
Hello-Vinet equations for thermal lenses in cylindrical mirrors. Higher order mode thermal effects are not implemented here. Therefore all the functions return some axially symmetric data.

Equations all based on [29]:

Jean-Yves Vinet, “On Special Optical Modes and Thermal Issues in Advanced Gravitational Wave Interferometric Detectors” Living Review 2009



Evaluates a Fourier-Bessel decomposition fit performed with get_p_n_s_numerical().

get_p_n_s(a, w, n, m, chi, eta_n_s, eta_n_s_sq)

Returns beam intensity overlap coefficients as calculated by Eq 3.33 in [1].

get_p_n_s_numerical(I, a, s_max, material[, ...])

Performs a Fourier-Bessel decomposition of some axisymmetric irradiance distribution.

ring_radiator_intensity(r, a, b_c, D_c, P_c)

Calculates the intesity of incident on a mirror surface from an ideally thin ring radiator.

substrate_temperatures(data, z, h)

Computes the 2D substrate temperature distribution per Watt of absorbed power in each of the coating and substrate for an arbitrary axisymmetric heating irradiance computed with p_n_s_numerical().

substrate_temperatures_HG00(r, z, a, h, w, ...)

Computes the 2D substrate temperature distribution per Watt of absorbed power in each of the coating and substrate from a HG00 beam.

substrate_thermal_expansion_depth(data, z, h)

Computes the depth displacements throughout the bulk of an optic due to coating absorption.

substrate_thermal_expansion_depth_HG00(r, z, ...)

Computes the depth displacements throughout the bulk of an optic due to coating absorption.

surface_deformation_coating_heating(data, h)

Computes the depth displacement change of the surface of an optic due to coating absorption.

surface_deformation_coating_heating_HG00(r, ...)

Computes the depth displacement change of the surface of an optic due to coating absorption.

surface_deformation_substrate_heating(data, h)

Computes the depth displacement change of the surface of an optic due to bulk absorption from a generic axisymmetric heating profile.

surface_deformation_substrate_heating_HG00(r, ...)

Computes the depth displacement change of the surface of an optic due to bulk absorption from a HG00 beam.

thermal_lenses(data, h)

Computes the substrate thermal lens per Watt of absorbed power in each of the coating and substrate for an arbitrary axisymmetric heating irradiance computed with get_p_n_s_numerical().

thermal_lenses_HG00(r, a, h, w, material[, ...])

Computes the substrate thermal lens per Watt of absorbed power in each of the coating and substrate from a HG00 beam.

zeros_of_xjn_1_chi_jn(double chi, int n_max, ...)

Compute the roots of the equation