"""A collection of methods to compute overlap integrals for modal scattering matrices.
Essentially this involves solving the following integral
.. math::
K_{abnm} = \iint^{\infty}_{-\infty} U_{nm}(x,y,q_i) M(x,y) U^*_{ab}(x,y,q_o) \, dy \, dx
:math:`U_nm` is the initial modes in the basis :math:`q_i` we are converting from and
:math:`U_ab` are the target modes in a basis :math:`q_o` we are projecting into.
Should explore if decomposing compute_map_knm_matrix_riemann_optimised into real and imaginary
integrals might be faster. In cases where q_in == q_out then integrals are real, apart from
the map component which can be complex.
Explore use of zgemm3m which is 25% faster than zgemm
Probably look into using CUDA if necessary for more speed.
import cython
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np
from finesse.cymath cimport complex_t
from scipy.linalg.cython_blas cimport zgemm
from scipy.integrate import newton_cotes
from ..cymath.homs cimport unm_workspace, unm_factor_store, u_n__fast, u_m__fast
cpdef void outer_conj_product(complex_t[:,::1] U, complex_t[:,:,::1] result) except *:
"""Computes U * U^C and returns the output into the result array.
Result array must be of shape (N,N,M) where U is shape (N,M).
Py_ssize_t i, j, k
double a, b, c, d
A = U.shape[0]
B = U.shape[1]
if not (result.shape[0] == result.shape[1] == A) or not (result.shape[2] == B):
raise RuntimeError(f"result array wrong shape should be ({A,A,B})")
for i in range(A):
for j in range(A):
for k in range(B):
a = U[i, k].real
b = U[i, k].imag
c = U[j, k].real
d = U[j, k].imag
result[i, j, k] = a*c + b*d + 1j*(b*c - a*d) # U[i, k] * conj(U[j, k])
cdef void c_outer_conj_product(
Py_ssize_t Nm,
Py_ssize_t Ns,
complex_t *U, # complex[Nm, Ns] C-ordered
complex_t *result # complex[Nm, Nm, Ns] C-ordered
) noexcept nogil:
"""Computes U * U^C and returns the output into the result array.
Result array must be of shape (Nm,Nm,Ns) where U is shape (Nm,Ns).
Py_ssize_t i, j, k
double a, b, c, d
for i in range(Nm):
for j in range(Nm):
for k in range(Ns):
a = U[i*Ns + k].real #U[i, k].real
b = U[i*Ns + k].imag
c = U[j*Ns + k].real
d = U[j*Ns + k].imag
result[i*Nm*Ns + j*Ns + k] = a*c + b*d + 1j*(b*c - a*d) # U[i, k] * conj(U[j, k])
cpdef void outer_conj_product_2(complex_t[:,::1] U1, complex_t[:,::1] U2, complex_t[:,:,::1] result) except *:
"""Computes U1 * U2**C and returns the output into the result array.
Result array must be of shape (N,N,M) where U is shape (N,M).
Py_ssize_t i, j, k
double a, b, c, d
A = U1.shape[0]
B = U1.shape[1]
if not (result.shape[0] == result.shape[1] == A) or not (result.shape[2] == B):
raise RuntimeError(f"result array wrong shape should be ({A,A,B})")
for i in range(A):
for j in range(A):
for k in range(B):
a = U1[i, k].real
b = U1[i, k].imag
c = U2[j, k].real
d = U2[j, k].imag
result[i, j, k] = a*c + b*d + 1j*(b*c - a*d) # U1[i, k] * conj(U2[j, k])
cdef void c_outer_conj_product_2(
Py_ssize_t Nm,
Py_ssize_t Ns,
complex_t* U1,
complex_t* U2,
complex_t* result
) noexcept nogil:
"""Computes U1 * U2**C and returns the output into the result array.
Result array must be of shape (N,N,M) where U is shape (N,M).
Py_ssize_t i, j, k
double a, b, c, d
for i in range(Nm):
for j in range(Nm):
for k in range(Ns):
a = U1[i*Ns + k].real
b = U1[i*Ns + k].imag
c = U2[j*Ns + k].real
d = U2[j*Ns + k].imag
result[i*Ns*Nm + j*Ns + k] = a*c + b*d + 1j*(b*c - a*d) # U1[i, k] * conj(U2[j, k])
cdef void update_U_xy_array(
double *x, Py_ssize_t Nx, double *y, Py_ssize_t Ny,
complex_t *Un, complex_t *Um, Py_ssize_t Nm,
unm_workspace *ws, unm_factor_store *store
) noexcept nogil:
"""Method to fill Un and Um arrays up to some mode index Nm
x : *double
Pointer to start of contiguous x array
Nx : int
Size of x array
y : *double
Pointer to start of contiguous y array
Ny : int
Size of y array
Nm : int
Max number of modes to calculate up to
Pointer to allocated and initialised unm_workspace
Pointer to allocated and initialised unm_factor_store
cdef Py_ssize_t i, j
for i in range(Nm):
for j in range(Nx):
Un[i*Nx + j] = u_n__fast(ws, store, i, x[j])
for i in range(Nm):
for j in range(Ny):
Um[i*Ny + j] = u_m__fast(ws, store, i, y[j])
cpdef compute_map_scattering_coeffs_riemann_optimised(
double dA,
complex_t[:,::1] Z,
complex_t[:,:,::1] Unn_,
complex_t[:,:,::1] Umm_,
complex_t[:,:,::1] tmp,
complex_t[:,:,:,::1] result,
) :
"""Calculates a mode scattering matrix using a Riemann sum. This method
uses an computationally optimised approach making use of fast BLAS
functions. This requires the input modes to be specified in specific
formats and memory layouts. What this functions computes is the following
via a Riemann
.. math::
K_{abnm} = \int^{\infty}_{-\infty} u_{m}(y,q^y_i) u^*_{b}(y,q^y_o) \Bigg[ \int^{\infty}_{-\infty} Z(x,y) u_{n}(x,q^x_i) u^*_{a}(x,q^x_o) \, dx \Bigg] \, dy
This integral is not actually performed to infinity, it is bound by the
dimensions of the discretised map :math:`Z`. The map bound and uniform
discretisation must be chosen to effciently sample the size of any of
the beams and maximum mode order being used.
Due to the optimised calculation method, the result indexing is not
[a,b,n,m] but [m,a,n,b]. To convert it back to a more usable
indexing use:
>>> result = np.transpose(result, (2,1,0,3))
Nx - number of x samples
Ny - number of y samples
Nm - number of modes (n, m) being calculated
dA : double
Area of discrete integral, dx * dy
Z : array[complex]
2D map of size [Ny, Nx]
Unn_ : array[complex]
3D array of size [Nm, Nm, Nx]. This should contain the
Un(x) * Un'(x)**C products
Umm_ : array[complex]
3D array of size [Nm, Nm, Ny]. This should contain the
Um(x) * Um'(x)**C products
tmp : array[complex]
Temporary storage that can be used to compute the dot
products between Z and Unn_.
Should be of size (Nm, Nm, Ny)
result : array[complex]
Resulting Knmnm output of size [Nm, Nm, Nm, Nm].
IMPORTANT: Note output indexing of result K[m,a,n,b]
if not (Z.ndim == 2):
raise RuntimeError("Z.ndim != 2")
if not (result.ndim == 4):
raise RuntimeError("result.ndim != 2")
int Nx = Z.shape[1]
int Ny = Z.shape[0]
int Nm = result.shape[0]
if not (result.shape[0] == Nm and result.shape[1] == Nm and result.shape[2] == Nm and result.shape[3] == Nm):
raise RuntimeError("result.shape != (Nm, Nm, Nm, Nm)")
if not (Unn_.shape[0] == Nm and Unn_.shape[1] == Nm and Unn_.shape[2] == Nx):
raise RuntimeError("Unn_.shape != (Nm, Nm, Nx)")
if not (Umm_.shape[0] == Nm and Umm_.shape[1] == Nm and Umm_.shape[2] == Ny):
raise RuntimeError("Umm_.shape != (Nm, Nm, Ny)")
if not (tmp.shape[0] == Nm and tmp.shape[1] == Nm and tmp.shape[2] == Ny):
raise RuntimeError("tmp.shape != (Nm, Nm, Ny)")
Nx, Ny, Nm, dA,
cdef void c_riemann_optimised(
int Nx,
int Ny,
int Nm,
double dA,
complex_t* Z, # [Ny, Nx]
complex_t* Unn_, # [Nm, Nm, Nx]
complex_t* Umm_, # [Nm, Nm, Ny]
complex_t* tmp, # [Nm, Nm, Ny]
complex_t* result, # [Nm, Nm, Nm, Nm]
) noexcept nogil:
"""Raw interface that can be accessed via a Python interface using
`compute_map_scattering_coeffs_riemann_optimised`, see that function
for more details.
Nx : int
Number of x samples
Ny : int
Number of y samples
Nm : int
Number of 1D modes
dA : double
Area of discrete integral, dx * dy
Z : array[complex]
2D map of size [Ny, Nx]
Unn_ : array[complex]
3D array of size [Nm, Nm, Nx]. This should contain the
Un(x) * Un'(x)**C products
Umm_ : array[complex]
3D array of size [Nm, Nm, Ny]. This should contain the
Um(x) * Um'(x)**C products
tmp : array[complex]
Temporary storage that can be used to compute the dot
products between Z and Unn_.
Should be of size (Nm, Nm, Ny)
result : array[complex]
Resulting Knmnm output of size [Nm, Nm, Nm, Nm].
IMPORTANT: Note output indexing of result K[m,a,n,b]
Py_ssize_t i, k
int lda, ldb, ldc, M, N, K
complex_t alpha = dA
complex_t beta = 0
complex_t *A
complex_t *B
complex_t *C
# setup blas zgemm variables for map product with x-modes
# store this in a temporary memory and then apply the
M = Ny
N = Nm
K = Nx
lda = K
ldb = K
ldc = M
A = Z
for i in range(Nm):
B = Unn_ + i*Nm*Nx # &Unn_[i,0,0]
C = tmp + i*Nm*Ny #&tmp[i,0,0]
zgemm("T", "N",
&M, &N, &K,
&alpha, A, &lda, B, &ldb,
&beta, C, &ldc
# Now we need to perform the product of the y-modes
# with all the map and x-mode products
M = Nm
N = Nm
K = Ny
lda = Ny
ldb = Ny
ldc = Nm
alpha = 1 # reset as already applied dA
for i in range(Nm):
for k in range(Nm):
A = Umm_ + i*Nm*Ny # &Umm_[i,0,0]
B = tmp + k*Nm*Ny # &tmp[k,0,0]
C = result + i*Nm*Nm*Nm + k*Nm*Nm # &result[i,k,0,0]
zgemm("T", "N",
&M, &N, &K,
&alpha, A, &lda, B, &ldb,
&beta, C, &ldc
def composite_newton_cotes_weights(N, order):
Constructs the weights for a composite Newton-Cotes rule for integration
along 1-dimensional line with equally spaced steps. Newton-Cotes are a
generalisation of a various discrete integration methods that are
approximating an integrated by some polynomial. Common methods are:
N = 0 : Riemann sum
N = 1 : Trapezoid rule
N = 2 : Simpsons rule
N = 4 : Simpsons 3/8 rule
Approximating a large bound with a high order polynomial can be numerically
problematic. Thus a composite rule is generated by subdividing a larger area
into multiple chunks and applying each rule along it.
If the order Newton-Cotes order specified does not produce a rule that fits
into N, the order is decremented and that is used to fill gaps that do
no fit.
See https://mathworld.wolfram.com/Newton-CotesFormulas.html
N : integer >= 0
1D size of array being ingrated over
order : integer >= 0
Order of Newton-Cotes rule to use
weights : array
Array of weights to multiply data with before summing
# ensure we have a 1xN array
if order == 0:
return np.ones((N,))
W = newton_cotes(order, 1)[0]
wx = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.float64)
i = 0
while i < N - 1:
wx[i:(i+len(W))] += W
i += len(W)-1
except ValueError as ex:
# if we can't fit a newton-cotes rule in to the space
# needed then pick a slightly smaller one
if len(wx[i:(i+len(W))]) < len(W):
order -= 1
W = newton_cotes(order, 1)[0]
return wx
def map_coupling_matrix_riemann(complex_t[:,::1] Y, double dx, double dy, complex_t[:,::1] Un, complex_t[:,::1] Um, long[:,::1] index_map):
Py_ssize_t i, j, k, l, n, m, nn, mm, Nm
complex_t a, b
complex_t[:, ::1] K
double D = dx * dy
complex_t sum = 0
complex_t [:, ::1] Un_
complex_t [:, ::1] Um_
Nm = index_map.shape[0]
Nx = Un.shape[1]
Ny = Um.shape[1]
K = np.zeros((Nm, Nm), dtype=np.complex128)
Un_ = np.conj(Un)
Um_ = np.conj(Um)
for i in range(Nm):
n = index_map[i, 0]
m = index_map[i, 1]
for j in range(Nm):
nn = index_map[j, 0]
mm = index_map[j, 1]
sum = 0
for k in range(Nx):
for l in range(Ny):
a = Un[n, k] * Un_[nn, k]
b = Um[m, l] * Um_[mm, l]
sum += a * b * Y[k, l]
K[i, j] = K[i, j] + sum * D
return np.asarray(K)
# WIP integration function
# needs to separate the real H(x) functions for integrand and the complex
# scaling factors still.
# @cython.boundscheck(False)
# @cython.wraparound(False)
# @cython.initializedcheck(False)
# cpdef void compute_map_knm_scatterins_riemann_optimised_mode_matched(
# double dA,
# double[:,::1] Z_real,
# double[:,::1] Z_imag,
# double[:,:,::1] Unn_,
# double[:,:,::1] Umm_,
# double[:,:,::1] tmp_real,
# double[:,:,::1] tmp_imag,
# double[:,:,:,::1] result_real,
# double[:,:,:,::1] result_imag,
# complex_t[:,:,:,::1] result,
# ) except *:
# cdef:
# Py_ssize_t i, j, k, l,
# int Nx, Ny, Nm, inc=1, lda, ldb, ldc, M, N, K
# double alpha = dA
# double beta = 0
# double *A
# double *B
# double *C
# double *X
# double *Y
# Nx = Z_real.shape[1]
# Ny = Z_real.shape[0]
# Nm = result_real.shape[0] # computing (Nm, Nm, Nm, Nm) output
# assert(result_real.shape[0] == result_real.shape[1] == result_real.shape[2] == result_real.shape[3])
# assert(result_imag.shape[0] == result_imag.shape[1] == result_imag.shape[2] == result_imag.shape[3])
# assert(Unn_.shape[0] == Unn_.shape[1] == result_imag.shape[0] == result_real.shape[0])
# assert(Unn_.shape[0] == Unn_.shape[1] == result_imag.shape[0] == result_real.shape[0])
# assert(Unn_.shape[2] == Nx)
# assert(Umm_.shape[2] == Ny)
# # setup blas zgemm variables for map product with x-modes
# # store this in a temporary memory and then apply the
# M = Ny
# N = Nm
# K = Nx
# lda = K
# ldb = K
# ldc = M
# for i in range(Nm):
# B = &Unn_[i,0,0]
# A = &Z_real[0, 0]
# C = &tmp_real[i,0,0]
# dgemm("T", "N",
# &M, &N, &K,
# &alpha, A, &lda, B, &ldb,
# &beta, C, &ldc
# )
# A = &Z_imag[0, 0]
# C = &tmp_imag[i,0,0]
# dgemm("T", "N",
# &M, &N, &K,
# &alpha, A, &lda, B, &ldb,
# &beta, C, &ldc
# )
# # Now we need to perform the product of the y-modes
# # with all the map and x-mode products
# M = Nm
# N = Nm
# K = Ny
# lda = Ny
# ldb = Ny
# ldc = Nm
# alpha = 1 # reset as already applied dA
# for i in range(Nm):
# for k in range(Nm):
# A = &Umm_[i,0,0]
# B = &tmp_real[k,0,0]
# C = &result_real[i,k,0,0]
# dgemm("T", "N",
# &M, &N, &K,
# &alpha, A, &lda, B, &ldb,
# &beta, C, &ldc
# )
# B = &tmp_imag[k,0,0]
# C = &result_imag[i,k,0,0]
# dgemm("T", "N",
# &M, &N, &K,
# &alpha, A, &lda, B, &ldb,
# &beta, C, &ldc
# )
# for i in range(Nm):
# for j in range(Nm):
# for k in range(Nm):
# for l in range(Nm):
# result[i,j,k,l].real = result_real[i,j,k,l]
# for i in range(Nm):
# for j in range(Nm):
# for k in range(Nm):
# for l in range(Nm):
# result[i,j,k,l].imag = result_imag[i,j,k,l]