Source code for finesse.components.readout

"""A components sub-module containing classes for detecting intensity fluctuations at a
physical point in a model.

These Readout components essentially describe baseband and broadband detectors such as
DC and RF demodulated photodiodes typically used in optical experiments.

import types
from collections import defaultdict

import numpy as np

import finesse
from finesse.components.general import Connector, borrows_nodes
from finesse.components.node import Node, NodeDirection, NodeType, Port
from finesse.components.workspace import ConnectorWorkspace
from finesse.detectors import pdtypes
from finesse.detectors.compute.quantum import QShot0Workspace, QShotNWorkspace
from finesse.element import ModelElement
from finesse.parameter import float_parameter

doc_readout_param = """"
name : str
    Name of readout element
optical_node : Node
    Node object which this readout element should look at
pdtype : str, dict
    A name of a pdtype defintion or a dict represeting a pdtype definition

class ReadoutWorkspace(ConnectorWorkspace):

# IMPORTANT: renaming this class impacts the katscript spec and should be avoided!
class _Readout(Connector):
    def __init__(
        self, name: str, optical_node: Node, pdtype=None, output_detectors: bool = False
        """Abstract class that provides basic functionality similar to all Readouts.
        Underscore because users should not be accessing it directly.

        name : str
            Name of readout element
        optical_node : Node
            Node object which this readout element should look at
        pdtype : str, dict
            A name of a pdtype defintion or a dict represeting a pdtype definition
        output_detectors : bool, optional
            _description_, by default False
        self.pdtype = pdtype
        self.__output_detectors = output_detectors
        self._add_port("p1", NodeType.OPTICAL)

        if optical_node is not None:
            port = optical_node if isinstance(optical_node, Port) else optical_node.port
            other_node = tuple(o for o in port.nodes if o is not optical_node)[0]

            self.p1._add_node("i", None, optical_node)
            self.p1._add_node("o", None, other_node)
            self.p1._add_node("i", NodeDirection.INPUT)
            self.p1._add_node("o", NodeDirection.OUTPUT)

    def _on_add(self, model):
        if model is not self.p1._model:
            raise Exception(
                f"{repr(self)} is using a node {self.node} from a different model"

    def _on_remove(self):
        for output in self.outputs.__dict__.values():

    def _get_output_workspaces(self, model):
        return None

    def optical_node(self):
        if self.p1.i.component != self:
            return self.p1.i

    def has_mask(self):
        return False

    def output_detectors(self):
        return self.__output_detectors

    def output_detectors(self, value: bool):
        self.__output_detectors = value

# IMPORTANT: renaming this class impacts the katscript spec and should be avoided!
[docs]class ReadoutDetectorOutput(ModelElement): """A placeholder element that represents a detector output generated by a Readout element. Notes ----- These should not be created directly by a user. It is internally created and added by a Readout component. """ def __init__(self, name: str, readout: _Readout): super().__init__(name) self.__readout = readout @property def readout(self): return self.__readout
[docs]@borrows_nodes() # IMPORTANT: renaming this class impacts the katscript spec and should be avoided! class ReadoutDC(_Readout): def __init__( self, name: str, optical_node: Node = None, pdtype=None, output_detectors: bool = False, ): """A Readout component which represents a photodiode measuring the intensity of some incident field. Audio band intensity signals present in the incident optical field are converted into an electrical signal and output at the `self.DC` port, which has a single `self.DC.o` node. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of readout element optical_node : Node Node object which this readout element should look at pdtype : str, dict A name of a pdtype defintion or a dict represeting a pdtype definition output_detectors : bool, optional _description_, by default False """ super().__init__( name, optical_node, pdtype=pdtype, output_detectors=output_detectors ) self.pdtype = pdtypes.get_pdtype(pdtype) self._add_port("DC", NodeType.ELECTRICAL) self.DC._add_node("o", NodeDirection.OUTPUT) self._register_node_coupling("P1i_DC", self.p1.i, self.DC.o) self.outputs = types.SimpleNamespace() self.outputs.DC = f"{}_DC" def _on_add(self, model): super()._on_add(model) model.add(ReadoutDetectorOutput(f"{}_DC", self)) def _get_workspace(self, sim): if sim.signal: has_DC_node = self.DC.o.full_name in sim.signal.nodes if not has_DC_node: return None # Don't do anything if no nodes included ws = ReadoutWorkspace(self, sim) ws.prev_carrier_solve_num = -1 ws.I = np.eye(sim.model_settings.num_HOMs, dtype=np.complex128) ws.signal.add_fill_function(self._fill_matrix, True) ws.frequencies = sim.signal.signal_frequencies[self.DC.o].frequencies ws.is_segmented = self.pdtype is not None if ws.is_segmented: ws.K = pdtypes.construct_segment_beat_matrix( sim.model.mode_index_map, self.pdtype # , sparse_output=True ) return ws else: return None def _get_output_workspaces(self, sim): from finesse.detectors import PowerDetector, QuantumShotNoiseDetector from finesse.detectors.compute.power import PD0Workspace from finesse.detectors.workspace import OutputInformation wss = [] # Setup a DC output photodiode detector for # using for outputs oinfo = OutputInformation( + "_DC", PowerDetector, (self.p1.i,), np.float64, "W", None, "W", True, False, ) ws = PD0Workspace(self, sim, oinfo=oinfo, pdtype=self.pdtype) wss.append(ws) if sim.signal: oinfo = OutputInformation( + "_shot_noise", QuantumShotNoiseDetector, (self.p1.i,), np.float64, "W/rtHz", None, "ASD", True, False, ) wss.append(QShot0Workspace(self, sim, False, output_info=oinfo)) return wss def _fill_matrix(self, ws): """Computing E.conj() * upper + E * lower.conj()""" # if the previous fill was done with this carrier then there # is no need to refill it... if ws.prev_carrier_solve_num == ws.sim.carrier.num_solves: return for freq in ws.sim.signal.optical_frequencies.frequencies: # Get the carrier HOMs for this frequency cidx = freq.audio_carrier_index Ec = np.conjugate(ws.sim.carrier.node_field_vector(self.p1.i, cidx)) for efreq in ws.frequencies: if ws.signal.connections.P1i_DC_idx > -1: with ws.sim.signal.component_edge_fill3( ws.owner_id, ws.signal.connections.P1i_DC_idx, freq.index, efreq.index, ) as mat: if ws.is_segmented: mat[:] =, Ec) else: mat[:] = Ec # store what carrier solve number this fill was done with ws.prev_carrier_solve_num = ws.sim.carrier.num_solves
[docs]@borrows_nodes() @float_parameter("f", "Frequency") @float_parameter("phase", "Phase") # IMPORTANT: renaming this class impacts the katscript spec and should be avoided! class ReadoutRF(_Readout): def __init__( self, name, optical_node=None, *, f=None, phase=0, output_detectors=False, pdtype=None, ): super().__init__( name, optical_node, pdtype=pdtype, output_detectors=output_detectors ) self.f = f self.phase = phase self._add_port("I", NodeType.ELECTRICAL) self.I._add_node("o", NodeDirection.OUTPUT) self._add_port("Q", NodeType.ELECTRICAL) self.Q._add_node("o", NodeDirection.OUTPUT) self._register_node_coupling("P1i_I", self.p1.i, self.I.o) self._register_node_coupling("P1i_Q", self.p1.i, self.Q.o) self.outputs = types.SimpleNamespace() self.outputs.I = f"{}_I" self.outputs.Q = f"{}_Q" self.outputs.DC = f"{}_DC" @property def optical_node(self): if self.p1.i.component != self: return self.p1.i def _on_add(self, model): super()._on_add(model) model.add(ReadoutDetectorOutput( + "_DC", self)) model.add(ReadoutDetectorOutput( + "_I", self)) model.add(ReadoutDetectorOutput( + "_Q", self)) def _get_workspace(self, sim): if sim.signal: has_I_node = self.I.o.full_name in sim.signal.nodes has_Q_node = self.Q.o.full_name in sim.signal.nodes if not (has_I_node or has_Q_node): return None # Don't do anything if no nodes included ws = ReadoutWorkspace(self, sim) ws.prev_carrier_solve_num = -1 ws.signal.add_fill_function(self._fill_matrix, True) ws.frequencies = sim.signal.signal_frequencies[ self.I.o if has_I_node else self.Q.o ].frequencies ws.dc_node_id = sim.carrier.node_id(self.p1.i) ws.is_segmented = self.pdtype is not None if ws.is_segmented: ws.K = pdtypes.construct_segment_beat_matrix( sim.model.mode_index_map, self.pdtype # , sparse_output=True ) return ws else: return None def _get_output_workspaces(self, sim): from finesse.detectors import ( PowerDetector, PowerDetectorDemod1, QuantumShotNoiseDetectorDemod1, ) from finesse.detectors.compute.power import PD0Workspace, PD1Workspace from finesse.detectors.workspace import OutputInformation wss = [] for quadrature in ("I", "Q"): # Setup a single demodulation photodiode detector for # using for outputs oinfo = OutputInformation( + "_" + quadrature, PowerDetectorDemod1, (self.p1.i,), np.float64, "W", None, "W", True, False, ) poff = 90 if quadrature == "Q" else 0 ws = PD1Workspace( self, sim, self.f, self.phase, phase_offset=poff, oinfo=oinfo, pdtype=self.pdtype, ) wss.append(ws) # Setup a DC output photodiode detector for # using for outputs oinfo = OutputInformation( + "_DC", PowerDetector, (self.p1.i,), np.float64, "W", None, "W", True, False, ) ws = PD0Workspace(self, sim, oinfo=oinfo) wss.append(ws) if sim.signal: oinfo = OutputInformation( + "_shot_noise", QuantumShotNoiseDetectorDemod1, (self.p1.i,), np.float64, "W/rtHz", None, "ASD", True, False, ) wss.append( QShotNWorkspace( self, sim, [ (self.f, self.phase), ], False, output_info=oinfo, ) ) return wss def _fill_matrix(self, ws): if ws.prev_carrier_solve_num == ws.sim.carrier.num_solves: return # extra factor of two we do not apply here as we work # directly with amplitudes from the matrix solution # need one half gain from demod. Other factor of two from # signal scaling and 0.5 from second demod cancel out factorI = ( 0.5 * ws.sim.model_settings.EPSILON0_C * np.exp(-1j * ws.values.phase * finesse.constants.DEG2RAD) ) factorQ = ( 0.5 * ws.sim.model_settings.EPSILON0_C * np.exp(-1j * (ws.values.phase + 90) * finesse.constants.DEG2RAD) ) terms = defaultdict(list) for f1 in ws.sim.carrier.optical_frequencies.frequencies: for f2 in ws.sim.carrier.optical_frequencies.frequencies: df = f1.f - f2.f # Get the carrier HOMs for this frequency E1 = ws.sim.carrier.node_field_vector(self.p1.i, f1.index) E1c = np.conjugate(E1) E2 = ws.sim.carrier.node_field_vector(self.p1.i, f2.index) E2c = np.conjugate(E2) if df == -ws.values.f: if ws.signal.connections.P1i_I_idx >= 0: key = ( ws.owner_id, ws.signal.connections.P1i_I_idx, ws.sim.carrier.optical_frequencies.get_info(f2.index)[ "audio_lower_index" ], ) terms[key].append(factorI * E1c) key = ( ws.owner_id, ws.signal.connections.P1i_I_idx, ws.sim.carrier.optical_frequencies.get_info(f1.index)[ "audio_upper_index" ], ) terms[key].append(factorI.conjugate() * E2c) if ws.signal.connections.P1i_Q_idx >= 0: key = ( ws.owner_id, ws.signal.connections.P1i_Q_idx, ws.sim.carrier.optical_frequencies.get_info(f2.index)[ "audio_lower_index" ], ) terms[key].append(factorQ * E1c) key = ( ws.owner_id, ws.signal.connections.P1i_Q_idx, ws.sim.carrier.optical_frequencies.get_info(f1.index)[ "audio_upper_index" ], ) terms[key].append(factorQ.conjugate() * E2c) if df == ws.values.f: if ws.signal.connections.P1i_I_idx >= 0: key = ( ws.owner_id, ws.signal.connections.P1i_I_idx, ws.sim.carrier.optical_frequencies.get_info(f2.index)[ "audio_lower_index" ], ) terms[key].append(factorI.conjugate() * E1c) key = ( ws.owner_id, ws.signal.connections.P1i_I_idx, ws.sim.carrier.optical_frequencies.get_info(f1.index)[ "audio_upper_index" ], ) terms[key].append(factorI * E2c) if ws.signal.connections.P1i_Q_idx >= 0: key = ( ws.owner_id, ws.signal.connections.P1i_Q_idx, ws.sim.carrier.optical_frequencies.get_info(f2.index)[ "audio_lower_index" ], ) terms[key].append(factorQ.conjugate() * E1c) key = ( ws.owner_id, ws.signal.connections.P1i_Q_idx, ws.sim.carrier.optical_frequencies.get_info(f1.index)[ "audio_upper_index" ], ) terms[key].append(factorQ * E2c) for key, values in terms.items(): total = sum(values) if ws.is_segmented: total =, total) with ws.sim.signal.component_edge_fill3(*key, 0) as mat: mat[:] = total # store previous carrier solve number this fill was done with # so we don't have to repeat it ws.prev_carrier_solve_num = ws.sim.carrier.num_solves