, to_node=None, via_node=None, path=None, q_in=None, direction='x', symbolic=False, deg=True, **kwargs)[source]

Computes the accumulated Gouy phase along a specified path.

By setting the argument symbolic to true, this method will return a symbolic representation of the accumulated Gouy phase rather than a number.

If the argument q_in is not specified then this value will be determined from a call to Model.beam_trace(). Arguments to this beam trace call can be passed via the kwargs of this method.


Node to trace from.


Node to trace to.

via_nodeNode, optional

Optional node to trace via.

pathOpticalPath, optional

A pre-generated path to use.

q_inBeamParam, complex, optional

Beam parameter to use at starting node. If not specified then this will be determined from a beam trace. Note that, if specified, this can also be a symbolic beam parameter.

directionstr, optional; default: “x”

Plane of computation (can be ‘x’, ‘y’ or None).

symbolicbool, optional; default: False

Flag determining whether to return a symbolic representation.

degreesbool, optional; default: True

Flag determining whether to convert return value from radians to degrees.