
property Surface.Rc

The radius of curvature of the mirror in metres, for both the tangential and sagittal planes.


Returns values of both planes’ radii of curvature as a numpy.ndarray where the first element is the tangential plane RoC and the second element is the sagittal plane RoC.


Sets the radius of curvature.


The following sets the radii of curvature of an object m, which is a sub-instance of Surface, in both directions to 2.5 m:

>>> m.Rc = 2.5

Whilst this would set the radius of curvature in the x-direction (tangential plane) to 2.5 m and the radius of curvature in the y-direction (sagittal plane) to 2.7 m:

>>> m.Rc = (2.5, 2.7)