'm'nm}|^2 for the mode nm. """ cdef: Py_ssize_t i, j for i in range(N): out[i] = 1.0 for j in range(N): out[i] -= cnorm(knm_mat[j*N + i]) @cython.boundscheck(False) @cython.wraparound(False) @cython.initializedcheck(False) cdef void c_zero_tem00_phase( const complex_t[:, ::1] knm_mat, complex_t[:, ::1] out ) noexcept nogil: """Rotates all coupling coefficients in the matrix `knm_mat` by the phase of the zeroth (00 -> 00) coupling coefficient. This has the effect of zeroing the phase of the 00 -> 00 coupling coefficient, resulting in cavities being resonant for the 00 mode by default if this function (along with zeroing of space Gouy phase for 00 mode) is applied.""" cdef: Py_ssize_t i, j Py_ssize_t N = knm_mat.shape[0] double phase_k0000 = carg(knm_mat[0][0]) double cph = cos(phase_k0000) double sph = -sin(phase_k0000) for i in range(N): for j in range(N): out[i][j] = crotate2(knm_mat[i][j], cph, sph) @cython.boundscheck(False) @cython.wraparound(False) @cython.initializedcheck(False) cdef void c_flip_odd_horizontal( DenseZMatrix *mat, const int[:, ::1] homs ) noexcept nogil: """Flips the sign of all odd couplings in the sagittal plane.""" cdef: Py_ssize_t i, j int n2 Py_ssize_t N = mat.size1 for i in range(N): for j in range(N): n2 = homs[j][0] if msign(n2) == -1: mat.ptr[j*mat.stride1 + i*mat.stride2] *= -1 def reverse_gouy_phases( x_gouy1, y_gouy1, x_gouy2, y_gouy2, knm_matrix ): """ Adjust the phase of all coupling coefficients in the matrix `knm_mat` with respect to the Gouy phases. This is required for :math:`k_{nmn'm'}` calculations because in Finesse the Gouy phase is added explicitly to the amplitude coefficients in a :class:`.Space` whereas the coupling coefficients are derived using a formula in which the Gouy phase resides in the equation for the spatial profile. """ c_reverse_gouy_phases( x_gouy1, y_gouy1, x_gouy2, y_gouy2,, knm_matrix.modes, ) @cython.boundscheck(False) @cython.wraparound(False) @cython.initializedcheck(False) cdef void c_reverse_gouy_phases( double x_gouy1, double y_gouy1, double x_gouy2, double y_gouy2, const complex_t[:, ::1] knm_mat, const int[:, ::1] homs, complex_t[:, ::1] out ) noexcept nogil: """ Adjust the phase of all coupling coefficients in the matrix `knm_mat` with respect to the Gouy phases. This is required for :math:`k_{nmn'm'}` calculations because in Finesse the Gouy phase is added explicitly to the amplitude coefficients in a :class:`.Space` whereas the coupling coefficients are derived using a formula in which the Gouy phase resides in the equation for the spatial profile. """ cdef: Py_ssize_t i, j int n1, m1, n2, m2 Py_ssize_t N = knm_mat.shape[0] for i in range(N): n1 = homs[i][0] m1 = homs[i][1] for j in range(N): n2 = homs[j][0] m2 = homs[j][1] out[j][i] = rev_gouy( x_gouy1, y_gouy1, x_gouy2, y_gouy2, knm_mat[j][i], n1, m1, n2, m2, ) @cython.boundscheck(False) @cython.wraparound(False) @cython.initializedcheck(False) cdef complex_t rev_gouy( double x_gouy1, double y_gouy1, double x_gouy2, double y_gouy2, complex_t k, int n1, int m1, int n2, int m2, ) noexcept nogil: cdef: double phase1, phase2 phase1 = (n1 + 0.5) * x_gouy1 + (m1 + 0.5) * y_gouy1 phase2 = (n2 + 0.5) * x_gouy2 + (m2 + 0.5) * y_gouy2 return crotate(k, phase2 - phase1)