Source code for finesse.utilities.blockdiag

import sys
import io
import networkx
import re

from finesse.components.node import NodeType
from finesse.components import Connector, SignalGenerator, Wire

from functools import reduce

[docs]def dfs_edges_to_paths(a, b): if b[-1] in ("forward", "nontree"): if b[0] == b[1]: return a if len(a) == 0: a.append([b[0]]) if b[0] != a[-1][-1]: a.append([b[0]]) a[-1].append(b[1]) return a
[docs]def get_loops_network(model): """Reduces a Model network down to an electronic loop network. This can be used for drawing diagrams or computing loops if needed. """ net = networkx.digraph.DiGraph() is_electric = lambda x: all(p.type == NodeType.ELECTRICAL for p in x.ports) in_sig = set() out_optics = set() in_optics = set() for el in model.elements.values(): if isinstance(el, Connector): conn_elec_ports = tuple( p.type == NodeType.ELECTRICAL for p in el.ports if p.is_connected ) if len(conn_elec_ports) > 1 and all(conn_elec_ports): if isinstance(el, SignalGenerator): if is_electric(el.node.component): OUT = el.node.port.full_name else: OUT = "__in_optics_" + el.node.port.full_name in_optics.add(OUT) in_sig.add( net.add_edge(, OUT, owner=el, port_A=None, port_B=el.node.port.full_name, ) elif isinstance(el, Wire): A_electric = is_electric(el.nodeA.component) B_electric = is_electric(el.nodeA.component) if A_electric: IN = else: IN = "__out_optics_" + el.nodeA.port_name out_optics.add(IN) if B_electric: OUT = else: OUT = "__in_optics_" + el.nodeB.port_name in_optics.add(OUT) net.add_edge( IN, OUT, owner=el, port_A=el.nodeA.port_name, port_B=el.nodeB.port_name, ) else: net.add_node(, owner=el) # Change where multiple edges are combined into a summing node for n in tuple(net.nodes): in_edges = tuple(net.in_edges(n)) if len(in_edges) > 1: nsum = "__sum_" + n net.add_node(nsum) net.add_edge(nsum, n) for edge in in_edges: a, b = edge net.add_edge(a, nsum) net.remove_edge(a, b) # optic_couplings = [] # Could add in optic-optic coupling if needed # for o in set(in_optics): # for i in set(out_optics): # optic_couplings.append((o,i)) # net.add_edge(o, i) return net, in_optics, out_optics, in_sig
[docs]def get_loops_blockdiag_code(kat, f=sys.stdout): re1 = re.compile( "(?P<sum>__sum_)*(?:__(?P<optics_dir>in|out)_optics_)*(?P<name>.*)" ) net, in_optics, out_optics, in_sig = get_loops_network(kat) print("{", file=f) print("default_shape = roundedbox;", file=f) for n in net.nodes: res = re1.match(n).groupdict() if res is None: raise Exception(f"Unexpected {n}") if res["sum"] is not None: print(f"{n} [ shape = circle , label='+', width=20, height=20];", file=f) elif res["optics_dir"] == "out": print(f"{n} [ shape = beginpoint, label = '{res['name']}'];", file=f) elif res["optics_dir"] == "in": print(f"{n} [ shape = endpoint, label = '{res['name']}'];", file=f) else: print(f"{n} [ width = {40} , label = '{res['name']}'];", file=f) print( f""" # Inputs into the optics model group {{ {" ".join(in_optics)} }} # Outputs into the optics model group {{ {" ".join(out_optics)} }} """, file=f, ) for o in set(out_optics) | set(in_sig): paths = reduce( dfs_edges_to_paths, networkx.dfs_labeled_edges(net, source=o), [] ) for p in paths: print(" -> ".join(p) + ";", file=f) print("}", file=f)
[docs]def display_blockdiag_output(cell, output_format="png", return_svg=False): import tempfile import blockdiag.command from IPython.core.displaypub import publish_display_data command = blockdiag.command mime_type = { "png": "image/png", "svg": "image/svg+xml", } with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".diag", delete=True) as f: cell += "\n" f.write(cell.encode("utf-8")) f.flush() with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix="." + output_format, delete=True) as p: args = ["-T", output_format, "-o",,] command.main(args=args) data = if output_format in ["svg"]: data = data.decode("utf-8") publish_display_data({mime_type.get(output_format, "text/plain"): data}) if return_svg: return data
[docs]def display_loops_blockdiag(kat): f = io.StringIO() get_loops_blockdiag_code(kat, f) display_blockdiag_output(f.getvalue())