Source code for finesse.plotting.graph

"""Graph plotting."""

from collections import defaultdict
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx
from ..utilities import graph_layouts, option_list
from ..utilities.graph import remove_orphans
from .tools import _in_ipython
from matplotlib import cm
from matplotlib.colors import rgb2hex
from matplotlib.patches import BoxStyle, ArrowStyle
import warnings
import tempfile
import webbrowser

[docs]def plot_graph( network, layout, graphviz=False, **kwargs, ): from ..env import has_pygraphviz if graphviz and not has_pygraphviz(): raise ModuleNotFoundError( "The graphviz option requires pygraphviz and graphviz to be installed" ) if graphviz: return graphviz_draw(network=network, layout=layout, **kwargs) else: return plot_nx_graph(network, layout, **kwargs)
[docs]def plot_nx_graph( network, layout, node_labels=True, node_attrs=False, edge_attrs=False, node_color_key=None, edge_color_key=None, label_font_size=12, attr_font_size=6, edge_font_size=6, bounding_ellipses=True, **kwargs, ): """Plot graph with NetworkX. Parameters ---------- network : :class:`networkx.Graph` The network to plot. layout : str The layout type to use. Any layout algorithm provided by :mod:`networkx.drawing.layout` is supported. node_labels : :class:`bool`, optional Show node names; defaults to True. node_attrs : :class:`bool` or :class:`list`, optional Show node data. This can be `True`, in which case all node data is shown, or a list, in which case only the specified keys are shown. Defaults to `True`. edge_attrs : :class:`bool` or :class:`list`, optional Show edge data. This can be `True`, in which case all edge data is shown, or a list, in which case only the specified keys are shown. Defaults to `True`. node_color_key : callable, optional Key function accepting a node and its attribute :class:`dict` and returning a group. Each group is assigned a unique color. If not specified, nodes are not colored. edge_color_key : callable, optional Key function accepting an edge (u, v) and its attribute :class:`dict` and returning a group. Each group is assigned a unique color. If not specified, edges are not colored. label_font_size, attr_font_size, edge_font_size : :class:`int`, optional Font size for node labels, attributes and edges. Defaults to 12, 6 and 6, respectively. bounding_ellipses: bool, optional Hijack the node label bounding boxes to draw the node labels inside of an ellipse (similar to graphviz neato layout). This guarantees the label is readable, but the arrow direction might not always be clear and might not combine well with `node_color_key`. Defaults to `True`. Other Parameters ---------------- kwargs Anything else supported by :func:`networkx.drawing.nx_pylab.draw`. Raises ------ ValueError If the specified layout is not supported. Exception If the graph cannot be represented with the specified layout. """ from ..utilities import stringify if node_color_key is not None: if "node_color" in kwargs: raise ValueError( "cannot specify both 'node_color' and 'node_color_key' arguments" ) if bounding_ellipses: warnings.warn( "'node_color_key' might not work as intended with 'bounding_ellipses'!", stacklevel=2, ) # Assign node colors. cycler = iter(plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"].by_key()["color"]) group_colors = defaultdict(lambda: next(cycler)) kwargs["node_color"] = [ group_colors[node_color_key(node, data)] for node, data in network.nodes(data=True) ] if edge_color_key is not None: if "edge_color" in kwargs: raise ValueError( "cannot specify both 'edge_color' and 'edge_color_key' arguments" ) # Assign edge colors. cycler = iter(plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"].by_key()["color"]) group_colors = defaultdict(lambda: next(cycler)) kwargs["edge_color"] = [ group_colors[edge_color_key((u, v), data)] for u, v, data in network.edges(data=True) ] layouts = graph_layouts() try: posfunc = layouts[layout.casefold()] except KeyError: choices = option_list(layouts) raise ValueError( f"Layout '{layout}' is not available in NetworkX (choose from {choices})." ) try: pos = posfunc(network) except nx.NetworkXException as e: if "G is not planar" in str(e): raise Exception( "Graph cannot be represented with a planar layout. Try a different layout." ) from e bbox_kwargs = {} if bounding_ellipses: bbox_kwargs = { # We draw an ellipsoid bounding box over the node name, so the name is always # readable (like in pygraphviz) neato layout "bbox": { "facecolor": "white", "edgecolor": "black", "alpha": 1.0, "boxstyle": BoxStyle.Ellipse(pad=0.1), }, # we need to make the arrow head longer, so it is not obscured by the bounding # box "arrowstyle": ArrowStyle("-|>", head_length=2.0, head_width=0.3), } nx.draw( network, pos, with_labels=node_labels, font_size=label_font_size, **bbox_kwargs, **kwargs, ) if node_attrs: data = network.nodes(data=True) if node_attrs is not True: # Needs to be like this! # Show only certain data. data = [ ( node, { key: value for key, value in node_data.items() if key in node_attrs }, ) for node, node_data in data ] node_labels = { node: "\n".join( [f"{key}={stringify(value)}" for key, value in node_attrs.items()] ) for node, node_attrs in data } nx.draw_networkx_labels( network, pos, labels=node_labels, verticalalignment="top", font_size=attr_font_size, ) if edge_attrs: data = network.edges(data=True) if edge_attrs is not True: # Needs to be like this! # Show only certain data. data = ( ( u, v, { key: value for key, value in edge_data.items() if key in edge_attrs }, ) for u, v, edge_data in data ) edge_labels = { (u, v): "\n".join( [f"{key}={stringify(value)}" for key, value in edge_attrs.items()] ) for u, v, edge_attrs in data } nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels( network, pos, edge_labels=edge_labels, font_size=edge_font_size, )
[docs]def plot_graphviz(network, layout): """Plot graph with graphviz. The `pygraphviz` Python package must be installed and available on the current Python path, and `graphviz` must be available on the system path. Parameters ---------- network : :class:`networkx.Graph` The network to plot. layout : str The layout type to use. Any layout algorithm provided by graphviz is supported. Raises ------ ValueError If the specified layout is not supported. ImportError If graphviz or pygraphviz is not installed. """ from networkx.drawing.nx_agraph import view_pygraphviz layouts = ("neato", "dot", "fdp", "sfdp", "circo") gvlayout = layout.casefold() if gvlayout not in layouts: choices = option_list(layouts) raise ValueError( f"Layout '{layout}' is not available in graphviz (choose from {choices})." ) view_pygraphviz(network, prog=gvlayout)
[docs]def graphviz_draw( model=None, network=None, draw_labels=True, angle=0, overlap=True, ratio=0.45, edge_len=1.0, size=(13, 7), pad=(0.0, 0.0), format="svg", maxiter=500, layout="neato", mode="sgd", ): """This should get merged with plot_graphviz at some point. Draws a |graphviz| figure using |neato| layout. The default settings are tested to produce a passable drawing of the aLIGO DRMI graph. Parameters ---------- angle : float or bool The angle parameter rotates the graph by |angle| degrees relative to the first edge in the graph, which most of the time is the edge coming out of the laser. Set |angle=False| to disable rotation and let graphviz decide how to rotate the graph. overlap : bool or str Setting for how graphviz deals with node overlaps. Set to False for graphviz to attempt to remove overlaps. Note that overlap removal runs as a post-processing step after initial layout and usually makes the graph look worse. ratio : float Post processing step to stretch the graph. Used for stretching horizontally to compoensate for wider nodes to fit node labels. Notes ----- The svg format sometimes crops the image too hard, which results in clipped nodes or edges, if that happens increase the |pad| graph_attr or use the |png| format. Examples -------- .. code-block:: import finesse.ligo import finesse.plotting kat = finesse.ligo.make_aligo() finesse.plotting.graph.graphviz_draw(kat) """ from ..env import has_pygraphviz if not has_pygraphviz(): raise ModuleNotFoundError("Requires pygraphviz and graphviz to be installed") if network is None: network = model.optical_network G = remove_orphans(network, inplace=False) A = nx.drawing.nx_agraph.to_agraph(G) # remove unnecessary metadata from DOT file for node in A.nodes(): for k in node.attr.keys(): node.attr[k] = "" for edge in A.edges(): for k in edge.attr.keys(): edge.attr[k] = "" A.graph_attr["mode"] = mode A.graph_attr["maxiter"] = maxiter A.graph_attr["size"] = f"{size[0]},{size[1]}" A.graph_attr["pad"] = f"{pad[0]},{pad[1]}" A.graph_attr["margin"] = 1 A.graph_attr["normalize"] = angle A.graph_attr["overlap"] = overlap A.edge_attr["len"] = edge_len if draw_labels: A.node_attr["shape"] = "oval" A.graph_attr["ratio"] = ratio else: A.node_attr["shape"] = "circle" A.node_attr["style"] = "filled" A.node_attr["label"] = " " if _in_ipython(): byt = A.draw(format=format, prog=layout) from IPython.display import Image, SVG if format == "svg": out = SVG(byt) elif format in ["png"]: out = Image(byt) else: raise ValueError(f"unknown {format}") else: path = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=f".{format}", delete=False) byt = A.draw(path=path, format=None, prog=layout) if format == "svg":"file://{}") else: from PIL import Image path.close() out = byt # TODO add option to write to file return out
[docs]def graphviz_draw_beam_trace( model=None, network=None, draw_labels=True, angle=0, overlap=True, ratio=0.45, edge_len=1.0, size=(13, 7), pad=(0.5, 0.5), format="svg", maxiter=500, layout="neato", mode="sgd", cmap=cm.tab10, ): colors = { dep: rgb2hex(cmap.colors[i]) for i, dep in enumerate(model.trace_forest.dependencies) } node_colors = { n.full_name: colors[model.trace_forest.find_dependency_from_node(n)] for n in model.optical_nodes } network = model.optical_network G = remove_orphans(network, inplace=False) A = nx.drawing.nx_agraph.to_agraph(G) # remove unnecessary metadata from DOT file for node in A.nodes(): for k in node.attr.keys(): node.attr[k] = "" node.attr["fillcolor"] = node_colors[node] node.attr["tooltip"] = model.get(node).q for edge in A.edges(): for k in edge.attr.keys(): edge.attr[k] = "" A.graph_attr["mode"] = mode A.graph_attr["maxiter"] = maxiter A.graph_attr["size"] = f"{size[0]},{size[1]}" A.graph_attr["pad"] = f"{pad[0]},{pad[1]}" A.graph_attr["normalize"] = angle A.graph_attr["overlap"] = overlap A.edge_attr["len"] = edge_len if draw_labels: A.node_attr["shape"] = "oval" A.node_attr["style"] = "filled" A.graph_attr["ratio"] = ratio else: A.node_attr["shape"] = "circle" A.node_attr["style"] = "filled" A.node_attr["label"] = " " for dep in model.trace_forest.dependencies: A.add_node( A.add_edge(, dep.node.full_name) A.add_edge(, dep.node.opposite.full_name) node = A.get_node( node.attr["fillcolor"] = colors[dep] node.attr["shape"] = "rectangle" byt = A.draw(format=format, prog=layout) from IPython.display import Image, SVG if format == "svg": out = SVG(byt) elif format in ["png"]: out = Image(byt) else: raise ValueError(f"unknown {format}") return out