Source code for finesse.script.containers

"""Token and production containers for use in the tokenizer and parser."""

# Enable postponed type hint evaluation (PEP 563). This can be removed once Finesse
# requires at least Python 3.9.
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Any, Union, List
from functools import total_ordering
import re
import abc
from dataclasses import dataclass
from ..env import INDENT

[docs]@total_ordering @dataclass(eq=True, frozen=True) class KatCoordinate: """Kat script file coordinate supporting comparison operations.""" lineno: int index: int def __lt__(self, other): if self.lineno != other.lineno: return self.lineno < other.lineno return self.index < other.index def __add__(self, other): return KatCoordinate(self.lineno + other.lineno, self.index + other.index) def __sub__(self, other): return KatCoordinate(self.lineno - other.lineno, self.index - other.index) def __str__(self): return f"({self.lineno}, {self.index})" def compact(self): """Compact coordinate representation. Returns ------- :class:`str` Compact coordinates. """ return f"{self.lineno}:{self.index}"
[docs]@dataclass(eq=True, frozen=True) class KatBounds: """Kat script start and stop bounds. This represents a block of text in a kat script file. """ start: KatCoordinate stop: KatCoordinate def __post_init__(self): if self.start > self.stop: raise ValueError(f"start ({self.start}) must be < stop ({self.stop})") def __str__(self): return f"{self.start}:{self.stop}".replace(" ", "") def isempty(self): """Whether the contents contained within the bounds is empty. Returns ------- :class:`bool` True if empty, False otherwise. """ return self.start == self.stop def lexpand(self, newstart): """Expand start boundary. Parameters ---------- newstart : :class:`.KatCoordinate` The new start coordinate. Returns ------- :class:`.KatBounds` The expanded bounds. Raises ------ ValueError If `newstart` is not <= current start coordinate. """ if self.start.lineno < newstart.lineno: raise ValueError( f"New start {newstart} is not <= current start {self.start}" ) return self.__class__(newstart, self.stop) def rexpand(self, newstop): """Expand stop boundary. Parameters ---------- newstop : :class:`.KatCoordinate` The new stop coordinate. Returns ------- :class:`.KatBounds` The expanded bounds. Raises ------ ValueError If `newstop` is not >= current stop coordinate. """ if self.stop.lineno > newstop.lineno: raise ValueError(f"New stop {newstop} is not >= current stop {self.stop}") return self.__class__(self.start, newstop) def lcontract(self, newstart): """Contract start boundary. Parameters ---------- newstart : :class:`.KatCoordinate` The new start coordinate. Returns ------- :class:`.KatBounds` The contracted bounds. Raises ------ ValueError If `newstart` is not >= current start coordinate. """ if self.start.lineno > newstart.lineno: raise ValueError( f"New start {newstart} is not >= current start {self.start}" ) return self.__class__(newstart, self.stop) def rcontract(self, newstop): """Contract stop boundary. Parameters ---------- newstop : :class:`.KatCoordinate` The new stop coordinate. Returns ------- :class:`.KatBounds` The contracted bounds. Raises ------ ValueError If `newstop` is not <= current stop coordinate. """ if self.stop.lineno < newstop.lineno: raise ValueError(f"New stop {newstop} is not <= current stop {self.stop}") return self.__class__(self.start, newstop)
[docs]class Addressable(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Mixin defining interface to retrieve strings containing script lines."""
[docs] def script(self, bounds=None): """Get the script in the interval [start, stop) defined by `bounds`. Lines between `start` and `stop` with no tokens are yielded as empty lines. Gaps between the columns spanned by tokens on the same line are yielded as spaces. Parameters ---------- bounds : :class:`.KatBounds`, optional Bounds within which to retrieve script. Defaults to the whole script. Returns ------- :class:`str` The script. """ if bounds is None: bounds = self.bounds return self._script(bounds)
[docs] def script_lines(self, bounds): """The script within `bounds` by line. Parameters ---------- bounds : :class:`.KatBounds` The bounds to retrieve script between. Returns ------- :class:`list` Lines within `bounds`. Where `bounds` starts or stops mid-way through a line, only the part of the line that falls within `bounds` is contained in the corresponding line. """ return self.script(bounds).splitlines()
@abc.abstractmethod def _script(self, bounds): raise NotImplementedError @property def start(self): """Start coordinate. :getter: The start :class:`.KatCoordinate`. """ return self.bounds.start @property def stop(self): """Stop coordinate. :getter: The stop :class:`.KatCoordinate`. """ return self.bounds.stop @property @abc.abstractmethod def bounds(self): """Container bounds. :getter: :class:`.KatBounds` for this container. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class TokenContainer(Addressable, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Container with concrete token instances.""" @property @abc.abstractmethod def tokens(self): """Tokens contained in the container. :getter: :class:`list` of :class:`.KatToken` objects within this container. """ return [] @property def sorted_tokens(self): """Tokens contained in the container, in ascending coordinate order. :getter: sorted :class:`list` of :class:`.KatToken` objects within this container. """ return sorted(self.tokens, key=lambda item: item.start) @property def first_token(self): """First container token by coordinate. :getter: first :class:`.KatToken` within this container. """ return self.sorted_tokens[0] @property def last_token(self): """Last container token by coordinate. :getter: last :class:`.KatToken` within this container. """ return self.sorted_tokens[-1] @property def bounds(self): return KatBounds(self.first_token.start, self.last_token.stop) def _script(self, bounds): script = "" for token in self.sorted_tokens: # The code here can't cope with tokens spanning lines. All tokens created by # the tokenizer are single-lined, including newline characters (just like # Python's tokenizer). assert token.start.lineno == token.stop.lineno # Tokens are in order, so we can do some simple exit checks. if token.stop < bounds.start: continue if token.start >= bounds.stop: break value = token.display_value if ( token.lineno == bounds.start.lineno and token.start.index < bounds.start.index ): startindex = bounds.start.index - token.start.index else: startindex = 0 if ( token.lineno == bounds.stop.lineno and token.stop.index >= bounds.stop.index ): stopindex = bounds.stop.index - token.start.index else: stopindex = None script += value[startindex:stopindex] return script
[docs]@dataclass(eq=True) class KatFile(Addressable): """Container with kat script lines (no concrete tokens).""" text: str @property def _text_lines(self): if not self.text: # Empty line. return [""] lines = self.text.splitlines(True) if self.text.endswith("\n"): # Add a last empty line because splitlines() ignores it, but it affects the # file's stop position. See # lines.append("") return lines def _script(self, bounds): script = "" for lineno, line in enumerate(self._text_lines, start=1): if lineno < bounds.start.lineno: continue if lineno > bounds.stop.lineno: break if lineno == bounds.start.lineno: # Convert column to list index. startindex = max(bounds.start.index - 1, 0) else: startindex = 0 if lineno == bounds.stop.lineno: # Convert column to list index. stopindex = max(bounds.stop.index - 1, 0) else: stopindex = None script += line[startindex:stopindex] return script @property def bounds(self): start = KatCoordinate(1, 1) stop = KatCoordinate(len(self._text_lines), 1 + len(self._text_lines[-1])) return KatBounds(start, stop) def add(self, string): """Add string to end of file. Parameters ---------- string : :class:`str` The string to add to the end of the file. """ self.text += string
[docs]@dataclass(eq=True) class KatMetaToken(TokenContainer): """A token that may not map to a real token. Meta tokens are employed by :class:`.KatTokenizer` when converting whitespace and newline tokens (provided by :class:`.KatRawTokenizer`) used as delimiters into DELIMITER. The use of a single meta token for DELIMITER in this case simplifies the parser rules. By definition, the value of a meta token does not matter so the class doesn't support having one. Similarly, to help prevent bugs, an exception is raised if the token is attempted to be displayed. """ lineno: int start_index: int stop_index: int type: str @property def tokens(self): return super().tokens + [self] @property def bounds(self): return KatBounds( KatCoordinate(self.lineno, self.start_index), KatCoordinate(self.lineno, self.stop_index), )
[docs]@dataclass(eq=True) class KatToken(KatMetaToken): """A real token with the corresponding text's location, type and value.""" raw_value: Any @property def value(self): return self.raw_value @property def display_value(self): return self.raw_value @classmethod def with_new_type(cls, tok, new_type): """Convert token to a different type. Parameters ---------- tok : :class:`.KatToken` The token to convert. new_type : :class:`str` The new token type. Returns ------- :class:`.KatToken` The kat token, copied from `tok`, with type `new_type`. """ return cls( lineno=tok.lineno, start_index=tok.start_index, stop_index=tok.stop_index, type=new_type, raw_value=tok.raw_value, ) def to_new_position(self, start): """Copy token, updating its start (and stop) position. Parameters ---------- start : :class:`KatCoordinate` The token's new start position. Returns ------- :class:`.KatToken` New copy of `self`, with updated start position. """ length = self.stop_index - self.start_index return self.__class__( lineno=start.lineno, start_index=start.index, stop_index=start.index + length, type=self.type, raw_value=self.raw_value, ) def to_meta(self): """Convert token to a meta token. Returns ------- :class:`.KatMetaToken` The current token, as a meta token. """ return KatMetaToken(self.lineno, self.start_index, self.stop_index, self.type) def __str__(self): return repr(self.display_value)
[docs]@dataclass(eq=True) class BaseCustomToken(KatToken, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """A custom token.""" def __post_init__(self): # Ensure the value is valid. Ensures errors in determining the token's value get # thrown on instantiation rather than when later read. try: self.value except ValueError as e: # NOTE: the actual syntax that's incorrect will be added by the tokenizer # when it catches this. raise SyntaxError("syntax error") from e
[docs]@dataclass(eq=True) class KatWhitespaceToken(BaseCustomToken): """A whitespace token.""" @property def display_value(self): # Convert tabs into the same number of spaces assumed by the tokenizer. This # avoids issues when displaying script inside error messaages. return self.raw_value.replace("\t", "~" * len(INDENT))
[docs]@dataclass(eq=True) class KatBooleanToken(BaseCustomToken): """A boolean token.""" @property def value(self): return self.raw_value == "True" or self.raw_value == "true"
[docs]@dataclass(eq=True) class KatNumberToken(BaseCustomToken): """A number token.""" SI_NUMBER_PATTERN = re.compile(r".*[pnumkMGT]$") @property def value(self): value = self.raw_value if "j" in value: return complex(value) if self.SI_NUMBER_PATTERN.match(value): value = value.replace("p", "e-12") value = value.replace("n", "e-9") value = value.replace("u", "e-6") value = value.replace("m", "e-3") value = value.replace("k", "e3") value = value.replace("M", "e6") value = value.replace("G", "e9") value = value.replace("T", "e12") try: return int(value) except ValueError: return float(value)
[docs]@dataclass(eq=True) class KatStringToken(BaseCustomToken): """A string token.""" @property def value(self): value = self.raw_value # Get rid of escape characters. value = value.replace("\\n", "\n") value = value.replace("\\r", "\r") value = value.replace("\\", "") # Get rid of the quotes. value = value[1:-1] return value
[docs]@dataclass(eq=True) class KatNoneToken(BaseCustomToken): """A null token.""" @property def value(self): return None
[docs]@dataclass(eq=True) class ArgumentContainer(TokenContainer, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Mixin for containers that contain arguments.""" arguments: List[TokenContainer] @property def tokens(self): tokens = super().tokens for argument in self.arguments: tokens.extend(argument.tokens) return tokens
[docs]@dataclass(eq=True) class ExtraTokenContainer(TokenContainer, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Mixin for containers that contain extra tokens.""" extra: List[KatToken] @property def tokens(self): return [*super().tokens, *self.extra]
[docs]@dataclass(eq=True) class KatScript(ArgumentContainer, ExtraTokenContainer, TokenContainer): """Represents a kat script."""
[docs]@dataclass(eq=True) class KatScriptItem(TokenContainer, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Represents a top level kat script item.""" directive: KatToken @property @abc.abstractmethod def node_name(self): raise NotImplementedError @property @abc.abstractmethod def unique_name_token(self): raise NotImplementedError @property def tokens(self): return [self.directive, *super().tokens] @abc.abstractmethod def missing_argument_meta_token(self): """A meta token at one position after that of the last argument token. This is used to create error markers pointing to the location of missing parameters. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]@dataclass(eq=True) class KatElement(ArgumentContainer, ExtraTokenContainer, KatScriptItem): """Represents a parsed element statement and any corresponding arguments.""" name: KatToken @property def tokens(self): return [, *super().tokens] @property def node_name(self): return @property def unique_name_token(self): return def missing_argument_meta_token(self): if not self.arguments: # Put the meta token one space after the name. token = self.sorted_tokens[-1].to_meta() else: token = self.arguments[-1].last_token.to_meta() token.start_index = token.stop_index + 1 token.stop_index = token.start_index + 1 return token def __str__(self): name = f"{self.directive.display_value} {}" args = f"{', '.join([str(arg) for arg in self.arguments])}" return f"{name} ( {args} )"
[docs]@dataclass(eq=True) class KatFunction(ArgumentContainer, ExtraTokenContainer, KatScriptItem): """Represents a parsed kat function statement and any corresponding arguments.""" @property def name(self): """The token that represents the function name. This is used by the error handler for invalid keyword arguments, for example. """ return self.directive @property def node_name(self): return f"{self.directive.display_value}[{self.directive.start.compact()}]" @property def unique_name_token(self): return self.directive def missing_argument_meta_token(self): if not self.arguments: # Put the meta token at the last token (which should be the closing ")"). token = self.sorted_tokens[-1].to_meta() else: token = self.arguments[-1].last_token.to_meta() token.start_index = token.stop_index token.stop_index = token.start_index + 1 return token def __str__(self): return f"{self.directive}({', '.join([str(argument) for argument in self.arguments])})"
[docs]@dataclass(eq=True) class KatKwarg(TokenContainer): """Represents a kat argument containing a key, value and '='.""" key: KatToken equals: KatToken value: Union[KatToken, KatFunction, KatExpression, KatGroupedExpression, KatArray] @property def tokens(self): return [self.key, self.equals, *self.value.tokens] def __str__(self): return f"{self.key}={self.value}"
[docs]@dataclass(eq=True) class KatExpression(ArgumentContainer, ExtraTokenContainer, TokenContainer): """Represents a kat script expression.""" operator: KatToken @property def tokens(self): return [*super().tokens, self.operator] @property def lhs(self): return self.arguments[0] @property def rhs(self): return self.arguments[1] def __str__(self): return f"{self.lhs}{self.operator}{self.rhs}"
[docs]@dataclass(eq=True) class KatGroupedExpression(ArgumentContainer, ExtraTokenContainer, TokenContainer): """Represents a kat script expression group, i.e. `(<expression>)`.""" @property def expression(self): return self.arguments[0] def __str__(self): return f"({self.expression})"
[docs]@dataclass(eq=True) class KatArray(ArgumentContainer, ExtraTokenContainer, TokenContainer): """Represents a kat script array.""" def __str__(self): return f"[{', '.join([str(argument) for argument in self.arguments])}]"
[docs]@dataclass(eq=True) class KatNumericalArray(KatArray): """Represents a kat script numerical array.""" def __str__(self): return f"ndarray([{', '.join([str(argument) for argument in self.arguments])}])" @classmethod def from_array(cls, array): """Convert array to numerical array.""" return cls(arguments=array.arguments, extra=array.extra)