Source code for finesse.detectors.mismatch_detector

"""Detectors for calculating mode mismatches in an optical configuration."""

import numpy as np

from ..components.node import OpticalNode, Port
from .general import Detector
from .compute.gaussian import ModeMismatchDetectorWorkspace

# IMPORTANT: renaming this class impacts the katscript spec and should be avoided!
[docs]class ModeMismatchDetector(Detector): """Detector for mode mismatch figure-of-merit for a specified node coupling. The computed quantity is given in :meth:`finesse.gaussian.BeamParam.mismatch` where :math:`q_1` is the input beam parameter at `node1` propagated via the associated ABCD matrix to `node2`, and :math:`q_2` is the beam parameter at `node2`. As mode mismatches cannot occur over spaces in Finesse, `node1` must be an input node and `node2` must be an output node. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the detector. node1 : :class:`.OpticalNode` or :class:`.Port` Input node or port. If a :class:`.Port` instance is given then this node will be the input node of that port. Note that this node cannot be an output node. node2 : :class:`.OpticalNode` or :class:`.Port` Output node or port. If a :class:`.Port` instance is given then this node will be the output node of that port. Note that this node cannot be an input node. direction : str, optional; default: "x" Plane of computation, defaults to "x" for the tangential plane. Changing to "y" will compute the mode mismatch in the sagittal plane. percent : bool, optional; default: True Whether to calculate the mode mismatch as a fraction (default behaviour) or a percentage. """ def __init__(self, name, node1, node2, direction="x", percent=False): if isinstance(node1, Port): node1 = node1.i if isinstance(node2, Port): node2 = node2.o if not isinstance(node1, OpticalNode): raise TypeError("Argument node1 must be an OpticalNode.") if not isinstance(node2, OpticalNode): raise TypeError("Argument node2 must be an OpticalNode.") if not node1.is_input: raise ValueError("Expected node1 to be an input node.") if node2.is_input: raise ValueError("Expected node2 to be an output node.") if node1.component != node2.component: raise ValueError( "Expected node1 and node2 to be owned by the same component." ) label = f"Mode mismatch\n{node1.full_name}->{node2.full_name}" unit = "%" if percent else "" super().__init__(name, dtype=np.float64, label=label, unit=unit) comp = node1.component comp.check_coupling(node1, node2) self.__node1 = node1 self.__node2 = node2 self.__direction = direction self.__percent = percent @property def in_node(self): """Input node. :`getter`: Returns the input node (read-only). """ return self.__node1 @property def out_node(self): """Output node. :`getter`: Returns the output node (read-only). """ return self.__node2 @property def component(self): """The component at which the mode mismatch is calculated. :`getter`: Returns the associated component (read-only). """ return self.in_node.component @property def in_percent(self): """Flag indicating whether the mismatch is computed as a percentage. :`getter`: Returns the percentage flag. :`setter`: Sets the percentage flag. """ return self.__percent @in_percent.setter def in_percent(self, value): self.__percent = bool(value) @property def direction(self): """The plane in which the mode mismatch is calculated. A value of "x" represents the tangential plane, whilst "y" gives the sagittal plane. :`getter`: Returns the plane of computation as a string representation (read-only). """ return self.__direction @property def needs_fields(self): return False @property def needs_trace(self): return True def _get_workspace(self, sim): return ModeMismatchDetectorWorkspace(self, sim)