
Collection of Actions that deal with sensing tasks such as computing sensing matrices, optimising RF readouts, etc.


CheckLinearity(*locks[, num_points, ...])

An action that shows the relationships between all DOFs and all error signals, to check whether they are related linearly.

CheckLinearitySolution(*args, **kwargs)

GetErrorSignals(*locks[, name])

An action that quickly calculates the current error signals for all or a subset of locks in a model.

GetErrorSignalsSolution(*args, **kwargs)

OptimiseRFReadoutPhaseDC(*args[, d_dof, name])

This optimises the demodulation phase of ReadoutRF elements relative to some DegreeOfFreedom or driven Parameter in the model.


SensingMatrixAC(dofs, readouts[, f, name])

Computes the sensing matrix elements for various degrees of freedom and readouts that should be present in the model.

SensingMatrixDC(dofs, readouts[, d_dof, name])

Computes the sensing matrix elements for various degrees of freedom and readouts that should be present in the model.


Sensing matrix solution.


get_readout_workspace(readouts, output, ...)

Return the readout workspaces for a particular readout's quadrature outputs.