Source code for finesse.detectors.amplitude_detector

"""Single-frequency amplitude and phase detector."""

import numbers
import logging

import numpy as np

from finesse.detectors.compute.amplitude import ADWorkspace
from finesse.detectors.general import MaskedDetector
from finesse.parameter import float_parameter

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@float_parameter("f", "Frequency", units="Hz") # IMPORTANT: renaming this class impacts the katscript spec and should be avoided! class AmplitudeDetector(MaskedDetector): """Represents an amplitude detector which calculates the amplitude and phase of light fields at one frequency. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of newly created detector. node : :class:`.Node` Node to read output from. f : float Frequency of light to detect (in Hz). n : int, optional; default: None Tangential mode index to probe. Defaults to None such that all fields of the given frequency are summed. m : int, optional; default: None Sagittal mode index to probe. Defaults to None such that all fields of the given frequency are summed. """ def __init__(self, name, node, f, n=None, m=None): MaskedDetector.__init__( self, name, node, dtype=np.complex128, label="Amplitude" ) self.f = f if (n is None and m is not None) or (m is None and n is not None): raise ValueError( f"Error in amplitude detector {}:\n" f" Expected both OR neither of n and m to be specified but " f"got n = {n} and m = {m}" ) self.__check_mode_number(n, "n") self.__check_mode_number(m, "m") self.__n = n self.__m = m def __check_mode_number(self, k, mode_str): if k is not None: if ( not isinstance(k, numbers.Number) or k < 0 or ( hasattr(k, "is_integer") and not k.is_integer() and not isinstance(k, numbers.Integral) ) ): raise ValueError( f"Error in amplitude detector {}:\n" f" Expected argument {mode_str} to be None or a positive integer " f"but got {mode_str} = {k}" ) @property def n(self): """The tangential mode index to probe. :`getter`: Returns the tangential mode index being probed (read-only). """ return self.__n @property def m(self): """The sagittal mode index to probe. :`getter`: Returns the sagittal mode index being probed (read-only). """ return self.__m def _get_workspace(self, sim): return ADWorkspace(self, sim)