
Model.add_matched_gauss(node, name=None, priority=0, matched_to=None)[source]

Adds a Gauss object mode matched to the model at the specified node. If matched_to is given then the Gauss object will be matched to this, otherwise it will be mode matched to whichever dependency the node relies upon currently.

node :class:`.OpticalNode`

The node instance to add the Gauss at.

namestr, optional

Optional name of the new Gauss object. If not specified then the name will be automatically given as “AUTO_MM_nodename” where nodename is the node’s full name.

priorityint, optional; default: 0

The priority value of the Gauss object. See TraceDependency.priority for details on the argument.

matched_toTraceDependency, optional

The trace dependency to solely match to.