
CCSMatrix.declare_equations(self, SuiteSparse_long Neqs, SuiteSparse_long index, unicode name, is_diagonal=True, add_view=True)

This defines generally what equations exist in the matrix. It essentially defines the order of the RHS vector for which equations map to what index.

This method decalres a group of Neqs equations at once which form a “block” or submatrix within the matrix itself. This block can be referenced by the unique index provided.

When adding this block of equations a view of the diagonal of the matrix can also be added and returned if required. By default it will.


Number of equations this submatrix represents


Subcolumn index


Name used to indentify this coupling in the matrix for debugging

is_diagonalbool, optional

If true, the view created and returned is a diagonal submatrix. If False, the view will be a dense submatrix.

add_viewbool, optional

If True, a submatrix view will be added to the matrix so that the diagonal submatrix for these elements is available for altering the values automatically.


If add_view == True, a view of the diagonal submatrix for these elements will be returned.